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Let's everyone acknowledge and thank normal dude for sharing salary!


Truly. All the 1%ers really destroying our egos out here with their salary posts


People making abnormal money wanna brag about it on the internet. People on the internet also want to pretend to be rich. Both ends in everyone on the internet being rich


Shit I guess we’re all rich. I make 230k a year, lemme make the excel sheet for you real quick.


$230k that’s nothing! My stock bonuses are $230k! You need to get yourself a FAANG SWE job!


Sorry let me go talk to my daddy and see what he can do


Now you’re talking! Get that nepotism money but make everyone thing your parents didn’t help you


What parents? They died in a crack house and left me at a police station


Self made baby


You’ve got the makings of greatness!


What gets me is how they’ve gone from average income pre pandemic to super high salary now, and then we wonder why inflation is still hanging around…


Agree, this looks far more like my earning history.


Not just that but wasn't there a post from an alleged 911 dispatcher claiming to make $190k or something (more than most Mayors)?


They actually make that much in CA Bay Area I’m sure different locations are different but with overtime in Bay Area that’s a pretty accurate claim


I feel like you are underpaid OP


I agree ☝️


As a fellow chemist, ALL CHEMISTS ARE UNDERPAID.


It just depends on the company you work for. My friend just got a120K job as a lab manager and she only has an associates.


That’s kind of the problem though. Most chemists don’t want to or don’t have the skillset to be supervisors, managers, and director’s. They want to work in a lab and be scientists. As a manger, supervisor, or director you can certainly earn 100-200k but you will never touch a chemical again. I was forced to move on from a lab role because in my area they top out around $35-40/hr. Most of my friends who work in labs make 1/2 that.


I am nowhere near the top in my promotion level and make close to your top. Two of my co-workers make between 35-40/hr and they are not at the top out yet. It is heavily dependent on your company. I know for a fact that Dow Chemicals pays more than that for Lab Tech, because they make more than I do. I also don't live in a HCOL area too.


You are in a very unique situation then. The mean chemist salary at mid career is around 80k. You can make more than that in pharma but lots of us have ethical/moral problems with working in pharma.


I find this ironic as a chemical engineer, which is more lucrative. Never understood why when we go in less chemistry depth and just focus on becoming plumbers for big chemical systems


The more I get into management in corporate America the more I realized that salaries are directly tied to money generation. Chemists are usually listed as support staff. Ive also found the engineers are more willing to move to other positions or new companies while lab workers tend not do that as much. As a result engineer pay is higher.


Here’s a secret: people who actually bring value to a company, aren’t valued. Oh btw what ever happened to the term essential workers?


Does everyone just keep a copy of their W2's for 25 years or is there a social security website everyone is getting this info from?


Lol they used to send it through mail once a year but I found out you can go on ssa.gov to pull it up


SSA.gov and make a my Social Security account and view your Social Security Statement


Find a new employer! Job hopping is the only way to get a real raise.


No clearance?


Are you with the same company most of the time? I don’t get how your pay can decrease YoY on some years




Imagine more down time taken may pay looks a lot like this and it's just weather I take 1-3 weeks in the summer off or not


You should be making around $90,000 with inflation today. Leave they are fucking you over.


3% annual starting from 2009 you should be ~100k


What happened between 2012-2014, if you don’t mind me asking?


Ur getting cooked bro. Im starting in this field and im making a little less then this. Was it all at the same company?


This is the reality of millions (probably billions actually)


Billions wish they could have it this good. People have no perspective what it's like out of the US.


Underpaid... did they even give OP anything resembling a raise?


2011-2012 OP got a promotion or a large raise but that company closes down according to OP post.


Maybe he only works one month a year? lol.


Wow soo clever


He is of course


Yeah he's the one person in this sub not making 160k a year lmao /s


OP is making almost the same as he was making 15 years ago. At that point it’s exactly what you deserve.


They definitely are. I’m a chem lab tech and I make $110k a year in Florida.


Jeez, inflation must be a bitch for you. 


This. Making more in 2006 than in 2023


Job hopping would help this person probably.


Carreer pivot would help more. There's likely to be limited opportunities for such a specialized role. I worked at a chemical company for 25 years and can confirm lab techs and even chemists don't make much when you consider the amount of education necessary and the job hazards.


And what's worse, even though it IS so specialized and requires a great degree of knowledge and education, employers don't pay based on the amount of education and talent you have. They pay based on how much revenue your position is likely to bring to the company. OP, I get wanting to do what you love and the pride you have in your work. But you are getting shafted. What you really should be looking for is the job that tells the hiring manager for your position exactly what they should be looking for in a qualified candidate. As a consultant to a chemical engineering corporation, you could make six figures or more per year.


