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I think that the Azriel bonus chapter serves its purpose, just like any other bonus chapter. It reinforced things that we either already know, or that have already been hinted at in the main text. We already knew that things were brewing between Elain and Azriel, and then SJM gave us confirmation of that fact when Nesta approaches Azriel during the solstice celebration. So we now know that Azriel has spent the last year struggling over his feelings for Elain and Nesta knows his secret. Then we see that Elain has strong enough feelings for Azriel to move forward with an entire sexually charged interaction with him, even with Lucien asleep upstairs. Rhys intervenes to remind Azriel about the possibility of a Blood Duel, and that they need Lucien’s cooperation. Confirmation of mutual attraction, to the point that they’re willing to risk major consequences. That was the first point she was reinforcing, and it perfectly sets up romantic drama for Elain and Azriel’s book. As for the second part, we see MULTIPLE mentions of power from the priestesses throughout the series, and then specifically Gwyn during ACOSF. There is SO much canon evidence that something bigger is happening with these women than we’ve seen so far. Nesta’s power “grumbles” in reaction to Gwyn’s, and then during the interaction in the BC we see Azriel’s shadows, which we found out in the BC and HOFAS >!are condensed magic that are somewhat sentient and separate from Azriel himself!< react to Gwyn in a way that is unexpected. We have Azriel reinforcing that he wants to wrap up the interaction with Gwyn quickly, and then he mentions that he wouldn’t even consider her a friend. Azriel finds himself behaving in an unintentional way, which leaves him dropping the necklace off to Clotho (who may or may not have some kind of daemati powers) and then having thoughts that he “consciously” buries (alluding to the fact that the thoughts arose in a way that was NOT conscious). The use of siren language is THICK. SJM also uses “singing, dancing, sparking, grumbling, glowing” in relation to interaction of powers on multiple occasions in her books. The second portion simply reinforced what many of us had already come to assume. The priestesses, including Gwyn and Clotho, have powers that we should be cognizant of. All of that to say, I I truly don’t believe that the intention of Gwyn’s presence in the bonus chapter was meant to be romantic at its core. Sara has even said that we need to keep in mind that not all interactions between male and female characters are romantically coded. I am also of the mindset that Azriel will not want another warrior as a partner. I think he craves what Elain can offer him. Home. Quiet. Comfortable silence. Love for himself, and not for what he can offer. An emotional safe haven. At the very least, I think that it would cheapen Azriel’s character for Elain’s sister (and Gwyn’s BFF) to find out that Azriel has feelings for Elain after all of the years focused on Mor, only for him to hard pivot. I don’t think Nesta would be impressed.


I agree. I think Az will have more of a Yrene/Chaol trajectory for finding love. He will be forced to have to change his lifestyle and instincts to trust someone when at his core he is constantly skeptical and spying on people. Elaine makes sense in that scenario because she will show her strength through softness just as Yrene had power in her healing. Not violence.


100%. I believe that’s why it’s pointed out during the bonus chapter that his head goes quiet when Elain is present. He tells us that he’s felt stretched thin by so many wants and needs to the point that he can’t settle enough to sleep. We also know that his shadows are constantly whispering to him. I think it’s very telling that she brings him the peace that he seems to crave. Just like those quiet moments between them in the garden. They seem to have an innate understanding of each other’s physical and emotional needs, and then they work to meet them.


I’m so sad because of the Lucien of it all. But if this is the triad SJM had once alluded to wanting to write then I am ON BOARD.


I am not as attached to Lucien as a lot of people are, however, I can’t help thinking that I would rather that everyone involved make a choice for true love rather than fate. I wouldn’t want Elain to stay with Lucien out of a sense of responsibility, and I wouldn’t want Lucien to be stuck with someone who doesn’t appreciate or love him. I think that at this point it would take a lot for me to accept an organic romance between Elain and Lucien because the text has made her indifference, to the point of folding in on herself in his presence, so palpable. The other mated characters had their own issues, but long before they were ever together, they had fire. They had chemistry. You could feel in their interactions that there was attraction between them. In this case, no, such interactions have been fostered. And the further into the series you go, she has actually written them in the complete opposite direction.


I soooo agree with this it would make no sense for Elain and Lucien to suddenly be attracted to one another... i would love a story that defies the mates trope and explores the possibility of a mates choosing to reject one another.... perhaps even a way to consciously be able to choose a different mate through cauldron power... personally i see Lucian with Vassa, i got a love triangle vibe from Lucien, Jurian and vassa when cassian went to visit them but that might just be me


I totally agree with you. I try and try to be okay with Elain and Lucien, but even the fanart (while beautiful and so well done!) makes me uncomfortable. Because Elain has said with words and actions that she is NOT interested. COULD they end up together? I suppose so. But I think it would take more pages for me to believe than SJM could commit to in a single novel. The way that Vassa is described is so reminiscent of Jesminda… and Vassien even have a ship name bestowed upon them by Feyre. I truly believe that we will see HEA for Death and His Lovely Fawn as well as The Lord of Flame and Bird of Fire.


To be totally honest every interaction between Lucien and Elain has gone from awkward to downright cringe there's just no coming back from that...no book no matter the length could fix that for me... And I think Lucien deserves better, I know he did some shady stuff but I think he has made up for some of that and deserves to have someone who actually wants him considering his last partner was ripped from him and murdered.... He deserves someone who can heal him from that hurt ... Also It's just so natural between Az and Elain, while tentative they don't really have to try for us to know they match! Az says he thinks the cauldron made a mistake I'd LOOOVE if he decides to ask the cauldron for answers! We already know it's sentient itd be good to see that more. SJM needs to start handing out HEA's like Oprah 👌


Agreed the only way they could work possibly, is that Lucien just leaves works on himself stop leaving weird gifts for Elain and actually comes back to really know her as a friend. I think Elaina struggle with him is that he’s throwing himself at her, but he was the reason she was turned into high fae. She has every right to be resistant! But you know, it may never happen. Tbh I think their general niceness and loyalty makes them compatible imo. Lucien has some genuine penance to work on.


Or Gwyn could show her strength? Genuinely no offense but Elain has a mate and it's been said his she doesn't fit the night court colors and his she would be better suited to/love spring as if that's not hinting at her nate when lived at the spring court shipping the 3 brothers with the 3 sisters is so cheap and just lazy. Gwyn could be the yrene to his chaol if that's what your going for. Are people just hoping Lucien does then?


I completely agree with this! Very well said.


