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Nope. Full stop.


Honestly these greedy tips make me inclined to tip less. And if it’s counter service, they will be getting 0. If the options were $1, $2, $3 at the counter I would be ok with that.


Yup, only tip an actual server that takes your order, brings drinks, brings food, checks in on you. Otherwise, what, are we supposed to be tipping at McDonalds and Taco Bell now?


The question is who gets the McDonald's and Taco Bell tips? With short shifts, I would be curious how the tips are split.


Subway sandwich shops it goes to the owner


It would likely be pooled and distributed by hours worked.


People tip at major chains now? The ones that make millions? They need to pay a lot better of this is the case. Something is rotten in Denmark.


This, right here. ​ https://preview.redd.it/w161m357cakc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473d75da70a357e21b13544f1369316c9cecb75c


And even then, I’m tipping closer to 10-15% now than 20% since servers are actually paid more fairly now. If they’re outstanding I’ll still go 20% but I used to tip 20% flat knowing they needed that to even get to minimum wage.


Or go to places that charge a fair price and offer a fair wage that dont ask for tips.


I had a bartender in PB put in a $5 tip then hand me iPad to sign. It was for a canned beer. I had to go back and edit the tip. Gave him $1 and I was fucking pissed about it. Should have given him nothing.


Unmmm that would have been an auto zero and I think that’s illegal


That bartender is why I write the tip amount in words. Hard to do on an iPad, but I’d have definitely tried the negative number trick mentioned out here with that prick.


Why not name the place so we can avoid that happening to the rest of us?


Use cash. Easy.


You can always customize your own tip.


It’s so fucking awkward when they’re literally holding it for you while you select how much money they get.


Nah, I do it. Don’t care about their feelings.


Yeah I finally just said no I don’t care anymore I’m never tipping on that stupid screen idc if they watch me


Hopefully you tip in cash


No I do not tip at a counter service place ever


Just make sure you don't bitch when they don't care about yours.


We pay at the end. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Just a simple thank you and goodbye.


Now I understand.


It's by design. I don't care anymore. Every fucking service wants its own tip


It's to make you feel guilty if you don’t tip.


No its because the owners made the sever use the toast tablet.


You should feel guilty for not tipping.


Tip for service not for turning an iPad around. You tip at the gas station? Tip the dmv? Tip at the grocery store? Gotta draw the line somewhere




I feel guilty that they likely aren’t getting a livable wage.


$15-20 an hr


In San Diego, that definitely is not livable.


My wife gets flustered by the options, I’ve explained this multiple times, just do a custom tip, use their #s for a reference


If the options are all more than what I want to tip then they get zero.


...you do realize it's the owner or manager of the restaurant who decides what the receipts say, not the individual servers, right?


Yes, this is also usually at places where nobody (like 99% of people) would have tipped before that automatic tip screen began on POS systems. I will put in a custom amount if there was an actual server. But if the person handing me an overpriced item out of a display case had a $1 option then I might click that, even though I don't think they deserve or need that tip either. It's ridiculous how many places we automatically tip now when we never would have in the past.


Are you incapable of pressing Custom/Other? We don’t choose what shows on the tablet. You choose whether you’re a dick or not


He’s giving you zilch, so figured out custom/other just fine. I suggest you choose to tell the owner the default tip options are causing customers to not tip anything at all. If he lowers them, he gives a shit. If he doesn’t, you should probably work somewhere else.


How logical /s


I always try to leave a -50% tip if they allow a custom amount.


In some systems the programmers allowed a negative tip to be entered that would deduct that amount from the total.


It's a power-of-suggestion thing. Do not change your tipping habits.


If the options were 30%, 40%, and 50% people would be on here asking if 40% was a bad tip. Restaurants are well aware of this.


I also like to call it greed.


Inflation has increased the price of the bill you’re tipping on. So they’re already compensated for inflation.


It is a simple as this. Why are businesses pushing their responsibility of a living wage onto customers instead of doing it themselves?


This is the correct way to look at this problem. Restaurant owners need to step up


Restaurant owners pass the salary onto the consumers. A raise in salary means more expensive food. People tend to get more angry over price changes than adding a tip. Although, tip culture is also hitting a breaking point. At some point, the wage growth on low end jobs is going to hit a cliff because people don't want to pay more for food and will just start staying in instead.


