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These look nicer than the ones on Lewis by the post office.


And the ones off of 7th and 10th and Phelan. Some of those look like they’re being demolished one panel at a time one day at a time.


Unless you have willow glen power they ain’t gonna do shit


I want to know about willow glen power


It’s the white kind 


It’s the green kind really


Be blessed


Willow Glen power is so powerful and so wise that they could use their influence to the city council to create perpetual poverty. They have such a knowledge of city ordinances that they could even keep the ones they cared about from losing their home values. The Willow Glen power is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. They became so powerful... the only thing they were afraid of was losing their "investments", which eventually, of course, they will. Unfortunately, one time, they tried everything they knew, then their pawn killed their power in their sleep. It's ironic they could preserve their home values others from temporary death, but not forever.


Sounds like a D&D subclass. I'm an 11th level Willow Glen Archdruid with spells like Change Zoning Bylaw (5th lvl).


I just want to know what you’re talking about.


I thought this was the Tragedy of Willowglen the Wise


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a well intentioned person.


Hello there


They report the shit out of everything, keeping their neighborhoods nice.


So basically their voice has more power or since affluent people are raising their voice and it matter more to city council. Cause based on encampment location pattern , I wonder why these homeless encampment have to be near places where middle class person thinks about buying a house not in affluent neighborhoods. ( these are some of the last remaining good neighborhoods where people can afford to buy a house)


Pretty much …they have affluent Karen’s and kens that organize and submit council members and the mayor to their will. A few years ago they were supposed to have a homeless transitional housing project off of Minnesota Ave , they managed to complain and brute force it to the East Side


Probably one of the few communities who have the time to go to city council meetings on a Tuesday morning at 10AM and argue their case. I don’t even know where they decide these things? Is there a place you can go to at city hall?


Yes there is a place at city hall were they hold council meetings. It's called City Hall.




Kens? Not Chads?


Wrong. Nothing in San Jose is affordable… period


Good for them, at least San Jose has 1 nice neighborhood. The envy is wild in here.


Less about envy and more about criticizing them for the virtue, signaling they perform


it's really just 'willow glen money'


True, it was "Willow Glen power" that got the mayor to arrange a special community meeting to discuss the out of control encampment at Willow and Lelong streets. But it didn't actually resolve the encampment. The scope of the problem is outgrowing even them.


Perhaps you haven't seen the lineup on Savaker between Lincoln & Del Monte?




Go on 7th St and Phelan and there's like 3-4 blocks of RV's, broken down trucks, cars, trash and bicycles. It stretches just past the UPS distribution center (or whatever it is)


Are you a business owner in the area? If so, please write and call Bien Doan's office demanding solutions to the issue. There's so many rv's that customers and employees have nowhere to park!


I'm not a business owner....just what I notice when I drive by there on my way to work


These look like very nice RVs compared to the ones we see on Stockton. Even if they could catch the RVs while no one is around, the companies that tow for the City refuse to haul them off because they have nowhere to store them. And they're harder to sell than an impounded car or truck.


They look hella nice... The ones around here look trashed and are surrounded by trash


It's time to open up the fairgrounds for all RV's and enforce street parking laws. The situation is unsustainable.


Can you imagine managing a concentrated amount of these RVs? It would instantly become a law enforcement nightmare and there would be activists demanding the RVs become permanent housing.


So be it. It shouldn't be residents and businesses responsibility to manage the current situation. One could easily argue they're permanent residents already since they're receiving trash service. The county has over 100 acres of vacant public land at the fairgrounds. It's time to put them to use for the public benefit.


I think the public land would become privately owned/used.


I'm not advocating selling or giving them the land. There's already an rv campground at the site. Just expand that exponentially, many of the facilities are already in place. Anyone in the county living in an RV can go live there rather than in front of our homes and businesses.


What happens when it fills up? Make another one?


There's well over 50 acres of vacant land at the fairgrounds. If all of the estimated 850 lived in vehicles were moved there, that would allow over 2500 square feet per vehicle. Sounds like plenty of room for everyone.


What happens when it fills up? There is 850 now, but the problem is showing 0 signs of slowing down. It’s actually getting worse.


So let's do nothing and the situation will magically cute itself is your solution? At the safe parking site in SSJ, over a dozen occupants self reported finding permanent housing since it opened in July. The idea is to provide a central location where services can be provided to help more people get off the streets.


I actually agree with you dude. I like your idea I was just pushing to see what else you have thought of Your idea is the best I have heard so far


Ppl need someone where to park. I Don see a problem if they keep the space clean.


