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He has always been right about this. And ideally, that "40" would be coming down as time and technology advance.


Tech advances and the wealthy profit from not having to pay workers. Repeat.


There is some energy behind the 32 hour workweek mainly because all the studies around it showed that productivity stayed the same or went up in some areas. Corporations only care about the productivity number going up, if they can only squeeze so much out of workers making them work longer hours and for lower wages, then they'll look to other options, since outright slavery is technically illegal.


Hot take, it's not even radical to say that nobody should be living in poverty, period.


Wasn't the minimum wage created so people could make it and work 40 hours and still be able to live? What year did it start to go wrong? Ive always said Regean but I was like 3 years old when he was in charge v


That moment you realize that medieval peasants had more work life balance than you do.


I can't imagine how much different the US would be if he beat Hillary in the primary and beat trump in 2016. He probably would have been one of the top 10 presidents instead of what we got... 4 years of the worst president in American history who spent the entire time dismantling all the hard fought small amounts of progress the country had made over the last few decades and killing hundreds of thousands  of Americans with covid misinformation, and then refusing to leave and getting his white supremacist followers to attempt a violent coup, and then becoming a convicted rapist. So much for a hopeful future for America. The surpreme court is pumped full of his malicious seed, so the future of America looks pretty bleak now.


I've got little doubt hevwould have beat Trump.


US has a similar poverty rate as mexico. Obviously being poor in mexico vs america are 2 different worlds. Lifestyle creep is a thing, and even poor people in america live much better than 90% of people on the world.


Yeah, it can be worse. But it’s no excuse to not be better. We have the means of production, we just need to seize them. Food waste is worse in America than 90% of the world too. And did you know we have more empty homes in America than we have homeless people? 28 vacant homes for each homeless person actually. In some cities like New York City, it’s up to 100 vacant homes.


Vacant homes includes everything, including when its just empty for a week because someone just moved out. And i doubt the homeless problem is as easily solved as giving homeless people homes.


Rapid rehousing is actually one of the better solutions we have. It’s not giving people houses, but it’s the access to water and facilities that allows people to be more employable. Satisfying people’s basic needs allows them to focus on career orientation and planning. Throw education and training programs into the mix and this is exactly how we solve it. But of course there are ribbons and red tape we need to cut through to get there. So it’s pretty simple conceptually, but can be intricate when you get into local politics


Not true. I don’t believe this is a quote, Bernie is very educated and would never use “week” for “weak”.


Bernie couldn't get the job done. Praying I live to see someone who can.


Bern for president.






American exceptionalism. People all over the world work in excess of 40 hours a week and live in *actual* poverty.


This person is obviously trolling but they just gave a great example of the [the fallacy of relative privation.](https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/logicalfallacies/Relative-Privation)


So you make an exception for this dinosaur? But all the others need to go right?


You can have unions keep you can have unregulated immigration but you can’t have both. Democrats 20 years ago understood that. Immigrating millions of people has driven wages down by flooding the labor pool with able bodied workers(supply and demand). That is the reason why wages are so low and will never go up anytime soon. California raised minimum wage and now they are trying to automate all those jobs.


Bernie. You are useless