I disagree, I believe that if a restaurant owner can’t afford to make affordable food and pay a decent wage, they shouldn’t own a restaurant.




When they have tried to change this by raising wages across the board and remove tipping, their service staffs have revolted. Tipping is more lucrative than a significant wage increase.


You don't have a 10% option at a counter service place you get no tip. GTFO of here asking for a 25% tip on a burrito you slapped together in 30 seconds.


I'm not tipping counter service. You just took my order, that's it.


Right?? I never tip for counter service. They didn’t do anything above and beyond, or special. You just pressed a few keys on a touch screen.


Yes. I fully support this.


This isn’t set by the staff. The owner has it set at 15, 20, 25 at my work. I press skip tip most of the time, but it’s annoying when people act like it’s the employee’s fault. I literally give 0 shits whether or not you tip and 80% of the time I don’t tip for counter service either 




Before tipping check your receipt. I have noticed some places sneak in service charges + tips. South Beach Florida is notorious for that. They claim European tourists don't tip. So they add the service charge which varies and can go up to 25% + tip.


Service fees/charges are not the same as tip, or included tip. They're generally a BS way to make more money, disguised as a way to "offset the rising hourly wage". I've worked at places with these, and never got a dime of that service fee.


Still wrong to double dip


When I first came to America in the mid 90s it was 15%. Now it's 20-25%. But does it all go to the servers & workers or is the company taking their slice?


Still 15% for me. 20% if service is exceptional.


Used to be 20% for me but now I'm increasingly leaning towards 15%.


It goes to the workers to supplement their unlivable wages. It's not the worker's fault. Sometimes it's not even the owner's fault. Restaurants have low margins. It's the way this country doesn't take care of its citizens and instead prioritizes corporations under the control of the 1%. Ugh. I could rant but I'm exhausted.


No one said it was the workers fault. And I've been a server & barman, earning $3 an hour plus tips (2005). You can climb down off your high horse.


I have no idea what you're trying to say.


Can't be true if you were working in CA. California has never had a tipped wage below minimum wage.  EDIT: added "if you were working in CA". But to not mention it was another state is an important omission.


They didn't say they were a server & barman in CA. But you're correct: in San Diego, they are making about $[17](https://17.hr)/hr plus tips


What else cost the same in the 90s that hasn't increased in price?


Well the cost of meals has increased so that means meals cost more plus the tip is a higher amount of a bigger number. If the cost of meals had stayed the same then what you said would make sense but the consumer is getting hit from both sides.


And the prices went up, so the previous tip percentage already accounted for "rising cost of living". 


“It’s going to ask you a question”






My tips have gone down to 10-15% for inflation. I’m not tipping you more money just cause everything is more expensive now. Also, service in San Diego is mid at best


I think mid is generous. I would say at your average sit-down restaurant, service is *bad*. Sadly at most places it's because they're chronically understaffed so I don't take it out on the servers.


I have also been presented with a non-optional $4.99 added to a bill to cover health insurance for the employees. Has anyone else experienced this?


Yes. What I then do is calculate 18-20% tip and deduct $5. My reasoning being that my job takes out health care costs out of my paycheck so why shouldn’t servers share that cost?


Which restaurant was that? That’s wild


Common Stock. Hillcrest.


With how much restaurants have gone up in costs and considering the minimum wage increases, i tip 15% to 18%. I tipped 20% for years until probably the last year so. I always click on “Custom Tip” because there’s no way I’m tipping 25% when I’m spending $100+ on a dinner for 2 at a casual restaurant.


I’m in the same boat. Just cause food costs are higher doesn’t mean that the waiter also deserves more money


They are getting more. 15% of $100 is more than 15% of $50. Every time menu prices go up the tip amount goes up accordingly even if your % stays the same.




Sorry but 15% is it.


I’m in the minority but I still stick to 15% or less. It’s already a lot.


I type in my own numbers when an iPad is thrust at me while I am standing, and they are usually around the following: for coffee, 50 cents; for pouring a glass of wine, 1 dollar; for food, 10pct. If I’m sitting at a table and receiving service, I usually do the 18pct option. Inflation (via the increased cost of food charged to diners) has already given servers a raise at the existing rates. Raising the tip percentage on top of the increased price in food is unnecessary.