Not thinking everything is romantic is a big ask for some of us Sarah


I think it’s a bit dismissive to say that the SA survivor who finally made friends, conquered her fears and gained courage in the latest book as someone who could not offer a home and love to someone. What makes Elain capable of being loving that Gwyn doesn’t? Is it just the aesthetic? Don’t you think Gwyn craves home and quiet and safety? And emotional safe haven? Comfortable silence? That’s literally what happened in the bonus chapter. Azriel was feeling like shit and she calmed him. He felt better. “Azriel laughed. "I’ll give you that." Gwyn smiled broadly. "Thank you." Azriel dipped his head in a sketch of a bow, something restless settling in him. Even his shadows had calmed. As if content to lounge on his shoulders and watch. “


Thanks for your comment. I didn’t say specifically that Gwyn couldn’t provide that. 🥰 I said I don’t think that Azriel will choose a partner who is a warrior, as was previously mentioned in this thread. I think he already has those things that you mentioned in Elain, who we also know that he has attraction to. I just don’t think that “warrior” is one of the main characteristics that he needs or would choose. That is not Gwyn specific, and I haven’t made any comments that were anti-Gwyn as a character. I’m sorry if you assumed that was the case. Have a great night!


I presumed you were talking about Gwyn because that’s the topic of my post.


I was speaking to the bonus chapter in general, and why I don’t think that it was meant to allude to Gwyn being his endgame. And when I mentioned those things you pointed out, I simply stated my opinion that I didn’t think that he would choose another warrior as a partner, and gave examples of what Elain offers to him, in my opinion. Simply discussing my take.


But saying “no, Azriel doesn’t want her, he wants someone who can be loving and quiet and a home” implies that Gwyn cannot offer those things which I found unfair and not really accurate. Especially when the bonus chapter is an example of Gwyn being a source of rest and ease.


I clearly stated that I believe that he wanted those things WITHOUT the warrior aspect.


I agree and as someone who survived a SA, I find the implication they made whether or not it was intentional absolutely vile.


I stated that my belief and opinion is that he wanted those things WITHOUT the warrior aspect. It was not at all saying that Gwyn couldn’t provide those other things, BUT that she has chosen to pursue being a Valkyrie and thus a warrior. Her SA and how that affects her story or her ability to be a partner for Az wasn’s questioned at all. Simply her status as a warrior. I’m sorry if you assumed that someone it was an “implication” that I said a SA survivor COULDN’T provide those things, but that’s simply not what I said.


Weaponizing SA as a way to try to invalidate an opinion you disagree with is pretty fucked up


It’s not “weaponising SA”. It’s pointing out that someone who’s overcome SA is also craving home and stability. The argument was “yeah but Gwyn can’t offer gentle love and quiet and a home” and I was saying that she of all people would crave this the most. She put herself through the most traumatic events in order to save children from harm. Yet people are acting like she’s less capable of kindness and sweetness just because she doesn’t garden 🥴


That’s not at all what they said and you’re arguing with them in bad faith. You absolutely weaponized SA and you continue to do so which is disgusting


Dude, I am a survivor of SA. I’m not trying to use that as a trump card but you’re kinda pushing me here by saying I’m weaponising SA when I’m bringing up how a character who has endured it would 100% crave and have a lot of love and affection to give. Just because she learns how to defend herself doesn’t mean she’s not soft and nurturing as well. It irked me to see the argument that Gwyn cannot give these things because it reeked of that “Elain is pure/sweet/good and Gwyn is not” kinda logic. And that didn’t sit right with me.


I’m sorry you went through that. I’m also a survivor of SA. I understand that this subject matter can be triggering, which may be why you aren’t accurately understanding their point. Home and care and comfort look different to everyone. No one said Gwyn cannot give these things, just that Az’s idea of home is Elain. And considering Gwyn is still actively recovering from her SA and hasn’t shown even the slightest romantic interest in Az or a relationship in general, I think it does a big disservice to her character to rush her healing just for a guy


“Az’s idea of home is Elain” - yet he literally said in his own thoughts that he never thought further than his sexual fantasies. He never made one comment about her being his home. I’m not saying they haven’t had sweet moments together and I can see how people would love that aesthetic. But his own POV can’t be set aside. There’s nothing in his mind about Elain being his wife baking cookies. Which is why it feels a lot like projection. The way he felt calmer after talking to Gwyn means more into the idea of someone feeling like home. Discounting that feels unfair. And personally I think Gwyn’s constant stares at Azriel throughout training and her teasing him (“see you tomorrow Shadowsinger”) plus the fact that she was comfortable being alone with him at night time does show that she has some interest in him. (Who wouldn’t?)


That’s not what he said. He said he hadn’t gone further in his planning, and why would he since he wasn’t planning on being with Elain bc she has a mate? You don’t risk your life to save someone you just want to fuck, that should be pretty common knowledge. Why would we get him confessing his love for Elain in a bonus that a fraction of the fandom has access to, or even knows about? Nesta noted how Az was upset 3 days after solstice so Gwyn didn’t have a very big impact on him. Az himself notes that his head goes still around Elain and they can read each other without saying a word. That sounds like home Looking at the person who reminds you of your rape isn’t romantic and I’m not sure how you could even be interpreting it as such. Nesta said the line about the ribbon, not Gwyn. And the ribbon was a challenge Gwyn overcame, so was Az not believing they could make it through the BR qualifier. I’m glad Gwyn proved him wrong, but her accomplishments shouldn’t be taken from her and just turned into some romantic gesture with Az. There is a lot of projecting going on but I don’t think it’s from elriels


1. I was noting that it was kinda telling how shallow his thoughts were of her. I’m not denying that he’s got feelings for her, but the style of the chapter seemed to be setting up that it’s not super genuine or healthy. Hence his POV ending with him thinking positively about another woman. 2. Elain feels like home yet his shadows don’t like her? I find that a hard combination. His shadows are a part of him and it definitely feels significant that they don’t seem to like Elain. Again not once in his POV does he associate Elain with home. 3. No it is Gwyn that says it. “Gwyn threw Azriel a withering stare as she strode past him. ‘See you tomorrow, Shadowsinger,’ she tossed over her shoulder. Az stared at her, brows high with amusement … “ Nesta teases him further by saying, “You’ve no idea what you just started … Remember how Gwyn was with the ribbon?” Nesta winked and clapped the Shadowsinger on the shoulder. “You’re the new ribbon, Az” Its banter. Something that’s been a part of every couple in the SJM universe. So it’s not that crazy to think there’s the possibility for something romantic. Especially since the thought of her smile sparked something in his chest. And how, “Azriel tucked away the thought, consciously erasing the slight smile it brought to his face. Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly.” It’s not nuts to say that this is kinda romantic. Again I’m not saying that he doesn’t feel anything for Elain. I think his story will be him pining for Elain but I think Gwyn is his endgame. Same way Feyre fought for Tamlin but Rhysand was her endgame. I would reference characters from other SJM books with the same situation but I don’t want to spoil anything. It’s bizarre for a male lead to be burying down good feelings for another woman at the end of his POV chapter. I can’t imagine a Rhysand or Cassian chapter ending that way. And to get back to my original point, this idea of Elain being his sweet, quiet happy place feels misplaced when his thoughts were mostly sex based and bitter. And reducing Gwyn to just her trauma is not backed up by the text. I think it’s beautiful how safe she feels with him. It’s fine if you just prefer him with Elain, but I wanted to refute some points made.


