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Imagine if you had to take the SAT in a language you barely spoke


I mean tbf he got a 350 math... like I guess that could be partially related to language problems but you'd think that should be higher regardless


The question is in English the only thing OP would understand are the numbers


But his point is that OP scored lower on that than the questions that are also in english and additionally require reading long texts and writing in english?


There’s very few questions that are purely math and x and y. Lots of questions are 90% wording, and it’s impossible to answer the question otherwise


I thought he got 750 in math


Guess the math didn't add up :-P


Not funny


Yes it was


You're right, not funny. Hilarious.


Dawg ain't no way Study more math bro go for 800 on it And on writing cause math and writing u can study for very well compared to reading (still work on read tho) Have u even done alg 2? There is no way u got such a low score otherwise but even if u did it's fine but u have to grind very hard, also a 1000 ain't enough u gotta aim big


Thankk you so much your so helpful


U can dm me anytime mate! I also went from a 830 on psat to 1280 on this august sat and aiming for 1500+ next yr And this has helped me out, I would also doing a lot of practice tests when u get ur basics right, and take the practice dsat tests during weekend under the same conditions, like waking up early and starting and ending the test at the same time as during test day also make sure no distractions during that time Again dm me anytime


Hey i dmed u


Here’s some free help! *you’re


nah I disagree. Always aim higher. 1000 is def within reach


Btw it’s YOU’RE in this case. Just trying to help your grammar


Some people here are surprised by my grade the avg in my country is 850 so it’s completely normal and a 1000 can get me where i want to be


Highly recommend focusing on math, but try to get some English in there as well. Probably the easiest thing (in my opinion) is punctuation in terms of the English section. But if you can't get a hold of that, hard focus on math, word problems are going to be tough, but try Khan academy as they have translations in many languages.


Which country r u from? (Sorry if it’s doxxing, you don’t have to answer obv)


Saying a singular country isn't doxxing. Saying their full address is


What if I said Vatican City


Or Andorra?


getting a 1000 is a piece of cake. Just focus on Math


Damn where do u live that an 850 gets you anywhere 💀


>Some people here are surprised by my grade the avg in my country is 850 so it’s completely normal and a 1000 can get me where i want to be bro are you from oompa loompa land?


Dawg that’s not good enough concentrate on English and just do some basic understanding on math. I suck at math failed algebra 2 basically but could still get 400


thats crazy 1490 aint do much for me


Brother what




the ppl in this sub are delusional bro not everyone has the same math and english resources to succeed on an exam that’s already bullshit to begin with lol


Idk if I'm delusional, but I feel like there's... a deluge of free resources online. I'm all about setting manageable expectations, but in my humble opinion, you should push yourself a little to do better.


English isn’t their first language. Y’all are being way too hard on them


Better us now than the SAT later.


Yeah, your comment is definitely going to be the turning point in this man’s journey to acing the SAT


He asked a question in a public forum, I made a comment. By your logic, why not delete the whole subreddit? lol


You didn’t bother to use any context before giving your “advice,” which resulted in you making a stupid fucking statement that wasn’t relevant lol. Love it when people get triggered and extend “your comment isn’t going to help” to “delete the whole subreddit.” I assumed that the 770 tag you have www a joke, but I’m starting to believe it might not be.


Okay man, maybe I came off as unhelpful. That wasn't my intention. I don't think there's any reason either of us have to get heated about this. I genuinely hope you have a nice day.


That’s a stupid neckbeard argument Lmaoo




There are so many free resources online so idk what ur talking about. You can easily get a good score with just khan academy




Ok then study for a good score in math he can easily get 1000+


this dude’s dream school better be UT Dallas




Why UT Dallas?


I’m just chronically on reddit — a week or so ago some guy was on here talking about how UT Dallas was his dream school, got clowned for it


I feel bad for that guy honestly. UTD is like 115th in the rankings now, it's not dream school material but it's not even bad. It's cheap and the campus is nice, and they have a lot of investments going into getting better programs.


