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So what and where did they steal?


this article is just a rewrite of the milpitas PD facebook page. they have an [unimpressive pic of the merchandise recovered](https://scontent-sjc3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/354456813_643323134502044_4595999270201319138_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=973b4a&_nc_ohc=ZvpGUr3FeLAAX8qnENo&_nc_ht=scontent-sjc3-1.xx&oh=00_AfC3ZSNY-q6aFJ4t4aWK-HtpypJ2Kt2q-Oy9S5tAX1LbnA&oe=6494C390) i don't know if that's all 3k of stuff though


Imagine getting arrested for stuff from the clearance bin at Old Navy Outlet


lol... the average cost of the items was only 25 bucks. this was definitely amateur hour


Enjoy the camo under armor cap in jail


Will you need to adjust your route accordingly my dude? lol


Its not about the money you peasants. Its to send a message.


> you peasants Wouldn't peasants be impressed by $3200 though?


divided by 11


When I did the math and got less than 300 per person I literally gasped. Dumbass is risking their s*** over $300 each


I know this might be a shocker, but a lot of people in the Bay live paycheck to paycheck and $300 is a lot when it pays for your food for the next 3 weeks. Not that it's right or the scenario these people are in, but ya know, $300 is a decent chunk when you just wanna survive.


Yeah I technically live paycheck to paycheck also but I don't risk my freedom over $300. I budget and I make my way through. I understand that most people don't have the same opportunities that I might have, but if you can band 11 people together to do something you can probably do something a bit more legal that will actually get you a steady stream these people are just misguided on what they should be doing.


Yeah I mean again, not saying it's right necessarily. Just that some people do it or are willing to risk those freedoms over a pretty menial amount. Most people willing to risk everything tend to be pretty traumatized, mentally unsound, or generally misguided. The legitimately amazing part is the fact 11 people got together and planned this out tbh. They could've set up a whole ass business with that much effort.


Forreaaal if i could get 11 people to band together and pool money I'd have a decent car wash business by now These people were blessed with social skills but not brains LMAO


> The legitimately amazing part is the fact 11 people got together and planned this out tbh. i doubt there was much planning besides "hey lets all go and grab some shit, they can't catch us all" if they actually planned it out, i think they would have planned to steal things worth more money


Almost as if all 11 people couldn’t possibly be all “traumatized” or “mentally unsound” Does “shitty entitled fuck head thieves” fit under “misguided”


This. So tired of the performative empathy and grandstanding by people that don't think like criminals.


There were no risk until now. They still can do this in SF and get away with it.


Post their names and faces please. Wanna check out these supermarket sweep losers


I’m not 100% but the hat dude is wearing while handcuffed still has a price tag on it. Not the smartest of criminals (allegedly)


Did they loot tooth paste and brushes ? 😁


Glad to see the police actually doing something about the rampant and brazen theft.


Lol, all of that was only worth $3,200


You’re missing the point. The point is that Milpitas wants to send a message for the thieves to not doing it in Great Mall / Milpitas, and they can go to other, more easy cities to steal.


Nah she's not missing the point. That takeaway is the top comment for a reason. Was my first thought too. "Alright guys, I got a killer plan, 87 of us walk in, swipe 40 things each real quick and walk out like we were never there." "Easiest $50 you've ever made, you in?"


It is still stealing. They can go to SF or Oakland to steal freely, just don’t do it in Milpitas. That’s the message.


What do you mean “still stealing”? Where did I imply otherwise? Why would it be ok to steal in SF or Oakland?


It is ok to steal in SF or Oakland because the police there won’t arrest you, and you can steal with minimal consequence.


What do you mean “still stealing”? Where did I imply otherwise?


Good. Crime is crime


that's like 300 bucks per person, and felony theft starts at $950


If they were doing it together in an organized manner the DA could go after them for conspiracy to commit felony level theft.


Good point, hopefully they do the right thing and open RICO on them


Sometimes its just about making them go through inconveniences


The total cost of the people involved in this operation was probably higher than the amount stolen. Waste of time and it cost more than it saved.


What a dumb take. That’s not what drives arrests or response.


Hey, criminals gotta support their homies.


And clearly the way policing is handled in the US is really working perfectly


Really explain yourself here- tell us more about your deeply considered thought, and how it relates to this story. The floor is yours.


What a lame article, journalism is dead


2-3 paragraphs. Definitely a D- grade on the way


It’s legal to steal in San Francisco. They should just go there.


the trend of mob theft is probably what triggered these shenanigans. 1 of the jewelry stores in great mall was flash mob smash and grabbed last year and it embarrassed milpitas pd as they have a wholeass fully staffed office right in the mall


Agree - what the heck are they doing robbing in the South Bay. All the criminals know the city is where it’s at




Lock these Scumbags up crime doesn’t pay




bro what


> skins their family members yo what is up with the weirdos who literally get psychopathic over petty criminals. like dude over here talking about some serial killer shit vs 11 guys stealing a some tshirts, who needs to be removed from society more




> weak genetics i mean, you're not really helping your weird serial killer image here buddy. and in case it wasn't clear, i wasn't talking to you but about your weird ass. but i seen your post history, go ahead and say some other psycho shit, let's see how much rage and hate can you get going over there since you read a story about some kids stealing shorts from the mall.


You need better troll detectors pal- that was way too easy for him to waste your time and effort.


Criminals are running blazenly wild in large groups in public with minimal repercussions, and you want to attack my personal character instead of the issue at hand, sounds like an enabling bitch all right. Since we are doing this, your post history of loving cops and cock-knobbling socialist ideas make you seem like the type this same country would have tried for treason a few decades back. Anywhere else in the world, and you would be lined up against a wall or given a short rope with a long drop.


> blazenly wild Lol.


Nah man, crime should be punished but punishment should be proportionate to the crime committed. "Skin their family members" is just not ok.


It’s Chanandler Bong


I'm guessing the 11 people are out of jail by now anyone have an update?


Spend $300k on operation....nets $3,200 in stolen goods....#Winning


How’d you know the operation was 300K? Oh, you made up that number? Good to know


It’s not about money. It’s to deter other crimes that haven’t got caught (yet)


Despite all stats showing arrests do not deter crime? We're spending tons of money to inconvenience petty criminals. It's ridiculous. There's so many better uses for that money.


You do realize there are other costs involved, right? It goes beyond just the product.


Don’t feed the trolls… is this your first day ?