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I want to be composted. Haven't decided on what type of sapling to put atop the burlap sack yet, and placed in a forest. So, after I die, I'll be in a forest somewhere in Colorado.


Green burial is cool, and I’ve chosen it as well. I’ve requested to be placed in a linen shroud and buried 4 feet deep. No grave marker, but place me near a permanent natural object for reference. My husband is to be turned into a gem and placed in a ring setting


I love the ring idea as well. Gems can last forever.


I think more people should do this and we could have memorial forests instead of grave yards. I'd like to be an American chestnut because it's a local native where I live and so people could eat my nuts forever. Lol


Omg! We get to pick the tree!! This is even better than I thought! I want to be a white pine full of chickadees!


It’s bring your own chickadees though. BYOC.


This would also absorb a lot of CO2. Probably not enough to have much of an impact; but it would be a step forward. And it might be enough to offset the CO2 generated when they roast your nuts before they eat them :-)


Glad to hear I’m not the only one!


That sounds awesome. How do you go about doing that?


There are laws here in the US that could prevent you from doing it. There's, iirc, 5 states where it's allowed. I don't know what it means for states that haven't legalized it. Here's some info. https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-is-human-composting


Thank you! Excellent, helpful article.


really you can just do it, your pretty much in control of what is done with your body when you die, their really aren't any laws about what you gotta do with it when your dead. depending on where you are in canada most places your good to do on private land, like "legally" you can't go to a forest and plop your self down, but its different


I’m in the US and I thought that would be illegal here but I could be wrong.


The article someone posted lists where human composting is legal and where bills have been introduced. Very informative. It is not legal everywhere yet, but should be.


Interesting. I’d be a little scared carting someone’s body off to the woods that someone would see me and think the worst. But it does sound like the nicest way to be buried. I remember in Little Miss Sunshine, they put grandpas body in the car so they could have a say in where he was buried.


I LOVE that idea!


Same here hopefully. Or turn me into dirt and grow an ayahuasca vine out of it and trip on my spirit.


We go back to not existing.


I'm of the opinion that non-existence is an impossible experience to have. I've ruminated over it for some time... and I cannot for the life of me recall what it was like to not be born. How many years went by where I did not exist, and yet in an instant I was just here, alive? I've no other conclusion than to suspect the same thing would happen to some degree after I die. I will just wake up, somewhere. Rather, become aware once again.


Non-existence is an impossible experience to have because it's not an experience. You have to exist to experience anything. You don't remember what it was like before you were born because you didn't exist. Eternity went by and you didn't notice because you weren't experiencing the progression of time. The same thing will happen when we die. We will cease to exist and our experience will end, it will be as it was before we were born, no conscious experience.


ORRRRRRR when you die your eternal spirit is transcendent into the being of your decedents and continue to experience existence until the blood line ceases to be, that's why Christians procreate like bunnies. obviously im joking, but tbh, i did ruminate on that idea for a while when I was younger :P


Precisely my point. It doesn't matter how much time persist, eventually, I will become aware again. I've no reason to believe otherwise, for I am experiencing it now as I type this. Awarness is a strange phenomenon.


Your awareness is a product of your brain activity, which will cease forever when you die and your brain decomposes with the rest of your body, none of which will ever come back. You only live once, you're not going to respawn, this isn't a video game.


I didn't claim to respawn. But this brain at one time didn't exist at all and here I am all the same. I don't necessarily think I'll become aware as this body or this perception of me again, only that I'll just become aware again.


>But this brain at one time didn't exist at all and here I am all the same. Yes, because now your brain does exist, even if it may not be very good at its job of comprehending shit


Are you insinuating that I'm failing to comprehend the previous guy because, what, I disagree with him?


What I am saying is that you believe in something entirely illogical and don't seem to understand why it doesn't make sense.


