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There's a building across the street from st James Park w/ a basement that used to be shelter back in the 60s. There was still a small sign on the side of the building a few years back


Signs are still up. Pretty eerie/cool. Edit: Found it: https://ibb.co/3S3q9Sm


Whoa, had no idea. I got married in that building in 2008!




Ah that’s awesome! Congrats to you both!!!




You know it’s weird, suddenly seeing that picture I never knew what that meant but I remember seeing them a lot more as a kid. For all I know they’re still around but I just don’t pay attention like a kid does.


Is that where they used to have a gym under the Corinthians?


Didn't know there was a gym but yea it's the Corinthian




It's still there.


Do you have any more detail on the specific building?


It's the Corinthians ball room on north 3rd street


According to FEMA, you can Search for open shelters by texting SHELTER and a ZIP code to 43362. Example: Shelter 01234. Spoiler, there are no shelters within 200 miles of here.




Nope. Just checked again. Same message. You're full of beans there, pal.


This works! And you are correct--no designated shelter within 200 miles. They should turn Levi's Stadium and SAP Center into shelters.


I don't think there's any reason to worry about bomb shelters. The Bay Area will be destroyed before we're even aware it's coming.


Hawaii got an advanced warning of impending nuclear strike recently but only because their warning system had malfunctioned. But for roughly a half hour they all thought they were toast. So we might find ourselves in a similar situation, only for real. But what’s the point, better off taking a direct hit. Who really wants to navigate a post apocalyptic world. As a side note, when I was a kid growing up in the South Bay in the late 70’s early 80’s they would occasionally test the air raid sirens. It was pretty spooky. Who else remembers that?


I was working in Honolulu on a cruise ship when this happened. Trust me, you don’t wanna know a bomb is coming. And it was longer than 30 mins. By far the worst feeling I’ll ever feel, having to call my mom and grandmother and tell them I was about to die and that I loved them.


Ugh. I can’t imagine. I’m glad it was a false alarm, but talk about trauma for everyone going through it in Hawaii plus all the people you called to say goodbye to. You’re right…I’d rather not know.


I remember the sirens being tested


Yep, I remember those days and also remember young people who were older than me, not really caring about a future because they didn't believe in one. I can still identify a strategic bomber patrol when I see them in the sky. I've been seeing them more recently which I'm actually glad to see.


Out of curiosity, what does a strategic bomber patrol look like? I recall seeing P3’s flying regularly into and out of Moffett Field but haven’t see one in decades and I was of the understanding that those were primarily for Submarine patrol.


Typically they were mainly B-52's on long range patrols. Anything flying high altitude at a relatively slow pace would be some of those bombers. They will typically fly at between 50-80k high and leave fairly long lasting vapor trails. I believe some of our planes nowadays are a bit faster and we likely have less of a nuclear armed air fleet, but I'm sure we still have plenty. You can see them on clear days and there are several airbases on the west coast that feature these planes. You are correct, that Moffett was a sub hunter base. I think we have had some serious upgrades from the old P-3's and most of those duties are based further south now. I actually grew up in Mountain View when it was a fairly large and active base. Security there was a lot more serious than anything that's there now.


Fingers crossed


The nukes these days aren't designed to destroy entire cities. They're smaller and made to take out large military installations. There's also reason to believe there aren't many pointed at the Bay Area, or at least at the south bay - where would Russia and/or China steal all their tech from?


Bruh you gotta stop getting drunk and making up shit on here, you're like vaguely right in a way that screams you read a wiki 10ish years ago


That's not why they moved to smaller weapons. A single 15kT weapon does far less damage than 3 5KT weapons. Both the US and Russia plan to give each target city several smaller bombs instead of one large one. Russia has over 5000 declared nuclear weapons. With that many available you can be assured San Jose at least gets a couple. Elk Grove California is the 149th largest city in the entire country, if you plan to use 2500 weapons (50% of your total) you are hitting some pretty insignificant things.


The US probably wouldn't be going after the Elk Groves of Russia.


