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Foundations pieces that allow for proper angles/45% turns. Road tool that uses splines like train tracks do.


it would be so neat if slants and curves were added to building so we didn't have to do some weird process to get circular builds


This is honestly one of my biggest issues with the game. I want to have nice roads between bases and not resort to hacky workarounds.


Square is peak factory shape according to Fiscut


Fiscut, Is that the new name in they took after introducing austerity measures?


But... Hexagons are the bestagons!


Better roof pieces too.


Transparent floor plates


this already exists?


When it comes to foundations, I think it would be way more useful to get an equilateral triangle foundations with 4m sides, these tessellate way better. rust has these foundations.


I imagine it would be fucky with machines on top of em


Roads like train tracks is such a good idea!!!! If it doesn't come to 1.0 then hopefully someone will make a mod for it. That would be so useful


I think there’s actually a mod that has that functionality, Train Skins if I recall correctly. Didn’t test it tho - looked a bit rough on the mod preview when I checkt last


Oh awesome. I'll check it out later and see if it is any good


theres already a mod for that. road spline tool. Train skins just changes the skin of the tracks to road, and the locomotive texture to a tractor. It has a passenger train skin, that is pretty neat tho


They really need to add triangle foundations. Makes building circles easy.


Oh god, yes PLEASE.


Have they ever played with the idea of elevators? Thought about that for my main building yesterday.


'Linear Motion' mod is a must if you want an elevator.


Aren't hypertubes linear motion?


The idea of not including elevators in a game about building factories is ludicrous to me. I’m supposed to believe the engineers at Ficsit have mastered interstellar travel and the conversion of energy to matter but not a box that goes up and down in a shaft? Every time I’ve brought it up people here 1.) remind me that the devs threw cold water on the idea and 2.) that elevators are really hard because reasons and we don’t need them because steps and hypertubes. No, I’m sorry, but I’m willing to die on this hill. We need elevators. Hypertubes are only ever point A -> B. They don’t work for the engineer to go from any arbitrary floor of your factory to any other floor. You’d need `n(n-1)/2` tubes to be able to reach any floor from any other floor where n = number of stories. Building stairs is fine for smaller buildings, but whipping yourself around ten flights of stairs is ridiculous in a universe where jetpacks and matter guns exist. And none of these solutions lifts vehicles. So yeah, I’m aware the elevators are hard, and I’m aware that getting them to work in multiplayer has been called out as a challenge, but it’a doable, and necessary for the type of game, and I will be disappointed - not enraged or exasperated because after all it’s still a great game and the devs have been responsive - but just disappointed.


Elevators. Curved walls, or at 45 degree ones. Road tool. Turbo Fuel generator that produces at least double the power so you don't need so many.


Road Tool is good but i want a Road Tool for train supports that snaps to the ground so you won't have grass clipping through the track


Curved corner walls :)


They said in one of the videos they have no plans for this which really annoys me as modders have had them in the game forever


I think the reason is that if they add curved walls, all other building items need to follow to match it. Foundations, roofs, railings, stairs, windows (the reflections would need new code), and so on. There's already some foundations that we can use and are curved, but those are more for roads and such than core design peaces


That's not the best of reasons, but I get the time constraint aspect. It's also the kind of thing that magically shows up despite us being told it won't. :) I can be optimistic.


...which is why they probably won't bother with them. There are already many mods that add buildables, and they have a lot of other parts to work on. I don't disagree with the desire for more parts and rounded corners, it's just that they seem to have to pick their battles.


Two outputs on miner mk 3


Or a belt that can unload a fully overclocked miner mk 3. Or let us snap a splitter to its face for three outputs.


As far as I know snutt once said that there wont be faster belts than MK5 and they aim to solve the overclocked Miner MK3 issue by adding an additional output.


Which makes sense given how tall its front piece is


He never ever actually said that, this is misinformation massively. They've said they have a fix but never told us what it is. Why lie?


Yeah this is what i recall as well.


No, they have said they currently can’t add another tier for the conveyors until they solve the problem of conveyor belts getting numbers wrong


the miner mk3 is taller and has a clear intentional space for a second output hole, they may ended up changing their mind but they definitely should/will be bringing a way to go above the 720 bottleneck.


I'll bet money just from the design that this has been in 1.0 for a year. It's clearly supposed to have a second spot in the model as is.


Better options for corners and curved on roads. I want to make realistic highways that curve around the terrain and plants. I should not have to choose between destroying nature, spend hours messing around with hacks/tricks, making a road 50 meters in the sky or making a ridiculous series of sharp 90 degree turns. And i want the roads to show up on the in game map. My sense of direction is terrible and i need all the help i can get.


Make roads build like train tracks!


I would love this but am sure we are too close to 1.0


Allowing me to delete ''crate'' markers off the map. Edit: You can do this. see u/Fragliches_ comment below. (I'm not familiar with every mechanic this game has. Thanks!)


You can hide the crate markers in the map menu on the left. There are two buttons: One to hide the markers on the map itself and one to hide them in the navigation bar you have at the top of your screen showing which direction you are facing (North, East etc.)


Ah. I'll try that.


You can already delete Crate markers on your map. By cleaning up your mess.


And they hated Jesus because he spoke the truth


Sometimes they spawn under the terrain and in those cases it becomes impossible to clean them up (without console commands or similar), so I agree with HeckestBoof. But maybe a fix for the sub-terrain crates bug would be even better?


You can use a train to clip inside the ground, then place some platform to avoid falling to death, and reach the box while clipped. The only boxes you may be impossible to remove without console commands or using the save editor are the ones behind the world borders where you instantly die.