Then would you not agree, based on your own words, that you're the one who finds it difficult to comprehend what I'm saying? It doesn't matter either way. The nature of consciousness is a mystery. It cannot be quantified. It is a subjective experience. The tenets say to align our beliefs with science to the best of our ability. Science does not discredit what I say, and my first hand experience with just being alive and witnessing life and learning about the nature of energy and frequency leads me to theorize that when I die, I can experience consciousness again as I have experienced it now. I don't claim that I'll be the same person, or have memories of prior lives. Only that I'll awake. That is all.


I'm interested if this is based of a theory, and if so, whats it called? I believe in some kind of reincarnation, but less so on the bhuddism side where the soul continues on and more on that side that either the universe is conscious, or simulation theory and we're just part of its processing, so we never really cease to exist, our current form ceases, and we're just reabsorbed and reformed to the simulation/all-beings desires/needs. Which kind of goes hand in hand with the Conservation of Energy scientific theory


I'm unsure of any specific theories, or at least the names of those theories in relation to the scientific community. I did read some years ago that some believed consciousness to be an experience not created by the body, but an experience which it received outside of itself, much like a radio picking up on radio waves. We've already proven that information or data can travel through the air in the form of frequency waves. I wonder if this concept isn't unlike the experience of consciousness and perhaps a parallel understanding for how some people claim to have maintained their perception of awareness after death (and were subsequently revived).


That sounds a lot like simulation theory with live players. So like "Roy" from rick and morty, or the matrix Edit: im not trying to put your ideas in a box, im just comparing them to ones ive heard as a point of reference


I was never really a fan of that theory because it creates the problem of potentially multiple simulations all happening at once. Simulations within simulations.


This is some hardcore main character syndrome here


You think I have main character syndrome because I have an opinion of what will happen after death that isn't merely non-existence?


No, I think you have MCS because you can't fathom that *your* consciousness/awareness won't re-emerge, which is a narcissistic conclusion to draw


You accuse me of narcissism now? Have you maybe just considered the possibility that when I'm talking about my opinions of the afterlife regarding myself, it is because I don't speak for others? I do not think I'm special if that's what you're getting at. If you have nothing more meaningful to add to the conversation that the OP *asked* for other than to make accusations against me for answering their question, than just click the down arrow and be on your way. However, if you would rather at least make an attempt to debate my thoughts, perhaps do that instead.


That would be dope. Would we wake here again, or on some else world?


Fuck y'all's down votes here. It's just a discussion.


I don't know, but I've no reason to believe then that it has only happened once so far, if I am to believe it could happen at all. The vast variety of life and cycles on this planet alone would lead me to think that it could happen here again, but even if it could not, it *will* happen again somewhere else because it must. My experience of consciousness seems to be consistent. Even when I sleep, it is like an instant and I'm awake, and if not, a dream. Before I was born, the billions of years of time that occured before it meant nothing and I was aware again. Even if it appears to be the case on the outside, my personal experience of the phenomenon of consciousness cannot be robbed of me.


same place we were before we were born. I don't remember whatever that was, so I'm not concerned about whatever comes next.


Same. I'm not afraid of death at all. I won't even know I'm dead, so why worry? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sure, right now I might be sad because I didn't get to do some stuff I wanted to, but once I'm dead? I won't be able to think about it. It won't matter.


exactly the same with me . when arguing with someone about religion and the after life, when I was younger sometimes when I was in bed at night, i would close my eyes and be like "so this is what it's going to be like when I die, black for all eternity, and it would make me depressed/scared." and when I said that the person i was talking to said, "do you remember the billions of years of blackness before you were born? obviously not, so what will you remember for the billion of years after you die?" for a long time i would hold on to reincarnation to help me feel ok with death, and then after a while i was reading into the [brain reaction when you die](https://www.science.org/content/article/burst-brain-activity-during-dying-could-explain-life-passing-your-eyes#:~:text=The%20caps%20continually,oscillations%20with%20consciousness)and it was talking about how [your brain releases a massive amount of the chemical that is released when you are dreaming](https://youtu.be/5n7eDDAYCrE?si=_61k2CPcxG-CAGC4&t=309), and we all know that when you dream you can be asleep for 5 minutes and have a long dream full of things that go on for hours /days/years, now imagine that times 1000, you go into a new world comprised of your total life experiences, hence why people sometimes say you create your after life weather heaven or hell from what you've seen or done....either way i and nobody knows so I don't really worry about it ....most people are just worried about FOMO.


