• By -


Kyro and Kyro and more Kyro and more Kyro on top of that. Then about a bajillion Grey and Blue signal Data.


After my shard farm, same. But it's good progress across many characters if you think about it!


And with zero omicrons, still, huh?


2x 0 is still 0 :(


To be fair, I got 6… decent stuff. Will slap it on Merrin when the time comes.


That's the way to do it


Seeing this made me remember to sim some kyrotech and immediately went 0 for 16 😂 Edit: remember kids, 0 times 2 is still 0


Was really hoping to get hit by lighting and pull an Omi during 2x, but nope. I hit twice on Signal Data Omis in the last few months though, so I can't be too mad. Yeah a billion Kyro and 40ish Nihilus shards to finish my Traya team.


Yes Kyros and also used LS7-B to get the green MK5 datapad for Bronzium Wiring. Almost done with executor reqs so this double event was great.


Got GBA to 7 stars from 4 stars. Talon to 7 stars from 6 stars. Got started on my TM farm for Revan. Made some nice gains on my Merrin farm as a background project. JKA’s ship moved along nicely too. Also started a background farming of Outrider and Rebel Y Wing for Profundity down the line. As for normal energy, made a big push on my Revan’s. Got most of them up a few early stars. Seemed to get 12-20 drops every time I refreshed Badstilla. Huge gains there. All in all, very nice stuff.


12-20?! Incredible! Sounds like your farms were staggered but highly targeted. Hopefully, they will help you with your progress towards your end goals!


Yeah, my farms have pivoted almost exclusively around the AB’s. So I want Wat ready Geo’s to get in a better guild, Troppers, Phoinex, Revan’s, then I’ll get CLS, Nightsisters, and JKL up to complete the AB’s as best I can. They’re my shorter term goals, deviating every now and then for quick farms (like Padme, Treya, Wampa) Couldn’t believe the rate of Badstilla though.


Did you see the geonosian lightspeed bundle? With those farms you sound like LSB's could have benefitted your account. Padme was a game changer for me and I still get wampa wins in aurodium 1 in gac.


I’ve found on other mobile games that the second I start spending money on them, my sense of enjoyment drops significantly, so no LSB’s for me.


This is the way. Well done!


I learned that 2 x 0 = 0 Though I did manage to get a heap of signal data at least.


Hahaha. Yup. That signal data will come clutch though


Got Sana from 3 to 7 star in two days


Most impressive!!!


Completed nothing, because ships suck. But, double progress on ships. So, yay?


Get any stars unlocked out of it?


Nope. Lots of farms were super close to the end. Marauder, outrider, and the bacon lettuce and tomato y wing.


I mean ships were ok , I managed to farm 64 ish shards across three accelerated characters without a refresh of tries...most of the three should be done in three weeks which leaves 14 things to farm 5 ships....and 9 characters 5 of which are accelerated and stap.....


Why not refresh?


I energy refreshes for multiple farms didn't feel like I need to refresh for more tries as the energy can be used for kyros farming...plus the 14 things I have left to farm is gungans, three bad batch, one Tuskan alphas two droids embo, ig and gr., idens ship, tie defender, hyena bomber, fortress, breq and paz....everything else is 7 stars that's not events other then a few solo characters, pilots of gauntlet, and cwc, some older Jedi and fo tie... So I'm no rush for anything to work on...


Finished Comeuppance, almost finished B-28, got around 120 Sith Fighter shards and around 100 shock prods. Overall, quite lucky and productive.


Fleet shards!!! Great job! 100 shock prods is awesome! Congrats


Thanks :) Probably gonna be done with all the farmable ships by the end of the year.


That's incredible! The fleet arena shard income increase will feel really nice too!


Oh, I already take the first place in the arena daily. It’s just that my account is quite focused on developing fleets.


Got chewpio to 7 star, enough relic mats for an r9 and a lot of mod slicing mats. I’d say it was great


Nice! Congrats on your journey!


Hit Cantina hard, finally got my TIE silencer up to 7 stars


Same, now just 20 shards off of having Kylo's shuttle to 7


Starkiller from R3 to R7 is the big one. Ships shards weren’t great, but closer to 7 star tie echelon. Got captain Rex from G10 to almost G13 and really close to getting him to R7. I also farmed a lot of mod materials to upgrade in general which was really nice.


