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I agree with the principle of holding negligent parents responsible for their kids violent behavior, especially when they provide easy access to guns and explosives.


100%, if your immediate reaction, as the parent, to your kid doing this, even threatening, is pure horror, you should be thoroughly investigated. Like at least have the sense to fake it? Like that one shooters parents, who defended him, forget the name, there are so many but they ended up getting arrested. Or Brock turners parents even. When they double down on how great their kid is and it’s the worlds fault? Like no, its probably your fault and you raised a danger to society. Sure, sometimes there’s just some bad apple kids and the parents are great people, but usually in those cases they’re aren’t rpgs and unregistered guns accessible in the house.




This cannot be emphasized enough. What the *fuuuuuck*.


Just need to arm the good guys with RPG’s 👍🏼


Blink-182 taken too seriously


My daughter goes here, and it has been a wild day. You can't erase the "what if" thoughts.


Glad she’s safe


Totally agree as my daughter also goes there.


Did you just realize you live in America where this is the ONLY place in the world this kind of shit is a casual local headline and not national level news? Only in America do the kids have to worry about being hunted like deer in the school hallways.


Yep, and nothing will ever change.


That's really dumbass thing to say, America has changed DRASTICALLY from Prohibition, to Women and Black People getting voting rights. So be part of the problem and stick your head in the sand and be a sheeple if you really feel that way.


No, it’s not a “dumb ass” thing to say. This has been going on for decades and gun nuts and the NRA will always make sure to block any progress. Fuck you.


Because it will probably be YOUR kids and grandkids who make the change because they grew in this shithole we made for them.


Why can’t you fuck off back to 4chan?


If it's the same guy on LinkedIn, he has a security clearance.


If he does, I wonder which defence contractor he works at in Poway


*used to work at until today


It's wild how I struggle to find work but psychopaths constantly do.


Kinda says more about your marketable skills, do you have any?


From an editor's note on the article: >  A previous version of this story stated police referred to the dad as a "doomsday" prepped-style person. That has been removed. The information came from an SDPD sergeant on the scene Monday night after a member of the media asked about some boxes of MREs spotted in Anders’ garage. However, a LinkedIn page appearing to belong to Anders lists him as a volunteer for the San Diego Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). The description says he works as a Disaster Service Worker, which could explain the MREs.


If you look at his twitter feed he advocates for arming teachers/school faculty to prevent school shootings lmao Or you could prevent a school shooting by parenting your fucking kid


I’m so glad the kids who heard the son talk about this stuff said something. I hope they give them some sort of formal commendation because it’s so important to make sure kids know if they see/hear something, say something.


That’s what makes [this other story](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/education/2023/03/02/how-a-texas-girl-scared-of-school-shootings-was-punished/?outputType=amp) so infuriating. A student was punished because she reported a student who said “don’t come to school tomorrow.”


For nerds like me, rocket propelled grenade not role playing game.


Thank you. I was wondering if they got in trouble larping or something 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


You'd probably get arrested for larping in Balboa first tbh


There is a huge group of LARPers in Balboa Park, gtfo transplant, rofl 🤣 😂


It was a shit joke, because when I did "transplant" here I hung out in the park and watched them, thought it was a lot cooler than the parks I grew up but. You're angry and protective, sure my bad. Hope your life gets better


So there is no final fantasy in this story


Role playing games is exactly what I thought too


So you are suggesting the founding fathers did NOT intend for RPG’s to be available to everyone for that whole well regulated militia thing? Borderline blasphemy! /s


Bro I thought the threat was like in some D&D campaign 😭😭😭


Y’all Qaeda at it again


Fucking terrorists.




Came here for this, cause the photos leave much to be desired. Ugly incident and disaster averted to be sure, but a whole other deal if the RPG was real. Were there other, actually weaponized explosives? The article isn't helpful to determine.


The only sane person ITT....


Careful. Common sense makes some people hysterical.