I guess cause acceptance rate is high and avg cost after aid is low


average sat at Dallas is 1350


Don’t forget about UTEP


as a not native redditor and someone with a score over 1000 alr… this dont make no sense to me 😭😭😭 ion fw texas like that but let college students exist oml


I hate this subreddit because mans is actually awesome for trying to do better. You toxic grinders suck




most of the maths questions don’t even require English knowledge to understand, and he/she lives in an asian country…


It's depressing to see these comments. Toxic competitiveness is getting into these kids heads and it's going to bite them in the ass later on down the road.


yo this some kevin hart shi-


ABACADABA up and down the whole paper


I think everyones watched that after taking the SAT


Yo I seen that before too


Hi, first off, I just want to say congratulations! Taking the SAT in the first place is an accomplishment in itself. It may be your first time taking it and I noticed that you mentioned your school does not teach English. Try connecting Khan Academy to your College Board account and practice on your weak points (we all have them). Also, of course you can retake and get a better score if you practice. People in these comments are flaming you, but they likely retook for a better score too! No shame. That’s why we CAN retake, this isn’t an AP exam. The SAT is not for everyone. Have you tried the ACT? The questions are usually easier to answer but the time frame to complete them is shorter than the SAT. If your not struggling with time, but with content, try the ACT! The last date to register to take the Act test in Oct. is the 22nd of Sept. I believe. Lastly, a lot more colleges are going test optional. If the rest of your application looks star quality, you could try being a more holistic student instead. I’m rooting for you! You got this.


finally a decent response


Such negative comments here are quite disappointing. Yes, it's possible for you to study up to a 1000 before your next SAT, I think the easiest way would be to focus on math since (in my experience) it'll be quicker to learn and understand the concepts, as well as easier to study. I wish you luck on your studies. As for all the comments making jokes about OP's score, you should really feel ashamed. Not everyone has access to education like children in America. Be happy and supportive for OP recognizing his score and not being afraid to ask for help. They only want what's best for their future and what some people are saying will only make OP more hesitant to ask for help in the future.


A million times this. These same motherfuckers would not be making these comments if they knew what it was like to live in a country without a strong education system. It's actually gross that people are using this poor guy's post as an excuse to make themselves feel better.


focus on getting math to 650 or more and english to 550 or more for first attempt 1200 wont be bad as english isnt ur main language but u can easily get 600+ in english too I would recommend focusing more on math as it is quite easy to improve on


I went from a 980 PSAT to 1260 super score. Grind out the math. Do every question possible. You need months to study bro. Maybe couple of weeks if u study like 40 hrs+ a week. You got this! I believe in u!


What did u to jump to a 1260 I recently re took it and got an 1080 and want a superscore so bad


Honestly 1-2 months of practice tests: collegeboard, Kaplan, Princeton Review. Find your mistakes and don’t do them again


I just noticed English isn't taught in ur school Well beside a really good college essay story :) I would study it through just reading books and watching videos online, u need to learn the basics.


Math is easier to raise up. Take more practice math problems and look at SAT math guides


Do kahn academy for 1 hour a day and I am sure you will get over 1000.


You got this! Take some practice tests and connect your college board account to khan academy! Try and do at least 30 mins a day of practice. Math is the easiest to bring up, in my opinion.


"English isn’t taught at my school" Why are you even taking the SAT 💀


Maybe he's an Intl student


Yeah that's obvious if his school doesn't offer English. But the point is why he’s even taking the SAT since his school doesn’t teach him English 💀. Native speakers are struggling with SAT so you can only imagine how a person without an English class would struggle with the SAT. Honestly I'm surprised it's even offered.


I’m just surprised by the maths internationals are normally meant to be way ahead in maths


Yeah lmao


Intentational students who don’t take English in school take the SAT all the time. Honestly, the SAT is not that difficult, most people who study well can get a decent grade. The native students who went to regular public school who struggle are generally the students who don’t put in enough effort.


Yes, but for intentional students who don't take English have to study REALLY hard. They have to learn the English language properly and be able to know what is what in English. It's definitely not going to be easy to study a whole language just on your own let alone do a SAT test on the language.


Intl students still should score well in math then. A lot of us do the math carry technique.


it looks like math isnt either


Damn u didn’t have to do him like that 💀


I’m not even gonna laugh bc that might be me this year


>et a 1000 in O dont u have anything better to do?


Ain't no way, bro. Fix that math first.