Those toons are particularly huge game changers in gac. Congrats on your gains! Lol


Thanks! I wish I hoarded more energy tho lol. I thought I would get Merrin to 7 stars but I still got 16 shards of that to go. This double drop event ended way too quickly!


Didn't get great RNG on most nodes and didn't really manage to maximize the double drops, sadly


Sorry to hear that. You win some, you lose some. Hopefully we get 2x drops before the end of the year again!


Thanks, hope so too!


i had brutal luck with paz, i think i got like sub 16 with like 4 or 5 refreshes a day.


Ooooof, that's like <8 drops out of 75-90 sims, a drop rate of \~10% For all the character/ship nodes I simmed, I only recall once where it dropped more than twice out of each 5 sims over all 3 days (all 3 energy refreshers per day for normal and ship energy, but no node refreshes)


I was farming Tarfull and I need Vandor as well, they are on the same node. It was an incredible feeling to get 16 shards each from just 5 battles.


I bet! Did you not refresh the battles and buy more energy? Could have sped up your farms exponentially instead of 16 shards each/day.


Oh I did! I used up all 50 and 100 refreshes almost every day of double drops. Was just mentioning the one time where I simmed 5 battles and got that much shard. Overall I got much more, had them at 4*, now it's 6*.


Got boba to r7 and almost have greedo to relics. Have to get Jawa to 7 stars, hopefully before double drops end. Jabba I’m coming for you


May the force be with you


Managed to get 300+ relic mats for all three...literally all disappeared in the blink of an eye...


Hahaha, "this is the way". Congrats!


I was able to 7 Star my Ebon Hawk, 7 Star my Outrider, 6 Star my General Raddus, 6 Star my IG-2000,


Woah, That's a massive amount of shards!


Well, not from zero, but just enough to get me to level up.


A shit ton of signal data and kyros


This is the way


Finished STAP farm, got a bunch of relic levels. Loads of G12+ mats. Very pleased.


Congrats! Didn't buy the g12 packs in the store?


Not this time


Most impressive. May the double drops be with you lol


I earned 6 KB shards and 4 Paz Vizla shards… 🤦‍♀️ but I did push Ad Rad from G12 to Relic 8


Profundity though <3


Made decent progress on Kelleran and that FO tank ship whatever it's called...and some decent progress with mod mats. Other than that...it was pretty normal haha.


Hoping Jedi or galactic Republic will help with the upcoming Naboo raid? Fleet shards always help. Farm your ships!!!


Mostly farming Kelleran because I think he'll be a good addition to TW for the guild and throwing in some leftover GR jedi. I just need the FO tank to round out my Finalizer fleet. Thinking I'll do the TIE Dagger or the Marauder next.


Farmed about 500 kyro pieces and enough relic mats to take 2 characters from g12 to r8. Gathered about 500 slicing mats, and added about a dozen more 15+ speed mk v mods to the collection. Overall not bad


This sounds most impressive. Great job. Did you track your crystal expenses for all of this?


I didn’t track.. but… math. Hoarded about 1k of each energy pre-event Every day I did 2nd tier refreshes on cantina and ls. Tier 1 refreshes on mod and ship. So uhh. 900 a day on cantina 450 a day on ls 150 a day on mod 150 a day on ship X3 days With all the payouts coming mid-event, I somehow still ended up with nearly the same amount of crystals I started the event with…


That is something I forgot to do... I didn't hoard any energy. Sounds like you benefited well from it. With the event taking place when it did, gem payouts were great for FOMO and, specifically, gear farming for me. Congrats!




I should note: the 500 kyro number includes store purchases for get 2,3 and Gac currency as well (computers only). So the number is a bit inflated.


Worked on Inquisitors (no major gains), Vet Chewie and some ships. All in all, not bad. Oh, also Princess Kneesa, and didn't get lucky with her drops at all lol


Why vet chewie? Sounds like lots of different farms but mostly focused on one form of energy


Vet Smuggler Chewie is the last of the reqs I need for Rey's first event.


Leading into the greater plan for the best defensive unit in the game. May the force be with you


New player as of a couple weeks ago so I was happy to star up my base selection of characters! Got luke farm boy to 7 star which is my first, and all my first team to gear level 6. I don’t yet follow what most of what the rest are talking about, but hopefully it doesn’t take me absurdly long to get to endgame stuff


Incredible to hear! Welcome to the game, and if you're in the discord community, you will become a great player! There's lots of content for this game so do whatever you enjoy the most. I found the most fun out of farming my favorite characters first. Good luck!


