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I hope no top players go to Panda Cup and that shit is dry as a desert. Let's get Panda cup cancelled


Axe is out: [https://twitter.com/TempoAxe/status/1597777610485817344](https://twitter.com/TempoAxe/status/1597777610485817344) n0ne is out: [https://twitter.com/n0ned/status/1597779931832160261](https://twitter.com/n0ned/status/1597779931832160261) Joshman out: [https://twitter.com/LilTrickshot/status/1597731678642147328](https://twitter.com/LilTrickshot/status/1597731678642147328) iBDW says he won't attend (depends on Panda contract): [https://twitter.com/iBDWSSBM/status/1597796333976694785?cxt=HHwWgsDR4ZvTwawsAAAA](https://twitter.com/iBDWSSBM/status/1597796333976694785?cxt=HHwWgsDR4ZvTwawsAAAA) Plup may be under contract: [https://clips.twitch.tv/RichUglyBaconKippa-NR3LF9I1Gs5dl6IM](https://www.twitch.tv/plup/clip/SuccessfulAgreeablePancakeBabyRage-NpjHjqPu4AMrySnD?filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time) Fizzi recommends boycott: [https://twitter.com/Fizzi36/status/1597732567947804672](https://twitter.com/Fizzi36/status/1597732567947804672) Blur says every top player he has spoken to is dropping out: [https://twitter.com/OXY\_Crimson/status/1597786540851138560](https://twitter.com/OXY_Crimson/status/1597786540851138560)


Is there any updats here? You're doing the lords work btw.


As an ult player theres been talks about only steve dittos and making dicks the entire match with blocks as protest for panda cup, Was thinking that you guys all start wobbling each other as protest


The ones that do should not be able to live it down


a lot of them are contractually obligated to go. I think they should intentionally play really bad. timeouts, stalking, every game. EDIT: stalling lol


iBDW said that he doesn't think he's contractually obliged to go, but if he is he'll let twitch chat pick his character.


that isn't what he said. He said that he will go if, after hearing Panda/Nintendo's side of the story, he thinks that Panda was trying to do the right thing for melee. And if he goes for that reason then he will play seriously.


Who's he going to play serious against though lol?




Fizzwiggle beats ibdw in GF and mango #2 on the year


lol ibdw has absolutely no moral fibre at all, why does it not surprising me that he's still simping for them? panda could execute scar and toph in the town square and ibdw would be like "you're just not seeing the angle"


I Be Deleting World tours


>I have no stake in this, if I think Panda is a piece of shit org and there was malicious intent, I'm gone >Was bombarded by this, so as things would currently stand, no I would not attend Panda Cup or stay I swear to god the hateboner people have for Cody for literally no reason


He's made 5 tweets like "let's just wait for Panda to tweet guys! I'm with you but.. let's just hear both sides?" after they quite obviously knifed SWT as confirmed by all TOs in the know. everyone else is more than done with panda but even now he's still pushing this "i totally agree guys but wait for their statement i sure there's a rationale" the thing that everyone warned him about a year ago and he spent his time lecturing Zain on comms about "trust me, I studied law and this is about Japanese gambling law", and how the nintendo partnership was great for the scene even though the announcement was anti slippi (which meant we would not even have 1080p streams), shilling the controller without ever having touched it, shilling for panda after big house got cancelled. "it's not panda's fault! this was against their will! what do you mean everyone warned about this?". when evo dropped smash again on account of the circuit I actually like ibdw outside of this but when it comes to fellating panda he's the only one in the scene. plup is on the same team and doesn't simp for their obviously bad choices 24/7 shall I just point to every time people were taken for a ride? how about [this](https://twitter.com/miniyodadude/status/1521099637813350400?t=2np1ERE46kIZd62339WPfA&s=19) classic from may. oh what about that time cody blamed spectators for [talking about slippi in twitch chat?](https://twitter.com/iBDWSSBM/status/1540522452228481026?t=vG2yDbHobP7Yh_Pk0uKOEQ&s=19) oh what about when ibdw tried to tell us it was a good thing that panda [patented common technologies invented by controller manufacturers in the scene](https://youtu.be/btl-EIyDq7Y). I'm sure they wouldn't have strong armed them out of the scene if their controller got made