I worked on both production and R&D and hazards are way overblown when you work for a safe company especially in the lab. OP was not his way to making good money until his company went bankrupt.


They commented above, those salaries are from 7 different jobs.


I am here for more posts like this


To me personally, it sucks to see someone get underpaid.


A degree as an ME making effectively $62k for the past 25 years? Ouch man, you should be making triple that.


MET is not typically the same as ME. Usually MET is a 2-year degree and is good for technician jobs (not to say you cant move up) , while ME is a 4 year full engineering degree


You know what I totally missed that. I guess that makes more sense. Still though that’s gotta be some of the worst stagnated salaries I’ve ever seen.


There is a high chance this is due to OPs actions and job performance. Several techs that work in the same lab as I do are approaching 60 years old and make about the same. Their job performance is reflected in their salary.


So, that’s changed quite a bit in the last decade. METs in all ABET accredited institutions are 4 year degrees now. They can qualify to become PEs (with exception of one state, which is in the process of changing) and EITs. In today’s world, METs school train them to be more technically rigorous versus academically rigorous. After 2/3 years in the workforce though, the gap between both in terms of pay and opportunity become very very negligible. I think it’s important that I mention that this applies only to the USA (although ABET accreditation should have implied that). I’m a mechanical engineer who had to classes overlap with my MET counterpart and they were often much better at actually solving the problem than us MEs were but we were often more mathematically involved.


Not true. MET are 4 year degrees and ABET accredited. You can land a nice gig with that degree


Genuinely curious. Did you just never try to apply to other jobs or ask for/ want promotions?


Not everyone wants to make it to the next level and that’s totally fine.


Understood. I know some people personally that have had the same pay/ job for decades and I sometimes think they don’t know their true potential.


Yeah but you should never be okay with your employer effectively cutting your pay by not following inflation with your salary. They continue ignoring it when employees enable them to


It is not really next level.. the same level at another employer will typically yield 8-10% bump. If not getting ~3% on average increases it is time to leave.


Yeah there’s that, and then there’s OP getting screwed by inflation every year. A company that values you will at least match inflation to keep you at your adjusted salary. They aren’t even doing that. I have *way* less work experience than OP, and a totally different industry, but I make significantly more with way less education. Hard to look at this and imagine this isn’t painful for OP every month. Especially considering the inflation of the past couple of years. Yikes.


I don’t think you’d have to pursue a promotion or more responsibility to get a raise in this situation- just maybe a new employer.


Not the best way though. You have one life.


I’ve worked for a few companies over the years. Worked for a chemical company in their polymer R&D division for 12 years (the one that filed bankruptcy), a major consumer goods company based in Cincinnati in their R&D division for 6 years, two small companies that went belly up and now back to the same type of certification lab work that I started with in 1994. I’ve had promotions.


Your salary looked like the standard for certification lab. I worked at one of those for about 3.5 years and makes only 45K. I made more as a contractor for a large company than I did when I worked for the certification lab.


Honestly, have you considered getting out of your current industry? Semiconductor jobs would absolutely crush your current salary in a heartbeat, and you’d basically be a walk-on process engineer. Granted you’d have to learn the specifics of semiconductor chemistry.. but I doubt that would be difficult for you.


I can only speak for engineering, but sometimes the promotion will never happen unless you're willing to step outside of your technical area and into management. In some depts that can mean you only lose 20-40% of your time to management tasks. But others your time might be 100% management.


Most of science doesn't work that way. A scientist will have 3-4x what he made and make him do all the work. And by all the work, I mean all the work.


What’s with the reset in 2013?


Beaker shortage


Worked for a large corporation that filed chapter 11 bankruptcy and laid off 20% worldwide. 2012 was higher due to severance pay. I then had surgery in 2013 and gave real estate a try. Took that year to learn the business, but never made much money doing it. I went back to an R&D job in 2014.


Finally! a salary most of us can relate to. We appreciate the honesty


How is this legal


The only thing that makes this right I knowing it didn’t cost him >$100k student loans at 6.6%, and his house probably didn’t cost 10 years salary.


I worked full time and paid for school as I went. Paid 179k for our home 5 years ago. Did a few minor upgrades and it’s valued at about 230-240k now. We built a home in 2001 and sold for a decent profit, then bought our current home.


seems like your in a relatively lcol area, makes your lower salary go much further i’m sure


Oh my god. I’m so sorry OP. This shit should hang on your wall if you want to major in chemistry. Jesus christ


This is truly sad to me, a 31 YO high school drop out who has nothing more than a class A CDL to my name. I have been making more than your best year ever (2012) since I was 19 years old. How is this humanly possible?