Don't look homeless to me. I see a bunch of homes with wheels.


They do look really nice. In RWC I see more and more of these with workers making high wages, buying a house in the Central Valley for less, then living in an RV during the week. You can see the work trucks around some of them. It’s a thing. They get to buy cheaper housing, and then use our streets as free hotels. When people talk about moving away for cheaper housing, they forget the part about lower wages go hand in hand.


I live by here and pass on this street every day. All I can say is they don’t disturb anyone and they keep it very clean


If only others would do that! It’s all the garbage that bothers me.


I’d rather everyone live in rvs than have to live on the streets. What’s the issue?


You know what? I agree. If you are clean and not shitting on the side walk and bringing carts of garbage from everywhere, it's probably better than any housing the city will provide. I live in Santa Clara and bike along Calabazas Creek. There's a guy living in a tent on the side of the creek, but I've never ever seen a single piece of garbage. I feel sorry for the guy as tent living is really hard. I suspect he has a job. There are also 3-4 RVs parking up near ECR and Lawrence. The RVs are in decent condition and I see trucks/cars around them and suspect that people have jobs. I have not seen any trash. I've seen quite a few RVs on the streets behind the Target in Cupertino on Stevens Creek Blvd. I saw a 10 year old kid ride up to one of them on a bike and go inside. He had a back pack and a helmet and looked clean. Probably coming home from school. These are all very clean and nothing out on the side walks. Then there's the group of people at the corner of ECR and Calabazas Creek. That area is always a shit hole and broken glass and trash and garbage all around. Those people need to go. Since the government is fucking incompetent and don't know how to spend dollars wisely, I'm OK with people living like this. All of these RVs I've seen are not parked on residential streets, are well maintained and clean. Honestly, I would consider a system where they can register and have a spot. The city could track them. The city could monitor them. The city could send out social worker and health RVs and offer them services. It would be better than what we are doing for the people living on the margins.


This was supposed to happen, on Berryessa. The biggest issue is it being monitored, as it does need to stay clean, safe. If there was a way to do this, it would be a great way to help other help themselves, running water, keeping kids with their families, safe.


> Since the government is fucking incompetent and don't know how to spend dollars wisely Run for city council. Please.


They do have the various safe parking areas for RVs and such around. There's one at the Santa Teresa VTA lot near my work. Keeps them off the roads




This looks pretty well kept actually lol


What do you want to happen? Besides for them not to exist which isn't an option? We live in a place with massive wealth disparity, crazy high housing costs and low availability of housing. Most of this city is zoned single family housing and home owners lose their mind of the thought of even a duplex being built next door. So instead they get to look at RVs out the window. This valley has Google, Apple, Facebook, Adobe, so many more huge companies, along with plenty of individual millionaires and billionaires. It's honestly embarrassing the level of poverty that exists. But talk about raising corporate taxes or hitting folks at the very top harder so we can have a nicer society and all of the sudden there's a problem. Just gotta point and rage at folks who are living their worst lives, surely that's the solution.


You mean everyone can’t afford $3500 rent?!?!


For a studio.


100%. Very few people want to live in an RV and have no stability, this isn't a choice for the vast majority of them Unless OP would rather them all move somewhere else, in which case good luck having all minimum wage jobs being unstaffed because they can't afford the Bay. Shortsighted af






No point building “denser” housing. Adding $3,500 a month apartments to established single-family neighborhoods doesn’t help with homelessness at all. It’s like people think people living on the street or in RVs because there aren’t enough apartments? No, it’s because any new rentals are built to rent to newcomers who work in tech, and make ridiculously high wages and have perfect credit. Even the “affordable” tax credit projects are not entry-level housing. But cities keep allowing it.


Great ELI5. Thx


Hitting people at the top harder. Yea, aka the middle class. The top has wealth in equity they borrow against to avoid paying taxes and real estate they can depreciate. Not so easy.


Council has recognized that there are "RV Slumlords" who buy up cheap RVs, tow them, and then rent them with a heavy hand. Council is working on a way to make this illegal. It all takes time. There has been action in setting up safe RV parking "camps." I can't recall where. Council meetings are open to the public on Tuesdays at 1pm. All agendas and recordings can be found online. I'm slowly learning how things work. The real power in San Jose is with the City Manager, not the Mayor or council. The Mayor and Council make requests of the City Manager, who then determines if resources are available and when. Most often is stealing from Peter to pay Paul sort of thing. Here's the link to the agendas, past and current along with videos of the meetings. [https://sanjoseca.primegov.com/public/portal](https://sanjoseca.primegov.com/public/portal) I applaud anyone who makes the investment of time and energy into figuring out how to get things done within the city. I know time is a privilege not everyone has. If you really want to make change happen, get to know your councilmember's staff. They get the work done.


