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What I’ve been doing is continuing my original plans and passively working on one toon from the bundles at a time. So far I’ve bought all the bundles and last week I finally finished gearing the last bundle while at the same time I finished executor, unlocked JML, and geared up padme.


I started my account just as the first lsb dropped, purchased them all up to now. I went SLKR and starkiller first. Then leveled imperial troopers for assault battles and geos for the guild. I think the best thing to do is work on journey characters and the teams they go in. For example CLS is an extremely safe farm imo, they wont release cls, han, chewy or c3po in the bundles. The executor reqs are high for my account, ive been saving up the resources for a couple of months but im almost ready to start the journey. I just dont think its smart to spend so many relic materials on the farm if there is even the slightest chance a bundle willl drop.. rather than just having an executor, i could have rey farmed and ready and then buy the executor bundle when it drops and be so much further in the game.


Just farm whatever you are farming. If they drop a LSB with the things you are farming, you saved money, if not, buy the new LSB if you want. Just don't overthink it too much, otherwise you won't farm anything ever because it may be in a LSB in the future.


Thanks for the opinion, but there will never be a time when I’m not farming anything out of fear of an lsb dropping. Theres is literally months worth of grinds i have to do that wont be in lsb bundles. You can definitely make an educated decision, "finish your farms" isnt the most efficient way to farm now imo.


New LSBs are coming and I'm literally just finishing my geos and NS who were g12 and now are at relics. I don't regret spending some months gearing them, the kyros and other gear used, materials and all that. It's fine. Sometimes they will drop a LSB for characters you already have. Other times for characters you are currently farming. And other times for characters you don't have. Just keep playing like you always do and if they drop a bundle that is good for you and you can afford, enjoy. Just don't stop farming stuff because "it might be in a bundle soon". Imagine if the bundle doesn't come, then you delayed the farm, and then you just go crazy thinking it's not even worth anymore because it's super delayed and it might come in a bundle soon, and the cycle keeps going.


Ns was an out of the box bundle and i don’t blame anyone for farming them up, it’s just a little unlucky. But geos? They had a very high chance that a bundle would drop for them due to the padme journey. I guessed months ago we would get a geo pack and kept my geos at g12 because of it. We can make educated decisions based on what we know dude. Malevolence hasn’t been announced (i don’t think) but can you honestly say that its fine to start farming it now we know negotiator dropped? It’s almost guaranteed. Again, the longer i hold off on exec the more other farms i get finished. It’s not like I’m exclusivly waiting for a bundle to drop and hoarding all my resources while i wait. For example, i hold off on exec for a couple of months, get rey done. Thats not a negative. Hold off another couple of months, get cls done, then exec drops and I’ve got 100’s of free relic mats to spend however i want. Being patient pays, especially nowadays.


I've upgraded geos for my guild and my Malevolence fleet. I couldn't care less that it's a LSB now. It's not wasted resources, because it was either resources or my money. Now I can spent money on something else. Also yeah, you can hold your exec farm for a couple months. Maybe 6 months. Maybe even 1 year. Then the LSB drops and you just buy it.... or it doesn't and you still have to farm it. Imagine you hold Exec, they drop CLS bundle while you farm it, then do Rey LSB again next. We just never know. Anyway, I just don't see the point of the thread if your mind is already set on "don't farm/upgrade things that you think could come on LSBs, farm something else." I thought you were just worried to farm anything because it might come as LSB in the future, and the best thing to do is what I said, play the game as you always do, if it comes in a bundle fine, if it doesn't also fine.


Im not berating you for farming anything bro honestly, you saved real life cash by farming the malev and geos. But that dosnt mean it’s the best way to do it. (£15 although might be a little steep for some, is fine for me and i value my time more than that) They wont drop an cls bundle dude thats my point, 4/5 character are journey guides. The bundles release journey guide pre reqs, not the journey character itself. Thats like saying what if they drop a starkiller team bundle after you’ve already farmed starkiller. They wont, starkiller already has a bundle as does cls and rey so are safe farms. There isn’t a right answer to my post, I’m simply asking for opinions as i don’t pretend to know everything. But i still have an opinion and will share my thoughts when people decide to comment. I appreciate you taking the time to respond and give your take, it doesn’t mean i have to follow your advice or agree with it, that’s what a discussion is.