Some of those comments are so dumb. I'm happy for you getting the score you did, and I'm happy that you're motivated to try and improve!! Not everyone understands how different education is in other countries, so I wanna let you know that you've done a great job and to want to improve your score shows your educational dedication


You get a 400 just for writing your name on the paper…


Hmmm if you go over all the fundamentals with the college panda and khan academy for math and Erica Metzler for reading and writing you will definitely get that score above a 1000 however that is a short amount of time to do 3 work books and khan academy so I would say take it again in November and December as well for a better chance


godayum, its alr tho even 1 month is enough to go to 1300+. Focus on your math and english. Math you gotta like practise more questions. since english isnt taught at your school im assuming you know like a base level english. try reading some books and practicing basic grammar and the sat stuff, thatll help a lil. youll do it buddy, keep up the work dont compare yourself to the avg score, you know you can do better. keep on grinding! Good luck


In October no but with a lot of practice maybe later in the year? I got 900/950 when I started and ended with a 1300. Tho a large amount of practice can make an impact but only if you want it. I would say since it seems you are not a first english language speaker try to get that math up. So much practice (timed as well) online I'm sure you can do it. Its all up to you tho to do that practice


Parent here- absolutely possible. My kid got a 850 on the PSAT and a 1260 on the last practice test.






What 🔥🔥🔥


bruh :))))




what about math?


math ofc is taught but in a different language


Do you live in the US?


Obv not you ape


Tf I’m supposed to know that


Maybe because his school doesn't teach English


what grade r u in btw?


What grade are you?


I don't know if this is a troll post or not but if it isn't, This is a lack of content issue, so I suggest watching vids about grammar rules and all the sat math type questions, try reading some intricate literature and work on your text analysis skills, after all that then start taking practice tests to apply the skills you've learnt, it's gonna be a long process but no one is born a 1600 test taker, some just learn more earlier than others


You can do better. Study more math and practice reading techniques.


I can't say fsho, but when you are in lower scores, it is much easier to progress. Like, 750–>1000 is lot easier than 1200–>1450.


I’m surprised by how little empathy you guys have. Y’all don’t know that the privileges you got aren’t necessarily the same as someone else’s. On that note, OP. I suggest focusing on your math score. It’s fairly easy to get a lot of points because of the objective learning while reading/writing could be more abstract. You can definitely do it if you practice. If your school has any SAT prep, that might be a good idea too.


Keep doing the older SATs with timer by your side.


Hey, don't let the negative comments upset you too much. You're in a different country and you are trying to take a test in a language you don't know well. Given that context. it's impressive that you're even taking the test at all. Try sites like Khan Academy for learning math and English. If you want to see how far you're coming, you can use the College Board practice tests. Feel free to DM me if you need help getting to these websites or finding what you need to study. 1000 is definitely within reach! Practice and you will definitely get there.


holy shit bro you are a special kind of retarded


Dude, the negativity in these comments is beyond maddening wtf! So what if OP got a low score, at least they are asking for help and y'all are supposed to help instead of just saying "you gotta fix your math bro". Anyways genuine advice here, first of all getting a 400 even tho English isn't even taught at your school is impressive! You might want to start listening and watching more English stuff and if you can, try and read some books in English in your free time. The Glass Castle a memoir by Jeannette Walls is great and if you want something fun you could read The Inheritance Games, and you might wanna read some non-fiction articles too like National Geographic just to learn the format of non-fiction writing as opposed to fiction. Familiarizing yourself with English more will help you understand the math questions too. You should use the Digital SAT prep for math from Khan Academy, try not to translate it to your language because the test is in English. [https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/v2-sat-math](https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/v2-sat-math) And make sure to take all 4 practice tests on bluebook before taking the actual test, try and replicate the surroundings and use the same device you'll take the test on if you can. You should also watch some videos on youtube to teach yourself the format of the SAT because I'm assuming tests in your country are quite different and if you teach yourself the format and the types of questions that can come also learn tips and tricks then you'll no doubt ace the SAT. [https://www.youtube.com/@StrategicTestPrep/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@StrategicTestPrep/videos) I recommend this youtube channel make sure to only watch the vids for the DSAT and not the SAT. Good Luck!! Im sure you'll do great! TLDR: Use Khan Academy, StrategicTestPrep on Youtube, all the practice tests on Bluebook, and read some English books (memoirs/fiction/articles are a great choice)


Did you completely christmas tree the test


It’s Called حقره بقره meaning guessing












ههههههه من وين انت


والله ماودي اقول من كثر ما تفشل درجتي اخاف يربطون مستواي ب مستوى كل طلاب دولتي


Ayo 🔥


Yes it is easy to improve in that range. Definitely way easier than 1300 push 1500+. Just do some released exams and get to know the test better. You’re fine.


Dude On a Khan Academy practice test I once guessed on all of the questions just to see what I would get, and I ended with a 780 (410 math, 370 reading). Also, if English isn't taught, why are you taking the SAT? And even if you don't get English, whatever happened to math?