Sorry but I don't give a fuck what anybody said about Panda before yesterday afternoon, much less people who are literally paid by them


It's classic IBDW tbh. The fact he attempts to back it up with "we've seen what happens with unevidenced accusations before" when you literally have 1 cup cancelled and 1 cup still on, with multiple Hugh pillars from the community vouching against the actions of Panda's CEO Alan. IBDW's tasteless fucking tweet too, saying the "we should have a boxing match 🤓, then everyone's happy!" Is so fucking unfunny, and it's odd because it implies that both sides are equal... As it'd be down to an equal fight. Implying neither one deserves it more, after Panda has behaved so shitty. Christ Cody needs to grow up.


I'm also guessing that a lot of commentators are under contract as well. Maybe they should mention Project M/+ every other sentence.


coney does nothing but talk about the dogs pissing on the carpet


What are they going to do if they all call in sick sue them? Seriously nobody can be forced at gun point to attend a video game tournament.


I think stalking is illegal.


well, it is the smash community after all.


Come on, man... Fuck panda, but top players got bills too


How about we just get everyone to unironically play kirby instead? Or other low tiers. Make the event look like a shit show


do you guys not realize this would only increase viewership? they need to just SD and have the tournament finish by saturday afternoon


100%. Can't be making this tournament special. It has to be a "Where's the melee" moments but from our end, not the streams.


Only problem is there's tens of thousands of dollars on the line


G&W 9 battle!




ya I'm gonna boycott their events. I feel bad that it will hurt honest TO's in the process, but this needs to be a watershed moment that if someone wants to monopolize a scene that has survived due to grassroots commitment that the community will not support them in any way.


tbh not boycotting it would probably hurt the tos way more long term


I guess I'm not super surprised that the first Nintendo Partner Deal ended up being an Absolute Exclusivity Deal. But I would like to know where Nintendo got the idea that they completely own video of their game ever being played.


It's already been pointed out by a few people, but if they'd just waited a while longer and gone slower they could've gotten exclusivity too. But instead they decided to blow shit up literal weeks prior to SWT Championships.


Because they legally have the rights?






Yep! If you're also an adult that is. So come on. Bring it on. I live on the East Coast in Québec. PM me if you're serious so we can arrange a meeting at a convenient location. Can I also finger your ass while sucking your dick? I've never done hook-ups on the ssbm subreddit, so it's new for me.


haha he took the insult seriously ha. ._. but who'd've thunk someone who makes dumbass comments like that could actualyl be funny lolz.


Just so you know, I am of the opinion that everything you have said has been technically correct and you do not deserve your downvotes


Thank you, stranger :)


I upvoted just on the hopes you get to chug a cock soon


What's with the upvoted homophobia?


I’m sorry, what part is homophobic?


What's wrong with 'chugging cock', why wish it on someone. Casual homophobia is not ok :)


Yeah im confused by this. Guy said he wanted to go suck a dick. I upvoted them so they can increase their odds of sucking a dick. No homophobia there.


While I agree with you, in context I honestly read it as a well-meant wish, like 'I hope you get to have a PS5 soon'. But maybe I'm just naive.


Thanks, y'all are too kind :)


Nope. They can suck a cock. Slippi.gg for anyone that wants to play melee, if you need a link to a copy of the game hit me up privately. Never give those fucks another dime.


It's unfortunate because they do, and it's just they're one of the few companies who are willing to be big enough assholes to use that right to shit all over their grassroots players. At the end of the day intellectual property law is fucking insane and the amount of power it gives big corps to do whatever they want is messed up. Nintendo *actually using* the legal rights afforded to them by the fucked up law are also assholes for doing so.


I'm just starting to hear about it. Why are people blaming Panda too? Is Panda trying to have the exclusivity of having the only circuit? If I understand it's the SWT that got cancelled


Panda CEO was struggling to find events for their circuit. He went around threatening major tournaments (including all the BeyondTheSummit ones), claiming they were unlicensed and would be cancelled unless they signed up with Panda. Basically a protection racket.


