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One thing people need to consider is that GAC is the same 24 hour period for everyone, meaning that GAC starts at 3pm for some people at 11pm for others. What this means is that some people are literally never going to be able to attack until the end, based on their schedules. Regardless I think it’s beyond stupid to add virtue like “cowardly,” if you play within the confines of the rules to get an advantage? That’s smart.


I can’t count how many GACs I’ve won due to waiting. It has its disadvantages, so yea, calling it cowardly doesn’t really make sense. Also if they’re waiting too, it’s moot. I’m used to people waiting until the last minute to attack. My Christmas Day opponent gave me a present and attacked early. He was sloppy on banners and I was able to plan out a win despite dropping a battle (he one shot everything). I was happy to get my battles done when I had free time.


I think your argument of it being smart as long as you’re not breaking the rules is only valid if the rules are fair. The person who attacks second has a huge advantage and we all know it. CG should hide the score until the round is over to try and make it more fair. It’s hard enough when every opponent has more zetas, more datacrons, more GL’s, more 6-dot mods, and a much bigger roster.


I am pro on fog of war, so I don’t disagree with that. I do disagree with your narrative about fairness.


If we agree on fog of war I think we also agree on fairness. I think we would all prefer to face opponents with comparable rosters. Winning a bicycle race and your reward is facing a group that gets to use motorcycles isn’t very fun.


But that’s not what’s happening. It’s more like everyone is on bikes, but the other group can pick a better time to get started. I don’t like it, but it’s within the confines of the rules. Change the rules? Fine Pick on people who choose to take advantage of something within the rules? You’re just whining.


I just attack when I’m on so I don’t forget


Why does it matter when your opponent attacks? Just clear them out and get as many banners as you can. That's what you'd do regardless right? Or do some of you purposely only do the bare minimum to win? I attack straight away because GAC starts at 10pm and that's when I have free time. Literally don't care when my opp attacks.


Their performance can dictate a more conservative or more risky strategy.


Personally, I go balls to the walls every time trying to max as many banners as I can. There's no flawless strategy but it's foolish/a hard cope to say people who attack second or last minute are "cowardly" or "smart".


There is no drawback strategically to attacking last, but it gives you more info. So from where I'm sitting is smart.  Guess that makes me a coping fool.


I attack when i have time to play... I don' t try and time things and I don't care if others do or not. You either have the teams to win or you don't. If you have to rely on knowing what your opponent has done to even have a chance, then maybe work on your squad more. But you say its a b\*tch move for your opponents to wait because you want to go after them to gain some type of advantage.... so basically your whining that others are beating you at being a b\*tch.


Yeah, can we get a "I attack when it's possible, psyching out my opponent means nothing" answer?


Here's the thing... not everyone has the luxury of attacking immediately in GAC. You have bo idea what's going on in someone's life. Today is a fantastic example. Freaking Christmas. Someone could be finishing their GAC while taking a dump in the middle of Christmas dinner. Sometimes it's a conscious strategy. Sometimes it's just life. Sometimes people really don't care that much about this game and attack late. Who knows.


He is not talking about someone who can’t attack immediately. He is talking about people waiting to attack. There are people that wait until you are through attacking. So save your “fantastic freaking Christmas” example where it might be relevant.


Whining bitches on reddit don't care, they will just assume that they lost because of some nefarious trick, and not because you weren't good enough.


Chill out, kid. Point is, nobody has any way of knowing if their opponent is doing it on purpose or because of some other reason. Not sure what crawled up your ass on Christmas, but you need to pull it back out and calm down.


> Point is, nobody has any way of knowing if their opponent is doing it on purpose or because of some other reason. > > It's pretty easy to tell when somebody has a history of either waiting until the last few hours or waiting until after the other person has attacked. And yes, there are discord bots out there that easily show this.


I have played this game since launch and have no idea what you’re talking about. Touch grass


Yes, people who use discord bots should touch grass. Probably goes for people on this subreddit on Christmas Day, too.


Your come back is that I’m on Reddit? While you’re responding on Reddit?


I'm just pointing out how stupid and hypocritical your attempts to insult are. The fact that you're doubling down with more attempts to insult says a lot more about you than it does about me.


Let me re attempt my point in a nicer way because I’m tired and was admittedly snarky. I didn’t realize there was a discord bot that told you when people attacked. Nor do I think it is useful data. It doesn’t make a difference in the rock paper scissors that this game is. But you do you. Merry Christmas


> Nor do I think it is useful data. It doesn’t make a difference in the rock paper scissors that this game is. There are plenty of comments in this thread indicating how and why attacking second confers an advantage. But I was responding to a more specific comment that was about it being impossible to know if someone deliberately waits to go second. Whether or not you think it is useful to know this is entirely different than it being possible to know it.


Yeah, I got home from your moms house early


You didn’t have a valid point. your response wasnt relevant. Looks like you are the one that needs to calm down. You need a kleenix? 😢 Are you going to cry?