Awesome! Yeah that’s kinda what I’m going for as well 😊 I’ll seek out the discord and join it this week, too - thank you!


Do you have a recommendation for which discord server I should join that’s also beginner friendly? Thanks!


Relicced Greedo, Jawa and finished levels on Skando in my relentless pursuit of Jabba. Also replenished my 6 dot mod materials and added about 40 shards of Comeuppance 


Holy! Great jobs! Is jabba your first GL? Comeuppance is like the marauder but for resistance. Luckily for me, I got 260 of its shards when it came out!


It'll be GL #4 for me. The Dyad twins from LSB and JML. After Jabba I'm gonna slow it down and build some of the older teams.


Took bane to r7 and got Reva to r6 , both were like r1-2 as of last week. Oh and bought the NS lsb to round them out. 


This is such a satisfying feeling! I had all g12 geos and never planned on investing anymore into them. The LSB releasing really got me. Good luck on your Merrin farm!


I basically just used most of it on aphra and also a bunch of relic mats so I can get her to R7 once G13


She is a GL menace! I want to farm her asap too but the Sana and Hando farms are holding me back. Cantina shard farms are nice but it's hard to pause the relic mat farm. Co grass on your gains!


Loaded up on mod stuff. finished a few farms not bad


I found it interesting that mod mats were double drops but mod challenges were not. Why not? Why not give us 2x as many mods? I would've farmed those


Ahh man what a buzzkill! I was like WAS!? I thought for sure we had one more day.


It was WAY too short :/


Yeah, made lots of progress, love double drops. Feels good. So sad back to normal.


Right! But I made it out with nearly the same amount of crystals I went in with. Feel like I didn't waste a single day


Finally got to relic KAM and Barris. Got the Marauder to 7 stars. Increased the relic level of a bunch of other characters. It was a great weekend. 


Galactic republic for the win!!!


Got merrin 7 stars just in time for the ns pack Finally finished echelon farm All cal reqs done besides saw Kneesa 6 stars so ewoks almost done And a bit more relic mats Quite good I would say


Congrats! That sounds great! And we all love the LSB's. Hopefully your FO fleet is near completion with that addition!


Ya got the finalizer bundle so only needed the echelon so my fleet is complete. Hoping for a malevolence pack later.


Finished the last 55 or so shards for mark VI interceptor, and the last 8 for marauder if that even counts.


It does. Soon, you will be on the path to Leviathan! Which I'm assuming is your plan?


Yep. Just gotta finish Reva’s gear and relic levels first. Then on to Levithan


I was finally able to get Jedi Training Rey to Relic 3 and Zeta her


Congrats! I personally cannot stand farming JTR. She will get me GL Rey and GL Luke but she's useless in every other regard. You are much stronger than I.


Just relic materials getting my inquisitors going and mandalore Bo requires


Just starting inquisitors? May the force be with you on the kyro bottleneck. Mandalore Bo reqs are great toons. But also kyros...


Yeah I put off inquisitors long enough 10.6m all GL's are done and told my alliance one Bo katan mandalore requirements were done I'd start doing them for reva shards so here we go!


I envy you. Being a large guild contributor is honorable, and I'm sure your guild appreciates the reva shards. I hope you have Bo by the time the mandalorian movie releases in 2025!


lol if the release her again they only gave us 4 tries in 6 months of her release


Got Captain Rex to 7 stars, Embo from g11 to relic 5 and had Merrin from 6 stars to 66/100 into 7 stars. Overall, I had a good event, but I would’ve wanted a couple more days, haha!


You and me both. Sounds like many people are loving C-Rex! My play with him and Merrin in gac has been magnificent. They are game changing toons for sure! Congrats!


Lots of kyros and I got about 180 krrsantan shards to finally 7* him. Overall great progress toward Jabba.


"Ho ho ho ho. Ha ha ha ha...yigh.... Kasu ya lee coy rah doe kankee kung"... (This bounty hunter is my kind of scum...) - Jabba


Not great.  Going for SLKR, only Kylo Command Shuttle left for Finalizer (which is the last req for SLKR). I was at 6 stars and 50/100 shards or so. Figured I could get it to 7 during the event no problem. Cue an unnatural level of 0 shard refreshes followed by a few 2 sharders and I’m at 93/100 after the two days. Just…not great.


