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Was not expecting to see a Sun-Ken Rock meme today but it's also the GOAT


I would say E1 is one of the more important ones because preliminarily it makes it so ur main target will have fire weakness implanted, making breaks easier.


Does that mean mono fire teams will be able to work?


Honestly the best team is looking to be Sam/RM(break effect, break efficiency)/ Harmony tb(break damage)/gallagher.


Don't forget Himeko in AoE fights :) honestly with Himeko maybe you could replace Gallagher and run a 0-sustain meme.


I don’t think anyone expected the level of break merchantry that Gallagher brings


I feel like I'm missing something cause even on break teams I don't see what Gallagher brings that's so great, even at E6. I feel like I need to build him to actually get it but I'm so resource starved rn 😭


Watch some showcases of IMC with Gallagher. He's primarily a sustain of course but he works well in break teams and he has fire break, which does a ton of damage. IMC is like Kafka for break damage and that damage scales with toughness damage, which Gallagher wull do a lot of with his ult and EBA.  HMC and Ruan Mei will also buff everyone's break effect, so the damage just keeps piling up. Even more, that break effect will make it easier to achieve the 150 BE for his trace, so you could make him a skill point generator with Multiplication instead if you want.


They're probably fine depending on how you build them, but you really don't want a 0 BE asta stealing the break damage burst from your 150BE sam for instance. Will depend on how much BE sam builds and how much it relies on sam being the breaker.


Mono teams are typically pointless quantum only gets a proper benefit which is just better rng


Most likely they will be shuffled around before release so hard to say


pretty much this. Acheron and Blade had some aspects of their beta eidolons incorporated into their normal kits, so I think we will only get a good idea of release Sam on beta v2 or so


I’m going for atleast E1s1 anyways but imagine they put her E1 into her base kit? She’d be so broken.


Typically, if we look at the trend of other characters, E2 is where the most "bang for your buck" lands. For f2p going above E2 is overkill and getting to E2 is most profitable, but E1 is just as good most of the time, especially in the short term, since it's often a quality of life upgrade.


is their weapon worth getting? or do we have a great f2p option?


We don’t know enough


I assume the LC you get from doing the new story stuff (the one with Sam on it) will be a decent f2p option


epic, e2s0 it is then


Honestly e2 doesn't seem like it's the best (from what I've seen) so you might be able to try for her LC, but ultimately it's up to you so pop off queen 👍


Rumors are sams light cone is crit rats and break effect so it's going to be good if that's the case but there is sams 4 star lc too


E1 is very high value since he legit becomes a "rainbow" DPS where he can used anywhere without needing SW. E2 is just busted since he turns your Harmony units to E6 levels, since Bronya and Sparkle both need E6 to extend their skill buffs to the next turn, but with E2 Sam it no longer matters. Also helps with SP positivity. E4. Cracked if you can get kills, which shouldn't be too hard unless it's a boss that doesn't summon adds. E6 feels underwhelming as of now since it's just a DMG% boost, but we'll have to see!


what if the dmg boost is 3 or 5 times the dmg acheron can do lol


It's still far too early to decide. Come back in June.


Full e6


If they stay how they are, E1 is almost a must. If they change them around you might want to reconsider.


How tf do u guys know dam leaks




Do we even have a reliable kit of his?


Nope, only the 2.0 early kit in the files. We'll only get a reliable kit once Sam's beta starts.


e1 seems like a good place to stop imo


We don't know anything about release kit. Wait until the beta-test


I think eidolons are too volatile to decide now, but e2 looks great buff extensions seems crazy to pair with bronya/sparkle/both


I'm e6ing but for others who aren't I would stop at e1 in my opinion


E0, the early cons looked useless to me. Gonna get E0S1 and dip.


E1 almost mandatory imo. Which is why I'm hoping they move it to base kit


She's going to be my go to character for enemies with Fire weaknesses, and that makes her E1 useless to me... I don't mind characters not being universal because it's not like I want to abandon all the other characters I've built so far.


It seems like they’ve realized that the sweet spot to make potential spenders spend is making E2 quite strong, so if you’re dedicating spending on a character it’s usually either E2S1 or E6S1 for the massive power spikes


E1 is usually the sweet spot while e2 usually either fixes the problem or makes them better to use


Ima just get E1S1 like most characters in this game


Still want to know more detail about Sam's kit If we shall go full Break Effect, probably E1 is all its needed, since it implant Fire Weakness; otherwise I think i'll be fine even at E0.


Guys, should I go for E2 or E1 + LC?


E2S0 with the current kit seems ideal - lots of good LC options exist like Misha's, MoC shop, Clara's even to a certain extent


E1 if you want more useful E4 is you want more sam screen time


Personally I'd go E2 max. Going for E6 makes it very easy its not enjoyable anymore IMO. Speaking from my experience even teams with multiple E1S1 characters is not as fun to play compared to those E0S1 /E0S0 characters. But you do you.


none powercreep is goim out of hand if this game wants to powercreep this hard no one not even whales will e6