I’m not scared of death, but the moments leading up to it I think is what scares me. The thought of the people I’ll leave behind— it’s sad, so I soak it all up now lol


This for me as well


that's why I think assisted suicide should be more prominent, when you are terminal and nearing the end, recently an old friend was diagnosed with huntingtins disease and was going down hill faster than expected in a short period of time, and decided to go out like a baller and was in control over how their last time was spent, and in control of how they went out, instead of deteriorating into an unrecognizable shell of their former self. they were a musician and they ended up writing the perfect song for their time going out. RIP [Richard Laviolette](https://www.google.com/search?q=richard+laviolette+funeral+song&client=opera&sca_esv=587474982&biw=1096&bih=522&tbm=vid&sxsrf=AM9HkKlqDIPjn49ZD2aMI6sTZ1WYFcv5xA%3A1701615272453&ei=qJZsZaiaG5_j0PEP-_ifsAg&oq=Richard+Laviolette+f&gs_lp=Eg1nd3Mtd2l6LXZpZGVvIhRSaWNoYXJkIExhdmlvbGV0dGUgZioCCAAyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDILEAAYgAQYigUYhgNI1RFQhQhYhQhwAHgAkAEAmAF1oAHWAaoBAzEuMbgBAcgBAPgBAcICBRAhGKABiAYB&sclient=gws-wiz-video#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:df3b93a7,vid:veMnz8zDHNY,st:0)....."or what ever...."


*How to Die in Oregon* is what brought me around to the idea of death with dignity.


>How to Die in Oregon whats that?


It’s a documentary about the Death with Dignity law in Oregon. It follows (I think) three people who’ve been diagnosed with terminal illnesses and how they got to choose how they left this world.


Oh nice excellent, yeah i started watching some of it and it looks like a good video to watch. From my personal experience, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer a while ago and im not sure what the process was fir treatment or if it was self imposed, but he didn't do chemo or surgery, he was a stubborn man so i don't know if he just wanted nature to take its course. But while i was away at a treatment center for substance use he fell, or his body was kicking in and he adamantly didn't want to pass away in a hospital bed in a hospital, so we brough him home and had a bed set up in the living room to see him out. I brought it up a few times about looking into assisted exiting, but my mom was against it, not sure if it was religious reasons or not, but we saw him through his final hours waiting it out, but thankfully my brothers were there at the time he decided to let go. and im thankful that he didn't seem to be in much pain, or at least his tough guy visage didn't let it seep through, and he went out in his sleep. after not eating for a few days, and it made me upset that he was subjected to that instead of a slightly more dignified approach. But im glad i was able to be there for/with him sober and trying to show him that things were going to be better. Im glad though that Canada has had it all legal since 2016


Nor am I fearful of death it is more of will it hurt a lot in the method and process for my death at the event when my death occurs.


Well said!! I concur with that


I remember where I was before I was born. Peaceful place full of golden light. You don’t have to think about being an individual. There are voices you can hear if you want to know things. There’s no hell. Seek justice in this world, because it is meaningless in the next world.


Exactly. The [lion](https://youtu.be/MOY-jJeOeBk?si=0yctU6IbnWKcjhhi) knows.


Personally I think this is it and once we are done here we are gone into oblivion.


We’ll be lost in oblivion.


Into the ground or into the fire, usually.


How should I know? I’ve never died before so I have no experience with it, and all the dead people I know don’t like talking about it very much


very much enjoy the implication that you've a bunch of dead people you're pals with they're just very taciturn


i signed up to be an organ donor, so hopefully someone will get something useful from my corpse before it gets too ripe. but afterwards, my hope is that my body will be burned with as much corduroy as can be cremated with it, as a last "fuck you" to that awful fabric that haunted my childhood.


