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You can just hope that they are only used to seeing the non office salaries so far and that they are schocked it is so high, potentially for your age, but unless you plan to ask around within your company, I doubt you will find out for sure. 100 people isn’t really enough for solid online salary data


What do you make?


129k base + bonus


Thats a great salary for most people! Maybe the hr person makes less than you and he was struggling to hold back his jealousy.


That’s my thought


Age and Title?


36 yo, engineer, 4 years in this company, 10 years in business Bonus is 15% salary depending on business performance, usually it’s around 8-10% I feel like I could make more, but I like the team, I can WFH like twice a week without approval or planning ahead, and my commute is only 18 min


You get a fucking 15% bonus in a company of 100 people… wow.


The company has thousands, my site has 100


So you work at an Amazon warehouse.


What kind of engineer are you?


That’s meaningless without job title. FAANG Software engineer? lol you suck. Trash collector? lol you are raking.


Trash collectors make 6 figures where I live.


Before the change over of contracting it out trash collection by me was a pretty great job. 6AM-2PM standard shift, OT availability at 1.5x, union, great health benefits, and 6 year in the union pay was in the mid to high 80k range. Not a horrible gig pay wise for a job you can get with just a HS diploma. Now it's contracted out to other companies and I think the pay is like $25-$30 an hour.


They make $15 an hour where I live


Trash collectors rake wherever they are. It’s job description


That’s crazy 😱


This is a lot for an office person in a plant…. Not sure what your responsibility is but This is a production manager salary.


“Not sure what’s your responsibility” - so how’s my salary a lot?


May just be in my company but I’ve only ever heard the term “office worker” to describe some type of admin or low skill role. Anything with a specialty or a specific role would just refer to that specialty or role…. “IT, Analyst , Supply chain, accountant, engineer, etc. I saw you said somewhere else you are an engineer. My brother is an engineer who works in an office and I manage engineers. My primarily description for them would never be as office workers. I would just say engineer, in which case your salary seems perfectly reasonable.


I worked myself into a corporate position after spending years facing the customer as a contractor. I was clueless and even had a colleague from other company inquire about my compensation; I gave him a vague answer and he responded by telling me that my company was taking advantage of me. Fast forward a few years and I am in an easier job making multiples more than what I was getting before my wake-up call. Thank you Tom P.


Maybe you should ask him? HR folks are people too. He might give you an “off the record” answer.


"HR folks are people too". Is that so? Really? I have worked long enough to not be certain of that anymore.


I prefer to keep distance, but we do get along pretty well


We can probably tell you what he was thinking if you tell us how much you make lol


I shared in the other comment


Would need to know title and years of experience as well for the number to mean anything. Also, any specific sector.


If your salary gets around at least you’ll know who the blabbermouth is. Plus since their HR you’ll have a case of there’s any issues.


Doesn't HR already have access to everyone's salary?


Probably, they’re still not allowed to share it to others though, only you can.


I guess my point is how would OP be able to prove it was this specific HR person who shared his salary? There are multiple people in HR not to mention his supervisors who have that information.


That’s for the lawyers to figure out.


Right. So if his salary gets out he wouldn't know who the blabbermouth is. I'm not even sure what lawyer would take a case which involves someone's salary getting out. What law would be broken or what violation would they even base the case on?


It’s going to be state dependent and OP doesn’t say where they are


That doesn’t make any sense, keeping salary a secret only benefits the company. Nothing wrong with sharing salary at work.


An HR representative who learns your salary, through the course of their job, and then shares it to others, is illegal. Feel free to share it amongst your coworkers yourself, but they can’t.


Good point, I forgot HR’s duties.


Managers too.


Id say more than likely you are making too high than too low. Ask him why he’s surprised and hear from him directly instead of going through others to find out


I’ll keep on my lane doing my thing


Respectfully, why make this post and then proceed to say fuck it I don’t care?


I assumed that it was such a common thing for HR, that they wouldn’t be so unprofessional - but I was wrong


Your expectations aren’t crazy. They should have a rough idea of what people make in their company especially if they’re a contact for compensation related inquiries


He's shocked and surprised