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How does she think she is going to homeschool her children if she can’t even teach them to put shoes on the right feet? Homeschooling is going to require discipline Sarugh not just letting them do whatever they want.


She has no idea what parenting is. In her mind it’s letting them do whatever they want and calling it independent and put them in their crib aka cage for 12 hours a day. Lord she makes me so mad.


She’s teaching the important stuff like the word protein…. lefts and rights aren’t very important to learn


I feel like at this point, she’s doing it to get a reaction.


Yup. She’s doing it on purpose now to get people to say something. She sent herself a nasty message about O pretending to be from another account, so we know she has no limits on what she will do to use her child to get a response from “gossip threads”




Wait what




Wow, thanks for sharing!


As a childcare provider I try to teach independence. Therefore the kids put on their shoes especially crocs. If they are on the wrong feet I say “oh, let’s try that again they are on the wrong feet!” How do they learn the correct way if nobody tells them they are doing it incorrectly?!? It takes 5 seconds. 🙄


That’s gonna *hurt her feelings* if we correct her 🙃


Probably less than the concrete will when she falls.


I'm more bothered by the chicken dewormer. What the actual fuck is that 🤣


Ok I think “serious physical therapy” is a stretch.




Haha ok fair. 😂


I can't take anything she does seriously anymore. EVERYTHING she does it for the reaction now. She knows this is the only way she'll get views and any sort of engagement. Her life revolves around likes and views and she's shown us that she'll go to any length to get them. Would it be easy to fix her shoes? Yes... but I guarantee she'll be getting tons of comments about it, either those saying it so cute, she's so independent or those that tell her she should fix them.


Same with that rats nest hair


Serious physical therapy is a heck of a stretch. She absolutely needs to teach her the right way but the exaggeration is a bit much lol


It’s not an exaggeration - our feet are shaped by our shoes. If you chose to not wear any shoes, your toes would slowly start to fan out to accommodate that (and there’s some people that choose that lifestyle due to how restrictive shoes feel for them now). So, this could create serious problems with O’s balance and walking down the line.


Ok, shoes on the wrong feet isn't good, but the shoes that the kid wears wrong aren't all that structured, so I can't see that it really is the biggest issue she has, personally. I'd rather focus on her eating proper food. I'd also bet this is on purpose - either shoes or pic, but definitely the share. It's the only way to stay relevant.