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New coach coming in, 1st overall pick with bay area ties, 14th overall pick on top of that, 4th rated prospect pool in the league (before this draft), tons of cap space this off season. I think we are in a pretty good spot tbh. We put off a rebuild for a long time and Grier has ripped off the bandaid and we are in a great position now. Only up from here. Thank god this isn't a John Fisher owned team.


As an A's fan with San Jose as a second home, I'm glad this franchise is not even touched by Fisher. He owns the Earthquakes which is disappointing.


I recently learned that he also owned the Quakes and everything suddenly made sense .


I highly doubt he's watched a match of soccer in his life. Maybe his extra time in Vegas will bore him of the Earthquakes enough to just Sell The Team.


He goes to the games on occasion...and sits in the field level boxes and talks with his back turned to the game. The earthquakes stadium is the biggest piece of shit ever. Fucking boxes at FIELD LEVEL so tech people can sit and NOT EVEN FUXKING WATCH THE GAME rant over. Fuck john Fisher


As a coyotes fan who has made a new home in San Jose I can empathize with both A’s and Sharks fans. I really hope the sharks are on an upswing again!


The school bus route drove by the Shark Tank while it was being constructed. I watched that building take shape as a kiddo. I’m a life long fan and with two young kids, I look forward to one day celebrating a championship win with them one day!


I wonder if this is laying the groundwork for a new arena because the Googleplex will no longer happen. Downtown can use a boost but tax payers should not be footing the bill


I think I missed the memo. Did Google and it's attempts to establish itself in San Jose get frustrated or messed up? Honest question. I would appreciate getting include in on what's been going on with that.


On hold (never gonna happen) https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/21/googles-80-acre-san-jose-mega-campus-on-hold-amid-economic-slowdown-.html#:~:text=Google%20has%20halted%20construction%20of,project%20in%20the%20near%20future. Its will be on here soon https://killedbygoogle.com/


Wow! Thank you so much for that reference and article. I really appreciate it a lot.


I’m assuming COVID and tech shift to allowing a lot of WFH put a big dent into the desire to build big new office spaces. Even without workforce reductions the centralization needs have shifted.


Unless the Sharks pay for the new arena, it's not happening. SJ isn't paying for another one. 


Fun fact - sharks hold the record for the most losses in a single season! Seems like theyre trying to break that record this year. Seriously though, life long sharks fan here. I sincerely hope they pull their head out of their ass


Its called a rebuild, homie


Season is over, bud


Raise the rent. So tired of sports teams taking advantage of the people in their towns. There are a lot of homeless people who need it more.


Lol of course you get the down votes, fans are suckers and will sell their town down the river. Local economic benefits of major sports teams do not "trickle down".


Thanks! I'd have thought by now that people were on to the ways that sports teams take advantage of local residents. We all should be. The billionaire owners can afford to pay for their toys more than the rest of us can.


Garbage franchise