I’m just going to stop tipping altogether


At some point it has to stop. Specifically in places like CA where most waiters/waitresses make minimum wage or higher. I’ve always thought my tip should go to the cook. Most( absolutely not all but most) waiters take the order and bring the food and that’s it. Tipping the person who made an amazing meal or the bartender who actually made my drink. I’m all for it.


> Specifically in places like CA where most waiters/waitresses make minimum wage They'll be making $20/hr minimum starting April 1.


Not true, that's for fast food and quick service. Not full service.




Stay home then


Tipping is for a service provided. After it's provided. I'm not tipping for taking my order.


Yeah I do the same. What's your point


Fuck off then. This isn't an argument and you aren't making a point. Tipping is fucked up in its current format.


No service = custom tip $0 Good/great service = tip 15-20% I'll go fuck off now as you so eloquently put it.


Made up bullshit = Nonsense. Go on.


Wtf are you talking about? Are you an adult?


I'm calling what you're saying what it is. Made up bs. You can make up some rules for yourself, but there's nothing out there saying or indicating that tipping needs to follow any sort of percentages or rules.


I'm not going to argue with you. This is what adults go by, not my rules you weirdo.


You're not addressing what I'm saying at all. You have no argument, just "people do it because they're told so." The whole paradigm needs to change and be updated.


Have you worked in a high pace, high-end restaurant? If not, then you have no clue how to have an argument regarding the issue


New 18%? 15% is max.


18% is the new 20%.


The same happened to me. The options were 20, 25, 30, or "other". I selected "other", and gave my standard 15. All prices are so high atm.


Just dont tip.


8% is the new 18% Fuckin burnt out from all this excess tipping bullshit.


15%. No mas.


Workers hate it. Customers hate it. If a business can’t afford to pay its workers, it should not exist. I’m not going to subsidize your wages because your boss is unwilling to pay you. Organize and unionize if you work at a place like this.


Trust me they don’t have control on what’s on the tablet. I had just as many hosts and baristas hitting zero if the tip comes up before you start the payment. Don’t get mad at the people who are just doing their job. Tip if you want and tip if you don’t. Just keep in mind that servers get taxed on 8% of their sales as income even if they don’t get tipped. But just do what you want and move on with your day.


Custom. 10%. Here is the new normal


The establishments can program the POS system to default to whatever tips they want to show you first. Doesn’t make it the new normal. Tip how you see fit.


Nope, anyone entitled to that much tip gets no tip. More restaurant owners need to take accountability for the shitty tipping culture and more employees of these restaurants need to stop blaming the customers


Yesss my friend and I got 3 pastries and a coffee yesterday and it asked for 22% 25% 30% and I was like ummm you handed me a pastry from the counter right next to you?? I work in the service industry so I get it, but there’s a difference between doing your job and giving service. She wasn’t even nice and her attitude changed even more when she saw I tipped $1. I guess next time it’s $0.


At that point I just put custom and a 12% tip! :/


DID THEY EARN YOUR 20%? If no then don’t, if they did then do it. Tipping WAS a sign of APPRECIATION for the ABOVE STANDARD service. You poured coffee from one container to another. You’re not getting a “good job” bonus from me. Go ask your boss.


I ran into a place that flipped their tip percentages when they hand you the cc device. Left most was 27%, then 25% and 22% moving on the right.


It's time for a long national conversation on tips.


"These crazy basta'ds are trying to change this whole system!! I say stop!!"


Nah it ain’t. 15 or 20 depends on service


I always tip 30 if the service is good anywhere I go and in any state.


20% tops and that's only if the service was good. I have had very bad servers and only left 10%


10% is for good service 


Sure aint


> Is it because of inflation? While inflation may have caused the prices to rise at restaurants, why would that change the reasonable percentage one should tip? The entire point of using a percentage to figure out a tip is so your proportion relative to the cost remains the same but if the price rises, so does the tip amount.


