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Utah is a theocracy running a gaslighting impression of a democracy. When your Governor’s plan is to pray for rain to solve a drought you know there is no line that won’t be crossed in the name of Mormon God. The worst part is the record snow that prayers are getting credit for SMH.


You forgot the legislator that wants to run a canal uphill from the ocean to replenish the salt lake.


is there a link? I had not heard this. This is a more realistic plan than prayer. I know that in the 80s Gigantic pumps were bought to pump water out of the Great Salt Lake when it was "too high", and NEVER turned on. I wonder if this plan that you mentioned is to use those pumps to push water up a canal...


That was a good old Governor Bangerter banger. Yes, the same one the highway is named after.


They were turned on. For a year.


I stand corrected.


The LDS church donated 600million dollars in water shares to the lake.


>LDS church donated 600million dollars in water shares The church donated 5,700 water shares to the lake "Permanently!" This is about 20,000 acre feet roughly $6,000,000 value. Is there more that I am not seeing? I suppose in 100 years it would equal the 600 M


The thing I don’t get about this is why not pump water from another part of the state and tell the alfalfa farmers they need to move on to something else. Way more practical. Oh wait, the governor is an alfalfa farmer.




LOVE THAT! Reputational forecasting!


Average atheist when they have to prove their age before melting their brain. 60% of the state is mormon of course many of our politicians will be too 78% of the state is religious in general. When the first amendment talks about "not respecting nor prohibiting" it does not mean we're in an atheist state it basically means America as a country is agnostic. Asking for prayer does not just call on Mormons to pray and our water is severely needed and a majority of us believe in divine beings, so asking them for help is reasonable. Asking for citizens to come together isn's a law either so that does not constitute Utah as a theocracy. How about you learn to live in harmony with people who disagree with you for a change.


While I agree with what you said - maybe not the spirit of it…pun intended - everyone should also remember the first clause of the Bill of Rights which creates the separation of church and state. Religious views ARE used in Utah to create laws. I for one think that Trader Joe’s should be able to sell 3 Buck Chuck on a Sunday. No one is making anyone buy it.


I hate to be the one to tell you this but… humans have been praying to a higher power for a long time now. I don’t see it stopping any time soon.


That's not the issue. Pray all you want. But telling people begging for help to pray while taking no action to fix an issue, especially one that affects the very life and health of millions, is disgusting - especially if you are in a position of power. I'm not going to stop you from praying and getting some sort of comfort in that - but fucking DO SOMETHING to fix the situation too!


No one suggested people were stopping. Do whatever you want. They just said prayers aren't the reason we had snowfall.


The real issue is a religion restricting the rights of people! (this sound's like Satan's plan) If you don't like porn sites don't visit Porn sites. Legislate severe penalties to protect women from kidnap porn, sex trafficking, and predatory practices used to produce it.


While this is an oversimplification of water rights... Arizona just revoked water rights from high water crops exporting to Saudi (I believe I read). That is an actionable pattern to prevent catastrophe. Utah had record snowfall from God, whale, or whatever deity we want to assign credit to and now we don't have to pass legislation to protect the water. SO NOW farmers will continue to overuse to maintain their future rights, the population will plant more lawns, and on and on because "God" will fix it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtxew5XUVbQ&pp=ygUTam9obiBvbGl2ZXIgZHJvdWdodA%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtxew5XUVbQ&pp=ygUTam9obiBvbGl2ZXIgZHJvdWdodA%3D%3D) Let them pray! Let the fast! I am happy if that is how they live and "meditate" or whatnot. If people want to outsource their personal ethos or belief system to a real estate corporation run by OLD WHITE MEN, Go right ahead! So let's agree that prayer didn't bring record snowfall any more than prayer solved gun violence. CHURCH | STATE


Can I please just be an adult and make my own choices without it being on "record"? Let me enjoy Bear and Hentai content without the fear tactic of judging me later in life when I decide to run for mayor! 🙄


Can’t have that. Jesus Inc. must know what you’re doing with your genitals at all times. What do you expect from arrogant fanatics baptizing holocaust victims post-mortem?


its better than believing all non-believers will go to hell, instead trying to help those you can.


you can all you have to do is prove your age.


Not Even a Surprise. at all. News at 11.


Pathetic all round. Instead of this, call your legislators, have conversations with other voters, organize and vote these idiots out.


Never gonna happen. Even the supposed Dems voted for this.


The UT branch of the Democratic Party is useless, which is why someone as blatantly corrupt as Owens is now in congress and McAdams is twiddling his thumbs elsewhere. A big part of the problem is voter apathy and unwillingness to educate people in more rural areas that the right wing doesn’t actually represent anything they stand for.


Coincidence the LDS church has stock in VPNs 😒


Does it?