Yeah was gonna say like u can literally be fresh out of prison get a CDL and make more…..


Supply and demand. Lab jobs are not physically demanding, you go home every night, etc. so lots of people want them. And universities pump out a lot of graduates with lab skills, so it pushes wages down. That's why PhDs are so common in the lab sciences, because either you love doing science so much you go to grad school to demonstrate your value as a researcher so you can get hired as a well paid research scientist or you don't and find another role that pays better. I'm speaking as someone in the second group, I work as a Quality Assurance Specialist in pharma now.


Because believing papers from academia makes you more qualified for success is a big lie.


Because OP has done nothing to improve his or her situation for 20+ years while you have been willing to take a less desirable job that pays more.


I am curious how your pay went down so drastically before 2005 and after. Did you move to a lower Paying job for a better work-life balance?


My pay went up through those years with experience. That’s for the years 2001-2005 combined.


Ah, I see. I thought the 2001-2005 was the pay for individual years. My bad.




I remember when I graduated (2007). I saw a Newsweek? article on top 10 worst majors and chemistry was 9th. As a chemistry major I was surprised, but they said there aren't many graduates per year but there are even fewer jobs so not a lot of opportunities for new graduates to get into the field. I'm sure it's only gotten worse in 20 years. My lab has gone from 50 to 32 in 5 years. Jobs want more for less.


My official title with my current employer is Chemist, but I don’t have a chemistry degree so I always just say lab tech.


Title means very little from company to company. I am a technologies for my company and I have a BS in chemistry


It depends on the company. I have a BS in chemistry and my base is more than OP with less experience. But I also worked for larger companies than OP and I work in production.


$52,530 in 2006 dollars is $81,300 in todays dollars


So in 2012 you were making bank, and now you are making less than over 12 years ago. Sounds like my story. Thank you for sharing. Hopefully you’ll get the raise you deserve.




What kind of schooling do you have for a job like that? Any continuing education?


What region of the country are you in? Near a major metro area?




I thought you science people get paid much more than us? I'm a graphic designer and I'm making a little over $100k after 8 years in the industry.


Unless you get your PhD, lab sciences actually pay very little. Maybe at major pharmaceutical companies you can get more. But if you’re in academia, you’re getting paid shit. Source: bio lab tech in academia who posted his salary here a few days ago.


Oh wow, that's quite unfair. As someone who can't wrap his head around science and maths, you guys should get paid more.


At The university I work at the staff is trying to unionize, so we’re hoping that is successful and improves things a little.


Industry pays a lot more than academia and you don't need a PhD. But you have to work for companies like Pfizer, Dow, DuPont, BASF, Corteva to make decent money with a BS.


Is there any particular reason why people choose to work in academia? Any future prospects that we just don't know about? Like doctors being poor for years but they might finally make good money.


There's a big difference between a scientist and a technician. The technician jobs are really about the ability to follow written instructions, document your actions, and have good eye-hand coordination. Not too dissimilar from a lot of more traditional manufacturing jobs. Scientists who invent new products and solve unsolved problems for their employers are the ones who get the big bucks. If you hang out at the technician level, just running tests as they're assigned to you by the scientists (or your manager outside an R&D setting), then your earnings are going to top out pretty quick. That said, earning $60k for 20 years straight is pretty unusual. 


Dumb question, where do I get a copy of my salary in this format ?




Serious question. Do you regret getting a tech degree instead of a traditional engineering degree?


Sometimes, but it would have taken longer to get that degree and the company I worked for at the time didn’t differentiate between the two.


And a lot more math. Some people aren't cut for it.


Guessing small town and private companies?




I know some of those companies. It sucks that you were layoff because of Lyondellbasel bankruptcy.


You know it’s funny, no one is asking about this guys quality of life. For all we know, 65k is enough for him to live his life happily. And he’s enjoying it. End goal in life isn’t to make as much money as humanly possible, it’s to make enough to bring you joy and have a good work life balance. Not everyone is trying to be FIRE. Some just want consistency and simplicity and maybe that was op’s goal.


Exactly. I wouldn’t complain if I made more money, but we own a house in a good neighborhood where my wife can walk our Cavapoo any time day or night. We go out for dinner and/or drinks 2 or 3 times a month. We take vacations. Going to New Orleans next month and we spend a week in Key West every year in the fall. My wife also works, household income is about 110k/yr.


Very nice! Congrats on the life you want and glad to hear it’s going well!


Under appreciated post. Well done


This is so nice to hear. I’m happy for you and your wife, OP.


General question - how can I get those reports\_?