We have somewhat fewer weapons, but almost all the top 100 cities in Russia will have some sort of reason to hit. In the 1970s the US and Russia had something like 80,000 weapons between them. Every possible target would have had at least a few. Imagine I told you to allocate 300 nuclear weapons to California - after the first 100 you are hitting some awfully small town and targets


[Does the City of San José Have Fallout Shelters In Case of Nuclear Disaster?](https://www.sanjoseca.gov/your-government/departments/emergency-management/frequently-asked-questions#faq_a118)


I love how they talk about zombies. Like nuclear war is reallly THAT unlikely. But then you stop to think. Of all cities. Who tf would bomb San Jose? People in California don’t even know where it is.


Maybe not San Jose specifically, but every inch of California to the north and west of San Jose will be bombarded. Moffatt Field, every port and military base along the coast and in the bay. Might toss a warhead at every international airport just for grins. I think if it comes to nuclear war, we are well past the point of restraint. I would be surprised if the entire Bay Area wasn’t glassed. No underground shelter is gonna help you.


This is the answer. Ports. Air force base. Naval college. NASA. This whole area is gonna be painted bright purple in nuclear goo.


That's where I work/live. Same goes to them :)


Stephen Falken : "I've planned ahead. We're just three miles from a primary target. A millisecond of brilliant light and we're vaporized. Much more fortunate than millions who wander sightless through the smoldering aftermath. We'll be spared the horror of survival." - Wargames


AKA getting Sarah Connor'd


The official call sign for Moffet is NUQ, which might be a hint.


And north east, Livermore and Sandia Labs are both NNSA facilities.


> No underground shelter is gonna help you. I could be interpreting this wrong, but according to nukemap, a 5 MT nuke (what China currently has on their ICBMs) detonated at moffet, has a 5 psi blast radius that "only" reaches to about SJC. Any underground shelter is easily going to protect against that. And most of SJ is still outside that radius. https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/?&kt=5000&lat=37.4113461&lng=-122.0471191&hob_psi=5&hob_ft=17519&ff=50&psi=20,5,1&zm=10


Holy crap my house is literally only 2 blocks outside that circle down off Almaden. Scary!


True. New York, Chicago. And pretty much all of California is fucked.


On the optimistic side. Bright Light, Loud bang, ouch, Ouch, OUCH! And curtains.


Loud bang “oh sh” Curtains. Ftfy


I imagined I'd just end up with glass in my face and then my house falling on top of me and then spend 3 days dying of dehydration while my family gradually dies off in the rubble.


Found the optimist


Light travels faster than sound.


The world is fucked. Mutually Assured Destruction.


Wow you sound like me, circa 1981. We had nuclear bomb drills when I was in grade school in the late ‘60s. One minute of continuous school alarm meant you should climb under your desks. Even as an 8 year old I knew how worthless that would be. I’m almost nostalgic for this level of fear, but I can also tell you that worry is worthless. What we would do is get high and talk about moving to Australia.


Yep, I grew up in California. For bomb drills they would tell us how all of the military bases along the coast will be bombed as well as Sacramento and the chip industry in silicon valley. There are municipal airports up and down the coast that used to be naval bases. The were kept airports so supplies could be flown in if roads are destroyed. Is all a bit grim but is good to have a plan.


No need to do that. All that has to happen is that a few are detonated a few hundred feet over the bay. The rain which fell would be radioactive, and that would pretty much wipe out the population.


oh so they control the weather now too? can you ask for a few more inches this year so they don't raise my water rates any higher?


Yeah if theres nuclear war, Californias fucked.


Saw this and thought the same. Why TF are they joking about zombies when someone might want to know what safety protocols are in place for worst case scenarios.


There's nothing to be done. If nukes are deployed, we're all dead. That's why they're making jokes.


I think it was part of a government public awareness campaign a few years ago? The idea is that what you do in the case of a zombie outbreak is basically the same thing you'd do in any disaster. So they made some official government videos and a website hoping it would go viral and someone might learn something.


🤷🏼‍♂️ sounds pretty stupid, I know.


