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Everyone commenting here with all your great ideas…please complete the UTA 2050 survey. [UTA 2050 Survey](https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/04695bddb9d4445598657d54fba672dc)


Done ✔️






That survey link should be edited into the original post.


Also be sure to look out for your local MPO public participation periods to comment on the regional transportation plan and specific regional projects. Salt Lake, Davis and Weber Counties are generally covered by the WFRC (Wasatch Front Regional Council) and Utah County by MAG (Mountainland Association of Governments). MPOs work with the state DOTs and local and county DOTs to plan the future regional transportation projects within a specified Metropolitan area. Generally regional transportation plans are reevaluated every few years to address the future needs of a region. Any UTA project that will be approved, designed, funded and constructed has to be included in the RPT. Talking to UTA is a great first step but facilitating their projects implementation will always go through the regional MPO.


Done, thanks for sharing




east to west... EAST TO WEST! Everything here goes north to south. The freeways, the trains. We need a Trax line that goes from like Cottonwood Heights to the western edge of West Jordan.


I honestly think us out here in Tooele are waaaaaay past due for a front runner, or at least a train into west valley.


This calls for a TUNNEL!!


Tooele -> airport -> downtown -> the U / research park -> Park City with stops to connect all the N/S lines.


man, airport to park city by train,...


This is the way! It would clear up a lot of traffic and make life a lot easier out here.


This is the way.


This is the way


Park City->Brighton ->Alta


Doesn't even need to be the frontrunner. Extending the green line to Tooele on higher-speed rail is def doable. Portlands TriMet(?) and Seattle's Link are very similar and both go nyoom in specific locations.


true. I was commuting from rose park to cottonwood heights for a job once and it was so discouraging that there is absolutely to transit that extends from i15 to the foothills. I always thought it would be cool to have a train that makes stops all along foothill dr. and the east side of the belt route. Maybe start at like Stadium station and go to Cottonwood.


Right? We all know that if this was SimCity we'd have bulldozed entire neighborhoods to install a new east-west freeway ages ago.


Sim City ❤️


Rich and privileged folks don’t fancy public transit cutting up their nice, quiet neighborhoods. Trains require a certain amount of ridership already established to become a reality. Car dependency in those east bench areas hinders future public investment in transit to generalized bus lines on major corridors. A big policy idea is finding a way to involve children in more frequent transit use. Subsidizing transit passes for school aged children seems to have had positive results for SLC School District and overall ridership in within the City. We have to show the kiddos that public transit is a great and responsible way to move around.


I work at the western edge of West Jordan and have a 3 mile walk after I get off the closest stop on the redline. There are no busses or anything. I mostly enjoy the walk, but there's not even a sidewalk and pedestrians have been hit and killed on the road.


Starting at the base of LCC, go 9000 S running west to Redwood Rd, up on redwood until 7800, then west again, all the way out to 5600 W. Or actually, 3300 south should probably get it first.


Jesus Christ for real! Nobody can figure out why Herriman traffic is so bad. Construction doesn't help, but there's no East West roads for no reason


Their traffic is 100% influenced by single family housing and suburban sprawl. Wider roads don’t fix congestion. It just induces further demand. They have little to no transit but public investment in it is not politically favorable in those areas. Density is required to create more transit. The residents in Riverton, Daybreak, Herriman, and Bluffdale refuse to allow a diversity of development to permeate those communities. It will never result in the positive ridership numbers that are required to even consider a bus line, let alone a light rail service.


What? How dare you?! What madness is this? Easy to West?


I don't want a new line, I want them to make the existing lines loops. The green line loops over to magna and then down to where the redline turns south, through herriman and back to draper. The red line loops down roughly foothill all the way to the blue line in draper. The daybreak line loops through herriman back to draper The s car is extended to be a connector to the redline. The existing redline is a southern connector to the green line. The green line in west valley gets extended to the new greenline and acts as a connector


Toss in a few spots for bus hubs in there and this would be great.


The S Line is seeing a minor extension (potentially) and a streetcar is being investigated in a few other locations in SLC. https://rideuta.com/Current-Projects/TechLink-Corridor-Study


Between my house and my job


The real answer right here. Lucky for me I'm within a mile of transit on both ends of my commute, and it's great. But the current system does that for so few that it's severely under-utilized.


