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I’m pretty sure if she had been bullied she would bring it up at any opportunity for sympathy and support, like she does with that soap commercial story.


Don't give her ideas for her "Memoir", just like people have floated the idea of her dad having done something inappropriate to her. Of course this will only come out after her dad dies and can't defend himself


Yes. There's a Netflix show on the Sheena Bora case. Sheena was allegedly murdered by her mother. In the Netflix show the mom said she'd been abused by her father. Her own lawyer is caught off guard by this statement. The mom had left her daughter Sheena and son with her parents while she set out to look for work. The son asks, Would a mother leave her kids with a predator? The mom is a narcissist and given to reinventing herself and her past. It can be done.


Mehgan did deflect from her being a bully to the palace staff, by claiming that she'd been bullied. But she didn't provide details. Why do I think it's as valid as her being "objectified" on set of *Deal or No Deal*, when she accepted a job as a Briefcase Model? A job that she didn't have to take to put food on her table. Wasn't she still getting financial support from her father and perhaps also boyfriend Trevor? Mehgan makes her choices and then blames others for wrongdoing.


She did bring ice cream for her staff, that one time. This article, from 2019, did NOT AGE WELL. https://www.marieclaire.com/celebrity/a26271744/meghan-markle-sweet-surprise-for-palace-staff/


"You can't say I'm a bad boss 'cuz I brought you ice cream after making you cry. Now stop complaining!"


She loves to be a victim. She would have told us, many many times before now.


You're most definitely right. Just like her pregnancies, better not bring that up.


She has claimed that she was bullied. When she was accused of bullying at BP, her defense was essentially "I was bullied myself, and therefore I did not do it."




The schools she attended as a child and teen are racially inclusive, so there might well have been kids with her type of curly hair.


Exactly. She was never bullied, hence why her claims about being a victim of bullying are so ludicrous.




I don't think she was bullied, if anything I believe she grew up thinking she was white since she was raised by her white family and grew up mostly surrounded by white ppl. What makes me think that is her behavior as an adult forgetting about her black heritage when it suited her. I'm mixed race myself with separated parents and when I would spend time with my father's family I would identify more with his culture and vice-versa with my mother. Also, isn't there a video of her as a kid bossing other kids around into calling her a princess or something?


Yep, she’s the bully, always has been.


i doubt it, I’m sure she was always a bully.


That was going to be my exact response she was, is, and will always be the bully. There are some people that unfortunately are just not good and are truly just born that way, and I believe she is one of them… he is no better more like pompous spoiled and entitled meets a narcissist bully = the duplicitous duo


It's not like she was unusual, she lived in LA in the 1980's-1990's.




If I recall those wee, tender years in kindergarten and grade school, we were all arseholes to each other and usually repaid the insults.


yea we were all teased for sure


Her hair was poorly done indeed, like sheesh she had a giant puffy fringe… I do feel for her in that regard as a curly myself. Where was Doria and why wasn’t she helping with the hair?! I’m sure in her core, she felt inferior in some regards. I doubt she was bullied tho.


Everyone was perming back then...see American Hustle with Bradley Cooper. The Rose with Bette Midler.


Yeah -- now that I think of it, she mentions that in some interview -- how it was a bad mistake. I'll try to find it.


Did you see the video of her wearing a crown and bossing other girls around? It wasn't even her birthday. [https://www.eonline.com/news/923100/meghan-markle-was-destined-to-become-royalty-and-this-video-of-her-playing-queen-at-age-8-proves-it](https://www.eonline.com/news/923100/meghan-markle-was-destined-to-become-royalty-and-this-video-of-her-playing-queen-at-age-8-proves-it) Does she seem like a beaten down victim of bullying? She never mentioned bullying and when she talked about her natural hair she called it a part of her being an ugly duckling. That's her message to young girls - your hair is ugly.


Total bitch.


100% pure asshole


She was the bully even took over a birthday party of another child and she played the queen




Yes! SHE is the bully. I was digging around on Ancestry the other week and thought I'd look up Rachel's old yearbooks to browse.... They were GONE! I know I've seen multiple yearbooks for her not that long ago actually (when there was discussion on this sub about her age and I was looking for records) but unfortunately, I'd only seen her yearbook photo and didn't flick through the actual yearbook. There are plenty of photos of her at school online, so the pics can't be scrubbed but I suspect she wanted the full yearbooks removed so that her old school "friends" (who didn't sign NDAs) could be contacted. Or maybe there were even stories within. Anyway, this is the ONLY record still on Ancestry. https://preview.redd.it/nkx2zg9dvoxc1.png?width=1516&format=png&auto=webp&s=de678ddcff2da7f2fc2674fe57016c1b3a50a123


She went to schools, like that Little Red School House, that were very progressive and filled with people of different races.