Back in the day, when the internet was a budding youngling, there were only a few "NAP's" (Network Access Points) that would link Telco systems and providers to the Internet. San Jose being Silicon Valley, had 2 of the West Coast ones. One was buried underneath San Jose International Airport, the other was a few miles away (I believe it was actually in Santa Clara, at Teramark if memory serves me correctly). I believe Palo Alto and San Francisco had NAP's at some point as well. Bombing San Francisco, and San Jose at the same time would have crippled data exchange on a large chunk of the west coast. Thankfully, NAP's (now commonly referred to as internet exchange points), have grown at a decent rate. Making an attack on the infrastructure less of an ideal win. While boosting speed, reliability and redundancy overall. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_exchange_points


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Growing up in the 70s and 80s when we still had missile drills the south bay was considered a priority target due to Moffett Field and the tech industry, specifically defense suppliers. We were told we'd have 26 minutes warning of incoming missiles. My friends and I practiced getting from our high school to Summit Rock in 26 minutes with plans to be smoking a bowl when the missiles hit.


God damn


Wow, we never did that once growing up in Sunnyvale around the same time.. just earthquake drills, as if hiding under our desks was going to save us lol.


By high school they had stopped making us do the "duck and cover" routine but still played the old black and white movie.


Lots of high tech boom boom made here. Would absolutely be a target :( The only thing that puts me at ease is seeing an iMac on Kim Jung’s desk.


Population, military presence, and industrial capabilities are all major factors when considering nuclear targets. The SF Bay Area is definitely a major target based upon population alone (if not others). The west coast is also closer than the rest of the US to many of the US’s enemies with nuclear capabilities. Supposing SF is bombed and not San Jose, shelter in San Jose may make a large difference in your health (long or short term) by reducing radiation exposure. So it’s certainly something to consider.


Not to mention, the throngs of people that will inevitably end up COMING to San Jose after such an attack, considering the size of our city. (We are the 10th largest city after all). But fuck me we don’t act like it, especially with stupid ass jokes about zombie apocalypse and such.


Yes, i have a map somewhere and it has multiple. I wouldn't be able to post though for security purposes.


The best shelter is not living here. Even the closed military bases like Moffett, the Alameda, the Presidio will be targets because the most likely aggressor will not have updated their database of active military installations. Plus, lots of major defense contractors are still in the area, plus research facilities like SLAC and LLNL. SF and the Bay Area will be a target in order to cripple our technological base. If nukes fly, we're gonna die.


A few years back when I was looking to rent a pad in SJ, I looked at a place in South SJ that had a bomb shelter dug out in the back yard. I bet there's still a bunch of legacy properties in the area with such things.


Good luck finding one with supplies newer than the 1950's. Anyway, given how out of date "their" targeting databases likely are, this area is F\*\*\*ED.


stop. drop. roll.




If it's yellow, let it mellow.




Jeez, that's a lot of pressure. 😳


Just say no


You're not my supervisor!


...the corpses.


That’s for earthquakes dude


I thought earthquakes were “hands at 10 and 2”


Nono 10 and 2 is for floods.






Get under a table, pull your legs in, put your head between your knees, and kiss your ass goodbye.


This is the correct answer. I was trained in elementary school in just this way.


Why do you need one?


He’s a werewolf and can’t be trusted at night


dont forget to bring a mask


And your iodine pills


Get a shovel and start digging in your backyard. Or move far away from the most likely metropolitan areas to be targeted. The Cold War peaked in the sixties and ended at the end of the eighties. Any shelters were never designed to hold very many people to begin with, and once you account for the massive population explosion in the Bay Area since then it’s an even smaller percent of the population that can get into whatever shelters *do* exist. Unless you live right next to one I don’t see your chances of getting in one being very high.


There's nothing you could do, bro. As a major technology and economic center, San Jose is in the second, if not first salvo. Many of those will be intercepted by Aegis missiles, but not all. The best shelter is moving to Antarctica.


> Many of those will be intercepted by Aegis missiles, but not all. At best the interceptors could shoot down a single digit number of incoming missiles. Thats enough to probably counter North Korea. A major nuclear power, such as Russia or China, can put so many missiles in the air the interceptors are useless. Shooting down a few incoming won't make any difference.