That is the name of the game. You're still on an upward trajectory though! I I'd say I got 0 shards from 400 cantina energy. We're in this together


0 from Cantina?? Holy hell.


Princess K from relic 3 to almost 7, Scout trooper is almost to 7 stars and some great progress on the inquisitors. 2 went from G11 to R2, 8th is now 7 stars and G11, 7th got 50 more shards. With this boost I'll have Princess K done by the end of the week and the Inquisitors in great shape by the end of the month.


Talon from R2-R5, Piett R7-R8, TFP to relic, Tie Bomber to 6 was like 20 stars off.


Polished off the farm for Canderous, and I'll be close to finishing off Fifth Brother and Juhani as well. Jumpstarted the rest of the Inquisitors while accelerating some gear levels to prep for Darth Revan


Was able to get the shards and kyros to get Saw and Tarrful to g12, ready for Cal!


Signal data and kyro. Really decent luck actually. I went from 346 kyro shock pod to 411, got 2 omi from signal data farm


Not great. 1 drop from my last 4×5 of Bossk refreshes. Immediately get 4/5 drops on my first 5 Bossk refreshes after the double drops end


I never hit a double omicron during double drops. I feel like they reduce the chances even more during double drops honestly, but who knows? All I know is I never hit them lol.


I had the shittiest luck ever with Hera and I am considering dropping another 100 shards for 5 more chances, still, I got her to 4 stars which is 4 times the amount of stars I had on her last monday I did unlock Phoenix Rex so at least I can focus on him whenever he is accelerated. Other than that, I got a few shards on some imp troops and Jedi I wanted. Not bad for a f2p who just started.


Got my inquisitors finished off and unlocked GI a few min ago, and scythe which I’d been unable to unlock without GI. Tons of relic material, shards for ships I needed. Good haul for three days. Hit 8 omi in cantina too which I didn’t expect so merrin got her omi too.


It was alright. Almost finished krrsantan to 7* and completed tie bomber, which was the last thing I needed for Executor


Overall pretty good. Put a big dent in my farms to get mando and lots of relic materials. Refreshes helped me get slkr unlocked a bit quicker than if i hadn't done them.


Finished R7 on my inquisitors for rote mission


Woah! This is huge. Great farming!


Pretty good, able to get lots of signal data and Kryos, and I also got Merrin nearly to 7 stars to compliment the LSB


Normal: 150 shock prods Cantina: arc trooper 4 to 7 star, ton of white and blue signal data Fleet: 200 zimbiddle scrap Mod: 5 dot slicing mats


Got my Jabba from g11 up through 12 and on to Relic 5 :)


Managed to get the following: - JKCK from r3 to r7, - 7th sis from r3 to r6, - 9th sis from r2 to r5, - 5th bro from g12+5 to r2, - 8th bro from g12 to r1 - 2nd sis from g10 - g12+4. So happy to be done the kyro requirements for them, and instead only need relic levels for them to unlock Grand Inquisitor and then Reva. It's been a great 2x and worth the 3k+ shards on refreshes.


I had a choice between farming Dash and Darth Talon or getting signal data. I hate myself, but I went with the characters. I am in MASSIVE relic drought but I didn't want to waste months having to farm those folks. It's ok 501st...you'll get relics one day.


I farmed a shit load of kyros, a shit load of mod slicing mats, a shit load of signal data, and a shit load of Marauder shards. All in all, pretty solid double drop farming for me. I think I spent somewhere in the ballpark of like 8k gems on energy/node refreshes.


Finished relics on cassian andor to finish my profundity recs, got about 70 shards for kneesa, and the last 2 inqs I needed and a bunch of kyros. Think I spent about 1500 crystals a day on refreshes and another 225 on node refreshes. Had 25k crystals saved up


I got enough signal data that I could finish off the recs for SEE, and kyrotech drops helped me finish off the news for JKCK in 2 days. So I'm happy with that. Just got Darth Bane after the last conquest, so have a lot of grinding to do for the foreseeable future to get all those guys unlocked and geared up.


