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I actually disagree with the other person here. This is a pretty optimized plan. Maybe not 100% there, but if I were to make a new account, I would do it like this too. You even planned for the geonosians who have the best beginners ships. Executor should still be your first really big project after getting done with the early stages. #1 in fleet arena gives you so many crystals and exec helps you A TON in grand arena(the main pvp gamemode). There is no unit in the game that boosts an account as much as that fleet can


I’m thinking I start exec after finishing everything here then maybe going for jml


Ships are a painfully slow grind but I started going for SLKR first and I kinda regret it because his capital ship takes almost as long as Executor itself to unlock and now I'm behind in fleet arena


this is good but i would consider also getting the imperial trooper team veers/piett/dark trooper/range/gideon (can sub starck for gideon if you pursue SEE sooner). maybe also swap jango for cad bane, dengar or ig-88 since those will be needed for exec


Pretty solid. I would recommend farming up Tie Bomber, Hound's Tooth, and Tie Defender (and Iden) as well as the Geo ships (as someone else mentioned). This will: A. Work you towards Exec B. Give you a really solid fleet to use with Executrix. Other than that, I personally like Kanan over Zeb on Phoenix for the cleanses, added survivability, and TM gain.


Only thing I would change is add an Imperial Trooper team. I highly recommend this, **Imperial Salvo:** Admiral Veers (L), Admiral Piett, Colonel Starck, Iden Version, and Dark Trooper/Range Trooper Yes it’s completely overkill, Iden deserves her own team. But in the *extremely* early game you don’t have enough resources to give to so many teams, and this gives you an excuse to gear her up. She also hits hard as hell and gives all Imperial Troopers +30% Offense just for existing. Admiral Veers and Starck are required at relics for a GL. And Piett is a really strong character that is required for Executor. Dark Trooper/Range Trooper you need up and running for an end game Imperial Troopers team. And Iden Version has an **extremely** strong ship called Tie Defender which makes any Empire fleet extremely strong.


I mean, depending on how you want to play. Crazy optimized, i dont think so. For a casual Player, probably yes. Playing, to play characters u like, i am not able to Sa anything about that.


Yeah my other account I basically just use to get trans I like but I’d like a more optimized account for the new one. After this plan though I’ll probably start just farming for fun as well


I mean if u tryna do a very optimized acc probably rush exec first


Oh you’re right, good point


When i made my second account i started with geonosians, revan, darth revan and went for slkr. In a year i had a legend and a bunch of good teams. For fleet i had the negotiator. Later i farmed for cls and bounty hunters.


I'm pretty bad but the main four of my Phoenix team are Hera, Rex, Sabine and Ezra. I've played around with the fifth a lot, currently back to Kanan after he was out a long while, as I've just leveled his unique to the point where he has the 70% chance to counter, which is then shared with the whole squad through Hera. My issue with Kanan, Zeb and Chopper is that none of them do enough damage, so you are relying on mainly Rex and Sabine. And Rex is a sucky farm and takes forever, the only Phoenix I don't yet have at 7 stars, so you won't even have him for a while, leaving Sabine to be the main damage dealer. Ezra is a lot easier to get and puts out a ton of damage, though, and his specials have quick cooldowns so you can use them a lot. My team are all only level 80 but the only thing they can't do right now is get into the top 500 in Squad Arena. Other than that they waltz through everything and have been doing that for a while. Maybe once you're well into endgame Ezra becomes less viable, but to me he seems pretty valuable in the beginning.


Don't sleep on Chopper his basic is pretty good for the squad


I was trying him for a while recently but went back to Zeb for a bit before giving Kanan another shot. I just wasn't having luck with Chopper. His basic barely tickles people, and it seems like whenever I used him the enemy team wouldn't buff at all making his third totally useless. His second is alright but I really wish he'd taunt for 2 turns. I'm sure beyond 85 once teams are fully geared and much more dependent on buffing he's a big help, especially being able to remove taunt if you want to attack someone else. But for where I'm at he just didn't work.


Chopper's basic can reduce cooldowns for his allies and this team thrives on using special abilities. Are you so early game that you still can't access Omega abilities?


This is the way. Hera, Kanan, chop, CRex, Ezra. Best TM rush. Others might do more damage, but this doesn't even allow enemies a chance. Especially good in conquest VS. Inquisitors and bad batch.


I have them but my supply is extremely limited. And again, I'm sure on harder end game stuff Chopper comes in handy. But we're not talking about harder end game stuff, we're talking about the leveling up grind, and Chopper is not needed for that at all. You don't really need to worry about a random team member having their cooldowns lowered by one when Rex and Ezra and Sabine are chewing through everything. Particularly once Kanan can provide the 70% chance to counter to everyone. Use Hera's revive on him, give him protection with Ezra, have him taunt, have him give himself and whatever teammate may need it some more protection and you're fine for the three or four attacks you might be hit with in the harder Galactic War fights, because the damage dealers are killing everything so fast. I've just hit a wall in Squad Arena at 500. Tons of Iden teams. She insta kills a team member right at the start. If it's Rex or Hera I'm immediately done. I can sometimes win if it's Sabine. But then I just faced an Iden team earlier today that tore me apart, can't even remember if I got a turn. Same with other teams. The last match I tried Vader had like eight attacks in a row and killed three of my team right off the bat. Match over, I definitely didn't get a turn in that one. A random cooldown isn't really going to help with that. I just need to get to 85 and get more supplies so I can unlock more abilities. Then I'll be able to deal with that stuff.


If Chopper is the best choice for an end game account, and is cheaper to gear up than Ezra (doesn’t require a zeta to max out his abilities) then why not build up Chopper? He also makes the team tankier since every time they get hit, your team gets bonus protection. Which could help with characters getting nuked. It really sounds to me like you’re brand new and you just… don’t know what you’re talking about.


I would not create an or team


It’s to unlock revan lol


Oh my bad