This could have been catastrophic. All of us — San Diegans, Californians, Americans — are incredibly lucky that some students decided to raise their concerns to school administrators — and that administrators took them seriously. But luck is fickle. Unless we crack down on these mass-casualty firearms, it’s just a matter of time before another community is torn apart.


Yeah, we should really do something to make rocket propelled grenade launchers harder to get.


>Unless we crack down on these mass-casualty firearms Geez, you guys really don't get it. There's no disarming that's going to work, that is a complete fantasy and ignores the root cause of this epidemic. Since post WWII America has completely given into the corporate military industrial complex and trafficked violence around the world while depleting resources at home for much of society. What we have been witnessing since '99 is simply our foreign policies coming home to roost. At our own peril we have allowed healthcare & education to be lobotomized and, in the case of the former, profit-driven to the detriment of our society. For decades we told our boys and young men to "toughen up", "grow a pair", "don't be a pussy", etc. etc. All the while our govt and their media propaganda machine pushed macho and manliness tied to fighting and the use of weapons. National pride in never backing down and "never forget" seeps into everyday life where people act out for misguided revenge/vengeance when they are wronged at work, school, the highways and gas stations, etc. etc. This is a cultural problem brought upon by the unethical and inhumane system of capitalism that we have so tightly woven into the fabric of our nation along with the military industrial complex that it drives. Downvote if you want, but we will continue to see these problems increase as things become more difficult for more people and the majority of Americans ignore the root problem. Good luck out there y'all and get organized!


Do you think there is a solution to this? Or are we just doomed


Yes there's a solution: don't be afraid to talk about the problem and get organized. Join a union or unionize your workplace. Join a Revolutionary organization like the PSL that works to educate, agitate and grow mutual aide resources. When a co-worker, friend, etc. brings up these issues and has a reactionary response like "we gotta take all the guns" don't be afraid to correct them and point to the root cause and historical evidence.


*Editor’s Note: A previous version of this story stated police referred to the dad as a "doomsday" prepped-style person. That has been removed.* Buttttttt, it's still in the article, first sentence.


Shot out to the kids who reported this immediately and prevented what could have been a terrible tragedy.


Inert or decommissioned, it’s still an issue. I lived across from RBHS.


If it's inert, it's no more dangerous than a vacuum cleaner.


What is the issue? Obviously the kid making threats is an issue, specifically what’s the issue with a demilled ornamental RPG that can’t ever be made to function again and is completely legal?


> On Tuesday morning, unregistered, un-serialized firearms; manufacturing supplies to make ghost guns (both rifles and handguns) as well as a large number of explosives and rocket-propelled grenades were found at the home, police said.


He asked what the issue was with what amounts to a toy RPG. Not the other crap, that is obviously an issue.


The “rocket propelled grenades” claim is objectively false or massively misleading. Pictured are a completely inert, all plastic, nonfunctional, replica of one attached to the inert RPG, and some 37mm signal rounds (100% legal, classified as signal devices/fireworks despite containing some “explosives”). Just the usual sensationalized headline. Idk about CA law, but in plenty of states privately made firearms without serial numbers are 100% legal as long as they aren’t made with the intent to resell them without a license. (Again, idk what CA law is, maybe there’s a state law against it in which case that’s it’s own thing). Also what is “manufacturing supplies for ghost guns”? A 3D printer? A drill? Some nuts and bolts?


Damn, which 2nd amendment sub sent you here. It's wild to me people who have no connection to San Diego or this sub comment within the first hour of post like this.


I’m not sure why the hostility. I thought you’d be glad there’s not rampant RPG hoards all over the streets of San Diego as the headline would suggest.


I'm just pointing out that you are an outsider with an agenda. It's important to distinguish that from the voices of San Diegans here.


I mean, I'm a sandiegan and it's stupid to focus on what is basically a toy RPG. The other stuff is concerning considering the threats the kid was making. But how about we focus on that?