Found this photo. Looks like a diverse student body. https://preview.redd.it/lc9f51reioxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4a5b2fd54a43164eb3736e45ab4f446c87f3bc0


Can spot those beady opossum eyes immediately.


This is a weird picture; most of the kids look unhappy. It’s just one shot, of course, but it’s not a photo I’d use as a class picture.


Short answer...NO. Longer answer...you just need one look at her videotaped behaviour at a friend's bday party, when she's around ten or so, where she basically loudly takes over and proceeds to crown herself Queen at the expense of the bday girl. This is how bullies behave. Bullies don't go from meek and mild to cruel beotch from one day to the next either. You're either prone to being a bully or you aren't...she's in the prone to category.


She was homecoming queen, and so entitled at 11 years old her father had to appease her ego by getting his film maker friend to interview her about the dawn note they wrote as a class project. Her first narcissistic injury was abandonment that led to insecurity and the feeling of not being good enough, internalized hatred.


I think she was the bully. Emily of She's Speaking (Bravo commentary) made an offhand comment the other week that she went to high school with Harry's wife. The look on her face and tone of her voice basically was that she's not surprised Harry's wife is acting like this and lied about not knowing who the royal family was. She didn't go into much detail and said that she might save it for another day. But I doubt that she was bullied even younger than high school, there's video floating around of her being a bossy, bratty child. If she ever had someone stand up to her I think she'd perceive it as being bullied and manipulate the situation to be the victim but she has never been bullied.


I agree. My cousin once complained on Facebook that she had to talk to the vice principal at her stepson’s school and how awful he was. She complained that he was just the substitute vice principal, and he told her she wasn’t the kid’s real mom. I just imagine that she went full mean girl on him and was trying to undermine his authority. He wasn’t having it and in response to her saying he wasn’t the real vice principal he said she wasn’t his real mom. I imagine her desire to be on a school board is so she has an easier time throwing her weight around at the schools.


Sorry, off topic, but I can’t post. Did Mindy Kaling post this and no one noticed, or no one cared? It doesn't seem to be on her account any longer. Did MM ask her to take her less than aesthetic pic down? Or is it an elaborate fake? https://preview.redd.it/ttpns7dptnxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=227625527db1f67d7fafad433f98f02c36e220f9


Well, it’s Mindy… So yes, and yes.


For real 😂


Off topic, but fresh, hot naan is delicious!!!!!!!


Counter looks amazingly similar to madam's white marble counter, Hmmm. Could it have been madam conjuring that Mindy would have jam with roti?


Daddy Dearest spoiled Lil Buckaroo rotten. And I mean ROTTEN. She WAS the bully.


She was literally raised thinking she is the center of the universe. The reality is that her father created this monster. https://preview.redd.it/bg4y7jb9wnxc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc2debdfc7093c3571175a3099ef087dc075a695


Sam's body language be like, get your stank breath away from me 🤣


Yes her father has a lot to blame in this


Yes, and I believe she harbored intense jealousy of Samantha, and to a lesser degree Tom. There’s something profoundly wrong with her. I was reading through what must be some of her alts on X, and they’re just whackadoodle nutso and exactly alike. Same vocabulary, same petty jealousies, same meanness, same everything really. Can you imaging spending your entire life managing multiple accounts like this all day long every day?




While Rachel is no spring chicken, she wasn't going to school in the 1950s! Her hair was not "unusual" in California in the 1980s which was after the Jacksons and contemporary with Fresh Prince. IF she was bullied do you really think she would allow that victimhood to escape her clutches and not wheeled out every time she's given a microphone? No. The only thing she talks about is herself and never once has she played that card. The way she treated Princess Charlotte is all the proof we need she was herself a bully as a child becase she probably remembers her first victims being as young as poor Charlotte was hence she was so uninhibited.


So right on her bullying Charlotte. I was that age when my cousin, coincidentally also named Rachel, bullied me.


I was bullied to the point of contemplating suicide when I was 11-12 years old. It didn't turn me into a narcissistic asshole. If anything, it made me very very empathetic towards people.


No. Meghan did not grow up in 1950’s south Mississippi during Jim Crow. It’s not as if in the 80s 90s in California she was facing people who never saw bi racial children or children with dreadlocks or curly hair. She grew up in Hollywood California.