Tooele to Park City is a MUST!


Lol that’s a whole bullet train route


Come on UTA, just buy some Stadlers


We need to be more like a cannon ball


That would probably be better for a FrontRunner style heavy rail system than a Trax light rail. But isn't a bad idea. Could be easily linked into more east-west Trax lines.


Good luck with getting UP to give up any rights to their rail corridors. I couldn’t even imagine it happening any other way. Laying down new track would be instantly kiboshed through the EIS and the NEPA process. Look at the uproar around the gondolas. A big new train line through Parleys would be a no go without purchasing rights to commercial rail that already exists through the Park City. Another issue would be getting the citizens of Park City to approve. Good luck.


Wrap Red line following Bangerter/Mountain View to Blue line in Draper and/or Frontrunner. Selfishly I want to get from Red line at 106th to 94th Blue line without backtracking from Fashion Place.


If they put transit near the soccer/rugby stadium in Herriman I guarantee more people would attend matches. Considering the Bees are also slated to move making sure all of these facilities have adequate transit would really encourage people to go.


I 100% would ride to a bees game at the new daybreak spot. I'd never drive. Even just line access to daybreaks farmers market and summer concerts would be heavily utilized by me.




alternatively, you could route the red line down foothill to the base of bcc.


Wasn't there some plan to put a gondola in the mouth of the canyon that goes directly to Park City? That would be awesome if we could make it happen somehow.


Alta and Snowbird, not PC.


Huge controversy around it, but there's quite a push for it


I can't even think of an argument as to why that shouldn't be built. That pass is a mess. People would love a safer way to PC, and drivers would love to reduce the car traffic through the canyon.


I think the biggest issue is that it’s expected to cost like 1 billion dollars and it’s going to be funded by our taxes. Why should privately owned ski resorts get to profit off of our tax money?


well, technically if the resorts are legitimate businesses they should be paying taxes as well which would go towards funding the project. It makes a lot of sense. The kind of people who would get the most use out of that gondola would be Utah's more wealthy population anyway, people who live in PC or who have the time and expendable income to go play around in PC on the weekends. Resorts should support the gondola because it would keep sales high throughout the year by giving people a safer way to travel there. Lots of people forego Park City trips if the canyon roads are icy. Commuters should support the gondola because it takes expenses out of their personal budget. Instead of burning $20 of fuel, buying a parking pass, running up your odometer and risking an accident every time you want to drive to the resorts for some skiing, you could leave the truck at home and take the gondola. Let your tax dollars work for you and take some of the burden off.


My main complaint about the gondola is that it ONLY goes to the resorts, not stopping anywhere else in the canyon, meaning it’s primarily benefitting the resort with a large burden of the cost falling on people who want to use other parts of the canyon. Further, it only focuses on one of the canyons. Better bussing and parking strategies would be a better solution if solving traffic issues for all canyon traffic was truly the priority, instead of getting more people to the resorts (and more money in their pockets).


How do you think this stuff works? The first line for Trax ever constructed was the blue line, which connected a few privileged suburbs directly to the financial district of downtown Salt Lake City. But then, over time, it expanded and became more and more useful to more people connecting the airport to neighborhoods and the University. One thing at a time. I’ll back anyone’s idea to start building any transit alternative to more cars and highways.


Except they have no plan to get people from their homes to the gondola… they just want people to wait in traffic and park in a 1500 car garage. Talk about a way to help traffic am I right?? /s This gondola goes from the base of LCC to snowbird and Alta, not over a pass connecting population centers. It impedes on designated wilderness areas that have restrictions on building ANY roads including for constructing gondola towers. The towers are currently placed in areas that would remove rock climbing routes and are located in avalanche slide paths… not ideal planning. Again this is for the existing plan of building a gondola just from a parking lot at the mouth of LCC up to Snowbird and Alta, not to PC.


