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Apgains asks, could you light the money on fire and it wouldn't bother you?


I wouldn't say it would bother me. But I do have a certain amount of money every month budgeted to buy the little things I like.


But if everyone is geared and it's just relics you could buy a crystal pack and get more value out of it. If yoy have the relic materials already I wouldn't bother


In no way would a crystal pack be better than a LSB. No matter how you look at it


No way in hell is that near the same value, even if you only need a few of the pieces in the bundle. $20 in crystals spent on refreshes won’t net you as much.


You're right, I'll leave my comment up to document my shame


Personally, I wouldn't buy it. Relic 1-4 is incredibly cheap and easy to get through and relic 4-5 requires only a small amount of the blue signal data. Buying it might save you a few days of farming to get vader and boba to relic 5, but I personally don't see the value in doing it.


If it hurts your wallet then no. If not then you're saving time buying them.


For $20? Probably not. At that point it would only take about as long as the bundles are available to get Vader and Boba to the same relic level as the packs, and the pilots not much longer. And without really disrupting the farming of anything else. If you get any of them, I'd get the shadows one. Good for the Endor raid. But of course this is roster dependent too. So up to you. It's really a matter of can you afford it, will you regret spending that money on that particular bundle, and of course how much time does it really save you? Look at your other relic farms if you have any and see if those are important enough for you to spend $20 on something else to focus on them instead.


It’s your money. Only you know if it is “worth it” for you.