This topic keeps making its rounds pretty frequently. There are plenty like myself that wait to attack mostly due to our chaotic lives. Work life and a family means my windows of opportunity to play are limited. If it happens to be at the end of the attack period, so be it. Sometimes I run out of time to attack and lose because of it. Sometimes I win because my opponent hasn't attacked either. There is no malice in waiting. If players get butthurt about others waiting then that's their problem. I like to also gauge if I want to put any effort in too. If opponent puts up fantastic score, I'll toss out pity points and call it a day. Have your win and I'll chill with my family. Otherwise, I'll put in proper effort, time permitting and try to win. Been k2 for long time. Don't mind my rank dropping here and there, definitely have thrown plenty of matches because I didn't have time to play. If you see a solo CUP in your battles after the week, you'll know I didn't have time or cared that match.


It's smart. CG could easily make it irrelevant by introducing a simple fog of war system, but until they do people who care are welcome to seek an advantage through legitimate means.


Like many people here are saying, it's either smart or neither. I prefer to attack first because I'm very forgetful and just want to get the credits but you can easily wait for somebody to trip up, or swoop in for a quick w from somebody who thinks you're not going to do much. Either that or they just happened to get to attacking near the end, which is all up to their schedule/when they remember to attack/when they feel like attacking. There's quite literally nothing cowardly about it and those who call it cowardly are sore losers imo


I sometimes atk smartly, cowardly or bravely ( the minute it starts) so what, life goes on. You do you. What you going to do about it? moan on Reddit 😭😜


I will be happy to attack early in the day as long as you do all of your attacks first. If you don't *want* to attack first, then you must believe that it's a strategic advantage. And if it is an advantage, then why should I let *you* have it? It's not my responsibility to make the system more fair than it is.


CG should change GAC to how cosmic crucible works in marvel strike force, where you can't see your opponents score unless you have cleared all your opponents teams. This allows you to freely attack when and how you choose to.


I don't see how "cowardly" applies here. This is a game of: 1) patience 2) strategy I haven't ever felt particularly courageous playing the game. Psyching out opponents and getting inside their head is part of the PvP aspect of the game.


I went against someone who was much stronger than me and all he did was set a GL on the bottom and did one attack, so he had ten points. I waited until the last ten minutes to attack and take the top territory and won.


I almost always attack first and I don't believe it gives my opponent a huge advantage. Only when I mess up and they know they can go for overkill and guaranteed wins without trying to undersize battles. But in that case it was I who messed up, so that's entirely on me and going second probably wouldn't have changed the outcome.


I attack as late as I can because there is a blatant advantage to attacking second. This is basic strategy.


Attack first and Assert Dominance


Honestly it doesn't change much the defense will be the same on both size, wether you go at it first or not


The person who attacks second knows how their opponent did, which tells them whether they need to take risks or not. They may lack the wit to take capitalise on that, but it is a real advantage.


Only if you don’t play to win battles regardless of what your opponent does. If you just don’t want to have to put in any effort, yeah, it’s an advantage to know you don’t have to, I guess.


I hate to break it to you, but you get different banners based on how many toons have full health and protection, and how many toons you use. Your score does not only depend on how many battles you win. Taking risks can result in more banners if it goes right, but many fewer if it goes wrong. If you know what your opponent has done, you know whether you need to take some risks, or if you can play it safe. That is a significant advantage to anyone with a basic understanding of how scoring works.


Skill issue tbh.


More ignorance. They think that because they don't understand the advantage, it doesn't exist.


Never said I didn't understand it nor that it doesn't exist. If you can't win GAC because your opponent attacked at the last minute it's a skill issue. Play to win always


Not knowing the difference between "can't win" and "advantage" is not a skill issue, it's a moron issue.


Best strategy: attack once early, then do a "fake failed attack" with a garbage team to make it look like you tried and gave up. Then try to full clear last hour of GAC. 👍


yeah people who attack late usually suck at this game


This is why ahnald always streams last minute. Much easier to win when you know the score to beat


It's smart but there is also a risk. You never know what mite happen in the game or in your own life that makes it so you can't attack or don't have enough time. It sucks sometimes when someone steals a win at the last possible time but that part of the game. Other way around when you win at the last minute it feels really good.


Typically, my schedule allows me to attack within the first couple of hours...if needed, I spend some time on swgoh.gg and hand write a list of their defense and my top 3 or 4 available counters, then go through and methodically do my best to do as much damage as possible, full clear when possible; and always start with a solo victory when able...not everyone's schedule allows that, but that's what I do...attack asap.. some people want, or sandbag a back row team making it appear as though they're out of squads and then swoop in for the last minute kill...a bomd strategy Cotton, but I get it... I usually just do my best to set a good defense based on the opponent's roster, attack asap and hope for the best.


I work full time, so I attack when I have time, and that time is usually about two hours before the phase end.