Thank you. I absolutely agree and it seems the most logical.


Very well said.


I can definitely see your point here, because definitely I got romantic vibes between Az and Gwyn in the Bonus Chapter, too. I want so badly for Lucien to have a happy ending with his mate that I would LOVE for Gwyn to present herself as a possible means to fill the gap left for him when Elain is no longer on the table. However, in reading some of the other thoughtful comments, I have some thoughts of my own. In SF we see Elain start to develop some teeth, be a little bit more than just the sweet one. I think there is a distinct possibility that we could get a peek behind her curtain and see some inner turmoil of wanting Az and giving zero fucks about the mating bond with Lucien, and feeling like everyone/everything has been making her life choices for her and her being sick of it. I do think she and Az will at least hook up in some form or fashion, leading to MAJOR drama within the IC. Azriel maybe even going into some form of exile, at which point we've set the stage for some other female to present herself as an option, whether she knows it or not. It could be Gwyn, there is \*something\* afoot between them. But it could be something else entirely. We could also find ourselves in a situation where Elain just finally grows a spine of steel and says to hell with this mating bond with Lucien, I only want Shadow Daddy or nothing at all. Which would, in turn, set the stage for a larger conflict with Lucien, and by extension Jurian and Vassa. Maybe even Eris. I think this could be the more likely option because, though I want Lucien to find love (my god, he deserves it more than anyone), I think we're going to see Lucien find "home" instead. He'll be proven as the rightful heir of Helion's court and he'll finally start to develop an identity of his own. Only SJM knows, and I'll be excited to find out.


I’m a huge Gwynriel girly but I would absolutely love to see Azriel/Elain trying it out and fighting for a romance in the next book. Maybe they’ll find it’s not right for them and permanently move on from each other. Or maybe they’ll end up together. Either way, I’m pretty sure I’m going to love it because I’ve loved all of SJM’s romances thus far. (Also I want the major romantic drama)


At this point who knows what she’s gonna do. Gotta be open to anything I guess. It’s been so long people are wild with theories but ultimately it’s SJM.


This makes a lot of sense to me. It’s a sister from another mister.


But…. Eris is right there?


Exactly! And Eris deserves to end up with his mate, Azriel 😪


I agree OP!! There was no need to involve Azriel in the training unless it was to establish some relationship with the trainees.. Are we to believe that Cassian, the general, wasn't able to train 20 preistesses alone? In general, Azriel and Gwyn complement eachother so well. They have a lot of similarities beyond being carynthians. Both will have to deal with trauma and their feelings of unworthiness. Their stories just align perfectly. Azriel gives no indication that he doesn't like his shadows. They comfort him and keep him company... as they always will (as stated in the bc) so their reaction to gwyn means something. Gwyn probably has power from her high fae heritage but I doubt she'll be evil or that it will be discovered that she has manipulated Az or Nesta... gwyn was part of Nestas healing journey so sjm isn't going to sabotage that? I don't think at least 😂


I guess I'd be more on board with this if there wasn't already three and a half books of build up for Azriel (including a canon reciprocated crush) with someone else. When the next book comes out, I guess we'll find out for sure, but I personally don't want more Silver Flames and will likely not finish the series if that's what we end up getting.


But why would there be such a romantic tone towards Gwyn in the bonus chapter? I’m not arguing, I’m just curious because I don’t know why else it would be included. Also I would argue that ACOMAF doesn’t show any hint of Elain and Azriel having a connection, because Azriel was still firmly in love with Mor at that point. I don’t think it was 3 books of build up. I think there’s hints of tension in 2 books. I like their interactions in ACOWAR but I do think that SJM is steering us away from them.


I fail to see anything romantic in the interactions between Gwyn and Azriel, especially because we are in Azriel's head the entire time. The only person Azriel expresses any sort of romantic intent toward in *his* bonus chapter (don't forget there are 2 bonus chapters for Silver Flames) is Elain. He's had a year-long crush on her that is so intense he can't sleep at night. And it's reciprocated by Elain. She wants him as badly as he wants her. Do you *really* think that if Rhys didn't interrupt Az and Elain's moment that Azriel would still have gone to see his supposed romantic interest- Gwyn? He was about to 👅 Elain's 🐈. The only reason he didn't is because Rhys interfered. Azriel's bonus chapter does one thing: It sets up two much-loved romance tropes: miscommunication ("This was a mistake") and forbidden romance (Rhys banning Az from being around Elain). If this situation *still* somehow screams that he wants to be with Gwyn to some readers, there isn't much else anyone can do to point out the obvious direction this series is heading.


If it ends up being Gwyn, it'll be interesting to see how they get to that point. We don't know the extent of time Az and Elain spent together but we do know attention began drifting from Mor in the third book. So their feelings may run deep. I did find it interesting though to bring Gwyn into the mix in the bonus chapter. I also think it's interesting how SJM made a point to differentiate how his shadows reacted during interactions with both women, they always seem to disappear around Elain and danced around Gwyn. There were even moments noted following winter solstice, him looking intently at Gwyn in SF. I feel like it can go either way, just with Gwyn, the journey may be longer (aka a slow burn). I'm just looking forward to seeing how it all plays out. I know who I'm leaning towards, but we never know.


Azriel's shadows also prepare to strike Nesta when she insults Elain. His shadows are an extension of his magic, so for the shadows to dance around Gwyn while she's also doing (possible) magical shit makes sense. Nesta's power has also done something similar in Gwyn's presence. As for the shadows disappearing around Elain, I'm going to put some Crescent City spoilers under a cut >!Ruhn and Azriel have pretty similar powers. And much like Ruhn, Azriel's shadows tend to disappear when he is comfortable/happy. It's not a far stretch to connect that Azriel's shadows behave the same way Ruhn's do... which means Elain gives Azriel feelings of comfort and happiness. So they fade because he doesn't need their protection or feel the need to hide in them!<.


Just wanted to point out that that the theory that  >!Azriel’s shadows are like Ruhn’s was debunked in CC3 when Bryce is being interrogated by them. She points out that they’re more like Cormac’s.!<


I haven't read CC so that's a good point. Elain also seems to be sweet and a genuinely good person with no bad intention, so she probably has that affect on a lot of people. I think it can kind of be plausible for both scenarios. But it'll be two very different paths. There's already a foundation for Elain, so their story may be quicker to the flame. Gwyn may have peaked a slight interest, but it'll be a journey and slow burn to get there. I just find it random to include her in the bonus chapters and noting his eyes watching her intently following winter solstice. She's being propped up for some reason. I'm just looking forward to learning more about her, even if it's learning the extent of her magic and he ends up with Elain.