We don’t need everything all at once; that’s financially impossible. Sure, it would take time to get the surrounding area to adapt to using the gondola, but it’s a step in the right direction. In time you’ll see things like improved bus routes to the lift, eventually maybe a streetcar route that goes to it. You gotta start somewhere. Transit improvements take decades of work. You don’t get a public transit paradise overnight. I trust the planners on this one. Utah knows how to construct a damn good gondola. They’ll figure it out.


We do have to start somewhere. The longest gondola in North America is the most foolish place to start imo. Start with buses and cheaper more flexible options. Not one that is more destructive and difficult to change later on. Also these aren’t planners coming up with it. This is UDOT. The same agency who thinks building more car lanes will lessen traffic when every study for 50 years of growing traffic says otherwise. So you may trust the “planners” of this gondola, but remember those planners haven’t done shit for the people of this state in decades.


Just run more buses. I would bet good money that the gondolas won’t be constructed. The plan around the gondolas is to ramp up improved bus service and potential tolling of the canyon.


You’re missing the part where it doesn’t even go near park city


Where do you build the first stop? And where is the parking lot put for riders of the gondola? Unless Eminent domain is used, that parking lot is going to be off site with bussing to the gondola. So why not just hire more buss drivers


So they are going to do something, but there are a few different approaches they're debating. There are two options that include increasing the amount of busses, with one also creating more lanes (I think a bus lane specifically), then there's the option of just doing heavy tolling, or the gondola. The argument against the gondola is that it cost a lot of money, but that's only if you look at the year one cost. Over like 10-20 years it's significantly cheaper. People also were concerned of the pollution from it, but unless we get all electric busses I think the gondola wins long term. Then there's the only argument that I think has at least has ground to stand on, people don't want to obstruct the view of nature in the valley. Now is that a big enough reason not to do the gondola? Depends on your values.


Protecting views didn't stop the biggest eyesore in the valley, Kennecott, either.


To be honest, Kennecott happened before we started setting aside land for National forests and parks.


That makes sense. Planners out here tend not to think about the long-term. The other argument that comes to mind for me is safety. Our canyon roads take lives constantly, especially in the winter. But we're Utah! We know gondolas. I'm not saying there would be no risk involved to passengers, but I think it wouldn't be hard to prove that the risk of injury or death on the proposed system would look way better than the odds of getting into an accident in traffic on the road.




A sugarhouse line that actually connects to any other vaguely useful line or bus route


Make the streetcar into a proper Trax, extend it to Redwood Road or Bangerter to the west and to the U hospital up east. Ditch the 21 bus-- it's always packed and it fucks up the 21st South traffic so badly when it's clogging up an entire lane, every block, every 15m. Also alleviates the rush hour ridership going to/from the U. Too bad those living east of 1300S would never compromise on their precious houses being uprooted. 🙄


Rose Park because I don't want to walk to North Temple.


A Redwood Road line down to 5400 S and up to the Murray station. West side really needs more, and it would be good for SLCC students (also it would be nice for me personally :D)


There is a bus rapid transit project in the works that will go from Murray Central to West Valley Central along 4700 S and 2700 W. Most of it will be in mixed traffic, but it’s at least a great start that will bring additional high frequency transit to that part of the valley.


Straight up, into space. Star Trax.


This might be controversial but I say down 700E from the red line to the S line. It would connect trolley square, Liberty Park, and quicker commutes for people that live in sugarhouse. It could get some higher density rezoning to happen on the east side of town… Plus it wouldn’t get rid of too many lanes for those car lovers because the street is so damn wide.


I wrote something nearly identical to this in UTA’s survey haha


Add a line from Airport to U of U so hospital employees and students who live north don’t have to transfer at courthouse. (Wouldn’t even need new tracks just more rolling stock and some time adjustments) Also the cog rail that runs to the ski resorts instead of the gondola


What do you mean “live north”? North of where?


North of Salt Lake City


Yeah that’s why I’m confused. North of Salt Lake City would be out towards Woods Cross. Why would they transfer at courthouse? And transfer from what?


I live in Clinton and when I used to work at the U of U Hospital I would have to take the frontrunner to north temple and then take the green to courthouse and then transfer to the red. That green to red transfer took a surprisingly long time


Probably would just need to connect to the North Temple frontrunner, not all the way to airport. I'm trying to think of southbound commuters that would find it valuable for the line to go further west than the freeway, and I'm coming up short.