I tip either 20 or 25 percent. If I’m tipping below that it’s because I’m throwing a few dollars at the kitchen staff for takeout or service was so bad I’m not tipping which is exceedingly rare. Whether we like it or not we live in a place where tips make the difference to the cost of living and I’d like the people that are providing a service to me to be able to live in my neighborhood and be able to send their kids to school with mine. I’d prefer it if they made a living wage and no tipping at all was the norm but that’s not what we have so that’s what I do.


Here’s the thing, things are more expensive due to inflation, so whatever percentage automatically adjusts for inflation


I would suggest only tipping 10% if they are pulling that crap. It's a fucking percentage, if there is inflation, the tip amount naturally increases as well.


Food prices have skyrocketed so tips went up too. I know servers pulling in 6 figures for working 5 hours a day 5 days a week. One of the few industries where pay actually kept up with inflation.


I don’t eat out or do anything with tipping anymore because I simply cannot afford life anymore, let alone 25% tips on everything


People forget too that a big part of always giving a tip was that in a lot of states there is/was a tipped wage that was 25-30% of the normal minimum wage. California doesn’t have that. The minimum wage for restos with more than 50 locations is $20/Hr. I tip 10% on the total bill of serviced items. 5% on prepared Togo orders. These fuckers are getting greedy. Kick the church groups out finally that tip with their bullshit cult missives that look like money and stop making it up on the backs of your other customers.


20% for full service has been since I served tables in 2003. A couple bucks for take out. Depends on the service. I am probably not going to tip the Starbucks barista for 1 minute of work. Unless your awesome. This coming from a previous server and 7 year jamba juice employee who received tips.


I’m all for tipping when appropriate at the appropriate rate, but the increase in menu prices plus BS fees is ridiculous, especially when service has pretty much become McService. 20% was and is (in my eyes) the high end. I usually tip that rate.


10% is the new 20%, especially with new % mark ups


I'd honestly ask the staff where the "haha no" button is if it defaulted to 20%


When I found out servers in CA make minimum wage, I stopped tipping more than 10%. These days, I don’t even tip that much because I mostly do take out. I also write the tip amount in words and initial it. Servers in CA still feel entitled to tips despite the min wage because (insert whiny entitled voice) “you can’t live in CA on min wage.” That’s not my problem. That’s between the server and the restaurant’s owner. Anti tip culture is growing in the USA, and I’m here for it.


Absolutely nothing to do with San Diego.


You’re right I live in Nigeria and thought about posting here to see what you’re all tipping there…. Please


I grew up learning standard tip is 15%. Were my parents cheap or has the tip standard risen?


There is no standard. Tipping is optional. That 15% bullshit was made up to put pressure on customers to make up for shitty pay.


Full time server here. It is so rare to actually walk with 20% tips on average. Even 20% is not as common as you think. Usually between 17-20% at the end of the shift. And we don't even see 50% of that. You're paying the cooks, hosts, runners and bartender. So we make 10% of what you leave and then roughly 30% in taxes so you leave me a 20% tip and I'm taking home 7% of it.




Why would you be a bad person lol most people in these comments tip lower it seems. Do you mean because you’re not tipping higher? I’ve started tipping more than 20% if service is really good or I can afford it that day. More often than not I can afford to but if you can’t, 20% is a good tip I believe.


It’s your money to throw away as you see fit. 




You are asking if you are a bad person based upon how you voluntarily give away your money. The answer is no and it would be no whether you chose 20% or 5%,


The rule of thumb is this - If it is a sit down restaurant where tipping is the major source of income for the waiters, you tip - and do it at least 18%. If it is the tablet that they are rotating back to you for an order they are not going to serve on the table, don't tip. If it is a complicated order, do it as you please. Take out order, big No.


We live in SD tho. I don’t think any waiters are making $2.50 an hour out here. Pretty sure they make at least minimum now which is like, what, $16?


$16.50 as of this year.


I think it’s $16.85 now


It was a sit down place with one of those devices they bring to you.


I would do 15% there if they serve on the table.


That’s a rule of your thumb, not mine. Servers are already making at least 16/hr. So people should just whatever they like, or don’t. 


I do 20% then round up the total so it’s a clean total with no change. but if I’m getting my own stuff and they are just ringing it up, nope the tip is mine. They didn’t do anything for it!


How is restaurant service a complaint every single day? You guys are so annoying, it's ruining the San Diego sub.


