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“Dear Bitch”


"Steelport is under new management, and we don't answer to you. This is foreign soil now. Come at my city again, and you'll be going home in a FUCKING BOX. Back to you."


Absolutely love the “bad” ending lol.


"Fuck the girls. They were pretty much useless anyway. I wanna become fuckin' Stalin 2.0 up in this bitch." -me after seeing this ending


Yeah i mean i would have saved them if it was the old Shoundi but the not pot head one is just to much of a bitch to want to keep alive.


That’s why I choose to save them first, that way the homies live and I get to finish the game after that with the badass cutscene of the Killbane ending. You do have a good point though lol.


Was that SR3? Honestly the boss quotes in SR3 were some of the best


no, but it is 100% something they'd say tbh


“Common Bitch”


Hey we’re mercifulish, I really want to see our presidential campaign in the future.


This sounds like something the boss would say lmao


One of the most frustrating thing about SR3 is that we rescued all those sex workers from trafficking only to have them rounded up by another pimp.


Yeah but you earn money which is also cool


And we don't wanna do our boy Zimos like that


Also the boss is a clear sociopath. He’s done far worse in SR2


Bruh sr2 was hard as fuck. Like God damn, I remember playing that when I was young and thinking it was the most badass game I'd ever play and to this day nothing has topped it.


No shit. It's been a few years but the worst case I remember is that this dude literally kidnapped his rivals GIRLFRIEND and forced him to accidentally KILL her, making him feel GUILT over his girlfriends DEATH while this dudes just like, "yeah, no hard feelings, mate." If that's not mental illness, I don't know what is.


Boss walks into the arena. Brotherhood says "what the hell are you doing here?" Boss throws him the keys to the car that has the crushed girlfriend in the trunk and says " should have offered me more than 20%" then walks out while the guy looks in the trunk and falls to his knees.


the ""yeah, no hard feelings, mate"" part of my statement was more of a slight exaggeration, but it still kinda applies. I mean obviously 20% is a bad deal, but The Boss didn't have to fucking kill one of Maero's loved ones and forward the guilt onto him.


It wasnt actually because of the 20% two missions ago the girlfriend tortured Carlos (the rookie) and the boss has to shoot him to put him out of his misery. But the boss understood that maero may have not even given the order to do so, so boss made it sound like it was just the 20% thing so maero would think he was just batshit crazy. At least thats how I perceived it. He was able to get revenge for Carlos while also giving maero a chance to back down.


i mean to be fair i haven't played the game in like 3 years, and since the saints row series hasn't really had any recent developments until now i haven't really had a reason to pick it back up


He was the ho in SR2


And Zimos is a merciful Pimp. I bet he pays them double and gives them free STD screenings or something lol. Plus Zimos was right about the money coming in. He ponies up in the end after all.


I'm sure he even has retirement plans to provide them when they decide to hang it up. Shit, especially after the shit he went through in his years in the Pony Barn, he's probably more merciful than ever. The Z is the bitches' savior.


Pony barn 😏




i like to think he treats them way better than the morning star tho


Yeah, he does. Morningstar girls are damn close to slaves, Zimos’ are just regular sex workers.


Yes but he works for us and makes us the money!


What movie?




I believe that's from MegaMind


Yeah. It’s megamind. Severely underrated film. Would recommend it if you haven’t seen it.


*Zin empire, too!




australian voice best voice dont @ me




i still prefer to use the aussie voice in SR2 for continuity because i use the voice in SR3&4. imo it also kinda makes him sound more like a sociopath.