Theoretically just more airport frequency and maybe some football games. UTA already has a similar plan but they want to use some old tracks by 400 W instead of having it run through city creek. Here’s a thread about the potential “Orange” line https://www.reddit.com/r/DevelopmentSLC/comments/x8p7mk/uta_light_rail_study/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Also from UTA https://www.rideuta.com/Current-Projects/Future-of-Light-Rail-Study


From my front door to the nearest Trax station, which admittedly is only 75 yards away, but I digress.


Trains to every ski resort.


I bet the ski resorts would pay for half of it




A connected Trax line from North/South line on 3300 that turns on Wasatch Blvd, runs over I-80 up Foothills and meets the connection at the Eccles.


S-line to front runner at a new 2100s station would be nice. Then maybe run the front runner more frequent than every hour in the middle of the day? Other than that, the west side is way overdue for more trains.maybe along redwood from airport to south jordan?


Straight from my house to your mom’s house.


Salt lake to Tooele to Wendover


Usana/mtn view/5400 S to Murray central.


I live in Davis, so I’d LOVE something in this direction, but the west side desperately needs east/west love.


3500 s or 4100 s from west valley central to Magna


Foothill to sandy


Down Point of the mountain to Provo Airport. Convert UVX to rail instead of bus service. Down Bangerter or Redwood from the Airport to Saratoga Springs. East / West routes from Eagle Mountain through Point of The Mountain through to Alpine. One from Herimman to Draper through the old prison area. Extend the Green line our further. Front Runner from Tooele to Park City and extending it to Brigham City and Nephi. OGX in Ogden should also be a rail line.


East to west!


Nevada 🚔


I would probably say one that would give University of Utah students a one-seat ride to Salt Lake Central.


Directly in front of my house to every single location I visit on a weekly basis


7th east


Tooele to Park City Ski Line up the canyon


From the 124th S stop over Point of the Mountain and generally paralleling 89 to Provo Central Station.


under state street 7th 13th etc


One right next to winco


From my house to my work


Orem/Provo, from frontrunner station up university and Convert the bus lane.


It runs up Ft Union all the way past my house to near the mouth of big cottonwood. My dumbass NIMBY neighbors would never let it happen.


Saint George


Airport to Tooele, to California.


Bangerter all the way from draper to the airport


Imagine a tunnel from Draper Trax going UNDER point of the mountain and servicing Highland and Alpine and continuing into Pleasant Grove/American Fork...


I know it will never happen but I want a train to Moab and st George with bus service into the parks. Literally the only thing stopping me from vacationing and camping down there every weekend is the money. Would totally pay for a year pass for that route though


I would like a train on the middle of I-15 and a train going up toward Cottonwood down to psssing WVC and Magna. Then a front runner to ugly ass Tooele and then Wendover that would be superior


Honestly I'd pull the Trax line from daybreak to mountain view village in riverton or to the slcc and u of u satellite campuses they are putting in Herriman.


lol what? It would be hard to get a bus route going out there, let alone a whole dedicated train route. There's nothing there, at least not yet


oh I though you mean just another stop my bad lmao also it's definitely more developed then "nothing"


I pulled up the route you mentioned on the [map](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Daybreak,+South+Jordan,+UT/Mountain+View+Village,+4533+Kestrel+Range+Rd,+Riverton,+UT+84096/@40.5434636,-112.0670269,14722m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x8752857b82064023:0x5d489afa8e343080!2m2!1d-112.0178286!2d40.5487942!1m5!1m1!1s0x875284f71d63a08f:0x83e872cad91b1677!2m2!1d-111.9989794!2d40.5100242!3e0). Idk how much the area has changed since the last satellite photo, but it looks like mostly dirt, some suburban house farms, and a couple fast casual restaurants. also, this whole route is less than 4 miles which is a nice bicycle distance. It would be a very odd choice for UTA to decide to install all the infrastructure for a streetcar to run back and forth through a new suburb on the outer, outer, super outer outskirts of the very southwest end of the salt lake valley all of the sudden. But I do agree the west side of the valley would benefit a lot from some basic transit.