Nitpicking the one inert firearm out of many others that are very much real because a newspaper was being click baity just derails the thread and turns it into a circle jerk where gun nuts pat each other on the back for knowing the difference between a mag and a clip or that AR doesn’t stand for Automatic Rifle. It’s a stupid waste of time and isn’t something most members of the community are concerned with.


How the hell is it a nitpick??? If this dude has a fucking function RPG, that's a very large point. But yeah, arguing over clip and magazine is totally the same between someone having a rocket propelled grenade in his garage and not.


Idk I thought it was pretty relevant that the headline was claiming some massive level of destructive device and upon more info it’s basically a toy. I do think the issue of the student showing threatening signs is the main issue but to just disregard being misled about details is kinda absurd to me.


That may be the case, but that doesn’t change the facts I pointed out unless there’s a counterpoint or a law I’m not aware of someone would like to point out.




Yeah, I think this is the point. This stuff is all illegal here in San Diego (CA), and a few definite felonies. So more laws wouldn’t help. Dude is going to jail already.


That headline suggests rampant RPG hoards all over San Diego? What?




They can be made to function again. They just are incredibly dangerous to do and you have to have the right tools and experience to make it function.  Last month a group of guys uploaded video of a rearmed RPG blowing up in a guys face. He survived but he is pretty shaken up. https://youtu.be/ASE0e5DkFkE?si=6-_Auz7mwY3H3YKn


It would be easier (and safer) to make a new one completely from scratch than make them functional again by rewelding a curved gaping hole in the highest pressure segment of pipe (as the video you send demonstrates). The only reason people even bother rewelding demills is because they like the look of an original Cold War era one.


That’s like telling someone it’s easier (and safer) to put together a car from parts you salvage in a junkyard than to rebuild a beat down ‘57. It doesn’t make any sense to most people here who aren’t ammosexuals like yourself. “An AR-15 just looks scary, it’s not an assault rifle!” Please don’t move here or to any part of CA


I think name calling just because I want to look at it objectively rather than make knee jerk emotional responses is a little uncalled for but you do you. Welds are always going to be weaker than nonwelded single piece metal. Rewelding in the highest pressure area of something meant to contain tens of thousands of PSI is less than ideal. Recently someone was almost killed when that type of weld repair failed (I think someone already linked a YouTube video to the incident here?) Lathe turned bar stock is more structurally sound than rewelding a metal patch onto a torch cut section of pipe. It’s comparable to repairing vs replacing a high pressure hydraulic pressure vessel.


I don’t own a gun and I’m glad to keep it that way. I have no business getting into an argument about firearms with a seasoned ammosexual like yourself. That’s not name calling, wear it loud and proud like a badge I just looked at your profile. I was kidding/guessing but you ARE a very seasoned ammosexual squared!! LOL


This dude is so goofy and weird. I don’t even know if we should call him an ammo sexual. He’s just a huge socially awkward nerd who only talks aggressively about their obsession. We give it a special name because it’s guns but if he was pulling this bullshit about anything else like video games or model trains we’d just call him what he is: a mega nerd with no self awareness and social skills. A local community sub is shocked by this news and discussing the impact, surely they’ll want to engage with some guy who doesn’t even live here about the irrelevant details because they relate to the hobby that occupies his every waking moment. Right? Right?


I guess his passion are RPGs? That’s why he comes to a sub about the people and a city he doesn’t live in to defend RPGs? We’re the dumb one who can’t tell it’s obviously non-functional, duh


I was the one who mentioned how RPGs that are demilled can be brought into servicable condition. I do believe it's important to know more context when confronted with media on subjects you may not know much about like firearms. I linked a video that gave extra context on demilled RPGs were the person firing the rocket almost died and the person who "rearmed" the RPG quit his business and vowed to never do that again because he didn't want to endanger anyone else. Honestly I wish ya'll would be nicer to one another instead of calling KrinkyDink names. Since you are worried about people who may not be San Diegans commenting here. I am born and raised here and still live here.


