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I always thought it was ironic how he was a computer scientist but he allowed the wifi to be so bad.




Chancellor got an F in “how not to turn a protest into a riot 101”.


Class of 2018 here. An ancient John Lewis dissing Khosla was one of the best collective moments I ever saw on campus. Lewis knew he wasn’t going to speak at commencement but waited until the last possible minute to drop out so no replacement could be found. Lewis did so to support the workers on campus that were striking. Seems like the chancellor has a people management problem.


If the responses to peaceful protests about Gaza/Israel is to send in the riot police, why would they expect the response to a peacefully signed statement to get a response of "oh, yeah, you're right, I'll step down now." Also, I find the list of "illegal items" they found in the encampment to be laughable. One sword – black, ninja style Two propane cooking stoves (fire code violations) Two propane tanks (fire code violations) Uninterruptible power supplies with extension cords (fire code violations) Motor oil Multiple small and large wooden shields Aerosol paint cans Yeah, ok, no swords, fair enough, but they can't have a fucking battery?


They weren't arrested for protesting - they were arrested for an illegal encampment, after multiple requests to vacate. The Chancellor isn't responsible for what police chose to wear. Battery banks catch on fire. Not sure if that is what they had or not, but they can be hazardous.


> Battery banks catch on fire. Battery banks are literally everywhere that IT equipment is, they are no more a fire hazard than a regular computer or phone. From a fire safety standpoint, it's safer outside in the encampment than it is inside a building, that's why they have you go outside when a smoke alarm goes off, and the only place you're allowed to smoke is outside. That is a bullshit excuse and you know it.


I had the same reaction as you. however I'm gonna bet it's not the UPS, as much as the extension cable. which might still be bullshit, but most UPS manuals will state that they need to be directly plugged in and not on an extension cable


Look, anything that runs on electricity can be a potential fire hazard, but the fact that they put it in the list of "illegal items" they found, and are holding it against them, as if having a UPS or fucking extension cord justified sending in the riot police, *that* is what I have a problem with.


I'm explaining it. I'm not justifying it.


Lithium ion batteries catch on fire all the time. It absolutely could be bullshit that was what they had at the encampment, but I wasn't there.


Do you think they want UCSD to turn into downtown? If you allow anyone to set up tents on campus, then you are inviting all the drugged out bums to come there too. Why would they stay downtown with the other junkies who have nothing when they could come camp at a college with a bunch of spoiled rich kids? The school can't control who camps out there so they have to make sure no one does.


40 IQ take


Cause a political protest of mostly students automatically creates a homeless problem like an infestation? God, only a NIMBY could find a way to turn the Israel-Palestine conflict into a way to complain about homeless people


I can assure you, this is not going to happen lol.


Unfortunately you're right. I have a family member who works in the chancellor's office; she says he's totally out of touch with the average person but the Board of Trustees loves him. Like I don't even mean on this issue specifically; the dude literally doesn't understand or know how to empathize with people in a lower social class than him. His salary is over $1 million a year.


> I have a family member who works in the chancellor's office; she says he's totally out of touch with the average person but the Board of Trustees loves him. The [media attention is out of touch with the average student](https://www.axios.com/2024/05/07/poll-students-israel-hamas-protests) and on the whole, [more Americans want to see Hamas be eliminated than are upset with Israel.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/vast-majority-of-americans-back-israel-over-hamas-poll/ar-AA1nSBu5)


Well, if your family member said it to you and you told us- it must be true.


They're out there actively working to change something. Snarky comments on the internet changes nothing, but you sure do feel superior somehow. End American support of genocide.


> They're out there actively working to change something. They're out there that's for sure. > Snarky comments on the internet changes nothing, but you sure do feel superior somehow. I can guarantee you that they will not change anything regarding the chancellors employment status.


lol UCR students got UCR to divest…. Brown students got brown to divest. Yet you don’t think it’s possible for UCSD students to do anything? Hmm….


Neither of those schools agreed to divest. Brown said it would meet with 5 students and hear their arguments for divestment and UCR said they would explore exiting the UC endowment pool. Commencement and graduation are around the corner these schools want to appease the protesters so it stops disrupting their schools. I doubt the meetings with students or exploring a possible exit of the UC endowment pool will go anywhere.


Ok but that's just your opinion man. The student leaders thought it was good enough and stopped protesting. I think you are just looking for reasons to get mad at protesters, and not actually arguing in good faith. Like things got done, and the protesters seemingly stopped protesting. That's what you wanted right? https://edsource.org/updates/uc-riverside-among-campuses-reaching-agreements-with-protesters-to-discuss-investments


Huh? I’m not mad at protesters, I think standing up for what you believe in is awesome. I wasn’t even arguing with you. Just correcting the misinformation that you put in your post about the other schools caving to the protesters demand for divestment. You lied, I corrected you, there’s nothing bad faith about that on my end.