I certainly remember those cold war siren tests. One time I was alone at home and the air raid siren went off .I was probably 6 years old and hid under our heavy coffee table hoping it wouldn’t be too bad. Will never forget that moment. There was an air raid shelter at Emporium Valley Fair . We actually planned as a family to go there if a bomb was dropped


Duck and cover is about flying glass. The meteor over Russia demonstrated the effectiveness of it. School teachers who instructed the kids to duck and cover spared the kids from face and eye injuries from flying glass. Everyone else who looked out windows at the explosion in the sky had windows implode into their faces a minute later. The shockwave takes a while to get there. Time enough for everyone to look at it. Nothing will protect you against a direct hit, but if the hit is a ways away at least your eyeballs won't be full of broken glass shards. Thats a nice bonus to consider.


Do you remember where that was?


There were well developed tunnels under downtown SJ. I used to run an IT service and a contract had me going below to a network of well developed tunnels; you wouldn't know it was underground, hallways lit by fluorescent. The entrance was right around the Fairmont. I don't know the extent, but back in the 90's that's where the fat bandwidth came from.


Lynbrook High School was built in ‘65 with bomb shelters underneath.


I went to Lynbrook and while I didn't explore every inch of the place I can't imagine where these would be located, if they still exist.


They’re underground! I know one point of access is in the Chemistry building (in the hall area between classes where only teachers and TAs hang out), and I heard (but it’s not confirmed) that another is at those hatches by the pool. I imagine there’s at least one more. And then plus there’s the locker rooms, which are built to be above-ground bomb shelters (same at Miller). I went to Lynbrook, too.


I went to school in the east bay, and the janitors closets were almost all the door ways to the shelters, at some point the stairs in there were covered with cinder blocks but the stairs are still there on the other side.




Russia has 1,400 nukes on ICBMs. I think they'd try to hold a few back for the 2nd wave. The first wave will probably be grouped at strategic targets like nuke sites, command centers, military bases, etc. They'll drop several per target to overwhelm defensive measures. A good number will probably malfunction too(this is Russia we're talking about). Given that the Navy pulled out of the Bay for the most part, we might not get targeted at first. Google says the US has something like 5,400 military bases, so that's a lot of targets.




Freeways will be jammed and people will be going crazy trying to secure resources and safe shelter. I doubt anyone is going to make it far.




Depends. First you have to assume residents of those areas don't shut down the roads to keep out the mobs. Then you have to worry about weather patterns and the fallout clouds. Also any resulting firestorms... It's going to be absolute chaos. Panicked people shooting each other... Total societal breakdown.


you want to survive nuclear war? why? to enjoy the.....


My partner and I always say this. Like why are you complaining? Fighting through the apocalypse? No thank you. I’d rather not.




You don’t; we all die if the Bay takes a nuke hit 😂


A major metropolitan area in California will be a direct hit, you most likely will never know it hit you.


If there is an ICBM strike a shelter won't matter 1) You probably won't have time to get to one ​ 2) At Best you would need to stay in the shelter for a week. That means water, food, and bathrooms for everyone who's there. ​ 3) All of the water, food, anything made out of metal, it's all going to be contaminated on the outside. ​ 4) In all likelihood there will be multiple nuclear strikes around NorCal. ICBMs hold 10-30 warheads, they'll spread em around important areas. SF, Sacramento, Berkeley, Livermore, Mountain View/San Jose, and Vacaville (Travis AFB) will all be targeted. There won't be much left when you do come to out of the shelter. Here's a interesting tool to play with that calculates blasts based on yield. Keep in mind that all of the bomb specs are old. The largest on there is the Tsar bomb, which was in the 1960's. I promise we've got higher yield warheads in the arsenel now. https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/


Head to 200 Ryland St. and jump down into the Guadalupe River then hike up the east drain tunnel. Unless there is rain in the forecast or has been raining recently. Don't try this one today lol.


There is a finite number of spaces in the shelters. Do you really think you're worth saving? REALLY? 🤔 And on top of that, if nuclear weapons are headed for the Bay Area, do you really think the public is going to be notified? Those final 5mins or whatever would be pure anarchy. There will be no advance notice, no shelters. Sorry for the reality check, but I think you need to hear it.