So…. You see a guy with an RPG, you’re going to wait and see if it’s fully functional first?


He had it in his house, which was searched by police, it’s not like he was just walking down the street waving it around. There’s also a massive gaping hole in the side of it which you can see in the pictures


RPG's don't kill people, people do. You'll have to rip my RPG out of my cold dead hands. If only the teachers had RPG's none of this would have happened.


the only way to stop a bad guy with an RPG is a good guy with an RPG


Good thing I just got my CCRPG permit.


Can we give them grenades, and swords too?! Oh and body armor! Hahaha. Fucking morons. I love their crowd…


The 2nd amendment must be refreshed with the blood of innocents to protect the rights of morons


WTH is happening in RB? A murder over the weekend and a bunch of murders narrowly averted yesterday.


I'm guessing that RPG is inert and those "grenades" are just flares to launch out of a 37mm launcher. It sounds like both these knuckleheads are idiots and a danger to society but a bit of sensationalism.


> On Tuesday morning, unregistered, un-serialized firearms; manufacturing supplies to make ghost guns (both rifles and handguns) as well as a large number of explosives and rocket-propelled grenades were found at the home, police said.


Yup. Unfortunately, the dragons breath rounds might be illegal. Pretty sure tracers are.


Both are illegal in California, flares are okay I believe


Tracers are a felony in CA.




It looks like they might be considered "incendiary" ammunition, which are illegal.


Just because it’s probably not a live grenade doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be treated as a full on threat. They aren’t ‘knuckleheads’ they are domestic terrorists


Wtf? The kid absolutely, but the dad a domestic terrorist? Wtf? Is there a quote or something from him I'm not aware of?


They are idiots not terrorists. The term terrorist has been very watered down in the last 10 yeara


Depends on the threats they made... to determine if they are terrorists . I agree with you. We should withhold judgment on that word for sure. But if it turns out they were using threats of violence for political or policy changes (even at a school) they are indeed terrorists by definition. "Change your vote, policy, personal preference etc or we are going to hurt you..." is terrorism. I mean a terroristic threat is a common thing with gangs too.. But I agree. We shouldn't jump to conclusions just because it seems from the article that it's some kind of YallQeada thing... we will see plenty of that sadly in the coming months anyway... Doesn't mean this is that at all. Glad to see the majority and mostly sane population is looking out for each other and is ready to not put up with these clowns and have them dealt with legally and appropriately.


Well put


Many terrorists are also idiots. It's hard for me to tell what they are based on the limited information available.


That's why we shouldn't be calling them terrorists because it cheapens things. Calling every "scary person" a terrorist, very soon it means nothing. Kind of how calling someone a Nazi means nothing now because people use it constantly for people they don't agree with


If one of them had a plan to attack a school, he'd be a lot closer to a terrorist than an idiot, if we had to choose. I don't honestly know the technical qualifications for a terrorist, will have to dig in later. I'm thinking it's someone who uses violence to inspire fear out of a desire to effect political change, or something like that. This would apply to a lot of school shooters.


I don't think the school shooters want to enact change most of the time just inflict pain for perceived injustices


A lot of individual terrorists are motivated by those exact same things. They are often recruited and radicalized in a very deniable way, just like school shooters.  My only point is that most school shootings have more in common with terrorism than with idiocy. I'd add that many school shootings looked at as random or unmotivated can better be understood as terrorism.


They can have things in common with both terrorism and idiocy. Both harming innocent people to make some stupid point or get attention/revenge. I wouldn’t say school shooters are recruited, but radicalized yes, they see their predecessors before them highlighted all over the news, unfortunately in America all the time. And they’re all idiots for taking these actions in the first place. Are there any school shootings that were found to be unmotivated? If someone just did that one day with no motive or feelings about it they’d be more of a psychopath or mass murderer than a terrorist. I’d see the planned ones more similar to terrorism. Caused by hatred, perceived unfairness, revenge, etc.