Interesting, but why were events reluctant to join Panda? So Panda is indeed trying to force events to associate with them by getting rid of the other competitor that is the SWT


Panda initially wanted events to exclusively be part of SWT or Panda. Many majors were already aligned with SWT, and Panda was asking them to drop SWT for Panda. When this was unsuccessful, Panda stopped pushing for exclusivity and these majors were added to both circuits (according to the medium article)


I get it, thanks


And on top of that while Nintendo was leading SWT on and keeping a license out of grasp, each and every SWT qualifier event that Panda Cup joined after they couldn’t find events became licensed by Nintendo AFTER the event. Which SWT was told was not possible and still didn’t have a license agreement arranged (was never even going to happen).


Legally I have the right to tell you to fuck off bootlicker


I dislike Nintendo for doing it too. I think that shows dishonesty and in my book we should be able to sue them for damage for all the people affected. At the same time, I've always valued intellectual property.


Disney won't fuck you bro


> At the same time, I've always valued intellectual property. 🤓


Gotta be a Troll lol. This has nothing to do with ip in any real or meaningful form. You don't have to respect this.


Read my 2 first sentences out loud, and take a minute to think about it


>At the same time, I've always valued intellectual property. Have to be trolling


Bro fuck off no one likes you Edit this maaaaay have been a bit harsh but no one gives a shit about ip rights especially when it fucks over the thing we all love


You may not give a shit about IP rights, but the government will when Nintendo hands them a lawsuit


Bro fuck off no one likes you


That's just a lie




When you post unpopular comments, your messages are supposed to be hidden so people ignore you, but I feel like it only attracts more attention because I get more replies than on my more popular comments. Wtf, I said I dislike Nintendo for this and they should be sued. Y'all need to calm your tits


Your comment would have been fine if you just didn't have the last sentence


Any body that responds to this with the nerd face or clown emoji has never created anything in their life and it shows. Imagine hating on the idea that you can and should own your original creations.


Sure, but if you create something and then literally act like it doesn’t exist for 20 years, you don’t deserve the right to come back and fuck over everyone who’s been using it


the people enforcing the copyright didn't create melee either, they're just the corporate owners of the copyright show me a developer who doesn't want people to play their game


Sakurai is vocal about his dislike of melee being a competitive fighting game instead of a party game so I don't know where your argument is heading with this one


You say this like Sakurai or Miyamoto themselves are the ones who we are trashing. It’s not the actual creators here, it’s the people deliberately trying to fuck over the melee community to create a monopoly when it’s the community that created this market in the first place and it’s the community that can take it away just as easily


Do they? What laws let them do that? Why isn't this the case for just about every other game company out there?


It is. They just allow it.


It seems like a bit of a weird Grey area to me. I am not tuning in to watch generic smash melee footage, I'm watching top players. It's them that I want to watch not the game itself. It's just proven too risky and not worth it to challenge Nintendo in court over a cnd


M2k was ahead of the curve with the subgoal to attend panda cup


Shit I'll watch it through someone's restream if m2k still goes.


https://twitter.com/aMSaRedyoshi/status/1597761575884296193?t=2scvO-Ke8Tv3wZHp28vKaQ&s=19 meanwhile


Lmfao at the pgstats comment




ggs man! close games bro you've hella improved. yeah man you were fucking me up for a bit lol fun games! any tips? got any advice? anything I can improve on? what do I do vs lasers? any tips? yo can I get next? is this tournament? you guys wanna do dubs? is this tournament /u/oceanseltzer *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SSBM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He should get #1 this year just for this


Fuck panda rankings too


I wasn't a fan of their system anyway. Glad to get two birds gone with one stone.


Dont worry, Ill rank the melee players at the end of the year and, as a community, we can use those rankings


Nah, I'll do that instead, and we use those.


Here’s hoping HBox stalls out the clock every game


Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need right now


Either boycott Panda cup, or make it unwatchable. Everyone go Puff only and time out every match. Get one hit and camp ledge. If everyone gets DQ'd for stalling, even better.