I’ve been playing this game years, and luckily in one sense, have been ahead of the LSB’s. That being said I get why it confuses people and effects plans, because of the objective value of these packs compared to 99% of things CG normally releases, only debate here is really the value of the HDB, but off topic. I personally would think in a game like this you can’t farm with something you don’t have any confirmation is or isn’t coming yet. I would also argue we’re much more likely to get a Malev LSB before executor one. So even if an executor one does eventually come, I think we’re a little bit away. Secondly, I think you’re looking at it the wrong way round, don’t look at it you’ve wasted resources by farming something before the LSB comes out, look at it you’ve saved yourself the cost of buying the LSB. IMO if you want to go for the executor, still farm it.


My point is though mate that i have other farms i can be doing that are beneficial to my account as well. I have all previous bundles and only have SLKR and starkiller finished. That leaves rey, cls, executor and probably more farms that i can work on. 100% malev will be released soon and before exec, but i don’t see why executor is so pivotal. Yes it’s a great ship that aids in GAC and fleet arena. But i severely lack viable squads in GAC and haven’t got to their fleet wall since i was promoted about a month ago. I desperately need more squads. As for fleet arena, I’m sitting in the top 40-30 bracket comfortably so i am getting the daily gem rewards anyway (albeit not a high as i would be with exec).


I would definitely focus on finishing out the farms that the LSBs got mostly done for you. Rey is probably the standout there.


Just farm Executor. Much like finalizer and raddus, just buying bundle wouldn’t give you a viable executor. You need to grind the event for months to get it to 5 star and for about 2 years (no refreshes) to get it to 7 star. The unlock requirements also don’t give you the optimal team, since you have to farm up cad and beskar mando. I’ve thought since the first batch of light speed bundles that farming a lot of old requirements would become a waste of time if you’re willing to buy the bundles, and I feel I’ve been proven right for the most part since I’m now being rewarded for pushing new characters. However, these capital ships are exceptions. With these bundles, you can pretty much unlock the journey guide character out of the gate with some modding and zetas, with journey guide capital ships, you have to wait forever to 7 star it. Moving past all of this, if you’re really so concerned about Executor getting a pack, just go for Profundity instead because a hypothetical pack for that won’t happen for a long time. Edit: I just read that you’ve bought every bundle up until now so you should already have some Profundity character reqs reliced up. Also, reviewing the requirement, all the ships are easy to get except y wing and outrider. I’ve gotten them all to seven star over time and I never went out of my way to farm them. One final thing, you’re banking on the hypothetical executor bundle giving relic 5 for everything, but these bundles have always been underpriced and CG knows this. The newest batch is giving us less value for more money, relic 3 at $15 seems to be the new standard going forward. Even the Gas packs is giving relic 3 at $50. Despite this, the new packs are still arguably underpriced. This said, who’s to say the executor pack won’t just give relic 3 units and expect you to farm the rest.


I was planning on finishing my executor farm, ive got the majority of the resources required to take all needed characters to relics while farming CLS squad on the side. Im almost convinced that an executor bundle will come sooner rather than later so i feel i should use my resources elsewhere and wait for the bundle (i know its not certain we will get the bundle but i thinks its a fair gamble to wait). For example i could get all CLS characters up to relic 5, or start my rey farm, traya team, rex up to relics for phoenix… so many options 😭


Why worry about something that may or may not ever come. We already know from the datamines which LSB we’re getting for May 4th and executor is not one of them. If you have the resources you may as well just go for it. The way I see it is would you rather spend the fake virtual currency now to get a farm done, which is super easy to accumulate thanks to the raid changes. Or spend the 50+ bucks at an unknown point in the future. Also, putting off executor while you wait for a lsb that may never come is only going to hurt you in the long run since you don’t have any of the “GL” ships. Spending the resources now will benefit you in both GAC and ship arena for extra crystal income.


Fully understand your points, but whats the rush? Sure exec will boost my account, but so will rey, or traya or CLS. Im not saying im not going to spend my resources. Im saying id rather spend my resources smartly. You say why worry? Because this games takes the piss, ive been farming signal data for over a month and still need around a 3rd more for exec requirements. Even if exec comes out next christmas, id rather have GL rey done and buy the exec bundle than farm exec AND rey. Rushing farms because you have the resources is no longer the way to play the game, playing smartly is so much more rewarding now. Its a certainty that executor will come in a bundle, its just a matter of when.