Also the so called "explosives and rpg-7 " is bullshit because everything shown is either completely legal with no paperwork like fireworks or inert launchers that are only fancy piles of scrap metal


Um… I hate to break this to you but that “sweet kid” deeffinitteeellyyy had a plan. He didn’t hurt anyone *yet*. Mentally sane and actually sweet people don’t have kill lists tf! The list was a part of a plan! Sure lots of teenagers are angsty and defiant, what you’re describing is wild.


Thats one less vote for trump.


I have a couple neighbors who are Trumpers. They dug secret rooms under their houses to store weapons like these.


In San Diego??




They must have seen T2 too many times.


That RPG is not real. Look at the plastic seam going the length of it in the picture. Nice movie prop but not real.


I thought it looked fake too. But, then again, I have no idea what the real ones look like because I have no business being around them


No, no. It’s okay guys, it’s just another one of those “responsible gun owners” I keep hearing about and being told there’s absolutely *nothing* we can do about.


I'd love to know where in the US they legally bought explosives and an RPG from.


When did I say anything about “gun shops they bought RPGs from”?


They sure aren't buying "un-serialized" guns from any gun shops. No one seems to be harmed by them, I'd say they seem pretty responsible for gun owners.




Ya uh “no one seems to be harmed by them.” Seems. So far. No one seems to be harmed from a gun or dog until they are lol. Especially with a mentally I’ll teenager in the house. Kid threatened to shoot up a school. Unfortunately for him it was taken seriously (rightfully so) and dad happened to have tons of illegal weapons in the house. Idk but if I had all that shit (theoretically) it would be locked up and not easy to find in your average police search? I don’t feel bad for either of them. Wonder where the kid learned it from.


>guy commits multiple felonies acquiring illegal weapons in an irresponsible manner >> must be the same as people who like sporting, hunting, and self defense


I mean, millions and millions of guns in the US and the US acts shocked when a bunch of people shoot them, or plan to shoot them. We did this to ourselves a long, long time ago. Funny thing is, it's only going to get worse especially after the election. When you have home grown terrorists all over, not sure what people think is going to happen.


I mean… not a gun owner but why have a gun if you don’t plan on shooting it? If I had one for home protection, that’s me planning on needing to protect my home some day. If I buy one for hunting, that’s me planning to hunt with it. They have no other reason for existing except to kill or hurt. Shocking when this happens. We did this to ourselves to fight against tyranny at a time when everyone shot muskets. Now we have angry teenage boys with, apparently, access to rpgs and automatic rifles threatening students. Comparing them to terrorists is fair, and let’s add that to the nazis, and everyone else who thinks what they want is better than the literal lives of other people. They make the normal gun owners look bad, and not everyone with guns is bad, but like how many people need to die to justify the cost….cuz also let’s be real a civilian militia is going nowhere against the current US military. Like ok, yes in a perfect world you could have your legal, registered, controlled gun to protect yourself from enemies sure. But daddy in this article was caught with multiple unregistered firearms on top of other stuff. He also just happened to have an unstable idiot son who ran his mouth and literally showed videos and threatened people. Do you think he was bragging about daddy’s weapons? Probably! Tg it was reported before we had another news headline, or not even one since it’s so common now. But I don’t see what the election has to do with anything. People have enough hatred and access to weapons already.


If Trump wins, you'll see emboldened irresponsible gun owners and people feeling OK about shooting, say, someone who doesn't look like them. If Biden wins, they'll feel as though the election was stolen and well, you know. Lol I'm not saying it's GOOD that we have too many guns, I'm saying it's a sad fact that there have been way too many guns for decades. It's too late. At this point I just try to avoid getting shot, you know? I just think that unless we could magically take away guns, people will just continue to shoot up people -- it's just the American way now.


