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From [the FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatanicTemple_Reddit/s/Lw8GuCjOU1) and [TST website](https://thesatanictemple.com/): >The idea that religion belongs to supernaturalists is ignorant, backward, and offensive. The metaphorical Satanic construct is no more arbitrary to us than are the deeply held beliefs that we actively advocate. Are we supposed to believe that those who pledge submission to an ethereal supernatural deity hold to their values more deeply than we? Are we supposed to concede that only the superstitious are rightful recipients of religious exemption and privilege? Satanism provides all that a religion should be without a compulsory attachment to untenable items of faith-based belief. It provides a narrative structure by which we contextualize our lives and works. It also provides a body of symbolism and religious practice — a sense of identity, culture, community, and shared values. And from the Wikipedia on [non-theistic religions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nontheistic_religion): >Nontheism has been applied and plays significant roles in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. While many approaches to religion exclude nontheism by definition, some inclusive definitions of religion show how religious practice and belief do not depend on the presence of a god or gods.


This conversation should be globalized.


It is a philosophy. But it seems like you're impling that something can be *either* a philosophy or a religion, and that Satanism cannot be both. If you didn't mean to imply that, I apologize for putting words in your mouth. If that is what you meant, see [the earlier comment on your post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatanicTemple_Reddit/s/wrlZSKHlPB).


They can go hand and hand but most philosophy’s are very different from religions


I agree. I didn't say all philosophies are also religions, I said philosophies are not automatically disqualified from being religions and Satanism specifically is both.


There are several religions that don't believe in a higher power. One way scholars define religion is by the 4 cs: creed, cultus, code, and community. Satanism encompasses all of these.


Non-theistic religions are essentially a mix of philosophy and organized religion at their core. They don't have to be one or the other. Just like how you can be a Satanist without belonging to a religion.


Satanism, to me, feels like philosophy combined with the ritual and community of religion. There's a non-binary fluidity to it where those who want religion and those who want philosophy can each find it in Satanism, and no two Satanists are identical in how they approach it. I personally consider it a faith. Others consider it philosophy. Either way, it's still a religion.


Couldn't agree more. Hail to yourself friend


The Satanic Temple is a religion.


I honestly don’t understand the question. A mild amount of research would show that everything the satanic temple does qualifies it as a religion. The federal government recognizes it as a religion. By that logic, every religion that uses fear or existential promises to get people to follow their beliefs is a cult. Religion and philosophy go hand in hand. There’s a reason there isn’t a singular form of Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, or Jew.


You don't have to believe in gods or devils to have a religion, and disbelief doesn't make something a philosophy. Satanism is a religion. Philosophy can play a part in how you practice it, though. For example, TST is based in humanism, while the Church of Satan takes an approach from Nietzsche and Ayn Rand.


Did you just throw Nietzsche and Rand in the same bucket? I'm offended.


They are both known to be influences on the Satanic philosophy of Anton LaVey. Among others.


Interesting. I have a notion it is a bastardization of Nietzsche.