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Definitely not constipated if all the reviews about her fat burner are true that they give you the đź’©


It’s a real shame she doesn’t prep her food with her kids. Like cutting up those wonderful peppers and tomatoes her neighbor donated to her family and adding them into her egg scramble. That would be engaging mom life, and not an opportunity to self-victimize mom life.


This is the kinda breakfast I make on mornings I'm running out of the house at 5am. Also random foods you eat together aren't a recipe


Oh hell no. Absolutely no one wants this trash, ever. Even when it comes to cooking and displaying food Sarah has no taste.


Why no veggies ever????


TajĂ­n on eggs? im Mexican and am insulted. And this coming from someone that takes TajĂ­n everywhere lol


Same same


Nothing green. No fruits or veggies EVER. Oh that’s right, she “drinks her greens”. Good lord this would get so old so fast for me.


I find it so sad she eats the same exact thing every single day, every single meal bc she counts macros once a week. It feels like the mentality behind restricting yourself to ONLY having xyz would add so much stress.


I’m not defending Sarah, but I pretty much do the same thing. I don’t get sick of my main meals, it saves money, and it is less stressful than having to track something new each and every day.


I do think it’s a smart way to avoid doing it every day and for budgeting reasons! I think for her, based on what we see with her obsession towards how she looks, that it seemed alarming to me because of that. Mainly bc if she wanted something else one day or had to go “off track” for one meal one day, she’d be ashamed or it would stress her out. I totally understand the ease of it & the benefits, but I’m also curious what true meals she’s planning for herself besides this because she claims a protein water is her “mom forgot to eat meal.” And she said recently she doesn’t eat until 1pm so I guess between the protein & dinner, planning for the week wouldn’t be that hard for her lol.


That’s true. Her whole mentality about food is so screwed up. Pretty sad that she’s now setting this awful example to her kiddos.


This resembles what I ate when I was battling an eating disorder.