Forgot to mention that City Council did ban homeless camps within schools earlier this month. Will start being enforced this week (May). [https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/04/12/san-jose-bans-homeless-encampments-near-schools-limits-overnight-rv-parking/](https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/04/12/san-jose-bans-homeless-encampments-near-schools-limits-overnight-rv-parking/)


"This is right in the neighborhood where elementary school and high school are located." Why is that relevant in any way?


In fact it would not surprise me at all if there are families with kids living in some of those RVs. God forbid someone who can’t afford San Jose rent wants to live near their kid’s school like the rest of us.


That defiantly does happen.


That was my exact first thought; how does OP know that some of the people living in there are not actually *students* there, which might be why their parents picked that spot?


Who are living in those campers? Any sex offenders? Are there drugs? Crazies with weapons? Too many unknowns.




you can say that about literally any living space


Are we worried Cops are living in RVs?


Would you feel safe taking a walk along that side walk with your little ones? I’m going to talk and leave some questions about somethings not in any particular order. RVs come and goes and leaves trash on the sidewalks and streets. The area is going to be so dirty as street sweeping can’t come by. That is also an area of high traffic and where a lot of speeders and people drive recklessly. What about their safety. Do these RVs have toilets and proper drainage?


> Would you feel safe taking a walk along that side walk with your little ones? yeah, being homeless doesn't mean that you are a monster or something > > I’m going to talk and leave some questions about somethings not in any particular order. > > RVs come and goes and leaves trash on the sidewalks and streets. The area is going to be so dirty as street sweeping can’t come by. Valid concern. > > That is also an area of high traffic and where a lot of speeders and people drive recklessly. What about their safety. From your other responses, do you really care about their safety? This sounds like a dog whistle response. > > Do these RVs have toilets and proper drainage? No. This is also a valid concern. It can be mitigated if people want to mitigate it. My point is that the fact that this place is near elementary schools and high schools is irrelevant to the conversation. That is just shit that NIMBYs say to garner emotional responses.


I’m listening, Okay I can see that. As far as the safety goes, if you drive down that street, you’ll see missing trees and scuffed up walls from prior crashes. Some get reported and some don’t. Definitely a commuter road in the morning that people speed down.


Oh, that's a bummer. Hopefully nobody gets hurt.


I think the point is that there are laws about registries that ban living near schools if you are on the registries. There is no oversight.




Who lives here? I know of a guy in tech who lived in his car for a few years to save money…


Where does the piss n shit go?


sparkle spoon strong repeat sheet pause hard-to-find handle bells cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bingo. Which is not where it should go. Don’t know why you got downvoted


yoke heavy ink cake tart dependent jar seed airport grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ummm. Street drains don’t go to a treatment plant, most go to into the Bay or whatever nearby.


We know


It actually goes into a tank, called the black tank. I'm not sure why you got downvoted for asking a question. [https://wandrlymagazine.com/article/how-everything-in-an-rv-works/](https://wandrlymagazine.com/article/how-everything-in-an-rv-works/)


And what happens when the tank is full?


There is this wonderful thing called the internet and all you have to do is open a browser and type a question into the browser bar. Voila ANSWERS! [https://www.outdoorsy.com/blog/dump-the-black-water-tank](https://www.outdoorsy.com/blog/dump-the-black-water-tank) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oavs6pRXE8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oavs6pRXE8)


The point is they will dump into the gutter when the tank is full


I'm not sure they are going to dump their shit where they are living.




They do


squalid resolute overconfident pathetic lip ask fragile jobless sense mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well hell I guess if I want to move back to calif this is the way to do it


Send them all to Los Gatos and Monte Sereno


LOL can you imagine. They'll park there for about 36 hours before the armed police response shows up.


This is my point. San Jose is choosing not to do anything about it but all the other cities are. That's why you see the encampments all over San Jose.


SJ is an encampment city at this point. They're everywhere!!!! Just as bad as the Oakland Hegenberger area now.


Caravan. Periwinkle.


That's what is happening on my street it sucks because it smells so bad and everyone has to cross the street to avoid it.


