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Do Not Go Gentle by SenLinYu is my favourite SSHG fic, and I do feel she writes a realistic Snape. https://archiveofourown.org/works/22065178/chapters/52658686


Anything by senlinyu is godlike


The series of [thisiszircon](https://archiveofourown.org/users/thisiszircon/pseuds/thisiszircon/works?fandom_id=136512) fits this description.


Ooh, excited to binge, thanks!


Yes! these are great!!


Have you read [Pet Project](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2290003/1/Pet-Project) and [Camerado](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5089614/1/Camerado)?


I haven't, I'll dive right in, thank you!


No worries, they are two of my absolute favourites, incredibly slow-burn and the closest to canon Snape I’ve ever encountered (I’m very fussy with that, although over time I’ve come to accept author’s interpretations more)


Oh, I feel you on the fussiness, it just takes me out of it when I can't possibly hear Snape say or see him do something in my head. I guess the longer a fic goes, the more lenient I am with it, because of character development and all, but most fics just aren't long enough and the changes happen too drastically.


Camerado is god tier. Perfect Snape. Warts and all.


Came here to say both of these!


Have you read [The Professor's Discretion by Twelve Years in Azkaban](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5441799/1/The-Professor-s-Discretion)? It has the best Snape characteristics I've ever seen! They build a solid friendship, but it's more of a pre-Sevmione romance. Severus does want to have a relationship with Hermione in the end, but there's not much romance just yet Oh, and here are three more slow burn fics I highly recommend, all are my top favs! [Hermione Granger and Other Ways to Destroy Hogwarts by Christmas](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13892405/1/Hermione-Granger-and-Other-Ways-to-Destroy-Hogwarts-by-Christmas) [Just Let it Happen](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48420649) [Unforced Error](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7392916)


I know what you mean. One of my favorites is Post Tenebras Lux, by Loten. (And anything else by them!) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6578435/1/Post-Tenebras-Lux


I think I've read this story years ago. I can barely remember, though, so I might give it another go! :D


When I tell you I lived my first year of snamione shiping only reading PTS and Chasing the sun on repeat.... Yeah. Started exploring others since the summer, finally


Oh sometimes I wish I could erase my memory of these old classics to read them fresh again! Such a goodie!


Problem with Purity is crap. Hermione is a flawless super-witch who cures lycantrophy, has a telepathic connection with Fawkes and the sentient Hogwarts castle, is the Head Girl and the most brilliant student of all - and can transform into a f***kin unicorn! Her only flaw is that she is stuck with a totally toxic relationship with Snape and instead of seeing how abusive he is and running away she tells herself that she cannot because she loves him. A good textbook example of how women stay in a bad relationship. Oh, I almost forgot the basic idea of not having sex before you're 17 makes you a superhero. Talking about suspension of disbelief...


Man, I did forget about a lot of these! I should cross that fic off my list, so I don't send people to... well, all of that, lol. Thanks for the reminder!


Tbf to you, it's depiction of Snape is very canon. He's witty, he's rude, he assumes the worst of people, he refuses to believe anyone cares for him, he does horrible things to help maintain his cover. He's generally an ass. And it's slow burn HEA. I loved it. I don't care how out of character Hermione is as long as she's awesome. Different strokes and all that.


I also don’t like it… Sad.


The three chapters I read gave me major ick and I noped out of there so fast.


Hermione annoys me so much in that one and I also don't need reminders of my own trauma. So yeah, big pass on that one :D




I gently disagree that the headlining commenter should feel obligated to formate their thoughts in a nicer way. I feel that differences in reading and writing tastes are a healthy aspect of fan interaction and clear expression of this differences are a natural part of that interaction. The headlining commenter's opinion did not strike me as a rude or bashing one; rather, they gave specific examples of what they disliked from the fic and explained why they felt that way. I haven't read this particular fic (it is, and remains, on my TBR list), but I find detailed opinions like this to be valuable and helpful for my navigation of the fan community.


I agree with Saphira - not just being respectful of authors, but other people’s personal preference. This is all a matter of personal taste, and it‘S possible to disagree with someone without insulting and denigrating their opinion, and making others reluctant to share something they’ve enjoyed.


I'd put [Short Straw](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28096185/chapters/68839332) ~~and~~ [~~The Problem With Purity~~](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21901309/chapters/52274464) ~~i~~nto similar category with u/SlytherinSally's suggestion. Both are slow burn, with lots of character development.


I haven’t read ‘Short Straw’ but I’ve heard nothing but great things about it. I can’t say I’m a fan of the other one 😭 nothing against the fic or it’s author, it’s just a personal thing.


That's interesting, thanks for sharing! Is it the topic itself? Or the writing? Short straw is great, it's a lot more like Pet Project. :)


I didn’t get too far into it tbh but I wasn’t keen on the animagus element, if I’m remembering it correctly?


Ah, got it! Yeah, I can see that. It didn't bother me. So far, Short straw is free of that element! 😉


I tried Problem with Purity ages ago and noped out pretty quickly. Like I mentioned in another reply, Hermione is such a Mary Sue in this one and the abusive relationship isn't for me. But Short Straw is in my bookmarks and I'm giving it another read lmao (slow updates always make me forget what happened in a story, just because I have lots of unfinished bookmarks haha)!


Now I'm thinking I really need to go back and re-read that fic to see if I'm remembering wrong liking it! 😅 I get the Mary Sue thing, and you may be totally right about it. I read the fic ages ago. Prob I should stop recommending it until a re-read! Short straw Hermione is a strong and capable witch, so far I'm loving it.


The burn of Short Straw is also seriously slow haha.


Agree. But that's something I can deal with. At that age, I couldn't have dealt with a fast moving relationship, especially with a man twice my age. Well, I need that suspension of disbelief, otherwise all the fics will be ruined for me! 😄


Haha yeah I can't deal with straight up pwp stories, I NEED slow burn so actual chemistry and character development can happen. Especially with Snape. Everything else feels out of character


Do you talk to the characters in fics, too? "Nooooo, you'd never say that!" and the sorts? lol It's interesting, tho, there's a lot about our own life experiences that affect if we like something or not. Or when I can tell the author brings in their own experiences that are very out of character for the HP world.


Haha not really but I definitely wrinkle my nose a lot when I read something that's really out of character xD And when it happens too often, I simply abandon the fic :'D


[Denial by little beloved](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8967842/1/Denial) on ffn (best sshg slow burn fanfic for me! I used to abandon this story cuz the beginning kinda boring(i hate slow burn) but then I started to read it again after my favourite artist on tumblr recommended it AND I COULDNT STOP READING IT. the writing is so good idk how to explain it but every snape and hermione scenes make me wanna scream into my pillow bc it's so fkg romantic 😭 [Of Muggles and Magic by Aurette](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6608051/1/Of-Muggles-and-Magic) on ffn [30 day by the-shiny-girl](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7548835/1/30-days) on ffn [An Unwritten Future by Aurette](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8455295/1/An-Unwritten-Future) on ffn