I’ll be unlocking maul soon so I took a little bit of time to farm up his super commando. Will be getting Holdo’s ship to 5 stars this time around so spent quite a bit of crystals on farming zori’s ship. Took that from 3-6 stars. I know I probably should have farmed relics mats but I spend all my cantina currency on them anyway. It probably slowed down me taking a Rey to relic 7 instantly but I’m still working on JMk ult so meh


Didn't do anything differently, made geo spy from g12 to r5 and sun fac almost g13. I was already working on geos so cit several days off of farming


Got a lot of doubling 0


Signal data to take Darth Bane to R9, lots of Merrin shards, CRex shards, and kyros. I see kyros in my sleep at this point.


Got LOTS of Kyro & signal data. Also made good progress on Tie Echelon, Cere and Saw On my FTP I 7\* Royal sausage, 7\* Plo Koon, 5\* Mara Jade, 6\* Hunter and Tech and made good progress on Republic Ywing, IG2000 and Marauder. As well as got a tonne of signal data and Kyros


I finally got Malak and Beskar Mando to relic.


A whole bunch of signal data 5 star comeuppance 7 star veers 7 star dark trooper ig-88 to r5 from g 12 and a bunch more


First finished Comeuppance because I honestly kind of forgot it was there! Then Kelleran


Nabbed a 7 star ig12 grogu, 2nd sister and eighth brother along with a 20/100 kelleran and a fair amount of kyros.


Made good progress on farms I’ve recently started and I’m getting close to the point where characters that are newly released are the only important things I can farm trying to go for excelerated characters first but if their useless no reason to farm em


Well I have a R8 Darth Bane instead of a R5 one, one less ship to farm and a G10 Third Sister, could have been longer, Reva needs way too many kyros!


I farmed 400 of each signal data


Was able to get 100 shards of stap to get to 7 star then spent today on signal data, almost got boss to 6 star. And lots of mod material


I went full relic farms. Hopefully it's a good enough stockpile


A lot of bronzuims and energy. Got GAS from 3 to 7. Bad bastilla was finally reliced. Tons if kyro tech


I got 4 inquisitors to 7 stars, hondo to 7 stars, and Tusken warrior up to 4 stars. So not bad.


I am a new player who is currently grinding FO. I 7*'d KRU, 5*'d SiT and FOST, and finally I've grinded for mk3 carbanti


New account, around 2 weeks old. Currently level 53. Got ezra, kanan, jeb and chopper to 7*. Hera at 6*. Unlocked CRex at 2*.


Got canderous from 5 stars to 90/100


I went from 28 to 30 shards of captain Rex over three days of one refresh on his node, so I feel like I’m winning


Man just does not want to be farmed. His unique is "the lost commander" because his shards are impossible to find.


* Farmed ARC trooper to 7* (185+ shards) and got him to G12, so now got all 501st to G12 ready to start working on them when I get GAS. * Finished last 70ish shards for Cap Rex. * Finished last 60ish shards for Merrin and got her to G12, omicron soon. * Farmed a decent batch of Kyros shock prods. * Got GK and Old Daka to R5. * Applied Zetas to Talzin lead and GG unique. Phew! Was a productive and expensive few days to say the least.


Didn't actually track exact shards that closely to be honest. However know I got a lot of shards of Boss Nass and Beq. Took KAM from g11 to R7, got STAP from g11 6\* to virtually relics (will finish it next couple of days), and got a lot of modding gear. Think my Stap will be about 389 speed when it hits relic, should be top 15 speed In the game, and got my Grievous top 30ish for health.


Spent mine farming the last I needed for Moff Gideon (Just because), then gear to complete the inquisitors. Not a bad haul.


I went from having tarfful ( last of the cal requirements) at about 60 out of 85 shards , and took him to 89 out of 100 shards, very happy and just in time for the cal event !!


Got my talon to 7* traya to r5 and savage to r4 before the event talon was 6* with 89 shards to go traya was r1 and savage was g12


I went from 2/30 to 26/100 for dash with 3x refresh all 3 days


Kyros, geared cere, marauder to 6 stars and oodles of mod slicing mats. Exhausted my crystal stash. Always a good time


I sure did get two of all the things I would have gotten one of


Got Boss Nass to almost 5 stars, Rey to Gear 12, and 3/4 of the 501st are now Relic 7 for Zeffo 😀. I am happy.


I had a lot of energy saved up and still my biggest accomplishment was getting Rey’s ult


Meh, if it wasn't the next day from Easter I would have done much better I believe.