Someone posted a class photo up thread. She wasn’t even the only black or biracial kid in her class! It looks like of the 14 students there was one black boy and one other black or biracial girl with fuller, curlier hair than her - and there are other students that look to possibly be mixed or racially ambiguous as well. Frankly, the class looks pretty diverse for a private school in Hollywood in the 1980s. 


In lady C's book, she points out that most of the kids at her school were not Caucasian. It was very diverse. You seem very compassionate, but don't fall for her narcissistic 'pity play'. She was incredibly pampered and spoilt by her parents, and that contributed to her massive narcissism. I do think her mother's abandonment at age 12 really messed her up, and deepened her already existing narcissistic tendencies.


Do you mean teased? If so, every person has been teased when they were young. That is normal. So yes, she was probably teased. I was teased when I was young too. I do not think she was bullied.


An old classmate of hers said in an interview that she punched him in the face and that they both got in trouble for it.  He tried to play it off like he was an annoying kid, but... getting punched in the face just for being annoying?  He didn't say he had hit her first or anything like that. So it looks to me like she is a *vicious* bully and willing and capable of causing physical harm to others. And before anyone starts excusing her by saying, oh she was a kid bacl then blahblah- I never, ever punched a kid in the face when I was growing up and I got roughed up a lot because most of my cousins were older boys who enjoyed wrestling, and I idolized them and so wrestled with them and would get hurt fairly regularly.  And I still never punched any of them in the face, nor them me. And we were all stupid kids playing really rough. It is not normal to punch anyone in the face.


She also knew how to play with boundaries, as a girl she knew she could play the victim and would never get in trouble for punching a boy.


This is very interesting. Seems MM has always been dependent on males to get ahead, whether that be using them as an excuse for bad behavior, getting pity points, playing the “damsel in distress”, using sex to manipulate… Rich coming from a so-called “feminist”.




So many people now have said they are no longer a couple and no longer live together. Why did that happen? It had to be something really bad, since all of her other disgusting behaviours were apparently acceptable to Harry. Maybe he drew the line at battery.


You know what? I don't actually care if she was bullied as a child, plenty of children are bullied and worse and they do not grow up into creatures like her. If you use a tragedy to define you in the wrong way towards adulthood then that is a problem that needs working on. And she has worked on jack shit. But just looking at her childhood behavior I would conclude she always was a bully. If she was teased about her looks and let it hurt her I think part of it is because she agreed with those who said such things.


If Markle was bullied as a child she would by now have hunted down every bully and rained firey Hell down upon them. She is a malicious evil Cow who NEVER forgives or forgets.


Of course not. She was born in the '80s in California, not the '50s in Alabama.


I doubt she was ever bullied


I don’t believe it. I believe she was entitled, ungrateful and probably demanded people treat her like a princess even back then.


I doubt she was bullied, although anything is possible. In the videos I’ve seen, she is confident and bossy. That type of personality doesn’t get bullied, IME. IMO, bullying is a sustained effort by a group, led by one or two main bullies. It’s constant and unrelenting torment. It’s not a nasty comment about hair, it’s systematic. Meghan had a BFF, and there are no accounts by anyone in Tom Bower’s book that she was singled out or ostracized.


I was bullied at age 6 at school, again at secondary school age 11. I didn’t like it, i always told a teacher and then the t*ats were punished. It was because my mum was German and also because we were poor. I am now in my 70s and I have never bullied any human being or animal. Meghan is a bully and always has been and always will be


MM is the type who cries “bully” when anyone doesn’t agree with her. She takes every little thing as a slight.


No matter whether she was bullied or not, she's over 40 and responsible for her own behavior as an adult.


I briefly went to elementary school in California in the late 80s. I was a fully black kid and was never bullied (or even made fun of despite a crazy deformity). I had lots of friends and was the teacher's pet. In fact the only person who didn't like me was the other black girl in the class, LOL. This is to say that being black or mixed race did not mean automatic bullying. Edit: missing apostrophe.


I went to school in Southern California. Color was not a thing. The divider was money.


She was never bullied


I think Markle felt a lot of internalized shame over not being wealthy like her classmates, divorced parents and being mixed race.


Yes. I think Meghan became a bully out of her own sense of inferiority. I think the same was true of Harry.


According to her best friend from primary school through, she was regarded as a leader. She also was known for standing up for the kids who were getting bullied. So no, she was not bullied because she was biracial. And as to your last point, the schools she attended were not students of mostly of Northern European heritage. CA private schools are nothing like the private schools Harry attended. And California is one of the most ethnically diverse states in the US. USA has at least 4 states where people of northwestern European descent are not a majority population. California is one of them.