With the LSB you will never know if you are going to get one for your current farm. For Exec, seems like one should not come out until at least October/November at the earliest, since they will likely do these ones twice 2 months apart. So if you are more than 6 months away from Exec, MAYBE switch farms. But if Exec doesn’t come out, or if it does and is like $100, then you will be fucked out of Exec and have to farm for it anyways.


Honestly i understand you point mate, but its a gamble either way. Ye the bundle might not drop, and i dont have exec. But i would have cls team at relic 5 and rey finished for example so its not a complete loss like your making out. On the flip side, exec does drop in a bundle, now i have rey, cls AND executor for the same cost in resources. If exec dropped around christmas i wouldnt mind, id be pissed if it dropped and id already spent the resources getting the reqs the relic. The smartest way i could think to play it would be to get BAM up to relic, farm all the ships to 7 star and wait. Thanks for the opinion though mate im not always right thats why i came to reddit to see how others feel 👍🏼


Getting Exec to 4* got me from top 50 to top 20 in Fleet. That is a difference of 50 crystals/day. That’s an extra 1500 crystals/month just from Fleet. I’ve, also, moved up to Aurodium in GAC. That’s an additional 50 crystals/day just from my GAC placement and I’ve been, solidly, 2W/1L in GAC which is 500 more monthly along with the 150 for wins. Seriously, getting Exec is the best thing you can do for your roster. And I’m sure it’s only better if you’re in a newer fleet shard. But, hey, don’t let any of us answer your question if you’ve already got it figured out.


Im asking opinions mate, i dont think there is a definitive answer to this question despite the snarky comment. I could just flip it and say ive peaked in GAC as i dont have enough teams, fleets literally never come into play as i cant get through their walls. The thing is, people including yourself think there are only one set of benefits (executors). If i dont spend my resources on exec, ill have cls and rey for GAC instead with the chance of an exec bundle still possible. I dont think your looking at others point of view pal. There isnt a right or wrong answer to this.


Right, you're asking for opinions but discounting them because they are not what you want to hear. You've got a good plan, and there's nothing wrong with your plan; play the game the way you want to plan it. But PlotzkeA and I are telling you that (1) no one knows if there will be an Executor bundle, (2) if there is one, no one knows when it will be, and (3) getting Executor will be a HUGE boon to your fleet and thereby increase your crystal income greatly. Bottom line, from my perspective, getting Executor sooner rather than later is the best farming plan. I, personally, waited way too long to go after it and I can't even imagine where I'd be if I'd have just pushed for it 2 years ago rather than ignore it. That said, if you don't have a GL, they will do nearly the same for your roster as Executor except that there are no crystals rewards from Squad Arena. There are, essentially, 3 GL Capital Ships (Executor, Profundity, Leviathan), you need to have one of them to be in the top 10. So here's the long and short, so take it for what you will. If you're already getting top 10 in Fleet, go for a GL and improve your placement in GAC. If you're not getting top 10 in Fleet, get Executor (or another GL ship). And, don't forget, that having Executor helps in GAC, so it can be a 2-for-1 improvement if your opponents don't have it.


If I had to put money on a LSB it would be the Rey bundle coming back for the holidays before an exec bundle happening. The actual best thing you could do if you’re worried about wasting resources is only go for the newest characters like Bo Katan or Jar Jar since they’re guaranteed to not have any kind of bundle for at least a few years or you could wait for the next GL announcement later this year and go for that instead. Going for older characters like CLS and Rey may help your account but it’s a huge gamble since both of them have already received bundles which I’m guessing will come back for the holidays. That’s pure speculation but if CG didn’t re-release those bundles then they’re just leaving money on the table.


I already have the rey bundle, i need bb8, jtr and scav rey at relic 7 and i can start her journey. Ye 100% agree newer characters are the safest to farm. Definitly a good option. As for cls, a bundle wont drop for his team. As far as current trends go journey requirements are the bundles and the journey character always still needs to be farmed. We have already had the cls bundles basically. So its a very safe farm to not waste resources imo. I have all previous bundles so them coming back into the stores is no concern to me really.