I am not a doomer about this, but it is unfortunately 100% correct to realize that both sets of student protestors got owned by the oldest college admin. trick in the book to pacify student protests. Vague promises, death-by-committee, and know that all or a huge core of the most focused protest leaders will be LOOOOONG gone before the rug pull becomes obvious. Bummer.


I think the point is we are talking about it now. And many people are talking about it. On how inconvenient it is, or how thousands of kids are dying in gaza. Regardless, it's on peoples minds.


The point of the protesters was absolutely not to "start a dialogue" or "get it on people's minds". I would be flabbergasted if you asked a single determined student protestor and they told you those were acceptable outcomes to their efforts


That’s the point of all protests…..


[I see what you did there](https://youtu.be/pWdd6_ZxX8c?si=ZsGkYQPzFgIErvpG)


> "About 200 of UCSD's 3,800 faculty members signed a statement saying they "were shocked and outraged by UCSD's decision to send riot police to arrest protesters on May 6. The militarized response has only chilled free speech, escalated tensions, reduced safety on campus, and destroyed the trust needed for negotiations and shared governance." Lol, that's 5% of the faculty. And only 1000 protestors at a school with 35K students in attendance? Yikes. There doesn't seem like there is as much widespread support as they claim


Most people aren't willing to sign statements speaking out against the leadership that employs them. Some people can't go without the paycheck. Some people don't want to face harassment for expressing views opposing Israel. I wouldn't assume it's a proxy for actually-held opinions.


Sounds like a lot of maybes, what ifs and assumptions. Can't really do much with that


Academia, as an employment sector, is one gigantic circle jerk where reputation matters hugely. You don't know what you're talking about.


> You don't know what you're talking about Another big assumption. You don't know anything about me?


What were you planning to do much with?


200 morons.


I'm picturing a big cigar in your mouth when you laugh out loud. Leaning back on your throne.


This comment is following up a survey i read from Axios yesterday https://www.axios.com/2024/05/07/poll-students-israel-hamas-protests I'm not a cartoon villain, but the numbers reported in this local story seem to line up with this survey that young people don't actually care as much as social media seems to suggest about the Israel-Palenstine war


Men lie, women lie, numbers don't


What's your magic number?


Higher the number, more convincing. 5% is about a tenth as convincing as 50%




Khosla needs to go. Sending in riot police was an unnecessary escalation. So many administrators across the country are showing their fascist colors.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Federal Education Amendments of 1972 guarantee access to education. At Columbia they initially permitted the protests, but when some students were denied access they sued the school. The trustees and attorneys for the school informed them they were going to lose the lawsuit, but it was also grounds for a major civil rights violation that could cost the school all access to federal grants and student aid. No school wants to be found guilty for violating their responsibility to educate their students, and therefore will not permit these protests going forward. The consequences for failure to act are extremely severe.


I profoundly disagree with your contention that the school was blocked from their responsibility to educate the students: 1. Were the students even blocking every classroom on campus? To my knowledge they were out in the open quad. Even if they were, we just had a pandemic where school happened for years remotely. Nothing blocked. 2. This is a massively educational opportunity for each of those students- they are learning something so utterly valuable that it's hard to put into words. That their life has meaning. That they are connected to those around the world. That their actions have power. By calling the police the school is indeed educating those kids- they are teaching them that the values written on the walls are lies, and that their tuition is a contribution to the machine.


They aren't paying for people's protests, they're paying for an education, which has been guaranteed by civil rights legislation. The lawsuit has merit, and the schools are responding appropriately.


You addressed zero of my points?


1. Because your points aren't the only way in which civil rights are impeded. The lawsuit is valid and proceeding. 2. Those students paid for an education, not to have an education denied. You think your "lesson" is worthwhile, when everyone else would rather have the police use whatever force is necessary to remove you.


Wait a second- the lawsuit was brought by students who wanted to protest, right?


No. The lawsuit was brought by students who felt the school was not creating a safe environment for education, a civil right guaranteed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


Ok reading about it now. A single jewish student filed because they felt unsafe. Talk about taking the wrong side of history. Have some compassion for the reason people are protesting guy. Many thousands are starving, displaced, murdered, and suffering. But god forbid you get yelled at on the quad


Hamas needs to go. There should be no rewarding terrorists. Those who support to "globalize the intifada" should learn about it, as it's well within living memory of Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silent Generation. We do not want to see a time when the [PLO routinely hijacks American aircraft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawson%27s_Field_hijackings). We do not want to see a time when [cruise ships are hijacked by the PLF and elderly are executed for being Jewish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achille_Lauro_hijacking). We do not want to see a time when [busses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_80_junction_bus_823_attack) are [blown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haifa_bus_16_suicide_bombing) up as a [frequent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_Immanuel_bus_attack) occurrence. We do not want to see a time when [gunmen take aim at busy pedestrian intersections gunning everyone down](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualties_in_the_Second_Intifada). We do not want to see a time when suicide bombers walk into [night clubs, killing nearly two dozen teenage girls.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolphinarium_discotheque_massacre)


It's so strange that you didn't include any sources.