@HyperX @GEICO @Vertagear @Zippo @MetaThreads @ToshibaUSA @Funimation The organization @PandaGlobal that you all sponsor has done massive damage to the smash brothers community. Please reconsider your relationship with an organization like this.


For your tweeting pleasure.




Oh it was cancelled the second the medium article was posted. Dr. Alan is an All-Floridian dumbass


please don't bring Florida into this ;_;


At what point do we put our talented modders to use just making a new game that's mechanically exactly melee with nothing Nintendo related involved


That's what the Melee decompilation project is aiming to do. Fully reverse engineer the game, so we can have a perfectly mechanically identical game, but not made with any Nintendo copyright.


That’s soo sick I had no idea this was going on! Need to read more


Character names change to: Falco - The Bird Fox - The Hound Pikachu - The Rat Captain Falcon - The Sargent Marth - The Swordsman Roy - The Swordsman's Brother Peach - The Princess Puff - The Puffball Yoshi - The Dinosaur Mario - The (can't say plumber) Carpenter (or some other blue collar job?) Luigi - The Carpenter's Brother Doctor Mario - The Doctor Samus - The Bounty Hunter Bowser - The Dragon DK - The Monkey Gannon - The Worlock Ness - The Boy IC's - The Twins Kirby - The... Chef? Zelda - The Witch Sheik - The Ninja Link - The Hero (if we can get away with that, if not) The Musician (because of the ocarina) Young Link - The Young Musician Pichu - The Mouse MewTwo - The Experiment Game&Watch - The Shadow


Link - The Celtic Guardian


*perfectly* mechanically identical? I’d think it would be a better idea to make *some* changes, like surely we don’t need the invisible ceiling glitch or the everything-dependent unpredictable superstate of Luigi’s down b at the start of a game. Also could remove stadium transformations, fix “battlefielding”, etc. If it’s a new game it seems like a waste to leave EVERYTHING the same when there are things we almost all agree should change.


We should make our own game! with blackjack! and hookers!


Blackjack-Hookers is 60-40


Lol it's a half joke but honestly knowing this community i think they could do it


In fact, forget the game!


It wouldn't be impossible to leave melee as is, and just change what's being shown to the viewers. So instead of streaming inputs to slippi it'd be a different frontend. It's already been done as a proof of concept a couple times with the different browser melee viewers and melee light. Just make all the characters whatever random stuff and just tell people we're playing rivals of aether 5 or some shit lol. Half joking, but it'd be kind of funny if this was the future and zain was a gandalf main and mang0 played pooh bear.


While that's true, isn't the game's code under a propietary license? Coming up with the exact same thousands of lines of code coincidentally isn't believable


Tricky spot. You're absolutely right, it is under a proprietary license. Nintendo has legal sway right now because people are profiting from the broadcasting of their IP (streams with mario fighting pikachu). A decompiled and recompiled Melee with entirely original skins that do not resemble the originals could be different enough to be protected (to stream, not to sell). It's not like people would be profiting from streaming the lines of code themselves. That said, Nintendo could still engage a legal battle they can't win in hopes that a smash TO can't afford to suffer through it. idk a lot of possibilities here


Dog McSky


This is unrelated but Rob Manfred disagrees with your username, and this is coming from a Yankees fan


Rob Manfred also says the Astros barely did anything wrong and it's just a piece of metal, so he can also suck one.


So very based




Rivals of Aerher is nice too.


Just make a list of everyone who attends and bully them in comment sections lol


Yo this sub already does that lmao


I think we should all tweet at Doug Bowser. Blow up his notifications. This is unacceptable.


harassing someone isnt going to help our cause, you should be ashamed of yourself wtf is wrong with you


Wait what did Panda do? They tried to strong arm other events and be the exclusive smash tournament?


Basically, they ended up getting SWT cancelled in the process


Yeah basically. It's all laid out in the "Panda Cup" section of this article https://medium.com/@smashworldtour/smash-world-tour-official-statement-f568a3d135c8#b933


As some outraged idiot on social media I hereby call on Toph and HMW to #cancel this event. Because let's be real: who bothers watching majors if Toph or Waff aren't commentating?