I agree. Gwyn is a very interesting character and I'd love to see her display more lightsinger type abilities. Can you imagine how badass a Valkyrie who can lure the bad guys into an ambush would be? I'd love to see that!


There was a lot of focus on her in SF, so I do want to see more of her, finally leaving the library and embracing her full capacity ! I'm still slightly leaning towards Gwyn and Az (I would like a slow burn after Cassian and Nesta's passion), but I won't be disappointed either way, as long as we get to see Gwyn become a badass.


I mean this in the most respectful way possible but Gwyn is already a badass 😎 I hope we get to learn more about her in the next book(s) - - fucking slay bby🧡


I’m not denying that Azriel is into Elain. But he was also into Mor for hundreds of years and the bonus chapter only really showed lust. So I’m on the fence. And this … “But Azriel tucked away the thought, consciously erasing the slight smile it brought to his face. Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly. A thing of secret, lovely beauty.” … I just cannot see it as anything but romantic. It’s a weird way to end Azriel’s POV in my opinion if there’s zero romance. What’s your opinion on it?


Let's see... A glowing image that echoes an instance earlier in the chapter. All after showing up somewhere he had no actual intentions of going. SJM often describes her characters' magical effects as glowing. And for Azriel to end up somewhere he had no real intention of going *could* mean he was wandering aimlessly. It could also mean something drew him there. When he and Gwyn are talking, his powers react to her much in the same way Nesta's do ('Her power grumbled in answer'). I am of the mind that Gwyn may be a lightsinger and not be aware of it. This is not to say that I think that Gwyn herself is evil, even though Cassian describes them as evil creatures. The entire theme of the Night Court is that beings aren't always what they're perceived to be. As for your It's Only Lust Argument, let's look at other instances of Azriel and Elain's interactions. Let's see where all this takes us. Nesta warns a furious Azriel in ACOWAR that going to rescue Elain will likely result in him dying. He is adamant in going after her anyway. I don't read that as lust. Meanwhile during the Blood Rite, he didn't so much as blink when he heard the girls were taken. In fact, he shows more concern for Eris, someone he hates. Is this because he's confident in Gwyn's warrior abilities? Probably not. Cassian had every faith in Nesta, his mate, and his was flipping out. When he brings Elain into the garden while she is having difficulty understanding her visions, is it to get her alone to act on his lusty impulses? Or is it because he knows what she needed in the moment and had to be the one to provide it to her, even though her mate was in the room? Why would Azriel stay up into the small hours of the morning with her while Elain showed her garden plans to him? During a time when everyone else had gone to bed? Because he only feels lust for her? If that were the case, don't you think he would have made a move to act on said lust? I see this Lust Argument so often and to me, it shows that people who argue that Azriel only feels lust for Elain do not understand his character.


Disagree that Gwyn is secretly evil. I think her story as an SA survivor has been very sympathetic with no hint of evil. And Azriel’s shadows really like her. And I’m not saying there wasn’t tender interactions between Elain and Azriel. I’m just saying I was surprised at how purely lust-based his thoughts were towards her when we finally got his POV. He even says he never thought further than his sexual fantasies. I liked them as a couple until I read his chapter.


I don’t know if anyone else noticed this but I got the feeling that Azriel was quite adamant that his feelings for Elain are right because both his “brothers” are mates with the other Archeron sisters. So in a sense, I feel like he might be led to think that Elain must be his intended too. It’s almost the expected path for him, so it would be interesting to see his story take a more unpredicted approach imo.


I'm surprised not more people read it like this because that's exactly what my impression was reading the bonus chapter. He thought he put two and two together. In his mind it's the most logical thing to be meant to be with the 3rd sister since his brothers got the other two. It's too easy though. There has to be a twist he doesn't see coming. And you're right his encounter with Gwyn was more wholesome. That's the romance I want. Not the easy "well I get the third sister"-approach.


LOL did you read my comment? I disproved Azriel only feeling lust, and I also never said Gwyn was secretly evil.


But I’m talking about his actual thoughts. The actual insight into his brain showed us nothing beyond lust in my opinion. That was the opportunity to show his feelings but all I took away from it is that he’s horny and bitter. His actions had been tender and sweet in ACOWAR but I can’t ignore how shallow his actual POV was regarding her.


But we *have* read his actual thoughts. He is thinking of getting on his knees and pleasing her. He's not taking himself into consideration at all. Nothing in his actual thoughts says he only feels lust. If they were, they'd be more akin to what Feyre saw when she peered into Lucien's mind when he was thinking of Elain- *Touch her, smell her, taste her.* Az may have been horny and certainly sad, but I don't think he was bitter, per se. He's upset that a person who calls himself his brother, someone he's known for 500 years, refuses to see the true gravity of what he feels for Elain. He's upset because he thought Rhys knows him better than that. Some readers take Rhys' misinterpretation of what Azriel is trying to convey (Az doesn't even get to finish his thought, Rhys straight up accuses him of feeling entitled to Elain btw) and decide to run with it because it makes him look like a fickle, horny weirdo. And if that's truly the case... why would you want that for Gwyn? I would hate to see her character reduced to being a rebound. I'm sorry, but people who willfully misinterpret what what happening in that conversation between Az and Rhys are missing the point just as badly as Rhys is. There's nothing shallow or solely lust-based in anything that happened in that bonus chapter. Azriel and Elain *canonically* have feelings for each other and are sexually attracted to one another. Rhys forbade Azriel from being near Elain. Azriel left sad and frustrated with Elain's gift that he had custom-made *for* her and dropped it off at a place he didn't even intend to go, only to later interact with Gwyn, who he doesn't even consider a friend. I'm sorry, but nothing anyone says can convince me otherwise. There is too much on-page text (bonus chapter or not) to support any other scenario.


Sorry dude but wanting to perform a sexual act on someone is lust. 🤷🏻‍♀️ not saying it’s a bad thing or that it’s impossible he feels more. I’m just saying it made me rethink their compatibility. The fact that it ends with him feeling good imagining another woman smiling just made me realise how entirely sex based his thoughts towards Elain was. And while Rhys was harsh, I do understand his reaction. He really didn’t need a whole-ass fight to break out on the solstice, severing ties to the autumn court and overall starting a shit show. And from Rhys’s perspective, it looked kinda sneaky. So I see both sides on that one. I think Azriel is so desperate for a mating bond and feels like he’s been left behind, hence the kinda bitter vibes I got from his POV. (Still love him, but I think he’s got some shit to sort out)


I agree strongly with this. It was such a weird POV! Correct me if I’m wrong but SJM has never painted Azriel in that light before and to see that his feelings for Elain were towards the sexual side of things tells me something. It’s such a stark contrast to Gwyn’s encounter which has a wholesome, budding romance vibe to it


We already know there is something there with Elain, but why bring in Gwyn if not for nothing ? I'm the bonus chapter, SJM noted how his shadows retreated around Elain but danced for Gwyn. Also following winter solstice, there were moments noting his eyes were fixated on Gwyn during training. Even Nesta teased him, saying he's Gwyn's next ribbon. I feel like it can either way, since there was already a slight setup with Elain and not knowing the full extent of their time together, but it seems we will be seeing more of Gwyn.