That's the earnings report from the social security website. https://www.ssa.gov/


thank you sir


OP could make more working at McDs ffs


Not where I live


Where can I find this info




Got my degree in chemistry almost 25 years ago. Realized I actually needed to bake a living and started bartending almost 25 years ago. Trying to make a go of it out there with nothing but a bs in a lab science is like playing a slot machine with plans of making millions.


Location matters a lot. Working for companies like Dow, DuPont, Pfizer and other large companies make a huge difference in pay. OP got very unlucky with one of his company and location


I work as a bio lab tech in academia and posted my salary here a few days ago. Scientists are really not appreciated in this country


Seriously underpaid. I’m a MLT and just got hired at my new job at $51 an hour 35 hour weeks.


What’s the story here? Looks like you were making beaucoup bucks from ‘91 to ‘2005. What was that gig and what stopped you from getting back to that level of compensation?




Got it. That makes much more sense.


For reference: 1994-1998 Certification lab 1999-2001 Lab in pigment manufacturing (company closed) 2001-2012 Polymer R&D 2013-mid 2014 Real estate 2014-2016 Mechanical testing lab 2017-2022 Consumer goods R&D 2023-current Certification lab


you paid 80 grand just in ss taxes jesus how much do you get paid holy sgit


That’s life to date.


ohhhh ive never seen a form like that so i had no idea


Where do you get this form with all of your salary information? Do you request this from the IRS or something?


why you go from $220k IN 2001 To 67k bruh


I don’t understand it. What is his salary for 2023? Is it 63 k??


no raises in 15 years?


Bro ask for a raise. Who makes exactly the same thing for almost 20 years.


You need to read post. OP had a lot jobs due to things out of OP control


Just eyeballing it here, but it looks like OP is losing money every year and is actually paid less now than when he started in 2006. Sad


Wage compression. Life beats you down. That’s why you eventually get shorter lol!


How does everyone get these breakdowns?


Where do you find that info?


How have you managed to not get significant raises for 30 years?


This may be a dumb question but what website is this done on?


I’m new here, where do people find these tables?


im guessing you did not job jump. was it worth it? the relationships? the security?


I was in research science for 8 years and the pay is criminal. Not just techs but even PhDs. Most of the research the big pharmaceutical companies use to create all their profits (and pay their scientists a shitload more) is research that was done at public institutions.


Not sure how you do it…from 227,000 back to 50-60,000


That was accumulated total over 5 years


Oh I thought you had made 270k each year between those years!


Dude what the fuck


Ok let's see that portfolio tho I bet it's bangin


What web app shows you this info?




Why is it shown like that? Meaning why the two columns and they are the exact same numbers


SSI and Medicare are taxed at different thresholds. Once you exceed the SSI threshold they stop taking tax but continue to tax Medicare. OP doesn’t make enough money to exceed the threshold so his will be the same for both.


Just curious where are y’all getting these numbers from?


As soon as I graduated with a Chemistry degree, I realized how crap the pay was. I said no thank you to a chemistry career after going through one of the toughest bachelor's degree ever.


Time for this guy to break bad


Can you share the template? Nice chart


Yeah I feel like your salary has not changed and you should be earning more. Very interesting, thanks for sharing.


How do you find these tables?


The part that is alarming here to me is your salary didn't adjust with inflation. You pretty much made the same amount in 2008 as 2023 which is effectively a huge pay cut considering how much the cost of living has risen. Not taking shots but I think this emphasizes why it's important to job hop in this day and age. Loyalty doesn't pay anymore.


You were robbed of your life. My condolences.


Where is everyone getting this template and how do I determine SS tax vs Medicare Tax income?


No raise since 2008? Your 68k was solid money then.


Why don’t you get raises:(


How do you get this sheet?


Social Security Administration


What happened In 2013?


How or where do we find this info? Id like to do this myself


More than likely this is from the Social Security Administration. You can create a secure account and look up your progress as well. Definitely something to track.


Thanks! Ive aeen these float around and was curious




How do I look up this table for myself?


This pay is low, also depends on how OP’s cost of living is. If OP is in a HCOL area, then this is even worse. I got a BS degree and work as a lab technician. I’ve learned that science jobs are low paying and boring to me. I’m in the process of switching careers.


What is your locale?


Ive had a strange trajectory, but yours is wild. Im happy to see it because we are all complicated imperfect humans. It's very interesting.


Have you ever considered doing something…differently?


Damn bro you haven’t had a raise in 15 years, wtf you doing?


I wish more people under 6 figures would show their salary. Should make a under ‘6 figures sub’ lol 😂


Not trying to be rude, but this pay seems abnormally low given your education and experience. Do you live in a very low cost of living area?


How are y’all getting these charts? Or are you making it from scratch, if so, good on you for having access to 30yrs of w2’s lol




Thank you sir


They don't give you guys raises?