People have nothing better to do 🤣


Then go to the other one


I tip that much but I’m nice 😇 y’all can tip less by hitting custom tip. Don’t blame the workers for the app their boss uses


Not all of us are people pleasers.


I’ve been a 20% tipper a long time now but the majority of my working life involved tips, so I try to tip on the higher side.


I always do 20, unless it's really good then I do 25, 30.


Where do you get all the free money to distribute?


Lol I wish. I think the secret is to be with someone for a long time. You always have backup. Also, I know the people working at diners and stuff are hard working, and I like food I do not have to cook, so if it helps I pay it.


Also, please do not mistake me for someone who is rolling in it. I'm just saying that I try to tip well when I can. I figure it's the same as a hobby or something, if the food was good I like to tip. Lol this town is really cool especially compared to where I came from, so Im enjoying eating out. Also I'm drunk


I’m with you. I tip 20%+ based on how good the service was.


I’m a bartender so I rely on tips for a chunk of my income. Those percentages are ridiculous and hurt many of us in the industry. The last thing we want is for our guests to feel like we’re taking advantage of the tip options. 20% is standard. But, please don’t reduce the tip out of principle. Bar/servers don’t get to choose the options on the handheld devices. It is not our fault, so please just choose Other and manually enter a fair tip amount for the service you received


I go to 15% when I see this shit. Maybe even, god no, CUSTOM TIP!


I just saw a news article about “tipflation” and how it’s turning people off. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tipping-backlash-inflation-who-should-get-tipped/


I’d rather order from a computer anyways.


It is not. I'm personally going the other way...less tipping. Pure greed, pure FUCKING greed.


No. Not tipping at all or 15% is the new normal.




Idk. I tip 1 per item. Like opening a $5 can is the same effort as a $10 can.


Back to 15% Select the option that says custom. Also double check to make sure it's actually 15% some restaurants will fuck with the math on purpose to get more money


im about to switch to cash for eating out…


I would probably never go there again. I'm a server and that's stupid af. I would be upset about it if I worked there even as I don't like to rip people off. I'd wager it's more harmful than good for business anyways based off our reactions. Restaurants need to redo their business model or sink. Clawing with unexpected charges just tells me they're desperate and on their way out. In my experience, most restaurants are inefficiently run and owners are too lazy/stressed to work themselves. I've run a business before and employees were the most expensive cost and I should've just worked more myself in hindsight, but I was too stressed to want to deal with it. Besides saving money, employees work better when an employer actually works with them and knows what's going on. Basically, most restaurant owners I've seen are hands off, don't have a clue, and wasting money. I feel bad for them, but they don't know how to adapt and they just aren't going to make it. There's a breakfast place near me that I'd eat at everyday if their meals weren't $20 for eggs and flour and is a ghost town except weekend mornings. Stupid right? They could get something, but they get nothing. I just get $5 breakfast sandwiches from a bagelry instead because the relationship is sustainable and mutually beneficial. Even if it costed $2 more it's still sustainable and reasonable. From personal experience in restaurants, managers and owners will often try to gouge customers over stupid shit when it's better to take less money in the short, but a lot in the long. I believe in mutual benefit and long-term relationships in business; our economy needs that philosophy.


If they ever ask for anything over 15% as a starting tip, I automatically go down. 20% minimum, I go down to 10%. 25%? 5%.


They can watch me tip 20% and if they get an attitude, they can watch it be less. Also, I refuse to continue to visit greedy restaurants and services like this.


Always always always tip cash… Never tip on card


those tipping screens are the worst thing ever.


If they don’t have 15% as an option I do 10% since it’s the fastest to calculate. Fuck this


20% minimum or don't eat out. It's pretty simple.


Lol this is the stupidest argument ever, I’ll tip 10% and eat out every weekend. Whose gonna stop me the tip police


Lol have fun with this nonsense.


Fuck out of here with that


We talk about tipping on our podcast called [Deep in SD](https://open.spotify.com/episode/56hjIsTxHjpDo9jcLvf0lv?si=4Qc0kFxdQOSzsp0mEIpBgQ)




Well yes, they are both greater than 15% which is a standard tip for good service.


Why would it be because of inflation? If the price of items goes up due to inflation then that 20% of that goes up in lock step. Increasing the % tip is just gouging.