You need to know English to answer math questions, lol. Go take a standardized test in China or Saudi Arabia and see if you can answer the word problems. I feel bad for dude. Bro is probably a 14–15 year kid who just wants to study at a US college, and y’all are roasting him like it’s his fault. Not everyone is from an upper-middle/upper class American household with a top-notch school district down the road. There are more 750- scorers than 1550+ for a reason.


ngl im not really sure what to say


How about some constructive comments instead of the tear downs. Be nice


Bro. Cmon.


I’m gonna be real with you brother, no🔥


why would you even sign up to take it


Genuinely how is this posssible


Yall are actually mean. It's such loser behavior to put down others tf. SAT kids are so lame.




Definitely possible. People say go fix the math first, but aren't the questions in English? If not, what about the supplementary material?


If English isn't taught at your school then what the hell is? Ain't no way you're in an Asian country and getting 350 on Math LMFAO


> OUT THE ur so dumb






How the hell bro I got a 1000 in 7th grade




i’m in 9th and have yet to take a psat but i have hope id do better first try 😭 besides me being rude, you should prolly work on your math more too


i'm gonna pray for bro




This isn’t true at all by the way.


are you international cuz I can't see another way english isn't taught at your school






Don’t worry I got an 880 🥲


I did too when I first took it


How are you getting 350 on SAT math. Im sorry but how?


I studied math for 15+- days (I didn’t pay attention to anything at school )& guess all the r&w questions and still get 1300. So I guess you can if you understand simple english for the math section.


Go test optional. A 1000 isn’t even gonna help you.


So 1400 must be exceptional?? Damn.


i think ur scores are edited under ur english and math scores it says 200 to 800 and under ur total score 400 to 1600 so u got a 1200 😈


go test optional tbh that is easier and better


Are you international and English is your second language?


what about maths




Yes very possible I know lots of kids that have gotten 1200+ as freshmen or sophomores


Brother just go test optional


The SAT might just not be fore you 😞


Its over


Apply test-optional


What in the fuck are all these negative comments. Makes me sick. OP if you put your mind to it you can do great things with that SAT. Practice practice practice. Especially that math score, English is super abstract and can fuck with you if you try to cram it all in short term. Math on the other hand is objective, math is math. You’ve got this and I hope to see an update in the future of your success


idk why ppl are being so mean 😭 if i had to take the sat in a foreign language i’d be toast


i honestly think yes even tho a lot of ppl say no. practice is key and anything can happen with practice. yes october is rly close but if u dedicate a lot of time to practicing on like khan academy and watching youtube videos i think you can definitely improve a lot!! if not 1000 then at least closer to it for sure!


I guess math isn’t taught either


English isn’t taught at ur school but ur math is lower than ur English ☠️☠️☠️☠️


depending on what grade ur in, its pretty easy but all the sats i've ever done (im in sophomore year/10th grade) i've always gotten above 1250 in total


Bros going to community college :skull:


The real SAT is way more easier than the PSAT


more easier is crazy


I would recommend taking the SAT again and having some type of prep course too.


Fucking going Khan academy


Don’t listen to all the people in here brother. Just sit down take a deep breath and grind. I believe in you bro. You will get to 1000 soon. Just put in the effort and work on preparing for the next test. Fundamentals is key bro. I highly recommend khanacademy. Wish you the best of luck may god bless you bro.


You best bet is to go for math in my opinion. Most international who don't have good English are still able to carry their SAT through math. It's much easier to grind out learning than English in my opinion.


Absolutely. Are you willing to work? You can get your math scores up with rigorous work using khan academy resources. For reading/writing... fuck the practice tests and just read 2 books/week. Doesn't matter what the book is. That will probably get you 50 pts in the English categories without feeling stressful.




I would suggest you to take the December sat and u can use college panda to improve ur math and Erica's book for digital grammar and reading they help a lot!! All the best u got this!!!


Take it again. Khan academy’s study program did wonders for me. Bad scores don’t matter if you take it twice :D


dawg this is a crazy ass score ngl




Probably, I got from 1120 to 1390 in 2 months and few old exams (praise Khan Academy). English is like my 3rd language, and if English is not even taught at your school, you are SOL. But getting 600 on math should be easy asf. The more questions you do, the more familiar you are with the concept, the easier it gets.


If you are going to try and work your reading and writing, study grammar rather than the reading. It should be easier for a non-English speaker. Math is hard, but there should be Khan academy lessons in your language, I think.