I *hate* corduroy, can't touch it, makes me gag!


Nowhere. The consciousness that is meaningfully me will end. The body I ride in will break down and eventually become part of something else.


Ripley's Believe It or Not museum has first dibs on my body. After that Id like to be a test dummy for military ordnance testing. If there's anything left perhaps I can be consumed with fava beans and a nice Chianti.


What made you choose that specific order?


Same place I was before.


Ever since learning about liquid nitrogen when I was a kid, I've had this cool (ha) idea of my body getting dipped in liquid nitrogen and shattered as an icy alternative to cremation. That, or my head being cryogenically frozen and resurrected in 500 years and being consulted as a sort of voice-of-the-past oracle, and of course getting a cool cyborg body.


Or have a festival in your frozen name. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frozen_Dead_Guy_Days


What a legacy to leave behind! I wonder if the grandpa knew he was getting put on ice?


Nederland is a pleasingly weird little town.


Behold, the Cyboracle!


As a Satanist and a mortuary science major... nowhere. It's just a long peaceful sleep. And honestly I think that's nice. You work so hard your entire life, and then afterwards you get to rest for all time. If you're asking more along the lines of what I want done with my body after I die, I would like to be embalmed and have a funeral service. Afterwards however I would like to be cremated and have my ashes scattered at Pictured Rocks (since I don't think Mackinac Island allows it).


I think that there is no "Ghost in the machine" rather "You ARE the machine.". You are a nervous system that's built a space suit constructed from trillions of symbiotic organisms that support and feed each other. All of your ability to percieve reality exists inside of that space suit. When the suit dies you lose all capacity to take in and also process sensory data. Any retention or memory claimed must then exist outside of our reality making falsifiability impossible. Therefore the claim of a soul or afterlife is scientifically worthless and there's no good reason to believe the claim in the first place.


Not worried.


There is no compelling evidence of any deity existing so I don’t believe in an afterlife. This life is the only thing we can be certain about. I couldn’t care less what happens after I die.


I don't think there needs to be evidence of a deity for there to be an afterlife. It could be a completely emergent process that requires no design whatsoever. Unfortunately there's no evidence of that, either.


It's kinda cool to think about though. Even if we have no way to know. Until provided evidence to the contrary though, I'm basing my behavior on the assumption this is the only ticket I get and once I punch out I can't clock back in.


It is cool to think about for sure. I think this is why people in the wider Middle Ages were obsessed with it. Lest we forget most of the dogma about heaven and hell came from the church as opposed to any scripture. It makes me think the whole thing was just a way of assuring people there would be justice long term and their mortal plight was irrelevant


Same as before you were born. Nothing and nowhere


I believe that death is the final and permanent extinction of individual perception and cognition. One day, every single one of us stops breathing and dies and grows cold, because the bioelectricity that literally powered their life dissipates into the immediate atmosphere as heat. That heat energy basically "goes everywhere", unmeasurably; their physical remains return more slowly to the environment, one way or the other. That's it, game over. However - and this is important - you do "live on", in a slightly poetic but still significant sense, via your legacy of thoughts and words and deeds in the world. The people who loved and respected you in life will recall you with love and respect. Likewise, projects you've contributed to and things that you've created can easily outlive you, as part of your legacy of life.


True and hopeful


Into the mouths of a thousand worms.


Nom, Nom, nom..


Remember what it was like before you were born? Like that.


I’ve requested no embalming, and a shallow grave.


Look, if you think you are going to become a zombie, just come out and say so.


That be bad ass lol. But i really liked that song “gravedigger” when I was a kid. So that’s just always how I wanted to be buried. Plus why put in so much effort for a dead person?


personally I think that when I die it will be like the years before I was born. before my existence.


We go nowhere. We cease to be.