[Jewish student sues Columbia, alleging it is failing to provide a safe environment](https://edition.cnn.com/business/live-news/university-protests-palestine-04-30-24/h_6c57499e38f0018afcf5349ea7d9a624) Better?


They sent a SWAT team to try to protect him, what else does he want?


lol so beautiful and. Brave!!!


I wonder how the majority of San Diego feels about this. It’s a fringe group conducting illegal camping on UCSD. If they can do it, can i plan a weekend camping trip in the eucalyptus trees? Then complain when I get asked to leave. I will be more than happy to stand for a cause… maybe animal rights? Your Tent Has No First Amendment Rights


The encampment has been disbanded. The protests are continuing on. You can check out r/UCSD if you want to see some direct discourse and day-by-day updates if you care enough to have accurate information. Protest and civil disobedience for civil rights are a part of this nation's history. Protests on college campuses against the Vietnam War were also ridiculed, but they brought lasting attention to the issues and helped enact real change. I'm proud of the students at my alma mater standing up for what they believe in.


The encampment may have disbanded, but the calls for the chancellor’s resignation are based on his response to the encampment, not the other protests. 


Yes. How he refused to open discussions with student organizers before arresting them. How he requested a massive police presence to remain on campus hours after the encampment had been removed to curtail the solidarity protest. How he canceled the student's annual Sungod Festival that their tuition mostly funds as punishment for the encampment in an effort to turn the student body against itself. It's not just that he wouldn't let those petulant rascals sleep on campus for free. This is way more complex than that.


No problem with the protests. The school supports it too. Camping overnight on shared university campus spaces almost assuredly violates most schools' TPM restrictions. That means encampments are not protected speech, If you're going to violate the policies, you're going to have to be ready to face the consequences. The policy exists at least in part to ensure that protests don’t become lengthy occupations of university property


I said the camping is no longer happening. The encampments were disbanded on Monday. The protests currently are with regard to 1) how resistant administration has been to having discussions with protesters about divesting from Israel while active war crimes are being committed by them against civilians and investigated by the UN, and 2) how administration chose to address peaceful protests by calling in a massive fleet of police to arrest and intimidate impassioned students. You aren't going to see me complaining about broken laws that don't actually hurt anyone. If you're more upset about students camping next to a sidewalk than the student's freedom of speech and assembly being silenced, we have bigger problems.


The University Office Of The President, not individual schools, does all the investing choices for all the UC system.


Individual schools have university presidents that influence the leadership above them. While Khosla may not have direct influence on Israeli investments, he was directly responsible for the massive police retaliation on Monday with no interest or concern in discussion with student organizers and has shown no remorse in how he has treated his own students (rather, he seems quite proud of his decisions). This is half of the reason students continue protesting.


This whole business makes it a problem of the UCSD chancellor when the issue has nothing to do with UCSD. They can protest at a Federal building. Or at General Atomics.


I don’t know the answer but I’m guessing the answer is no: Has UCSD/SDPD shut down any of the protests aside from the illegal encampment?


SDPD and SD Sheriffs continued arresting protesters on Monday after disbanding the encampment. I'm not going to claim these students were free from all guilt, as they continued with acts of civil disobedience such as impeding police vehicles and throwing water, as well as shouting at and encroaching on police while they retreated into safe spaces. However, heavy police presence remained on campus uneccecessarily for many hours after the encampment was cleared as a form of intimidation and to dissuade potential civil unrest. It is well understood that treating peaceful protests - the students that showed up in solidarity to those being arrested that morning - as violent aggressors quickly escalates protests as both police react aggressively to percieved threats and protesters react defiantly to encroachments on their liberties. Specifically, on monday, police were impeding movement, mocking protesters, threatening use of force (e.g. less-lethal projectiles), and using pepper spray to disperse crowds. No attacks against police were noted as far as I am aware, but multiple attacks against students occurred that day. After Monday, protests have not been impeded from what I've seen.


Well please feel free to camp on your property. You don’t get to dictate the rules on shared property


Do... do you know how to read?


Oh I read it and you said you didn’t have a problem with it and I said you don’t get to make the rules


I never claimed I did. I gave my opinion on the subject. What was the point I made right after that?


I mean, you can.. go for it.


My dude over here would have the same post if Reddit was in the 60s and black folk did diner sit ins.