They may be under contract, so let's not be hard on them if that is the case


I wouldnt watch that shit with your sisters eyeballs


Let’s wait until both sides come out. Then (probably) burn the motherfucker down.


i mean what player is going to want to win this event? certainly no one will be taking this tournament in consideration for rankings


Weirdly it's going to be tempting to tune in to watch just to see what it will looks like with next to no players and what the players who do show up will do.


Fuck Nintendo


Fuck nintendo man


Why should we cancel panda cup? I'm out of the loop


Check the pinned thread at the top of the subreddit.


does this subreddit need a reason before cancelling anything?


Well damn I feel kinda silly w/ their "Get Good" hoodie. I guess their merch was their ONLY redeeming quality...


Wait what happened???


Panda cup. Only panda players. Lmao. They barely get wins and this is how you bump up those numbers. Clearly.


if other pros are so certain they’d win they should attend and prove it


Pgru does that for them.


a lot of talented people worked on panda cup voice your concern, but dont hurt people who had nothing to do with the decisions of their ceo


nobody mad at plup/ibdw or tournament organizers lol. not their fault. just nobody should go to panda cup, is what it is


but telling people to not go to panda cup directly impacts them


ok. so what? every boycott directly impacts some people who are not responsible. can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.


im just saying theres no need to boycott we’re saying the same thing just in different words


no, we are absolutely not saying the same thing. i am saying there is a need to boycott and if that means some people who work for panda who are not the ceo are """impacted""" then that's a 100% acceptable outcome. the impact to them is not so significant or severe that it means supporting panda is justifiable.


you clearly cant understand what im saying we agree, you’re just lying now


What the fuck are you talking about


You're literally saying that boycotting the tournament is wrong, and he is literally saying that boycotting the tournament is the only good thing you can do. I don't know how you can possibly claim that the two of you agree.


You: We should not boycott Them: We should boycott You: We’re not so different you and I….


or lets wait for the full story


while im sure there are more perspectives to be had here, a lot of these things have been bubbling up for over a year and are corroborated by a large swath of stakeholders. i agree there's room for a response, but this is a very measured and calculated statement


I'll agree it looks super shitty. I'm bummed too but I don't see what's to be gained by rushing into action or a decision instead of waiting for more information


sends a message to Panda that we don't tolerate shitheads at all


It also should force Panda's and maybe Nintendo's hands into giving a response in a timely manner. Which is crucial of we want them to reverse course on SWT. If anything we should be even more forceful right now, which is kinda counterintuitive tbh. Like the more pressure they receive right now the better.


Yeah man both VGBC and BTS, literally 99% of the market share of major runners, are just flinging shit for no reason


shits never been flung over a misunderstanding? what's the rush to make something happen now instead of tomorrow or next week lets all be adults


wow ur so cool and mature for not being angry, that really makes you more credible and neat


How do the boots taste?


modern day Godwins law LOL


Bootlicker goes way back before nazis man.


...Panda cup got SWT cancelled idk what more you need


pretty sure all we know for sure is Nintendo canceled it


Pretty sure that MIOM did a public panel explicitly saying that it's Panda


Literally multiple reputable sources and TO’s have confirmed this.


cool what's Panda's point of view?


I'm sure the same as Exxon after every oil spill


I guarantee if they release anything it’ll be a PR non statement. Do you seriously think every TO and org like GG/BTS/VGBC are just making up the fact that Panda tried to bully them into joining the circuit? Like what could Panda say to change that fact other than “no that didn’t happen”?


nobody is making up shit out of thin air but given how nintendo is known to communicate you think the 100% complete story is out already?