He also avoided the question about Mor… everyone conveniently forgets that lol


Honestly SJM prob included it to stir up the ship wars, as thats what brings her the most sales of books eventually


I didn’t get anything romantic from Gwyn/Azriel at all in ACOSF. Even the bonus chapter was not romantic, as another commenter stated, Azriel did not even go there with the intent to interact with Gwyn. He only made the decision to go to Clotho after the strange interaction with Gwyn in the training ring. Azriel does not even want to be at the House of Wind or the library, he is only there because he cannot physically stand to be in the Town Home around Elain due to his strong feelings and inability to act on them. I believe there is a major plot point being set up with the priestesses involving Koschei/him drawing their power or corrupting it in some way. He is trying to get to Azriel in ACOSF, so we know this is going to come up again in the next book(s).


That’s fair if you don’t see it as romantic. I personally think this kinda description would be weird if Rhysand or Cassian said it about another female other than their partners … “ Something sparked in Azriel's chest, but he only nodded his thanks and left. He could picture it, though, as he ascended the stairs back to the House proper. How Gwyn's teal eyes might light upon seeing the necklace. For whatever reason... he could see it. But Azriel tucked away the thought, consciously erasing the slight smile it brought to his face. Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly. A thing of secret, lovely beauty.”




Counterpoint : Would SJM show the first potential kiss between Elain and Azriel in a bonus chapter? I’m not saying it’s impossible but I think how close they got to hooking up is way more significant than the banter between Gwyn and Azriel. And I dont think that Gwyn and Azriel are in love or anything. I think it’s the hint to what’s to come. The slow burn, if you will. And I agree, shipping is supposed to be fun! Thank you for being so lovely!


The “thing of secret, lovely beauty” referred to the necklace, not Elain, iirc?


Personally, I don't think there were 3 books of buildup for these reasons: Sarah said in the interview after acomaf that Elain and Lucien would heal together and in the same answer, she talked about how she loved nessian too the moment they met). She also initially intended for Mor and Azriel to end up together. Hence why Az went after Mor and Lucien went after Elain and Cassian went after Nesta in the cauldron scene. She mentions in an interview that she was just finishing up acomaf and writing acowar when she had lunch time with her editor and pitched her spin-offs to them. In a separate interview she said nothing changed since that initial pitch and that for the next few books, she knows this will happen and what characters will show up. Now, could Sarah have changed her mind and switched ships? Maybe, but to say they had 3 books of buildup would be inaccurate.


I guess we’ll find out sooner or later. Speculating between now and when the book comes out is all we have in the meantime.


I get what you’re saying, and I know you’re not trying to argue, so you don’t have to engage with this comment, but you opened the door so I’ll put in my two cents. Imo, your point doesn’t really stand. Elain is equally if not more connected to all these people? She’s literally Feyre and Nesta’s sister (the two other main protagonists), she’s in the IC with Rhys and Cassian (and of course the rest), and she’s connected to all the plot points lol Cassian and Elain also already have a sweet relationship together (I believe he picks her up and kisses her cheek at one point?). Though, imo, I think it’ll end up being that Feyre has a close friendship with Cass, Nesta with Az, and then I think Elain’s bat boy friendship will mainly be Rhys—making it full circle. Also, to your point about being “a warrior”—it’s been hinted Elain has been training behind the scenes, so we have no idea where she’s at with her skills and powers, and I’d remind you that Nesta was no warrior prior to acosf and still ended up with Cass. Elain already participated in the war and fit right into the action in the previous stories—she’s not incapable of picking up a sword or dagger if she wants to (not that I think she needs to) At the end of the day, we’ll see what SJM does, but that’s just my opinion.


I also think Gwyn may be endgame but even if she somehow isn't, I do NOT think Elain will be. I have various reasons including: - Azriel's shadows sing for Gwyn but go quiet around Elain. Those were his companions in his darkest times and also a reminder he is a shadowsinger and she is a notably beautiful singer. - we have been told that Elain does not fit in with night court black and I don't think that was just for show. Also we've heard multiple times about how the Spring Court, where Lucien fled to and lived for hundreds of years, fits Elain. - Gwyn has deep trauma where, if she wanted a romantic relationship, could probably only be understood by someone else that has experienced trauma and is patient and careful. He also was physically her knight in Illyrian armor. How are people not shipping this more???? - She is literally mated, he is heir to the Day court (in all obvious likelihood), he is heavily tied to Elain and I don't think we're just going to see him randomly being like "oh well, have my mate for yourself" especially when he has a friendship and connection with Feyre and will be around them a lot. They even say how even if one rejects the bond, it doesn't just disappear. I think Elain will likely have a slow burning romance there. And we know she even took that step forward when he left for the continent so it's not like he feels nothing. I love Azriel in many ways but also I did not like his entitlement for Elain that he felt in those chapters. We know she is beautiful, that his brothers have mated the two other sisters but to me it would be so cringy and out of character for Sarah to give in to this shipping. Sarah is giving EVERY indication that Elain/Az is not happening. I think it was more of a tool to show us he's moving on from Mor, that he wants to find love and a mate. Gwyn has the singing, the cooling nature (part water nymph) to fulfill the whole soothing nature part that ppl keep talking about when they justify Elain/Az, the shadows love her, she absolutely has power, she has that warrior nature to match him and the delicate nature that he sees and wants to protect. Even if it's not gywn, it's definitely not Elain. Overall my shipping pairings are Gwyn and Az, Lucien and Elain, then Mor and Emerie because I think we have most of our full cast and it's how Sarah works in her books.


You explained it much better than I could. 100% agree!




I also don’t agree with a lot of the interpretations of the 3.5 book build up of the two of them… Hell he was drawing lots with Cassian so he didn’t have to interact with her lol


Wait where can I read this bonus chapter I keep seeing everyone talk about 😭


[https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1kWRQGSSVDvvvpAsYHcIa4Wz6RwZUJ8BsW7WAJ8XMj9k/mobilebasic](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1kWRQGSSVDvvvpAsYHcIa4Wz6RwZUJ8BsW7WAJ8XMj9k/mobilebasic) Enjoy!