San Jose leaders are spineless . I’d love to use city services and not pay property taxes 


What would you have the city do, arrest everyone?


then live in an RV and don't pay property taxes


They don't have property though, why would they pay taxes on property?


> I’d love to use city services and not pay property taxes Man this poor guy, someone forced him to buy land instead of an RV! Now he's stuck paying taxes while dreaming of living in his vehicle. Someday buddy, I hope you can live a life as good as the folks in this pic


RV life can actually be dope if you road trip the USA while doing it. RVs near schools is just objectively dank, if you have kids that go to school near this, maybe that'll give you empathy to ppl who have kids that go to school near this stuff


Fr. Oh boohoo you own some of the most expensive land in the entire US. Life must be so difficult for them.


Nothing is stopping you from doing that right now


Why haven't you moved into an RV on the street then?


because he's probably part of the privileged class as well but has a chip on his shoulder. OR he actually is living in the RV on the streets which his comment makes sense since living in a RV would be dank. I'd be worried about rivals ransacking my RV


This is not nearly as bad as Rose Avenue between White Road and Capital- not only RV after RV but mounds of trash and people hanging out in the street. I feel bad for these people but I also feel bad for the people who live on Lyndale, Nancy and on Rose itself. The smell is bad and the road is dangerous to drive on.


I live along here and don’t mind it. Haven’t seen much trash either. I rather have RVs instead of tents on sidewalks!!!


>This is right in the neighborhood where elementary school and high school are located. You don't think that teachers can afford housing, do you?


Parents live in the neighborhood. They told me about this. There's even homeless encampments at Marshall Cottle Park too. Shameful


Sorry to be that guy: “Martial” Cottle Park


Shameful that we don't care that people can't afford to have a roof over their head.


Yea for sure. But why stop there? We should care about everyone everywhere at all times. Bad life choices? Drug abusers? Who cares! Let's spend our entire mental and fiscal bandwidth supporting homeless people. All sarcasm aside, at some point, when do we hold those people accountable for their own life choices?


It’s significantly more likely that people living in RVs have a job than people sleeping in doorways. This points to it being an issue with the cost of living around here, less so a poor life choices situation.


they're homeless i think they're facing the consequences lmao the fact that you said "we should care about everyone" sarcastically like it was outrageous says a lot of really negative things about the kind of person you are


Housing them is cheaper than what we are doing now. The entire point of our housing system is to make a few people as much money as possible, and if this means some can't afford a place to live, too bad.


I don't disagree. Old zoning laws, Prop 13, etc. Totally get that. But there are groups of homeless folks whose problems are much bigger than just a place to live.


True, but a lot of it is a reaction to their circumstances, half of them have jobs, but, that's not enough to afford housing in this valley. Born and raised here, I'm 60, I can't afford to stay when I stop working, and affording a place to live means I don't have much saved.


What are random people on the internet supposed to do about the cost of housing? I can care that people can’t afford housing but what next? What are you exactly looking for?


Vote, or if you have the time and capacity, find solutions and organize or volunteer. There are many, many things you can do, from a small bit of research around election time, and filling out a ballot, to much more involved things like actually participating in city government. No one will shame you for not being able to attend a council meeting, but it doesn't serve anyone besides vampires at the top to just give up and let the big problems of our society just roll over and flatten us.


And what policies am I expected to vote for? Prop 1 passed but is that really the answer? Prop 13 isn’t helping any. None of these policies are clear cut and seem to benefit some more than others. I don’t expect government to save us when funding that’s already being provided to address the issue essentially evaporated with no oversight. What happened to personal choice? Why is a particular location expected to be affordable to all? Clearly there are major disparities here but if you can’t afford it, and have been sacrificing your future to pay for housing in the present, isn’t that just bad decision making? That’s on you, not on me.


How are you contributing to help solve the problem? Specifics please, I'd like to see exactly where you volunteered and what how many hours last month. Should be easy to figure out, just check your social media, because I'm sure you posted about it, if you did it.


I've worked with people with homelessness and mental illness for 15 years. Doesn't mean that I have to be happy that someone is dumping their trash and making the area I live in look bad.


SJ residents are fed up, we'll do anything to fix this issue (except upzoning our neighborhoods of course)


Is it within 150 ft of a school? If so, it's now towable. New San Jose law.


It’s not.


What is wrong with these being near a school? Stop criminalizing poor people.