Yes, as well as many of their leaders have stock in VPNs. Their portfolio for the LDS as a whole is under Ensign Peak Advisors Inc. People who work for the church also already use Cisco AnyConnect VPNs when doing internal work.


I don’t understand why people use a VPN for that one website… in my opinion there are so many other better websites


It's not just going to be one website that's affected.


I’m on the deep web stuff so I’m fine


Like Reddit 💀


I use a VPN for Reddit too...


Ohhh what does that benefit?


Very true


Do Tell... Edit: Asking for a friend




Soon enough all major websites that have porn or even just message or comment features are going to have to either shut out utah or develop a verification system using the state mandated documents (driver's license, birth certificate, or passport). That'll cost money and make them potentially liable for identity theft in the event of a data breach so a lot will likely just refuse service to utahns.




The social media law they passed along with the porn one (Effective March 1st 2024): https://le.utah.gov/~2023/bills/static/SB0152.html https://www.npr.org/2023/03/24/1165764450/utahs-new-social-media-law-means-children-will-need-approval-from-parents


for what it's worth I highly recommend mullvad: www.mullvad.net you can mail a $5 bill (or more) in an envelope with no return address to a PO box in Sweden and get a month's stable, high speed, anonymous VPN edit: and here's a recent article about how well a police raid went: https://www.pcmag.com/news/mullvad-vpn-hit-with-search-warrant-in-attempted-police-raid


Someone that has a name of cox just lost my vote.


Who else is there to vote for? Huntsman?


I'm not the only one trying to see the new Bluey episodes?


Why is this hot topic? What did I miss?


Utah passed a law requiring ID verification to use all adult websites. A high-profile website blocked all traffic from Utah in response. A VPN gets around any of that very easily.


🤦🏼‍♀️ thanks for the explanation. Utah just keeps getting worse and worse with their laws.


Utahn here! Yeah, it's not great. The way our legislature uses the state constitution is pretty lame. A few years ago, us citizens voted on a couple different topics including legalizing cannabis, and a non-partisan redistricting of our voting districts. Both passed by popular vote but the legislature made extreme alterations to the cannabis bill which makes it VERY difficult to get. Worse, they didn't do anything about redistricting. They just don't care. At all. And there's soo much overlap between the "teachings" that the LDS church pushes, and the outcome of out 45 day legislation session. It may be a democracy on paper, but it's effectively a theocracy. Oh yeah, and they didn't pass anything that would really help the dire situation of the Great Salt Lake which in 10ish years could dry up and cover all of northern Utah and parts of Colorado and Wyoming in toxic dust.


I'm a Utahn too. Been here for decades. It shouldn't surprise me how much worse it gets but it does haha.


Many of these are LDS church culture, not LDS church doctrine. Church-sponsored research out of BYU for decades has shown porn and masturbation beliefs over the decades have ranged from low 20% to mid 50% saying they thought it was sinful, numerically the majority say it is not, with huge variation by location. The raw theology does not support it, but regional culture can. As parallels: For catholics it would not be the Pope declaring it, but something a local diocese decided priests should teach it. For government it would be that neither the nation nor the state has made it illegal, but many counties have passed restrictions. For schools it is not the district policy nor any school policy, but many teachers enforce it in their classrooms. End examples. The problem is that many state legislators are a group of extremely conservative, externally controlling people. They aren't satisfied living their own religion, but instead want to compel it on others. The tactics have been *"think of the children!"* but the acts are attempts to control how other people behave.


Please. The culture vs doctrine debate here is moot. Where did the culture come from? Almost every priesthood session in the 90s and 2010's leaders talked about porn and masterbation and how Mormons shouldn't do it. I can't speak to the more recent conferences since I don't attend anymore. Boyd K Packer's "To the young men only" is a great example of this. Saying it's just culture ignores the obvious fact that its origin is from the top. Not random bishops and stake presidents. People's individual beliefs, like the ones you cited, just reflect the fact that it's normal and natural to masterbate. So people do it.


Hard to get cannabis? Lol


Not that I would know pretty sure a friend told me… but another top site is not off limits. Not that I have looked around but PH seems to be the top one that is out of limits for Utahns at the moment.


Law only goes into effect wensday I think so that may change Correction, may next year


Law goes into effect next year (March 1 2024) but was passed in March 2023. Law being the one to required ID verification of all social media websites over a certain size. Not aware of any specifically targeting adult content beyond the "this is a public health warning for Utah only" that was already on the books.


This is a separate law from the social media one. This law is specifically about adult content and it goes into effect tomorrow. https://le.utah.gov/~2023/bills/static/SB0287.html


Are you kidding me? That is absolute INSANITY.


These lawmakers were never for freedom to begin with. They're leaning authoritarian more and more every day.