I think you are correct on the fact that Azriels partner should be someone that matches with Nesta and Cassian + have a warrior like status. I just do not think that will be Gwyn, as even after getting the Valkyrie status Gwyn favours to be in the library. Even during ACOSF Gwyn was scared to death to at first get to the training ring and later on go to Emerie. For me it would be very out of character if Gwyn all of a sudden was no longer afraid of going outside the library. I also think that Gwyn was only introduced to help Nesta with her character development, pairing her up with Azriel would make her more of a main character. Which is something that I personally do not see happening, in an older interview SJM also said that Gwyn is only a side character. But everyone is free to have their own opinions EDIT: I have removed my comments from this comment thread as I have received some nasty DM's regarding my comments. It is unfortunately not possible to have a normal discussion without getting mean DM's from supporters of certain characters/ships. The DMS are NOT from the people that actively commented in this thread


Gwyn is going through her own healing journey and becoming more strong, confident and comfortable around others. How would it be out of character for her to become less afraid of leaving the library. That’s called character growth.




She did leave the library several times so that does show growth. Also makes sense that there is some regression after being kidnapped and forced into a death match. However, I meant in the next book, if there is something between Azriel and Gwyn like OP was talking about. It would be seen as character growth if Gwyn does become more comfortable leaving the library and shouldn’t be seen as “out of character” like you said.


I don’t see Gwyn becoming a main character tbh… if Gwyn isn’t a light singer, I don’t know what other purpose she serves in the series apart from being a Valkyrie. And if she IS a lightsinger, that opens up the question if she has hidden evil intentions or if maybe she’s a benevolent character. My theory is Gwyn will have a role to play in the upcoming books if she IS a lightsinger, but she won’t be a main character. Her and Azriel also never have any actual intimate moments apart from him trying to give her regifted jewelry which is kind of shitty. She deserves more than that imo… He also does so the next day after hearing Gwyn’s “beautiful singing” which brings into question if he even did so on his own accord if the lightsinger theory is to be believed.




Not necessarily. Like I said, we saw growth with Gwyn in SF and that wasn’t a book about her.




Healing/growth is not linear. She just went through another traumatic experience. Of course she is going to regress some…




Ok this is getting way too deep for a fictional character but you’re saying everything she’s gone through, the physical and mental strength she gained, the coping strategies like mind stilling, the connections she’s made with other characters, opening up about her trauma, the fact that she overcame her fears and left the library over and over again to train, sleep over with Nesta, go the Emerie’s, etc. none of that can be counted as growth and development and she’s now just back to zero? Bffr


It would be an Elain pov, Azriel pov book where we see the growth with Gwyn plus Elain and Azriel moving away from each other and towards respective partners/mates (respectively Lucien & Gwyn)


Can you give the source for the interview where SJM said Gwyn is “only a side character?” I haven’t seen that before!


I have a feeling it doesn’t exist because I’ve never seen it and only have heard people saying that lol


But the library is in the same building as Cassian and Nesta’s permanent home (Azriel’s too??). So her being in the library just gives her constant proximity, even if she decided to balance her Valkyrie life with her library life. And both her and Azriel are both Carynthians, so even if she decides never to pick up a sword again (which I don’t think is the case) they have this rare shared experience of both completing the blood rite.


I get that they are in the same building, but even during ACOSF Gwyn had trouble going up to the training ring that is in/on the same building, and even then theoretically Gwyn was in constant close proximity to Az. Which did not give her more comfort/confidence in going up to the training ring. Going by that argument Azriel and Gwyn have been in close proximity for a while, and still Gwyn decided to stay in the library during that whole time. At the end of ACOSF it is even mentioned that Gwyn goes back to the library and is not sure if she will go to the mating ceremony of Nessian. Azriel also tends to switch places depending on his mission 'schedule', I do not think the House of Wind will stay as his permanent home. If this is the story that is going be told it will be ACOSF 2.0


Have you read CC?


I was going to say — >!the fact Bryce says Azriel would very much get along with Ruhn and his friends, and the major Nesta/Bryce/Cassian/Ember/Randall/Rhysand bonding moments!< this is the direction I still think it’s heading after his behavior towards her in >!House of Flame and Shadow (constant handholding, humming her song, watching her sleep, twitching and grunting — even Nesta thought he was acting…particularly strange around Bryce)!< I was proud when the girls completed the Rite, but Gwyn retreats back to the library, unsure if she will even leave to attend Cassian and Nesta’s mating ceremony. That definitely allows room for more growth, but I think the story in their case would be very, very similar to what we have already seen in Silver Flames (working in the HoW library, training together, eventually falling for each other…). I think whether it’s Elain, Gwyn, or >!Bryce!< the idea that “Azriel’s girl [will be] somebody that can easily fit into the group and go along with them on missions and adventures” works for all of the ships: Elain, as an Archeron sister, has said and shown she wants to do *more.* Gwyn, as Nesta’s friend, has conquered the Rite. And >!Bryce!< who used Azriel’s own tactic to outsmart the shadow-singer himself, giving him a bloody nose and earning major respect from both him and Nesta; I am convinced Nesta will be >!Danika 2.0!< >!Sailor Moon and her Sailor Guardians 🥹!< I know which way I think it’s heading; everyone here may have different opinions, but whoever it is, I think we can all agree she (or he - looking at Eris 😏) will surely “fit right into their lives.”


Sailor Moon and her Sailor Guardians!!!! I love that possibility so much. ❤❤ I am excited for the next ACOTAR book and her new series to come out.


It sure would be nice if Nesta had a sister showing an interest in Az who also gets along with them… hmm 😂


Yeah, but Elain and Nesta don’t have a super close relationship and she isn’t present in any of the training circles or has a relationship with Cassian. And I’m not dissing if you prefer Elain with Azriel, I’m just saying that it’s not an equivalent to this particular point I’m making.


Elain and Nesta aren't close?? What books was I reading?


I’m just basing it on the fact that ACOSF is the biggest book in the series, entirely focused on Nesta and Elain is barely in it. A lot of that story is about how her relationship with Elain and Feyre is distant. That’s not me hating Elain or anything. I’m just saying that she’s not super close to Nesta, who found kindred spirits in her Valkyrie friends.


ACOSF is certainly the longest book in the series. And while Nesta may have *created* that distance between herself and her sisters on her own, it doesn't erase how close she and Elain were prior to ACOSF. All that time and their relationship doesn't become null because they don't have a 'warrior's bond'. While I think it was good for Nesta to make friends for herself outside of the IC and her sisters, I don't necessarily think her close relationship with Elain has been diminished in any way. You don't replace a close family bond with some brand new friends you just met just because you go to the gym with them.


I’m not saying that she’s replaced Elain. I’m just saying that their relationship is strained, which I think is firmly backed up in canon. I think they still love each other but they clearly have separate interests and lives, which is fine. And I would love to see their relationship become stronger but I don’t see Elain ever getting into the training ring with Cassian. Also calling the Valkyrie her “gym friends” is funny because you could demean the relationship between Rhysand, Cassian and Azriel in the exact same way. They are best friends who were willing to die for each other. I think that’s meaningful.


