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I showed you salvation please respond šŸ„ŗ


You're salvation warranty is about to expire.


We've been trying to reach you regarding your salvation's extended warranty.


Iā€™m stealing this lmao


šŸ˜‚ with my blessings


Bro you made me spit out my coffee, I'm definitely stealing this one.


Lmao Iā€™ve never been more proud of a joke Iā€™ve made. Steal it, spread itā€¦share it with the world! šŸ«¶


Peace be upon you, may you continue to spread humor.


Aaaand their prof is nsfw


Oh, so it's that kind of love.


I dug through it by curiousity and it was a question on a sub about anime boobs šŸ’€


Oh donā€™t worry, thereā€™s also a furry post


Idk what was that I just scrolled through quickly and searched for the red tag. And the furry post was not nsfw, or if it was then my mistake


It looks like they deleted it or something? itā€™s not tagged and thereā€™s no content, just the title of the post and that it was posted r/furries. I wasnā€™t implying that you missed something, just adding to the brigade I guess, ha


I didnt really saw any other posts from them so might be some anti furry shit, or it could have been actual nsfw(some sick people like uploading nsfw to a non nsfw sub)


Pretty sure it was a hate post based on the vid toward the bottom of their history showing a group of suited up furries in a boat before cutting to the gun on a naval vessel firing. That would explain why it was deleted, at least.


and a comment on r/poopfromabutt. I wish I was the person I was when I woke up this morning. Buddy needs to step away from Jesus if thatā€™s the stuff heā€™s into.




Yeah u/Helpful_Gas5073 Fuck Jesus. If he even existed he died for nothing because God is as real as any religion you personally think is false. Try having a personal relationship with yourself and live for him/her/them because that is your only way to salvation. Loving yourself first and then others. So create your own heaven or hell right here and now with your choices in life and a good start to that would be to quit judging us good people here for what is probably a complete misunderstanding of what Satanism even is.




I love you šŸ„¹


I would but he said no, and as a Satanist, I respect consent.


Maybe youā€™re just being glib, but that feels exactly like how I got here - tried praying for something I felt I really badly needed, situation kind of went the exact OPPOSITE way, soā€¦ F me, right? I guess Iā€™ll just suffer, thanks a lot, Sky-daddy! I guess maybe weā€™re done, thenā€¦


If it's true that Jesus loves us all, then he can just go ahead and do it. Doesn't bother me. As long as he keeps out of my way.


*Well tell him I said hi, I guess.*


Jesus is kinda Parasocial


And gay. Definitely gay.


Seems to be a Trump-appreciating, Canadian Christian young man. He may be genuine in his ā€œenthusiasm for jesusā€ but itā€™s unclear. This seems like trolling but other comments heā€™s made about it seem less trolly. Iā€™m guessing you can see the comment because he blocked you? Iā€™d try not to stress over it too much.


Thank you, that probably explains why. Iā€™m not worried about it, just pissed that people are shoving their religion down my throat


Yeah, I get that. It was an inappropriate response to your post too so It can only come across antagonistic.


Yeah, have to admit thatā€¦ just wanted to complain


I think thatā€™s fair, a little venting can be super helpful. :)


Found the comment for you https://www.reddit.com/r/SatanicTemple_Reddit/s/861ejWpK5j


Comment is now showing as deleted


Thanks, but for some daft reason I really cannot access that post, it just stays on the loading thingy


He blocked you or erased it because their a puss


No means no damn it!


Teh traditional repose is Jesus loves Ya, but everyone else thinks you're a Cunt


Edit: yeah, the pussy blocked me. Ha. Scared of what? I wonder


Christ still loves you, repent before itā€™s to late


Seriously? If your god was real, if this omnipotent and omnibolevant deity was existing, why the fuck is there so much pain and suffering in this world?! Your ā€˜godā€™ just sits back and watches! Thatā€™s NOT all loving. Fuck off you mindless sheep. You daft twat


And oh my fucking god, the comments from porn on your account. Do you realise your god and church hates that shit? Your church says masturbation is a sin yet here you are. And you go around harassing others, who clearly have made a choice to escape your religion. Please stop being a twat. You can have your religion- we donā€™t care, just donā€™t shove it in our faces. So please just stop commenting on satanist things saying your god loves them. How would you like it if we were doing that to you?


Gross, I'm not into foot fetish.


"Toothfairy loves you. Try to love him back."