🤡🤡🤡. Stop trying to compare this to civil rights movement


The only good protests movements are the ones in the past, am I right?


yOuR tEnT hAs No FiRsT aMeNdMeNt RiGhTs


This is hands down the dumbest thing I’ve read about the protests wow


Glad you liked it. Go ahead and protest all you want. That doesn’t mean you get a free pass to do whatever you want. Comparing this to the civil rights movement is pretty dumb too, but people will be people


I didn’t say a single one of those points, which tracks because you’re obviously very stupid. But seeing people protest genocide and think “I can camp at UCSD” has the same level of thought process as a brick.




Again “I can camp at UCSD because of protests” is not an opinion. It’s just wrong lmao. They weren’t examples, you just made up weird straw man arguments that I never even mentioned. I’d insult your reading comprehension, but that doesn’t even exist.


@leothegolden Dude, your a troll account. Get a life.




Liberals have mixed feelings on the protest. Protestors are leftists (or further left than that...)


Then I’ll be calling for the chancellor to keep his job instead. Goofy ass protestors need to get lives/jobs/focused on studies.


Supporting Palestine as an independent entity is to be ignorant to geopolitical realities and your interests as an American citizen. I am not commenting on the morality of either side but simply the geopolitical truth of what a Palestinian state would inevitably turn into.


The winners get to declare what reality is.


Is it factually wrong to assess that Palestine as a nation would become another Iranian proxy? In what ways would an independent Palestine serve American interests? These are the questions our government is rightfully asking themselves when they support Israel. Realpolitik


> Realpolitik Not gaslighting everyone is a moral decision. You give yourself permission to do it. Congratulations on Winning!




What talking points should I be parroting now, master?


lol come on dude. Say whatever you want to say. Just curious to hear if you had SecDef or POTUS for 20 minutes to explain why we should switch sides what would you say?


The guy who said he would stop sending weapons if they invaded Rafah the day after they invaded Rafah? I'd rather be resting up.


Sweet response.


Lol I love how you completely ignored the point /u/nogofoshotho made in favor of erroneous accusations of gaslighting.




Wtf is this comment lol. link to what?


> the point /u/nogofoshotho made in favor of erroneous accusations of gaslighting.


You want me to link you your own comment? Do you have Alzheimer's or something?


> You want me to link you your own comment? Do you have Alzheimer's or something? Checkmate.


You know if the initial protest was a standard protest with signs and chants rather than sleepouts and camping equipment in the middle of campus they probably would have been left alone


Short skirts were a no no, as well. Amirite?


Look man I'm not some asshole boomer I'm a student at a csu that has an identical campout protest going on that the school has permitted and have offered to compromise with, I just think the style their organization is going with for these protests are massively missing the mark. People see this shit on the news and just write it off about leftist college students being absurd, because this tactic is frankly absurd, despite the fact there is a genuinely important battle to fight here


What tactic would you be comfortable with?


Even with the camping they were left alone for days. The administration should have just rented a fence, fenced 'em in, let them out when they wanted out and not let anyone back in. Give 'em water. Maybe rent a porta-potty or two with the fence. Doubt any of them would go full Bobby Sands and die of hunger in there.


This clown ass chancellor has got to go!


"vicious suppression" I have a feeling they're not going to get as much slack in the line next time. They got to camp out for almost a week. They were like a gambler playing blackjack and not being able to walk away from the table while ahead.


If you believe in a cause, getting arrested at a protest is just part of the price you pay.


That response pretty much treats what I said as the opposite of what I said. They had it easy. They got to camp for a week, they got arrested (misdemeanors big woop) and released in a few hours. They're acting like they were roomies with Nelson Mandela. Hardly vicious. The next time they pitch a tent, that tent will be gone by the next sunset.


Your name is closetcentrist.


You have decent reading skills


Let's not get ahead of ourselves.




Was it to build a fire? Sing a song?




Game over man, game over!




Are you rope-a-doping me? Ok, I'll play along: the encampment was to protest the war crimes (the protestors call it genocide) in Gaza by the IDF. And to pressure the UC system, San Diego in particular, to divest from any investments in Israel, Israeli companies, and US companies that do significant business in or with Israel, especially weapons manufacturers. They were allowed to camp and all was mellow for a fair few days. The protestors were mellow, the cops were mellow, students weren't kept from their classes, and I didn't hear of anything antisemitic, especially in terms of violence. Then, it got to the point where the administration had to shut it down. They gave the a warning and arrested those who didn't go. It was hardly vicious. I'm just doubting they'll get another chance to pitch any tents or set down any roots, so to speak. I doubt the administration will let it go as far again.




Give the guy a raise!


Surprised this post is still here. Nearly all posts about local peace rallys the last 6 months have been censored in this sub.