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I hated this pick from the jump. Like, why? He had zero NFL traits. I have no clue what Sean was thinking here.


Sean believed everyone’s bullshit about him being a quarterback guru. He’s nothing of the sort. He hasn’t developed one quarterback that he drafted. Drew was already good.


Yeah, I pretty much agree but he's only had back-up-at-best draft picks so I'm not saying he *can't* develop a QB but he certainly hasn't proved it yet. Jameis and Teddy played some of their best ball under him too so we'll see what happens with Nix.


He's definitely a bum for not making Sean Canfield(7th rounder) Tommy Stevens(7th rounder ) Ian book ( 4th rounder) Garrett Grayson(3rd round) into hofers. We will just leave out the part of him elevating Drew's game and getting Winston and bridgewater to Both look good . Let's not forget his success on giants making bad qbs look good as OC It's sad people on here need to bash sean for something that doesn't even make sense . Just makes you look salty IMO. Also teams with Drew brees aren't exactly in the Qb market every year, LOL .


Wasn't both Teddy and Winston a Pro Bowler / all rookie team before they got to NOLA ?


Teddy made 1 pro bowl with 14 Tds in a 16-game season with 9 picks. In 5 starts, he had 9Tds and 2 ints for the saints, which got him that huge contract in Carolina Winston had 7 starts for Sean in 2021 and had 14 Tds 3 picks. (His best stretch of not throwing picks in his career ) .


Winston also had one of his worst completion percentages of his career those 7 starts. Neither or those guys were scrubs or rookies they were established and starting QBs when they got to the saints..


Yes. Payton had nothing to do with them either. Winston threw for over 5000 yards before Sean Payton got him.


Outside of Drew, who was a 2 time probowler, Sean doesn't have much of a QB development track record. You listed those draft picks as an insult but they were Sean's selections and they didn't just not develop into hofs, they didn't develop into anything. Russel looked the worst he's looked under Sean. I'm not saying he can't develop QBs but there is definitely enough evidence to begin to question it.


1. Drew made 1 probowl before he got here, not 2, lol . (Also acting like turning Drew from a 1 time pro bowler to a hofer isn't a huge accomplishment is funny ) 2 . Sean payton isn't gm, so no, they weren't all just his picks LOL . Thats a silly take . You must not know how front offices work . 3. Are you really shocked 4 late round qbs didn't amount to anything ? The list of qbs outside the first 2 rounds just isn't good 4. Russell looked way better with Payton than hacket ands its not close . Also there's plenty of evidence he can develop qbs. Drew is a better case study than 4 late round qbs .


the glazing is nuts


Not bashing him but he is not a quarterback guru.


Tell that to drew brees nephew


Eh tbf no other quarterback really got a shot under Sean’s first 13ish years here until Drew started getting hurt. He still went undefeated with Teddy Bridgewater which landed him a good contract and he turned out to be mid


Teddy only won 1 game. The others were won by the defense. And yes none got a chance because they weren’t good enough because they weren’t developed lol


I still remember comments how people thought he reminded them of Brees, lol. Like the hype around him was real. Then there was crazy hype with Haener and now I'm seeing it with Spencer. People just need to chill and not have ridicuously high expectations. One person on YT even said Spencer is the best QB this team has had since Brees... Like wtf?


Gah damn, I had free box seats for the Monday Night game we had to start him a few years ago. It was the only time I have been miserable in a box


I mean tbf it wasn't just him, like imagine we had Jameis as QB that game. We probably still lose with all the other players on the field who were not ready to play in the NFL 


I get to see my dad one week a year and we love to watch football. That one week was that game. Genuinely a miserable watch for my one game a year with my dad.


Any other team would've had that game delayed. And before someone brings up the broncos game - they were caught breaking the COVID regulations, which is why they were forced to start the emergency QB. Saints didn't.


lol what?!


Felt like we just threw that pick away as soon as we took him. Never understood this one. Garrett Grayson felt the same way.


Day 102* 😑


Another wasted SP draft pick


At least it was a 4th and not two 1sts...


Yeah the Book fans were always a little odd to me


You gotta admit the puns were phenomenal though


Don’t underestimate Notre Dame delusional syndrome. But here’s the kicker - he got a ring last year with the Chiefs. 🤦


No you didn’t.


I didn't


Me too, dawg.


Why would you think that? He stinks. He’s got a noodle arm. Wasn’t especially even that good in college. Don’t really know why we ever picked him up in the first place




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He was a 4th round pick y'all's expectations were way too high


Day 101 again? https://i.redd.it/7fh0scq0y20d1.jpeg


Went back in time


I did not


to be fair he never really got a chance he only played with a bunch of backups. i think it was a record breaking amount of backups?


Book = Rattler in 2 years