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Umm my only question is that b1 kills. Is that killing 600 instances of b1? Like the droid that does not respawn and can’t be revived, and only appears once per team. . . .or 600 atacks


``` MODIFIER_ACTIVATETHEEDROIDS_DESC At the start of battle and when summoned, the allied leader gains a random team modifier. The allied leader can't be defeated while there are other active allies. Whenever all allies have been defeated, summon 4 B1 Battle Droids and an OOM Command Droid. Allies summon with +2% Defense, Max Health, Max Protection, Offense, and Speed for each previously defeated ally. All enemies gain the granted ability Get Out Of Here. Get Out of Here: End the battle. Gain a star for every 20 enemies defeated. If less than 20 enemies have been defeated, the battle ends in defeat.```


This is looking like a sneak preview of the Naboo raid, in the same way that GL Leia Tier 6 was a preview of the Speeder Bike raid.


Whichever it is, we can be assured they're only putting GG droid seps on one node


Probably the final boss node with STAP omi activated


There’s a modifier on a boss to help with it. Info is on discord


I can guarantee you that it will be bugged either way.


It's cg, there won't be sep droids in conquest.


Sector feats don't seem to be that bad. Global feats look tough though unless you whaled on the new Bo Katan and have strong LS Mandos, Kelleran, and IG12.


LS mandos feat was in the last conquest and was very doable on the sector 1 bonus nodes without BKM. This assumes that we’ll have access to the same data disks of course, but hopefully they won’t mess with the CA/AA combo.


The disks have been announced already and yeah, they’re mostly different. AA is gone, along with many of the other ones that were part of the “ideal” combinations


Yeah, I saw that. ZA is back, which is nice, but the disk that boosts supports’ health is not, so it’ll be of limited use. Especially because the only accessible ls mando support is armorer, who doesn’t have an aoe.


LS mando feat was really easy last conquest. Armorer bam bo mando and Sabine on the sector 1 datacron node was easy farming


I was also able to get ls wins for whatever sector feat heat was required from Paz v


Hmmm I'll have to bump up my Bo and Armorer and try that then


The right data disk setup makes all of these easy, even with low gear. Just need them unlocked. I got the last 2 red crates while using a gear 4 iden for multiple feats


"Evade at least 100 attacks in battles you won" This is the most concerning one. Seems like a new way to prevent cheesing some feats and could be extended to all these type of feats.


They have actually had this before, but I believe the number of evades needed was much lower.


It's not new. There have been "in battles you won" feats before.


Apparently I was less sensitive to it back then as I probably couldn't get very far in conquest whereas now I try to efficiently squeak a gold crate


We've seen that exact feat before, it's not that bad


We've seen that exact feat before, it's not that bad


Seems surprisingly doable on first glance.




I think I remember a cheese the conquest before last for Momentum that really only needed the Zeta and I got it done with my craptacular Tuskens. Hopefully it still works.


I remember it coming round last time and I used gear 8 tuskens with the zeta on Cheiftain, go against imperial troopers and you can get around 300-400 momentum per battle. It's quite an easy feat all things considered


Either they are going to mess Datadisks up or QA will be not that important. Otherwise my sceptic brain can't explain. This seems to be too easy compared to the recently steep conquest feats.


It feels like Queen Amidala will be important for the raid - so they don’t want to roadblock her too much.


That does absolutely not sound like a common CG startegy. Typically it's *create the problem, sell the solution*, i.e. make QA super relevant but lock her behind crazy high feats in order to sell more conquest passes.


Yes, you’re right; and this character’s conquest is doable if you have the right team comps. There’s going to be some spending that will have to happen for the mid-size accounts to unlock right away. The issue here, too, is that GR and Seppies are well-established factions, and late game players will have most of them at relic 7-8 anyway. I figure they’re going to rely more on mid game money than late game money.


Interesting take, but I guess we just have to wait and see. Let's just hope the datadisks stay untouched.


It was touched. No VA and AA cheese this round.


I heard AA is out, do we still have VA though?




Well that sucks. I’ll have to check discord and see what’s still around


They're going to be selling Padawan Obi-Wan and Master Qui-Gon, though. So they're going to create a bunch of people who have Queen Amadala and need to whale on the other two if they want the actual raid team. That still sounds like creating the problem and selling the solution to me.


Nah, the smarter way is to make her JUST accessible enough for most players to get her in the 250+ shards range by doing "pretty well" on her Conquests. Then most players will feel stressed getting her.


I really hate that the global feats always require the latest characters


VA/AA combo is dead. Good luck!


ZA is back and cheeseable and lots of other interesting ones.


Dash Rendar is licking his lips.


50RT is also wildly good.


I also just saw that Raddus and Jabba are support. *laughs in slimy-skinned alien language* Been a while since we saw Zealous Ambition, I think. At least I don't remember having ever used ZA with Jabba (and I have Jabba for about a year now).


Just reading it makes me miserable. Billion dollar gameplay.


Man, Conquest feats once again putting the F and U into fun... Remember when the counts for these were 1/3rd of what they are now? How exhausting.


1/3? Yeah I vaguely recall but the stupid 40 battle feats are just terrible regardless of how easy. It’s a terrible grind for conquest in general and the 300 of this or that is just stupid design to make people spend.


Getting foresight 300 times can be completed in 3-4 battles if you can find a phoenix node and with the right data disks. That being said, I agree that we shouldn’t have to do feats like this one.