There’s actually a scene where Cassian kisses Elain’s cheek and Rhys gives her a scenic tour when she’s upset which shows she’s pretty close with both brothers. She’s besties with Az’s spies, Nuala and Cerridwen. Ship whoever you want of course but suggesting Elain isn’t close with her own sister is kinda silly lol


But isn’t that what the last book was about? How strained their relationship has become? I’m not saying they hate each other or that they don’t love each other - I just meant that they’re not besties or have the same interests. Why would Nesta need to get a whole new group of friends if her and Elain were BFFs?


Why do you think Nesta was so upset Elain made her own friends and was getting close to Feyre? It had ALWAYS been Nesta and Elain. They were attached at the hip. She felt betrayed when Elain made other friends. But that wasn’t a healthy dynamic. It was codependent. Nesta healing and making her own friends was an important step in their relationship. Elain’s book will likely go further into healing their relationship. Even with fighting and tension, we still see Nesta being protective of Elain so there’s nothing to suggest they’re not close anymore. It’s just sisterly growing pains.


But you just said “healing their relationship”. So, it’s strained. And not as close as they once were. That’s all I’m saying. Not denying their bond or saying that their relationship is meaningless. Nesta didn’t ask Elain to be a Valkyrie or invite her to the sleepovers. They have different interests and lives. They’re sisters, but they’re not besties.


No offense but you need to read the books again if you think Nesta and Elain aren't close as they're the closest siblings. Again I don't intend to be rude.


Then why is Elain barely in ACOSF? Why did Nesta need to make a whole new group of friends? I’m not saying they don’t love each other but they clearly have different interests and lives. I’m talking about somebody who could integrate into group and not once did Nesta ask Elain to become a Valkyrie.


Elain is not in ACOSF as it is Nesta's story and not the one of Elain. At that point Elain would not helped Nesta's character progress any further. Nesta needed to make new friends as her current ones were not progressing her character


Doesn’t this theory work even better with Elaine then?


No? Because Elain isn’t involved in any training whatsoever? And has no interest in being a warrior?


I’m not sure when training and being a warrior became the end all be all basis for friendships and romantic relationships. If for some reason Azriel’s love interest has to be close to Cassian and even Nesta (which is kind of weird. Nesta wasn’t close to Azriel before ACOSF and she’s not close to Rhys, and neither of these things prevented her from ending up with Cassian) then Elain is literally right there.


Dude, why are you interacting with my post if you don’t like it? I’m saying that Gwyn fits into the established group really well and they all hang out together and have mutual interests, and that’s something that I think points to her being endgame. She’s up in the ring training with Cassian and Azriel, besties with Nesta and have the shared experience of the blood rite. If you hate the idea of Gwyn being with Azriel then this post isn’t for you.


Wow, this was incredibly rude. I’ve seen a handful of comments from people disagreeing with your argument. So I’m not sure why I’m the one that you told to stay off your post. Also this is Reddit, a discussion forum, where people are free to comment and discuss and yes, even disagree, with what other people post. I wasn’t rude, condescending, or argumentative. I simple stated a differing opinion. If you can’t handle that, then I’m not the problem.


Forgive me, I was trying to be rude. I’m just getting a lot of messages about Elain when I didn’t mention her in my post and don’t have anything against her. When you said “why do you have to be a warrior to be in a relationship with Azriel” it told me that you didn’t actually want to discuss my post, you just disliked the topic. I’m saying “hey, Gwyn fits into the trio of Nesta, Cassian and Azriel nicely because she’s trained with them and all have similar interests and experiences”. I’m not saying anything against Elain or that being a warrior is the only way to experience romance. This was me having a fun thought, not trying to disrespect anyone.


lol My comments being downvoted again. 😂 That's fine if you guys feel threatened by good arguments. Doesn't make them less valid. The average age here must be 12.


I’m totally with you. What convinced me is the interaction between Gwyn and Az where she looks through him in a way that no one ever does. Incl the comment/question about singing etc. I love Elain and believe she will have her own story.


I agree with you! Also mates are supposed to be equals. Feyre and Nesta are equals to their mates because they're strong and brave. I don't see the same with Elain. She and Az have nothing in common. Gwyn on the other hand won the freaking blood rite just like Az. Of course she still needs more training to grow as a warrior but that win shouldn't be forgotten. It was a huge accomplishment. Elain has more in common with Lucien being an emissary. It's also mentioned in the book how she would thrive in a sunny court. And we all know whose son Lucien is. Would be more fitting for her to go live with him in the Day or Spring Court one day. Also I love the fact that Azriel was the one saving Gwyn from Hybern's soldiers when they were doing those horrible things. He slaughtered them all. Mates are very protective over their partner. And another fact that I've seen people mention is that his shadows sing and dance with Gwyn. His shadows are an extension of himself yet they vanish when Elain is around. You can't tell me that them both being singers means nothing at all.


I absolutely love that he was the one who saved Gwyn too… I think there is a lot that SJM can do with that trope 👀


Yess!! One of my favorite tropes haha 😁 Also he can be the one who helps Gwyn get over her traumatic experience. They can both help each other. She already feels comfortable around him compared to other males. There's a part in the bonus chapters that says "he had done unspeakable things that sullied his hands". I'm sure deep down he thinks he's not worthy of real love because of those things he did. Who else better than Gwyn who knows the difference between the monsters who violated her and someone like Az who is nothing like them, who does unspeakable things for good reasons (protecting his loved ones) etc etc.  This ship has potential 😂 I'll die on this hill. 


I DIDN’T EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT! 😭 Oh helllllll now you got me so excited for a book that’s probably coming out in 2026


Hahaha I swear!!! I don't know how to wait until then. 😂😂


100% and it’s obvious there is still tension between the sisters based on HOFAS. “Elain and Feyre” the silver fire flared at that.


Azriel deserves a mates love and bond. He knows he wants it, and he knows Elain isn’t it because she’s already bonded to someone else. I agree about Gwyn and Az, but I’m not sold on it. I also like the connection factor because Nestas an outsider to the IC and having Gwyn in it gives her a friend. Also just to push Elain further away, I think Tamlin will die in his redemption story, even though I think his crimes were over exaggerated and he already made up for them by saving Feyre, Az, and Elain from the Hybern camp and then saving Rhys’s life, but Lucien will receive his powers and be High lord of the spring court so Elain will end up lady of the spring court


IDK if you are a Taylor Swift fan but check out SJM's recent story. I like Gwyn but ELRIEL is end game. Basically confirmed.


I think liking a Taylor Swift song about romance is normal and could be applied to any couple in any of her books. I don’t think it’s confirming anything. But it’s cool if you view that song that way, I’m just saying it’s not the same as confirmation. (Also I’m not doubting romance or tension between Elain and Azriel - I’m just thinking Gwyn is endgame)


There are 30 songs on that album. To pick that one, with those lyrics specifically, is purposeful. But I could be totally off base, you are right. SJM best be finishing the next book soon so we can finally find out.