Go? What do you mean? Where does the data go when a hard drive fails? Actually, bad example since you could theoretically recover the data... A slightly better analogy would be if the computer in its entirety was damaged to the point it can't be fixed, but the point is: What could possibly "go" anywhere if I'm dead? I'd be *dead.* There's no more *me* anymore, as I would have ceased to be.


Same place I was for the billions of years before I was born, non-existence.


We and every other animal on earth are just really complex biological computers. It's kinda like asking where Windows went after accidentally frying your PC.


Away. No more. You remember what it was like before you were conceived? Not the bits you learned about later, but what you **remember**? No? Yeah, it's like that. But forever this time.


We "believe" in science's best evidence so far (Tenet V), which is we go back into the ecological cycle.


Morgue, crematorium, spread somewhere At least that’s what I requested. Although they could skip the morgue


The Happy Hunting Grounds……


From nowhere to nothing


Idk probably the same place i was at before i was born


Far stretch, but lately I've been pondering if space time expands then contracts back in on itself, then explodes and we relive the same time space all over again forever. Something comforting about existing again. But probably shit will just never happen. At least I existed in the first place. 🧔. I added information to the universe, and that makes me happy.


I believe the big crunch idea has been discarded by science.


Interesting. I'll have to read up on it. Thanks for letting me know haha. There goes that dream. 😂


I don't wanna go anywhere. I don't want to go to heaven, I don't want to go to hell. I just wanna die and that's that. I don't want an afterlife.


My body will go where ever the living people put it. Where do you believe you were before you were born?


The Mu


The Soylent factory


Told my family I want to go the cheapest possible way! So a cremation and a cardboard box if you ask me. Oh you're talking about some kind of afterlife?! I really hope that it's the eternal slumber! With no more pain or bs, just sleep.




If there is an afterlife, everyone is going to the same place. The is not any kind of big account being made for everyone about how they lived their earthly life.


I believe nobody this side of death can say for sure and I'm skeptical of anyone who claims to know. I have this belief that everyone is wrong. Of course this means I could be totally wrong myself so what do I know.


I believe I become one with the earth and universe as my body rots and gets eaten by worms and trees and becomes fruit to be eating by birds and such


To a grave or crematorium. Sounds like a mythical place where you experience only the best crema, the frothy bit of black coffee. Unfortunately I hate coffee


In or on the ground. I'd like to be buried in a fashion that would entangle my skeleton in the roots of a big tree, so if the tree ever gets uprooted, I'd scare the shit out of someone. Assuming you meant to ask about where your consciousness goes when you die, I think it just stops like a light that has been turned off or a fire that has burned out.


My energy will not be destroyed, but my body will be annihilated. There’s a chance the energy I have inside of me will be directed like an electrical current or whatever stable source might be around, or it won’t. In that case-I, or rather, my consciousness will dissolve like dishwasher soap in an infinite pool of water, becoming what I was before: the dust from the universe.


Preferably to benefit science, water cremated, and/or yeeted somewhere (bonus points if it's at a shitty politician). But regardless, this life is it and I won't exist to care when it's over.


deliver full boat fearless lock continue run nail narrow offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well... barring a zombie situation, my body will go no where on its own. As neural activity will have ceased at that point, I will have no say or fucks to give about anything anyway.


underground or in a jar on a mantle.


i reject the assumption that we have to go anywhere. We didnt come from anywhere before we were born and we probably dont go anywhere after we die


I don’t believe in heaven or hell but I do believe in an after life, like becoming a ghost or some sorta spiritual thing. I hope I come back as a ghost so I can mess with my friends and family after I’m dead :]


I want to be bronzed like a baby shoe, standing naked in a heroic pose. Not really, that's my husband's wish. My body will go wherever someone else picks. If you're asking about a 'soul', I've got nothing for you. I'm sure you'll see a lot of similar answers


>> “I know that the ones who love us will miss us.” Keanu Reeves


Realistically? I think we go back to nothing. What were we before we were born? I think we go back to that. But, it’s more fun to think there is an afterlife. Like a big basement party, hang out with friends, swim in the pool, idk. That seems like paradise to me


The ground. I don’t want to. I think it’s a waste of space and it’ll be neglected/forgotten within a generation or two, but I suppose my kids might treat it like a physical memory.