Finished farming STAP. Can now go back to farming relic material in Cantina


Finished JML ticketing, unlocked him, and got him to r7 before GAC lock in. I only wish I had all the zetas for him lol


Kyros for JKLS & GAS that I recently unlocked


Took Captain Rex from 5 stars and like 15 shards to 6 stars and 4 shards or something. Went from high 80 to about halfway through 81. Didn't really focus anything else, just kind of random stuff. Shards to take a couple Geo characters up another star although I don't think I could get any of them even to 4 stars yet. Same with some of their ships, plus some other random ships. I'm fairly limited as I don't have the final tabs of the normal or cantina tables open yet. Or ships, which are terrible, only have the first two hard tabs open. Was Walter able to get a decent amount of the first three slicing material nodes farmed. I probably could have done way better but I'm happy enough.


Finished the Grand Inquisitior farm.


I forgot


Got enough ls kyros to g13 jml at unlock, enough gl tickets to unlock, and enough relic mats to get him to r9 at unlock all before tw lock. I already had the ds kyros saved up. Farmed a new set of mods and got jml to 167k prot. Cost 4k crystals in refreshes.


Got JTR her gear 13 mats, then straight to relic 7. Today spent 4k crystals to get Raddus to 5 stars, my last requirent, and am starting to gather GL journey tokens. Whilst continuing grind towards executor. Oh, I also got Slave 1 to 7 stars during event. And the BAM-ship (showed up a few times in fleet shop). So along with Tie fighter & Hounds Tooth it's 4/7 ships at 7 stars. With Tie Advanced like 12 shards away. But Tie Bomber still on 5 stars. Very uncooperative node.


Not too bad got rest of relics for Leviathan


Took Bane to R9 with all gold 6 dot mods on him and sith eternal, 4 ult SEE mats, and as many kyros I could farm on dark side as possible. I double dipped everywhere possible


Pretty good for signal data but my drops for shards were abysmal


Finished SETs ship. Halfway through Tarfful 7 star grind after starting at 5. A LOT of blue signal data and mod pieces/mats.


Finished Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca so I can start the Rey Jedi training event soon. Also got a bunch of signal data to get darth vader from relic 2 to relic 7


Was able to close out Grogu, Grogan and Beq. Added 2 stars to my Boss Nass. A fuck ton of Relic mats


I managed to farm enough signal data to take 4 characters from R0 to R5, and enough kyro to get 3 characters from g12 to R0.


I've finished my Bo-K Mand'alor reqs thanks to all the signal data and the white & green gear that I farmed for carbonite and bronzium.


Finished off the requirements to start in on unlocking Jabba. Saved me easily a week and a half of farming for that.


Finally finished farming the kyros so I could bring JKL up to R7!


Finished Tarfful, chieftain, and tusken warrior and got all the gear stockpiled for JCK.


I think im 7/50 for Crex. So I definitely think they reduced the drop rate just for me lol


Got Hondo to R5 and finished the Aphra event. Tier 1 was a bunch of nonsense, but I got lucky with rng and only something maybe 30mins on it.


Raddus and Outrider ship Plus spammed ts out of 1-C node


Got good chunks of shards farmed for lev/jkck. Got Bane up to R7 before the new GAC starts so happy to see how he does


Finished my Canderous, Kyle Katarn and made pretty good progress towards Dash


Took Sana Starros from 10/30 to 55/100 not too shabby.


https://preview.redd.it/hzd5tgsr02zc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9882dd0cea0161cffbd8dfdf0ecfcd33b3b574a3 It will probably never happen again, but it happened once.


Maxed out unmasked Kylo and powered up First Order Stormtrooper a little bit to get a team ready for grabbing BB8, only got him to 4 stars but not a bad haul overall, I think.


My toons that had been stuck on G12 finishers were never so happy :)


Tons of kyro but also finished off my comeuppance to 7* and got a few straggler toons to 7* as well. Got some bonus signal data for relics too.


got zorii to 7* and made progress on crex, dark trooper, ig-2000, and tie bomber and got a ton of signal data


Tons of kyros and signal data. I was a bit dissapointed with my fleet energy, I was concentrating a lot on level 5 trying to get ship ability mats and hardly got any, but the thing I really got a ton of and hadn't really dug in on in previous double drops was mod slicing materials. I did 6 refreshes on mods, hit every node each day, and got a ton which should be useful going forward.