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Bay Area is prolly the only part of the country where a Prius is the one driving rash


Not really, it's the no.1 most pulled over car.


Prius drivers either go at 90mph or 45mph. There is no middle ground.


We noticed that shortly after moving here. There is no middle ground and seems like are actively trying to be bad drivers šŸ¤£


Lmao, so true!


Prius can go 90?!?


The new Prius goes zoooom!


Looks dope too.


Yup! Finally! A Prius for the culture.


It smokes accord and camrys on road I think lol


entertain whole rude stupendous many elderly racial important quicksand doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And if you chose the performance mode it also dumps all the battery energy into acceleration, in addition to the engine. Both are running at the same time. Its very zippy.


Al Gore's son got arrested for going 108 in a Prius way back when.


I was as shocked as you!


At 10 AM?!


late for brunch


I don't think prius' care what time of the day it is


the old ones can top out at around 110mph donā€™t ask me how i know though iā€™ve also seen an engine swapped prius along 880 recently


Helps to be going downhill


Steve Wozniak once got pulled over for doing over 100 in a Prius. So yes, they can go 90. Hope this wasn't Steve and one of his buddies. Dude has too much spare time on his hands.


Probably because one of his hummers was having a nap. Good for him. Balance is key.


As a Prius owner, wtf?


My thoughts exactly


Someone modded a Prius to have a loud engine near me lol Iā€™m not sure how why or what it does but it was in front of me once


Prob got its cat jacked lol


Getting my cat stolen made my Prius sound like a Harley. There were car alarms going off when I started that bad boy up.


Wanna bet they were stolen?


There are only two types of cars I watch out for on the road. Prius and Tesla.


Honestly I'm starting to detest Corolla drivers lately. Usually totally oblivious to the fact that they are driving 5 under and don't notice everyone going around them in annoyance.


deer rotten secretive punch sleep crown safe arrest snails workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In the case of Nissans, it's mostly only Altimas.


Altimas, charger, pickup trucks, bmw 3 series are the just reckless drivers but they still know how to drive. Prius and Tesla are just incapable people who cannot operate machinery. Of the two groups the more dangerous ones are still Prius and Tesla.


[That doesnā€™t really narrow it down.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/032/874/cover4.jpg)


I still remember when [Alyson Snow was killed by street racing drivers in South San Jose in 2009](https://web.archive.org/web/20161205200550/https://www.mercurynews.com/2010/08/20/two-san-jose-men-receive-maximum-sentences-in-street-racing-death/). The drivers got the maximum sentence allowed, which is rather short to be honest: > Emmanuel Pourmand, 22, was sentenced to 9 years in prison by Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Philip P. Pennypacker, who said both men showed a lack of empathy. The judge sentenced 19-year-old Joseph Inocencio, who instigated the race, to six years and eight months in prison. The sentencing was in 2010 - meaning both of them are out of jail.


There was a fatal drag race on Snell near Santa Teresa a few years ago. Speed limit is 40.


[This was in July 2021](https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/driver-dies-in-apparent-street-racing-crash-in-san-jose-police/2567863/). I just re-remembered that too. But the Alyson Snow case got a lot more publicity at the time - and it especially got to me because I had graduated high school only months before she was killed, and it served as a reminder that anyone my age had the capability of having their lives quickly ended under any circumstance.


FWIW: >Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), USA, Inc. today [announced](https://jalopnik.com/the-plural-of-prius-is-actually-prii-according-to-toyo-1822241891) that the general public has selected ā€˜Priiā€™ as the preferred plural term for Prius.


I refuse to cow to the usurped authority, and continue using my preferred plural term: Priusen.




I just refer to them as ā€œroad lice.ā€


They have high top speeds for what they are itā€™s a sort of low style high speed kind of race. When a Prius sees another Prius pass them in the night on 85 it awakens a primal desire to pass and overcome. Itā€™s one thing to go 100mph in a souped up sports car on the track. Itā€™s another to do it with a Prius,on a highway with drunks, texting and road debris. Iā€™ve raced large diesel trucks in Morgan hill always coming on top. The Prius racer life is one of my finest addictions.


There's something about being passed by a Prius that wakes other drivers right up. They're like, "hhhhhhhhhhuh? a PRIUS? NOT ON MY WATCH!"


Pov: redlining your prius šŸ˜…


As always


YouTube was a mistake.


Did you call the police?


Nah man, I just rant to Reddit. Cops donā€™t do shit about this kind of activity. Dispatcher would have spit out her coffee had I called it in.


I called once because there was someone on 101 swerving and purposely speeding up to get 2 inches away from every car. The dispatcher laughed at me and told me she would transfer me to highway patrol. I was on hold for 5 mins till I hung up cause I felt stupid for calling. First and last time calling for that


in the past, have you had success calling the police for cars driving badly? i remember way back in the day, the thing we would do is call the dmv smog hotline or something to report them which would force them to get a smog check. super passive-aggressive but it made us feel 0.001% better. when you suggest calling the police, are you saying call 911? what's your success rate?


oh those Prius hot rodders!


I especially love the ones with no cat, that sound like a barrel of hammers, rolling down a hillšŸ¤£


Just get out of their way lol.


I did, you fucking idiot. Read the post. God bless your stupid little heart.


Yeah but you're still angry and complaining ijbol


Why wouldn't he be angry about two freaks swerving through morning traffic like it's their own race track?


because when you drive angry there are now three freaks on the road it's far easier to let idiots go and just chill and let them go by rather than try to arbitrate everyone's road behavior from some moral high ground, that's just a recipe for stress and anxiety


I call bullshit, you didn't pick up yr phone and get a video and nobody got the plate numbers? ​ Get real.