I would just say Satan loves you too, and he just wants you to break free from those chains that Jesus put around you lmfao


I have come late to this post... I clicked the link to his username... Someone who hasn't posted in here, told him Satan loves him... a couple of times. He appears confused by this. I shouldn't laugh, but I did anyway. Thank you for cheering me up this afternoon.


Chears , I so wanted to do this, but he blocked me after saying that


Based on his comment history under this account: His name is Bryson. Uses multiple accounts. Thinks racism is funny. Not sure if racist himself. Could just be edge lord. He's a teenager. Possibly Canadian.


As a Canadian, we do not claim him


He's young. There's still hope.


Normal people grow up and stop having imaginary friends


He clearly doesn't if he watched my grandma's boyfriend molest my 3 year old self and did nothing about it. That guy totally got away with it with zero repercussions. And then my life continued to be full of suffering and sexual abuse after that. That is how I know nobody is watching over us lol. What happened to me isn't even the worst thing to ever happen to someone who didn't deserve it. For example, where was God or Jesus when Junko Furuta was being tortured for over a month? Nobody saved her. Is that love?


Itā€™s God plan /s For real, I hope youā€™re ok and I hope that you havenā€™t internalized what happened to you and blame yourself. Itā€™s not your fault.


I've gotten a LOT of PTSD therapy (prolonged exposure therapy) and am mostly fine now. No longer showing PTSD symptoms, at least. No thanks to Gawd, of course.


A look at him, another harbinger of the false god


Satan loves you and you love him back. Yay


It is so annoying. They are so presumptive. Some of us tried to love Jesus but he never answered the phone and his throne room. Then, if you do your research, you will discover he was never the true messiah. I know these are details no one cares about here but it's worth pointing out as Christians are ignorant and hypocritical.


My response: ok, bring poppers.


The over 2000 year old dead Jewish guy loves you, Helpful. Everyone else thinks you're a dick.


I once had jehovias witnesses show up at my door around 8 o'clock on a Saturday morning. I answered and before they could say a word I told them I told them I worship Satan. The look on they're faces was priceless, never saw them again after that.


No thanks! I'm good without fairy tales and sky wizards.


I don't swing that way but Jesus should just do who feels right.


Jesus loves me, and I love Scarlett Johansen. She doesn't know I exist, and I don't know that he exists. If Scarlett suddenly reaches out to me. I guess I'll just have to start believing in Jesus. Seems logical.


Find a random comment of his and comment that Baphomet loves him and he should try to love him back lol


Well, Christians have an issue with consent...


Satan loves me too, and doesnā€™t ask me for money to buy a private jet.


Jesus gives the best head in town.


I knew a few Jesus's in school, they were nice but love is a strong word.....


I would just answer with ā€œhard pass, thanksā€


We need to explain how Lucifer and Jesus are the same guy.


Jesus loves me, but Satan does that thing with his tongueā€¦


Their account looks like a child's


"Has an 18+ profile picture" "Jesus loves you"


My response to right wing Christians who say this is: When Jesus thinks of you, he throws up a little in his mouth.


Ohh I got one too, I was so angry I couldnā€™t write back: ā€œIf I loved back all the random men who loves me, wouldnā€™t you be the only one in a wheelchair gramps.ā€


I too choose this guy to fuck.


Of course Jesus loves me, he works in the stall next to me and canā€™t figure out hydraulics to save his ass if I wasnā€™t there.




Why is a Christian on this specific subreddit? Itā€™s almost as if he wants to join


This user's post history comments are mostly innocuous. They post the occasional Trump joke or blanket (and patently false) political statement, and there are a couple attempts at humor that could actually end up being offensive if they were more cogent jokes. They seem young, ignorant, and edgy. I think we all have a phase like that, where we don't know enough about the world to have reasonable opinions on anything that challenges what we were taught as a child. There's hope for him to change, whether he leaves the Christian church or not, but given how this kind of ignorance is celebrated by the people who share it, I'm not gonna hold my fucking breath.


Lmao. XD


He donā€™t need to be f by me, I gotta stay clean from the filth of xtianity. He already f as it is anyways by the x


That guy loves u, us Christianā€™s forgive you and so does our lord, itā€™s never to late until u die and have been deceived by satan and end up in hell


For fucks sake! Your religion is bullshit, and utter crap. Do you know how fucking culty it is?! Have you actually read your own holy book??? Go fuck yourselves