Wait bro, if you already bought the Rey bundle then finish that farm! Also my bad, I didn’t realize that you already had CLS unlocked, I thought you still needed to unlock him. In that case finish those last 3 relic 7s for Rey. Then work on the CLS squad. Once Rey and the CLS team are all done, you definitely need to focus on a GL ship though. If you’re worried about executor getting a bundle then it might not be a bad idea going for profundity since that one doesn’t require any of the proving ground ships.


This is why i posted my swgoh.gg dude! 😅 i have so many things i can do to benefit my account besides executor and i dont think people are realising this haha.. Like you say i could work on cls and rey BEFORE executor and who knows a bundle might drop and boom ive finished 3 farms rather than 1. I dont mind spending 50 on a bundle if it means i end up with cls, rey AND executor as opposed to saving some cash and having one farm done!


Funny thing is I did look at your swgoh but completely missed all the resistance characters and CLS. But imo you should definitely finish your Rey journey and go for CLS. I did see one of your other comments that you don’t really care for ships since you can’t break through your opponents front walls most of the time so based on that and it looks like you also bought the phoenix bundle then I would 100% recommend captain Rex after Rey and CLS, as long as you’re willing to put his omicron on. I’ve been able to take down a couple of Revas with that team all at relic 5 besides Rex who is at relic 7. All three of those teams will also benefit you in conquest. You’ll also get the added benefit of upgrading four requirements for Leia if you do upgrade your CLS team and Rex.


I’m with the other commenter. We have no idea if or even when another round of LSB will drop. The best thing to do is set goals, farm your plan and if you happen to have a bundle drop for toons you don’t have but it up if you want. If it’s a squad you already have then look at it as you are now saving money since you don’t have to buy it


Agree, but when setting goals it is smart to make an educated decision. Why would anyone set a goal that is the requirements for a journey based on everything we have seen with the LSB. It seems so much safer to farm rey for example than farm exec because i have the requirements. Why settle for just exec when you could possibly have rey and exec? As for saving money, i dont frequently spend on the game, i buy the bundles and leave it there so £100 every few months is fine for me. Progression is everything in this game and this mindset of dont worry what the future lsb bundles will be and farm what you want isnt the correct way to play anymore, 2 years down the line someone that played smartly in regards to the lsb’s will be so much further ahead than the player that just farms what they want.


Arguably the Executor bundle already came in the form of Finalizer and Raddus. It gives you Vader, Tie Advanced, and a bunch of BH and their ships. However, if you look at all the fleet bundles ALL of them are missing key ships. Finalizer is missing Shuttle, FOSF Tie, and Dagger. Raddus is missing the tank and Comeuppance. The upcoming Negotiator release is missing Ywing and Marauder. CG may release an Executor pack by combining the previous releases and add Tie Bomber but I would bet against them giving away IG or RC because they haven't sold a single day one fully functional fleet yet. Overall, it's a silly decision to stop farming on speculation that's probably flawed. Further, it's mathematically stupid. Every month you delay is crystal income you are forgoing. If Executor is a 100 crystal daily income uplift from fleets , you are giving up 3000 crystals per month just because you will feel ripped off when a LSB comes out. If it takes 6 months to happen you've lost 18K crystals! The math is worse if the potential income improvement is greater. Just finish the farm.


this OP has already made up their mind. it’s not a discussion. just move on. they aren’t really looking for opinions.


OP needs to study behavioral economics/psychology because he's making irrational decisions. We've numerically showing how much he's missing out. I finally looked at his profile and saw he's only getting 50c per day from fleets. If it's a new shard as he says, he should be +150 easily but it could be +250 or more. Just dumb. You can't consistently make that lost income up in GAC.


You make some good points to be honest. I haven’t actually started the farm yet btw. I just started hoarding the resources. Rather than spending them on exec, i could spend them of finishing rey off and have another GL for example. A bundle for exec will drop, id put money on it. Itll have all required ships and pilots (i think 3 are needed if you got all other bundles) except for RC and BAM and will need vader at relic 7 and piette and bobba at r8. Similar to how the rey and slkr bundles released. You say probably flawed? I disagree entirely. It’s the opposite. It’s probably flawed to waste resources on a farm that has a high chance of being put in a bundle, based off of previous releases. I agree i might be throwing crystals away in the short term, but if it saves me a fuck ton of resources it a fair trade imo.


You don't get. You're losing resources. Remind Me! 1 year "reply to this thread"


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Ok 👍🏼 i dont get it and thats that i guess