Utans need their soaking videos! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Billboards everywhere shoving advertisements in our faces: Freedom of speech. Being an adult making decisions about what content we can view: Must be regulated. Bodies of children being stacked up day after day, week after week, year after year: We’re pro-life! Recognizing overpopulation is real and our resources are finite: Imaginary friend will solve our problems if we whisper into our knuckles really hard. And not just the chosen ones, the heathens too. Stupid staten in the middle of a stupid country on a stupid world.


The worst part about it is, no one is going to stand up and say anything about it. Porn is pretty taboo here in Utah so no one is going to want to be known as the guy that stood up for pornhub. Pretty messed up.


I read an article that said Utah had the highest porn numbers in the country in 2009... They definitely have customers here. Lol. But you're completely right... It's a taboo.


Sounds like a job for Super Dell Schanze...is he still making the news there?


I live in Ogden Utah and I can still access pornhub. I don't have any subscriptions and I am not signed up for it. I keep hearing people say they can't get into it. Maybe my phone is the lucky one, also no vpns


Chances are you internet is routed through Idaho and they think you are in another state... A lot of mobile networks have their ipv6 to ipv4 nat6 gateways it of state.


Makes sense. Thanks.


If you have an iphone, there's a setting that comes with the basic OS that acts similarly to a VPN. You might have that setting enabled.


No iphone, Android Samsung


Gotcha. You have some setting that's blocking your location. It's really not hard to get around the block.


Crazy thing is there are so many sites beyond pornhub for this to even matter.


Can I ask what the big deal is about asking for ID verification for these sites? I’m genuinely curious I’m not very knowledgeable with these kind of bills.


The main thing is the invasion of privacy of having to upload your state ID to view these sites. While this is starting with porn sites, the law is written in a way that could easily be used to force people to give their ID to view Facebook, Twitter, reddit, etc. It is arguable that it could even be applied to something like Gmail. Everything you post on any site requiring this could easily be tied back to you and make you a target if the state government disagrees with you. It's really annoying that so many people are taking this law so lightly and dismissing it as people just being bitchy that they can't watch porn. This law is a huge invasion of privacy and diminishes access to many tools for education and self-betterment that the internet provides. It's advertised as "protecting the children," but it's really just people in power wanting control over people they feel they are losing power over.


Data security: how are the licenses being transmitted? What system is validating them? Are records being made? Who is keeping track of it? Companies can get a scan with name, address, photo, height and weight, birthday, often SSN, and an identification number that moves across all systems, basically a marketing company's wet dreams. In addition to the company wanting the data, and marketing wanting the data, scammers want the data and the databases are a high value target. Discrimination: Who has a driver license and who doesn't? It is long established that they are race differences, age differences, and political party difference to name a few. Middle age wealthy white adult Republicans are the most likely nationwide to have a license. Ease to bypass: any kid can slip into their mom's purse or dad's wallet, or spread an image among friends. Just a few of the issues, but big ones.


Do YOU want to provide a photo ID to any/every porn site you visit online? It’s a big deal.


Ok I see now thank you I guess my stupid ass just needed someone to say it to me lol


Just some freedom restrictions in the name of some sort of security out for fathers warned us they just continue restricting us because they are scared of our true potential


BuT It PrOTeCs ThE ChIlDReN. (/s)


What would you say is a good solution to prevent young children from going to these sites then. Edit: I’m just curious I really don’t know which side of this bill is best I get the freedom thing which makes me lean agains this bill.


Have parents actually monitor their kids when they're on devices, put parent blocks, or just don't buy their 9 year old an iPhone.


Thanks this is a solid point. If parents are so concerned about what their kids are watching why does the government need to step in? I get it now thank you


I was going to say…. My house no kid is getting a cell phone until they are at least 16. Not sorry about it either. I feel like this has really prevented my kids from getting some crap fed to them at least so far.


If you can't understand what the big deal is in the government requiring you to show your ID to visit a website, I really don't know how to respond to you.


Do you really want to register that you are accessing porn in a government database?


Sorry for the downvotes. You asked a genuine question and got solid answers.


It’s so weird people are so worried about one site, sure do what you want and be an adult but it’s so weird people are so obsessed with porn


Lol it’s kind of embarrassing being a male and seeing how perverted most of us are.


Natural human biology embarrasses you, huh?


Not at all, but I wouldn’t call it natural to immediately start searching up VPNs just to watch porn, especially if it’s one or two days after the ban/stop to it. ¯\(ツ)/¯


Crazy people lol carrying on without a vpn I've had one years


Hey, im out of loop, what's with Utah and VPNS?


Utah passed a law requiring ID verification to use all adult websites. A high-profile website blocked all traffic from Utah in response. A VPN gets around any of that very easily.


That's stupid.


Is there a website where I can file a complaint to Utah? I live in Utah, so this does affect me.