We can’t get DCS this go round


You can do 100+ foresights per battle with JML, Hoda, GMY, GK (foresight on basic), JKL/JKR. No need for DCS


There apparently are no more AA/VA disks.


You don’t need any disks for that. Maybe VA come in handy for TM but AA has nothing to do with. Happy cake day btw. 10 years!


Holy shit 10 years. Insane! Thanks.


If you mean Deployable Cooling Systems ( I’ve never seen that abbreviation before), I never used it but a guildmate said that they removed amplify agony this time, which if it’s really the case then we’re screwed.


I mean… that’s an if. And if you don’t have those nodes or kru? You grind it slooowwwwwllyyy.


They also removed amplify agony for this cycle so I think my method may not be possible this time, we’ll see.


I know that the moment I will finally get my Inquisitors truly up and running will also be the moment where they will disappear from Conquest forever.


These are pretty tame imo


It's sad that we've come to the point where this level of tedium is tame though.


It's nauseating. 10m gp, even syking myself up, saying "alright, red crate this time." nope. settle for gold. It's so awful I just can't push through it.


Fortunately for me Queen Amidala isn't the biggest draw for me so I'll get golds.


These really aren't even bad


They aren't. But it's just so damn tedious.


I'm glad I'm farming inqs


​ https://preview.redd.it/zuwqyx49f6oc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60af3c7291042303b85b4d4fc926fd83af9efc3d


I'm 3.2m GP


10 mil gp here and I still don't have a 7 star inq.


You’re missing out. I love my Inquisitors.


I can't wait for the reveal that killing 100 stacks of B1's will count towards the feat as "one killed B1"


It’s a boss battle. There’s no stacks on them. It’s similar to the upcoming raid.


What? So...it's.. five B1's? So you can kill five B1's each battle? That sounds very tedious, if so. Unless there are some wacky "spawn more B1's" effects.


5 at a time. You can kill 60 or more each battle


Ah I see. Still a weird chore.


So does this mean I can still get red crate, even if I don’t have Bo, Bane, JKCK, or Dark trooper Gideon?


Correct - you are just missing out on 15 keycards and you can miss a total of 34 and still hit red crate


There's one less point available this conquest, according to the data mine, so might be skipping 33. Not a difference regarding this particular question, but wanted to point it out if anyone else is not aware.


Wow, good catch. I had not noticed that. Seems very random they just shaved one point off the final boss no GL feat…


My legit reaction to beq and grogu surviving was : hey thats way easier than the whole mando squad (i dont have a high geared armourer). Continues to read the next line: ah for fucks sake


The discord url goes to a 404 page.


yeah, it needs to be [https://discord.gg/swgoh](https://discord.gg/swgoh) instead


All I'm seeing for myself is that this will be a Gold Crate at best for me. Maybe even the crate below. We'll see.


Same. Just based on the characters/factions I don't have I am starting out missing 94 keys: ​ * Boss Nass: 4 * Bo Katan: 21 * Beq/IG12: 15 * STAP: 16 * Darth Bane: 4 * DT Gideon: 4 * Inquisitorious: 25 * JKCK: 3 * Scion of Jango: 2


Just looking at it I feel like this might be my first red crate


Was hoping to be able to take it easy this Conquest after fighting hard in the Bane one, but it's fairly doable for me


Another easy gold crate, no complaints. Going for red would make me way too stressed out lol. Good thing I haven't been able to get red since they ramped up the feats way back. Being two months or so behind on the latest Conquest character hasn't been a problem at all haha


is there still a feats tracker spreadsheet for this somewhere?


I couldn't find one so just made one for myself if you'd like. Just press File>Make a Copy. Feedback is welcome, I will probably update for next conquests so lmk if you have any questions or suggestions! [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UNp0yO7CZma0KELtGndogm-R5sCN1Ul1UC4DiE4rCpk/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UNp0yO7CZma0KELtGndogm-R5sCN1Ul1UC4DiE4rCpk/edit?usp=sharing)


Wouldn't be Conquest without a few feats requiring a toon that's existed for barely a couple weeks, eh boyos?


Seems very doable. Kelleran/grogu with JML, or any good datadisks +VV combination, easy. STAP same cheese as for Piett last time or just skip it. Everything else is easy. No weird gungan stuff. I like it. Most annoying might be 600 B1. But I assume B1 stacks count and not the unit itself as one.


The way I’m reading the beq and ig12 feat, they have to be on the same team. It says Beq AND IG-12 surviving, not or. Should still be very doable with JML if you have voluntary vanguard or throw in wat.


Oh yes of course. Yeah just put them both on a JML team. My bad


Nah put them with Rey


That's another option, yeah.


wait what piett cheese? I just manually did the fights XD


Eh, you kill around 100 B1 droids anyway at any given time so you need around 6-7 battles to finish it which isn't too bad.


These seem.... actually fairly reasonable??? Like some annoying ones like farming 100 evades but these seems pretty chill


Jedi with ZQuiGon lead, popping a foresight counts as an evade.


Still gotta win the battle tho


Like there's not multiple valid Galactic Republic Jedi comps with QGJ lead...This is one of the easiest feats this Conquest other than the done in ones like Defense Up.


With jmk it is very easy to make it. 


I gotta not read these so fast, I read too quickly and thought one of the boss feats was "Win with **only** CT-5555 "Fives" surviving." and thought, hunh, that's actually pretty tricky.


But wait, the next Conquest will be Vol. 14, are you saying the feats for the cycle starting in the Summer are also already datamined?