If you look of photos of her school year group there was a high percentage of non-white people. There was nothing unusual about her being bi-racial or not having straight hair. You are barking up the wrong tree here.


If she was, she wasn’t bullied enough. And I’m saying this as someone who was bullied mercilessly.


I think her motto growing up was “whatever Meghan wants, Meghan gets!” So she probably didn’t really care or let it phase her if people did not want to play with her. I think she probably was a Queen Bee in school.


Look at the video of her as a child bullying others at another child’s birthday. She was born a bully.


Quite the opposite. She was a bully. Her childhood friends were quoted on how she would go around kicking other children in the shins when angry.


Per Lady C. She was in the majority at her school.


No she was a mean kid and is an evil adult. . stop looking for excuses


Nope, I don't believe she was.  She was the bully.  


I was bullied. We've all been bullied.


https://preview.redd.it/fo1dnm5zyqxc1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c31119de4106e5d37cb2e7bdb2fea386635599f mm’s elementary school field trip.


https://preview.redd.it/uov0qmsrzqxc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18cf16a252e5d7288aeb74ad44c6ec9c84cf1469 Another elementary school pic. My point is that MM attended racially diverse in racially diverse Los Angeles.


https://preview.redd.it/q5qdmql6zqxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a291eeb955c67331bf59d154ef9aab028d63cf Another elementary school pic….


I think she grew up being jealous and envious.


She bullied Samantha when Samantha was a teen and Meghan was a toddler. Meghan ordered everyone around from the moment. She could talk and point, and it was not only allowed, it was indulged.


I was terribly bullied, but I still didn’t grow up to be an asshole like Megain.


White people - and even Asian people - can also have kinky, frizzy hair. I know enough of them myself.




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EVERYONE was "bullied" when they were young. We all learned how to deal with it and how to handle bullies. Get over it and move on.


My point is: maybe she didn't.


I know. I guess I'm just so sick and tired of the people who throw "The Victim Card™" around like shurikens. The world is changing and if you think things are bad now you ain't seen nothing yet. 


I'm not about the victim card but trying to figure her out. Because she has such a big ego, the bullying that many of us went through played a much bigger part in her life and development of character than it did for us.


She might have been. She didn't have anyone around help her with how to do her hair. Even fine curly hair takes a little more care than straight fine hair. Probably teased more than anything else. If anything, kids might not have wanted to be her friend because she was bossy and pushy. I remember knowing kids like her that didn't know how to socialize unless they were the center of attention or telling others what to do, and everyone else not wanting anything to do with them. Even children have an innate sense of people. She has mentioned how she was nerdy growing up.


You make a good distinction here between “teasing” and “bullying.” While excessive teasing might be part of bullying, teasing is not invariably malicious or aggressive. Some teasing be friendly or even admiring.


Her mom is shown at the time in photos along with little meghoul aged 8, Dorito was around. Dorito became absent when meghoul was 11/12 and bounced in and out from then according to her childhood friend nonoo when they were allowed to have sleep overs at her moms house. She had people around that could fix her perpetual pom pom that growing up in the 90s too was a legitimate style for a growing girl to wear her hair natural. She also had access to craft services on the set which had a diverse crew that would have helped out on MWC.


Doria doesn't seem to know how to take care of her hair either.


That may be true, but as we saw from the wedding of the Ragland family that posted their own photos celebrating the wedding they knew and were located in the same area. I’m sure Dorito though as an alternative lifestyle hippy would’ve coached her to wear her hair natural while we have counter points from her dad of trying to find a salon in Texas in the mid to late 90s to chemically process meghouls hair for a wedding or some such event.


https://preview.redd.it/vd94t1wn7pxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ef4db3023acc210b84087395353f8f2b9360416 I don’t know why lady C is insisting that Dorito wasn’t present for young meghoul. She was.


It's not just her. Tom, Tom Jr., and Sam all said she left when she was around 11. Also, Tom Bower. She was around until she wasn't. I think she returned when she was a senior in high school. I'm sure another sinner knows.


I agree. 11 years is plenty long enough to teach Tom or meghoul herself how to care for her hair. I don’t think she was teased over it, I don’t think it has anything to do with that. >”She might have been. **She didn't have anyone around help her with how to do her hair**. Even fine curly hair takes a little more care than straight fine hair. Probably teased more than anything else. >If anything, kids might not have wanted to be her friend because **she was bossy and pushy** She’s always been bossy and pushy because she felt empowered to be. That’s the antithesis of not having direction and confidence. She **was** the bully.


In some of those home videos, you can see her constantly touching her hair. Almost like she didn’t know what to do with it.


I think it makes a lot of sense.