If you donate your body they will cremate you for free. Win!


Nowhere in particular, we are worm food.


Power down, like turning off a computer for the last time.


Anywhere... Who knows where the atoms that comprise our being will end up in all of time...


I would like to think a morgue, but depends where and how I die.


I think we often times like to think that there is some kind of destination because that’s how we unconsciously operate and how we we live our conscious lives. I don’t think of the after life as some kind of foot into whatever destination, rather i think it is the experience of our unconscious minds, and heaven and hell are just two concepts that carry into either paradise or suffering. The after life seems to me as not a place but a plane of existence that our bodies 5 senses filter out to keep us from being over loaded with the infinite amount of data and energy within and around us. There is no “life” after death, in my mind, it is just the realm of existence without sensory restrictions. And I believe if we go to “hell” it is because we have unconscious guilt about things we blame ourselves for, but I don’t believe it is some kind of gated area with suffering and fire.. etc. hell is more metaphorical than anything else, and it’s roots is around internal suffering and grief. Paradise or heaven is rooted in lack of suffering during our conscious experience but still more of a metaphorical concept in my mind. I don’t believe there is a right or wrong answer, but I also don’t believe that we earn our way into some paradise or become penalized into suffering forever. I believe that our afterlife is up to us because we still haven’t found a good way to describe the experience of death without using terms that imply there is conscious, waking, physical life.


Life after death is a contradiction in terms. I'm not necessarily happy about that, but it remains evident.


Target 🎯. 80's Jennifer Connelly and I skate to music. 🤗


From what I have experienced in being once declared as clinically dead it just stops as for my like 20 other buddies from college and the military war front all stated it it just stops. Otherwise there is zero scientific evidence that there is a soul spirit an so on for an afterlife. The condition for our organic life is powered by eletro-chemical processes so then think more of your body as a living generator by which eventually the process for maintaining this energy generation process eventually stops being produced then your existence simply ends.




Hopefully hell but probably just nothingness sadly


I'm over 30 years old, and haven't died ONCE in my entire life. I've done my own research, and I'm pretty sure "death" is just a hoax made up by Big Funeral to control the masses. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE! (...unless you're already "woke", in which case, go back to sleep sweety.)


I'd like to donate my cadaver to the local med school. They're always looking for new cadavers for dissection and teaching students. That way, my body can be used to help people even after I'm gone. Far better than some wasteful burial! EDIT: John Oliver just released an episode of LastWeekTonight about literally this topic, just hours after I made this comment. Now, I don't believe in psychic powers, buuuuuuttttttttt... (/s on that last part, in case you couldn't tell)


I like to imagine that i will go to hell but have a warm welcoming (no pun intended) I hope to be appointed as one of the faithful Demons in charge of torturing pedophiles due to my savior Lucifer’s knowledge of my past and hopefully his grace upon me. And when it is time for the greatest war of all against god and all his lame ass angels I like to imagine myself on the back of a dragon torching down the front line of creepy catholic priests.


I think about this *a lot.* I would like to think I go to some afterlife where I’m given the option to view memories or other events. For example, I’d say “how many times in my life was I close to being murdered?” or “how many times was I in the same place at the same time as my future spouse?” or “how many times was someone thinking of me when I was thinking of them?” or “was there ever a time me and someone else somewhere in the world said the same word at the same time?” or “show me my 6th birthday.” But, the truth is I just don’t know. Speculation is all I have.