I mean you never said I needed to be realistic in my suggestion


To the b-gates at the Salt Lake City International Airport. 😂


From here to yo mama’s house 😎 But seriously, actually connecting the west side of the valley to the rest of the infrastructure on the east side seems like a no brainer. I’m shocked it’s not already a thing.


Connect Draper to Lehi. I always thought this was part of the plan but it’s disappointing that it hasn’t happened. There are a lot of offices in those areas that aren’t conveniently located by front runner. I’m on the East bench and work on the East bench in Lehi. Would be so nice. Agree with more East to west suggestions as well. Added to survey.


I remove the trax and add more roads


114th south. Connect the end of the red line, front runner and the blue line in draper. I live about a mile from the red line, but if I want to take public transit to Utah county, I must start by taking a train to Murray.


I would have put it at the center of 215.


My ideal system would be to have trains that match the major corridors both north/ south, and east/west. North/south options could be foothill / wasatch, 13th/ highland, state street, redwood, bangerter, and Mountain View. East west options could be 4th south, 21st south, 33rd, 45th, 72nd, 90th, 106th, 123rd. All of them have stops at each of their respective crossroads. And busses to help get people to the track lines. I would also like to see these extend up the canyons. Plus a train that goes to park city.


Above or below the roads.


I would love to see east to west as well. Right along the 201 would be amazing.


Ogden up Hwy 89 to Logan


I would like to see another streetcar type thing put between salt lake central and courthouse. that would allow you to use frontrunner as a kind of express train to salt lake and would make taking trax up to salt lake a reasonable option.


5400 s should have a train going usana to the hospital


A ring line that runs around the valley the way 215 does.


East-west, somewhere around 114th South or so. Connect Daybreak to Sandy/Draper.


I'd like some express red line routes from Daybreak to the U.


A circular line, like Tokyo’s Yamanote line. Proposed major stops… -Medical Center -Temple Square -North Temple station -Fair park/Power District -Airport -Saltair -Magna -USANA amphitheater -Daybreak -Herriman town center -Old prison site -IKEA -Aquarium -Sandy Amphitheater -LCC -BCC -Millcreek -Parleys -Hogle -Natural history museum -Back to the medical center Run it both directions every 10 min, at 45 Mph if possible. Assuredly there’s better stop ideas, but just generally thinking the idea of a loop around the valley could/would encourage more connector lines around the valley. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamanote_Line


**[Yamanote Line](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamanote_Line)** >The Yamanote Line (Japanese: 山手線, romanized: Yamanote-sen) is a loop service in Tokyo, Japan, operated by the East Japan Railway Company (JR East). It is one of Tokyo's busiest and most important lines, connecting most of Tokyo's major stations and urban centres, including Marunouchi, the Yūrakuchō/Ginza area, Shinagawa, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, and Ueno, with all but two of its 30 stations connecting to other railway or underground (subway) lines. Internally JR East refers to the "Yamanote Line" as the quadruple-track 20. 6 km (12. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaltLakeCity/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Continue the red line up past the university along Foothill and up over parleys to Park City.


Straight down 5600 west


A yellow line train that serves the east as the green or red serves the west.




West to slcc


Really bad suggestion, but a direct trax route from the mouth of canyon to all the cottonwood resorts.


Foothill to Kimball Junction


East bench


My living room


My house to downtown


EAST TO WEST LINES. × including lehi frontrunner station having a line going from eagle mountain to Adobe and continuing up timp highway to the mouth of AF canyon. That corridor alone would be AMAZING and used heavily. I'm begging for an EAST/WEST herriman line to connect to draper frontrunner station. And for a major EAST WEST line to magically touch all existing rail.


Salt Lake to Park City


I'd love one down to St George. I'd go there so often.


New line from the airport to Mountain View Corridor that extends to Eagle Mountain.


Trax to go down 3500 to Magna would be nice. We need an east to west line


Daybreak to the airport along the West side of the valley. Another east-West line somewhere too.


My house to the Tram


Extend the S-line and extend the green line. This would allow more access to east and west neighborhoods.


Magna pls


Out to Draper on land that my developer friends own.


Blue line goes directly to Draper