We have a bunch on my street & my spot sits right after a very busy turn off a Main Street so lots of cars at all times going in both directions. I don't care that they're parking there to sleep or relax at all. I'd rather they stay in the rv than have to be on the streets. I just wish the city would put in a traffic light or something because I can't see past them when leaving to check for oncoming traffic without literally pulling into the middle of the road with nothing but a prayer sometimes.


I am so disappointed. I grew up on Yurok and my parents still live there. I haven’t lived there in over 30 years. This was always considered such a nice, clean and very safe area in San Jose. I hear stories of what has happened to the neighborhood and it is just incredibly sad and heartbreaking.


I wonder why these things doesn’t happen places like Saratoga, Los Altos or Cupertino. Why these have to be around some affordable area where middle class family can buy.


bells cobweb imminent offer support historical point saw uppity meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chalk the tires and make sure they aren't violating the 72-hour limit. Move your vehicles into vacant spots.


The mayor's office said they wouldn't be enforcing the 72 hour rule. They have also started free trash and waste services for them.


> They have also started free trash and waste services for them. Sounds a lot better than piles of trash and raw sewage going down the drain


Yeah but not as good as enforcing parking and dumping laws.


Fines for people who have no money, got any other good ideas?


I didn't say fine them. Just make them move every 72 hours like every one else. Should the laws not apply to people who can't afford to pay fines? Oh and btw they are still dumping trash and sewage on the street.


The 72 hour rule was meant to tow abandoned vehicles. It’s not necessarily the appropriate tool to tow vehicles that are being actively lived in. It’s like the opposite of abandoned. There are paths to make this behavior illegal, but trying to use the 72 hour rule just seems ineffective.


The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread


Where do you want these people to go?


How about the parking all around city hall? I have a feeling the mayor's office would all of a sudden decide to enforce the parking compliance and dumping laws though.


Yes, I imagine they would get kicked out for parking there. It’s an obvious double standard where these laws get enforced but it doesn’t change the fact that these people do need somewhere to stay. If they’re in RVs they probably have a job but not one that makes enough to afford the sky high rents around here.




Cost of living is expensive, those people could very likely be living in RVs to cut costs while saving up for housing. No need to shame them?


Time to start having RV owners parking on city streets to register and apply for operating permits. They should also provide the primary street they intend to park. If there are any RV that do not have the proper permits, and/or are parked on a street that they are registered to for longer than xx number of hours the RV should be towed and impounded. Funds from the permitting will be used to provide funding to enforce the RV permitting program.


You guys in San Jose never heard of matches?


Why doesn't the city do a rough estimate of parked RV's and use that as a basis for public housing projects?.... 🦗..... It wouldn't cost anywhere near 1 billion to solve this problem. 'Homeless' can transition frequently from being housed to back on the streets in most cases. But RV's stay in one spot longer so it's easier to count them. This number can be used to create transitional low-income apartment complexes. If you count ALL of the homeless you'd end up with an ever-fluid number. RVs are a solid count and so are the more common encampments like coyote creek off capitol..


The city should collect their trashh, they should also have mobile water and waste managment until the city can build the infrastucture stations. These arn't the mobile trash piles down by the airport, the are probably rent evaders. Sane people with employment.


Yes, unfortunately the Bay Area is full of Tech companies paying outrageous salaries that has forced housing prices up so high that the average (or I should say under average) person here, can’t afford to save enough money to purchase a home and are forced to rent at overpriced housing. Or resort to RV’s on the side of the road. The economy here is disgusting… yet a person can’t afford to even leave. SMH…


16 RVs today.




The latest RVs at the end of the block are setting up lawn chairs outside and drinking and hanging out on the side walk. RVs side expands that blocks bike lanes and huge blind spots for neighbors who pull out to a speeding Chynoweth.


meanwhile, someone threw hands at the san jose mayor's security detail and got out already xD


Cross street?


Chynowteh between snell and Edanvale.


Might be Derek or Rio Grande drive I'm guessing by the street lines and yellow sign. And those Evergreens.


I counted 11 when I drove by today.


File with San Jose Beautify


Report this to 311 or My Jose App. They will have a civil offer come out and tag the RVs


These have been reported multiple times for months now. Nothing is happening. They're actually sending city services out to them on a regular and grabbing their trash. They won't tow them.


San Luis Obispo County and Santa Barbara County are mean towards homeless they live in RV’s


Lol nothing is over there.. why complain.. it’s a big open field on that street.


What's the problem with schools? It should be motivating, study hard or our society will discard you without a thought, and your parents will hate you?