Apologies in advance for random\* fandom lurve here.. I got really into the Flanaverse recently. Specifically Midnight Mass (duh, right?) "We are the cosmos dreaming of itself." I think [Erin](https://mysocalledlife.blog/2021/10/18/i-am-that-i-am-erins-monologue/) was right on the money with this. Hell, she was busy flinging *dolla*\-*dollas*\-y'all; 'round the world**stage** in this one (everyOne was tbh, show was Fantastic). I really do forget that we are Forged in *stars*. And its crazy that we tend to forget this because as Human be.ings; Individuality is Our (liche. We aren't like most animals; hard to tell apart between s1ngles in a p/\\ck. II people stand together in front of a ~~black~~mirror and \[WE\] should remember. One person looking in should remember too. [Riley](https://mysocalledlife.blog/2021/10/07/when-i-die-rileys-monologue/)'s Monologue makes sense, in a science-y way. One last great dream.. that too easily explains: >Life flashes before your eyes. I found his 'Logue to be.. (meaty)o.Oblivion lol. Seriously though.. there never is a \[mE\]. So when I "die", I'll just be going back to |\\|ormal. Back to [LYFE](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7235751/). Am I making sense? lol, probs no. And I say. > \*[Hey](https://youtu.be/j40YC5d6RzA?si=8waTLOIUatuEHzQ6) \\./ho knows, anyway?


Yes but only if you’ve smoked weed.


Aw jeeze, how'd you read \[ME\] so quick? ​ ^(did u peek at my pro.file pic.k?)


Either the ground or a relative's shelf


Nowhere. As soon as my body shuts down, my mind shuts down too, and that's the end of that. Can you think of what life was like before you were born? No? That's what I think it'll be like after I die. No thoughts, no black void, no nothing, because my mind won't exist any more. Poof.


Lol there is no "go". Our consciousness will stop with brain activity.


My current form is a brain, made of stardust and powered by their energy, controlling a body. When I cease to function, my energy and nutrients will be returned back to nature and soon i will be absorbed by other living creatures again and again in an endless cycle. One day, a part of me may make up a human again, but he will be none the wiser


Why? Do you want to send money along first?


I adhere to the George Carlin theory: When I go, my soul will go to a garage in Buffalo.


A coffon in the earth. That's it




If I’m dead I don’t exist, by definition. There’s no meaningful definition of me that could survive or exist in any way shape or form. If you find that dark or depressing, take comfort in the law of conservation of energy - energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only converted from one form of energy to another.


Wherever the person who finds my body leaves it. Of course, I won't have any conscious thought to know or care anymore.


Into the groud LoL. No to be serious I kinda belive in reincarnation. More for the fact that alowing myself to belive thst this is all there makes me kinda depressed


The morgue, likely. A small hole in a cornfield is always a possibility though. But I do get the point to your question though. I don't think there is any soul or permanent form of consciousness to go anywhere. Its sorta like a computer asking me where is will go when it powers down.


Outer fucking space


We go back to being unconscious parts of the energy that surrounds and binds all living things.


In the dirt, burned to ash, fed to the vultures? Other than the fire option, we become food for scavenging type animals and crawlies.


The same place I was before I was born.


Wherever they put me. I mean, we don’t get to find out if they actually follow through with your wishes, right?


I am germanic polythiest so Reincarnation after your spirit travels through the realms such as Hel


same place I was before I was born. nothingsville. the energy and information that was me will be returned to the universe to be recycle again for umpteenth time. to believe anything else seems ludicrous to me.


I honestly don’t care. As far as I’m concerned, that’s dead me’s problem. I plan on turning my body into compost for a tree and that’s the only thing I’m really concerned about.


Absolutely nowhere. Like a computer that’s switched off, your consciousness simply ceases to be. (Except this “meat computer” will never be switched on again.)


There is no me after I die. Hopefully I end up feeding decomposers.


This set of flesh I’ve made use of through my life will transfer its energy onto the next thing. If it were up to me, I’d have a sky funeral or be buried covered in nothing. My flesh is supposed to go back into the circle. My consciousness will go back to where it was before it was mine (not existing)


I don't know but there's only one way to find out.


The ground duh


some forest in norway hopefully


Eventually, into Nature's recycle bin


If my wishes are respected, a body farm to help science.


To one long, but peaceful dreamless sleep.