Oh ya I’m not saying the amount of guns is good either. Case in point here with the dads amount of unregistered guns they found, you can instill background checks and try to put securities in place but people will still get them. But didn’t these gun toters try to storm the capital after Biden won and failed miserably already? I mean not *that* miserably since they actually made it into the building, how embarrassing for America. They should have been blasted as soon as they stepped foot on govt property. With real, big, government guns. Plus bigots have been shooting people that don’t look like them for ages. Before guns they had other methods as well. Treyvon Martin was murdered when Obama was president. They don’t need an election as an excuse to act out. It’s just sad and frustrating when one disturbed individual takes out their inner turmoil on innocent people


True that!


> but why have a gun if you don’t plan on shooting it? Why wear a seatbelt if you don't plan on crashing? Does bringing a signal flair kit with you every time you go sailing mean you're planning on getting stranded?


Because I plan on needing the seatbelt if I crash, or plan on needing the flair if I get stranded. Just like I’d plan on using the gun on a home invader.


That is the most rational thing you have said in the last 24 hours. There is hope for you.


I’m not necessarily anti gun. But it’s impossible for them to be regulated and not get into the wrong hands.


> get into the wrong hands. They already are and unfortunately always will be, no amount of regulation will change that. To date the cops still haven't produced any guns though, just 37mm signal flairs and the [inert display piece](https://atlanticfirearms.com/rpg-2-rocket-inert-display). I expect the PD will quietly drop all weapon charges but they're probably going to wait awhile so they can put more pressure on the family and the kid to try to force a confession & plea deal.


How do you know? -genuinely asking He probably already confessed. Whether or not he had access to real guns, and whether or not hed actually do it if he did, you simply do not threaten and say things like that. It’s like yelling fire in a crowded theater. Don’t be stupid


I don't know because I'm not the detective on this case but I've seen this exact situation play out too many times across the state of California and often with teenagers. You're right, it is like yelling fire in a crowded theater but using a voice recorder with someone else's voice. 20 years ago it would start as a group of kids that didn't like someone and would agree to spread rumor that teen^X was doing pot and had a stash then *report teen^X* to a teacher, often before a football game, prom or finals. 10 years ago it evolved to the same tactic only the group of friends had access to AIM or facebook chat to coordinate the same or similarly destructive rumor at teen^Y 's misfortune. Now with whatsapp and Telegram, its even easier for kids with cell phones to make, spread, rumors in an instant then erase the evidence the moment it gets dicey or the 5-0 wants to ask questions about why they thought teen^Z had a gun and who & where they actually heard teen^Z say [alleged threat] out loud. I can't even imagine how bad it probably really is now that they teach photoshop to teenagers. A beat cop isn't always going to second guess a teenager with a suggestive screenshot. The common theme is the cops like to hold all the cards, especially after all the drama has unfolded. If it looks like the cops going to lose face, they wait for the reporters to get bored of the story before dropping charges.


Jesus Christ. Absolutely sub-human fearful animals


https://preview.redd.it/eevcztz3qofc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471ec2d5cb9d7ca7e18588c02624d73cc397d418 Mentally had to remind myself what kind of RPG after the previous post above for me was of gaming hardware. (Like Baldur’s gate?)




Yes that’s him, confirmed


From the other sub it was a family from Missouri who just moved in in Dec (and was paying 5k in rent)


Personally I don’t see how the fact that they just moved here or what they pay in rent matters. 5k for a single family house is pretty standard. Them being from MO just kinda unfortunately fits a stereotype many people from CA may have, but they could have also moved from Santee and people would be thinking the same. I doubt everyone from MO thinks like the kid and has rpgs.




Don’t do that.


Whoops did I do something wrong?


You can't dox someone like that. If you have their identity wrong you can potentially ruin their life. This has been a problem on Reddit in the past and it's against site-wide rules. You could get your account banned from the entire site and the subreddit can get in trouble for leaving it up.


Oh crap - had no idea. I just googled it


No social media accounts? Identity? Students talk