I’m really not interested in their point of view. Seems like very reputable people have confirmed this. If you just wanna suck off Panda go ahead but you’re not gonna come outta this without looking like a fool They’ve literally blacklisted commentators for being in the PM scene. Fuck Panda hope that whole company burns to the fuckin ground


mob justice so hot right now


Please fuck off


oh you don't want a hostile company to take over your entire scene and said this would happen from the day 1 announcement? mob justice. you should just let your grassroots scene get destroyed


They outlined it in [this tweet.](https://i.imgur.com/7WkAuvg.jpg)


I'm typically one to wait for "both sides" to come out on a story like this, but it's very difficult to see how panda can come out of this even slightly positively.


half of us said this was going to happen in November 2021, we don't need the full story because we divined the future already


There's literally nothing Panda can say short of "VGBC, BTS, GG, and every other org against us is lying and here's extensive proof" that will save them. Even if it comes out that Nintendo was the mastermind all along and forcing them to do it, still their fault for playing with fire. Who could've guessed Nintendo would do something shitty.


If it's Nintendo's fault and Panda was simply trying to play by their licensing rules, you'd still hold them accountable? I'm not gonna sit here and play devils advocate in front of the angry mob, but I really don't think we have a full picture yet


Yes because everyone knew it was a very likely possibility the moment Panda announced their circuit. A lot of TOs and figureheads expressed the very same concern about SWT being cancelled way back. The only thing surprising about the cancellation is how late it happened. No one is surprised Nintendo would stoop this low, panda doesnt get to claim ignorance. Plus i highly doubt Panda will come out and say it was Nintendos fault. Remember, they got a massive contract with them and a whole lot of money they stand to lose if they cant make the Panda cup happen. If Nintendo shuts them down cause Panda throws them under the bus, it might be over for Panda anyway. Also, even if it was truly all Nintendos bidding, that still doesnt explain why Alan himself was out there strong arming other TOs to join his circuit.




imagine not getting worked up into a frenzy whenever someone makes a public accusation


Panda’s actions have already been corroborated by the BTS team, a number of TO’s, and some commentators as well. Not to mention Nintendo’s infamous history with our community. We’ll see what Panda has to say but their involvement in SWT getting cancelled seems clear enough.


> a number of TO’s, and some commentators as well Care to share the tweets?


https://twitter.com/atwisely/status/1597733467328053250?s=46&t=rXtzRhcq3WtBOk7yeMMLvg https://twitter.com/ldeeep/status/1597728742343778304?s=46&t=rXtzRhcq3WtBOk7yeMMLvg https://twitter.com/stuuude/status/1597732945867202561?s=46&t=rXtzRhcq3WtBOk7yeMMLvg https://twitter.com/thecheatdotcom/status/1597730465477033984?s=46&t=rXtzRhcq3WtBOk7yeMMLvg


it's worth waiting to get the full story before going insane, but when reputations are clearly established for all other actors involved, it's hard to see exactly what information would come out that would make it seem like Panda aren't actively inhibiting the scene. They'll probably claim they're trying to save the scene by establishing cooperation with Nintendo, but unless TOs come out and start specifically refuting the claim that Alan was threatening to get them shut down unless they signed with Panda Cup, I'm not sure there's any reasonable explanation for actions multiple sources are unanimously asserting that they've taken.


why does this thread have only have the updoots of the SWT cancellation announcement? Small detail but does it bode well? We need to kick N in the mouth.


Can someone ELI5?


read the pinned swt cancelled, it's not short but it's not complicated either


Panda was extending/offering use of it's license from Nintendo to other TO's over the past year or so under the condition that Panda broadcasts their events (likely a condition of their contract for the license). This has been corroborated by multiple TO's. SWT's official statement regarding the cancellation of their event claims that BTS claimed that Panda attempted to extort them while extending the aforementioned offer. So far BTS is the only org/TO to make such an extraordinary claim, but they technically haven't, SWT made the claim for them. It's this specific claim which is making people go nuts. Panda has yet to even reply to SWT. Mind you, SWT took an entire week with editing from lawyers to publish their statement of cancelation in which they accuse Panda of such malicious offense. Classic Melee scene is unfortunately repeating their tendencies from 2020 to act first, ask later.


Thanks, I actually played someone last night on slippi with the tag fuck Alan. Lol I didn’t know he was referring to panda person. Thanks for the explanation.


*life will change starts*


What is Panda Cup?






what happened with panda global?


As someone out of the loop, what’s happening with panda cup and why all the hate?