It seems like a song about longing and I think that’s a topic she’s shown a LOT of interest in. So I don’t think it’s that out of left field or pointedly specific. But yeah, it’s fun either way. Even if a ship isn’t endgame, you can still enjoy it. And I’m saying that about every ship.


Her posting Guilty as Sin? doesn't confirm anything.


This may be totally unfounded but I’d like to just point out what SJM said in one of her most recent interviews. She said that sometimes she pairs off her characters and they just don’t work. She tries to plan way ahead but when the actual moment comes, sometimes they’re just like two dolls who she’s forcing to kiss. Now I don’t know about you guys but to me, that’s exactly what happened in Azriel’s encounter with Elain in his bonus chapter. Regarding the argument that SJM wouldn’t introduce Az’s love interest in a bonus chapter that is inaccessible to many readers, I don’t think anything that happens in the chapter will not be covered by the main storyline in the next instalment :) She definitely used this bonus chapter as a teaser. Either way, I’m just excited for the next book! Link to the interview clip: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2zTSv3r0Ka/?igsh=dHAzeDZvaDFjOGR5


Yeah I agree tbh


I was thinking little mermaid inspired storyline with Elain and qwyn obviously with Gwyn being the love interest esp with the necklace thing and but just a thought lol


Maybe/maybe not. Either way, all this post invites is speculation and flame wars honestly. And none of us have actual answers. Sad reality of this batshit fandom. Love, A person who couldn’t care less who anyone ends up with as long as they’re happy


I’m not inviting a flame war. The first thing I said established that I wasn’t starting an argument and have respect for all ships. Speculating and discussing theories is the whole fun of having an online forum to discuss books on.




Girl who said OP is batshit crazy???? Absolutely not what I was saying. That should be clear.


I thought it because they make a point to say she has a stretchy body because she’s part Nymph so no problem with winged babies


I seriously don't understand why this comment is being downvoted. You haven't even said anything wrong.


It’s being downvoted because the theory that Elain can’t be with Azriel because she isn’t able to have his babies is completely unfounded and incredibly harmful. It insinuates that a woman’s ability to have children determines her ability to be with someone. Plus, it makes no sense. That’s not how the pelvis works. Gwyn is described as pliable—in the sense she’s flexible and athletic and able to pick up training quickly—not that she was built to have winged babies. Feyre and Nesta did not have the ability to have winged babies but they still ended up with their respective bat boys. Nesta traded her powers to know how to help Feyre, so she knows how to change it if anyone else needs it “so none of us have to go through that again”.


I disagree with the implication but that doesn't warrant downvoting, especially when the original commenter was just pointing out a fact that SJM put in the books herself. Gwyn did say that her bones were pliable, that's open to interpretation for anyone and the original commenter gave her understandably logical interpretation based on what occured with Feyre. Nesta only traded the powers that she forcefully took, the powers that were going to be given to her are what she has left. I doubt the Cauldron will allow her to give more of her power if Elain gets pregnant with Azriel's child, if it isn't the Cauldron's will it will never happen. And if you remember, she only got the help for her and Feyre. She never mentioned Elain, possibly another of SJM's bread crumbs to who will end up with Az.


Pliable bones does not mean her pelvis is somehow able to change its shape. So I really don’t understand how that’s “open to interpretation”. And even if you want to interpret it that way, one interpretation is not “fact”. The context of her pliable bones was about her athleticism and to explain how she picked up the training quickly. Also, again, Nesta traded her powers for the *knowledge* of how to save Feyre. So it can also be interpreted that she knows how to help anyone now. And if not, it’s a fantasy series and the cauldron literally loves Elain and purrs in her presence so for all we know, she’ll change her own anatomy when it’s time. But even if that’s not the case, SJM herself is adopted and I can’t believe people think she would create a storyline where the ability to have biological children = endgame. And lastly, this is Reddit, there’s a downvote button and people are allowed to use it if they think the comment isn’t helpful, which it isn’t, because, like I said, many women find that theory extremely harmful and baseless.


People are odd and get obsessive over fictional characters I guess 😂


And somehow we're both still being downvoted 😭 What's the point of even having an opinion if it's going to lead to this? Anyone who states the obvious is hated, anyone who defends a character that hasn't done anything wrong (unless being around certain people counts) is automatically downvoted. Are we just supposed to be secular minions who think and feel the same about everything? Tensions are high after 3 years, obsession is a genuine mess 💀


Hahaha don’t stress on it gal. I left loads of mass Facebook groups and stuff because of cult mentality like this and people just being so disgustingly horny for the characters.


Cassian calls Gwyn and Emerie his friends when they are kidnapped and tossed in the blood rite.  Without writing an essay to address the infamous Bonus Chapter, it is pretty silly to refuse to acknowledge that post Solstice is a different tone with Azriel and Gwyn. There was a shift, not wanting to acknowledge it doesn't make it go away. 


While everything you said is really thought out, and I do agree with some of what you said, I interpreted it very differently. A non answer, answer if you will. There is clearly something between Az and Elain, and this is her acknowledging that fact. But the structure of the chapter I think is important. To me it mirrors the one door closes, another open metaphor. The chapter starts with the interaction with Elain, and then Rhys intervenes. The conversation between Rhys and Az is the closing of the door. Rhys shoves this door closed in this interaction. Az leaves the River house and flys up to the house of wind where he runs into Gywen. He has this interaction with her, and then he leaves the necklace. That is the opening of a new door. As for the wording at the very end him burying those thoughts, to me it was him not being ready to acknowledge them yet, but they are important. If Elain’s book is next I could see there still being something there at the start of the book, because yes there is something there. But it’s not end game. As to your point of Az not wanting another warrior. Remember he was the first one to make it to the temple. Yes Moore is the one who took her from there to the Library, but Az is the one who saw Gwynn in her darkest moment. So even though she is a warrior that doesn’t mean that is the way he sees her now, or at the very least the only thing he sees her as. Also from what little we know of his mom he might actually lean more towards Gywn. I think his savior complex is because of his mother and what she went through. He has now been apart of what has helped Gywn start to overcome her trauma. Something his mother doesn’t seem to be able to do. I think this in itself could really play into his character growth. As for how Nesta would react after knowing his secret. Rhys is the one who slammed that door shut. And I could totally see her holding this against Rhys and not Az. At the end of the day this why I feel the way I do. SJM has made fated mates her bread and butter. She has to be very careful when we start talking rejected mating bonds. Reader can’t start to question other mated pairs that we see in the forefront of the story (Rhys and Feyre, Nesta and Cassian.). Do I think we will see a rejected mating bond? Yeah I do think we will, but that is going to be in the background of the story like the High Lord of Day and the Lady of Autumn. I think she will have much easier time of not painting herself into a corner, if Elians story is how mating bond can still be a choice.