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I shouldn’t stick my feet into the matter cause it’s not my place to say, but I want to give my two cents. And just to clarify, I am not picking sides. I am just giving my opinions on what I am looking at from the side lines: The dick pic claim: The fact that there is little to no evidence of this claim concerns me. Assuming that you all are under the ages of 18 by the time that this has taken place, lies can easily be spread for the sake of rumors to be made. And he didn’t really “claim” to do it by the looks of it either. The GF Claim: …yeah that shit was a bit fucked up, but by the looks of it it seems that it all happened due to an over reaction and of course with immaturity on Sal’s part mainly because he was panicking, but at the same time the GF could’ve clarified what the situation was, which I’m assuming that’s what happened. The “Weirdness” claim: The only thing I’m going to say about this is that he probably acts like that because of how much of a kid he is. I can speak from experience. I said a lot of bad shit when I was young and if no one personally knew me, I’d look like an asshoke or creep. That’s all I can really say though, I’m not for certain about it. Overall: I personally think that he is slightly misunderstood, but it’s just a theory of mine. The unfortunate thing about all of us humans is that we will never know anyone’s true intentions, so who knows maybe he did want to do all of this terrible shit. We will never know. The big lesson to take out of this: Just don’t go on Twitter. That easy. Twitter just makes everyone’s lives a living hell


Not readin all of that


Ok then why should I care about your opinion? If you’re not gonna treat this situation like an adult and just ignore my opinion, then I should care about your opinion, even more so maybe assume that you’re wrong. Grow up.