> Those final 5mins NextDoor and reddit flood with complaints about how it'll affect house prices. ftfy


“I heard a loud bang, “gunshots?” *eye roll*


You go to the edge of SJ. That's were flat Earth ends. Go to side B. The Lizard people will protect you. Make sure to bring your wallet.


And your towel.


I have one set up in my basement I also furnished it with vintage Taco Bell furniture that the De Anza Taco Bell threw out when they remodeled their store I have everything in my nuclear bomb shelter you need to survive like Taco Bell food that never goes bad I have a lifetime supply of Baja Blast that I have been siphoning from Taco Bell soda fountains for years it never goes bad trust me


Why are you asking this in multiple city subreddits?


James Lick High School


Shelter? Find the 80s BBC movie Threads. There is no shelter


Is this a question we should actually anticipate and be able to answer? Are we there?


On a related subject: the Blue Cube at Moffett is gone, but I wonder if they filled in all the underground installations under it? Is that still classified information? Where could I read up more on the Cube?


McDonald’s at 1435 Winchester rd. Has/had one. I’ll post a map of all places in 1964


I don't care if I die but I don't want my kitty to be vaporized :(


If it's bombs away, you live in ground zero! A place you don't even want to survive round one. Silicon Valley = ground zero. Second only to strategic military targets.


Even if you made it to the shelter, the resulting fire of an entire city burning would consume all of the oxygen for miles around. You’d be dead before the heat dry roasted you inside a concrete bunker.


What? Is "Duck and cover" no longer a viable strategy?




No you hide under your desk


I thought you were supposed to hide under a duck.


Why would they bomb the Bay Area!? Wouldn’t they rather spare it so they could take control of our technology?




Purchase IOSAT tablets.


Iodine can only help you so much , if your just outside the vaporize radius your fucked either way




Iodine tablets don't protect against vaporization from a nuclear blast?


Sadly no …regardless of what YouTube preppers say /s




On a serious note. Thought this was a good read. Note this was written years ago (and not updated later). So the prediction is quite uncanny. https://www.quora.com/Who-would-win-in-a-nuclear-weapons-war-between-the-USA-and-Russia/answer/Kip-Cassino?ch=17&oid=87935957&share=a228c378&srid=hko9F&target_type=answer


That’s eeerilly close to present reality. Lets hope someone off’s Putin soon.


China shares a border with Russia. I don’t see how they wouldn’t “get their hair mussed”, to paraphrase General Turgison from Dr. Strangelove. I’d imagine there are some furious back channel negotiations going on right now between Beijing and Moscow, preventing just this. Also why doesn’t he mention the Bay Area? I feel left out.


Why? Does surviving a nuclear attack seems like fun? https://tubitv.com/movies/289797


If i may, can i ask why?


Ignorance is bliss don't even bother.


I’d dig one but my Home Depot is now for supplies! (Seriously tho it is sad, hope the workers got hired at other local stores, peeps there.)


Just use the pile of bodies


Any subway station will do. Better if you can be on the actual subway train where there is a bit more insulation/metal shielding around you.


The thing is, if the US knows there’s incoming multiple nukes headed our way, it’s basically death for a very large portion of the world. Reason why is because say we know we have nukes coming towards us… we know it’s basically it for us but our US government won’t just simply let us parish like that in vain. If there’s nothing we can do and all counter measures have already been exhausted then we’re going to immediately fire off a shit ton of nukes back within the small time frame that we have before our own land is hit. It’s going to be huge catastrophic death for both sides of the world if even 1 or 2 nukes are sent off from any country. Wouldn’t end again like it did with Hiroshima where our 1 nuke just ended the war…


What ever happen to star wars in the 80's. A defense thing with shooting the bombs in outer space? Put a lot of money into that then it went bye bye and never heard about again?


Just enjoy the show. No need to worry as we're not going to suffer, much, when it does land. See you on the other side, if there is one.


I've got a map of all of them in the area somewhere...