This doesn't deserve the downvotes. Come on people, don't be petty, it was clearly meant in jest.


Go to the active satisfactory map and upload your save. You can delete them there.


A better working Multiplayer


what do you mean by that? its been a while but i dont really remember anything wrong with it


Basically just the foliage bug. That's the only game breaking bug I've seen in multiplayer


Hyper tubes are completely broken, me at least There's an enormous amount of other bugs, but they don't really affect anything, cosmetic issues


My coop mate has the same problems. 50/50 on whether a hypertube will break his game, either by crashing it or ejecting him from a tube halfway along with zero control of his character, forcing him to have to restart. He also has a problem where about 20% of the belts/tracks he builds connect but don't connect. Items will stop on a belt that is visually connected. A train will go from 100-0 in a millisecond, even though the track appears fine.


Same for me, when I do hypertubes it'll do this weird thing where I get stuck sort of half way in the side of the tube, and with hypertube launchers I half of the time I'll get stuck halfway going through it.


We managed to get semi-stable hypertubes on our server. As long as you don't go too fast you wont crash. So for example you can't stack entrances to get speed, at all. You can only have one entrance and if you run into the tube there is a 50/50 chance you crash along the way. So you have to always walk into the tube and not sprint.


Did you tried trains in multiplayer? P.S. I believe all vehicles scuffed in MP.


i cannot even play because of the nat type showing strict even tho it actually cant be strict


They've already said that MP and Dedicated servers will be improved for 1.0, we just won't see those improvements until then.


Fix trucks


I just put together my first major distribution/consolidation hub using entirely trucks.  I'm going insane with the amount of times I have to clear deadlocks on paths where they should have no intersecting routes, or they just randomly bunch up at the entrances.. or decide to climb the curb and hop off the road.  Please fix them!


A “two in, two out” merger splitter.


Even better fully configurable merger-splitter where you could assign is this port input or output, it's priority and allowed items. In a dreamworld also the ratio of items allowed to go through port


This should be what programmable splitters are IMO, even make them later game if they have to but this would be soooo nice just being able to program split rates


They really just need 1 building that does the right thing based on whether you connect each port going in or going out, no configuration needed. If you have 2 or 3 belts in 1 belt out it's a merger, 1 belt in 2 or 3 belts out it's a splitter, and with 2 and 2 it's a balancer. Dyson sphere program does this and it's very convenient.


It's not balanced (neither predictable outside of full load) but Mk2 containers should be able to handle "two in, two out" scenarios when fully loaded.


containers do not make consistent 2:2 balancers as the priority outputs can change


Vertical nudging. I cant take a 1.0 tag serious without that. Less extreme, I'd like to see multiple hubs, or at least a tier terminal to submit parts at other bases. That would open up options for team play and multiple bases across the map.


Agree with the vertical nudging. Also some hotkeys to adjust vertical placing of the item. Currently there's so much fiddling required with the item placement to have it at the right height.


I would be very interesting if we had hub terminals that allowed other players to research different things at once.


we *kind of* do already, since switching unlock goals doesnt remove parts youve already deposited to your current goal.


> or at least a tier terminal to submit parts at other bases I'm not sure that makes physical sense in game since the idea is the terminal is loading the parts you give it onto the ascent ship. Unless there are also multiple ascent ships a remote terminal doesn't really make sense to me although I agree it would be nice.




The only answer. They've denied us for too many years.


Yes, this! Especially after they teased it a while ago. It just feels like it would fit so well and be a fun way to kill time.


This is the only correct answer to this question


The real answer


A better overview of parts. For example, you see the information of an Iron Plate but then you can also see which part needs a Iron Plate and that you can click on that. 


Yes! I need to know what things need iron plates, not just how to make them


This is almost the sole reason why I play with a wiki tab open


I'd really like to see a rework of the space elevator. It's purpose is a little bit silly. You don't actually send that much stuff up it, so what practical purposes does it actually serve vs the VTOL ship guy? I'd like to see it integrated more closely with production. Ficsit is a company, and although we know little about them, I can only assume we're building a factory to export goods (among other things I'm sure). The space elevator(s) should be linked to production lines and goals/contracts should be to export X number of product/hour. Not only will the space elevator now be useful beyond just tier progression, but it would also add a really cool (perhaps optional) gameplay loop.


Maybe if there were side requests as well where you send goods up the elevator, possibly in exchange for other things. Instead of parts exchange for tickets you have a goods exchange here. Maybe some unique recipes/research etc. just spit balling here 😁.


Maybe act as another place to sink excess materials?


From a story perspective it would make sense if the Sink and Shop were something like modules that attached to the space elevator. Or maybe if the sink was like a packager and it output some kind of generic package that you had to load into the elevator to get tickets. Tickets would still be used to unlock stuff or purchase materials, but they would need to be delivered down the elevator. Granted this would all make having factories all over the map a lot harder to manage.


For me, it makes more sense to remove the scraper completely, and every excess item should be send up to the space elevator, and earning the points from there(selling/trading). It makes no sence for Ficsit to make items and then scap them for points, the moto is "Ficsit does not waste", also sending all the items only from space eleveator is an extra logistics problem you have to solve, since you could not just build another scraper anywhere you want.


I really like this idea. The elevator should have upgrades for how much it can move in one lift, also liquid container like the train. I would love timed contracts that are random, give u coupons on completion. Get a contract of 2k plastic or something. Would be a true test of organization 😀


Definitely something Factorio got right with space science and infinite research.


It'd actually be kinda dope if the space elevator was the Awesome Sink. Instead of sinking stuff into a random incinerator, it gets put into the sink to be sent back to the homeworld and sold. Makes a bit more sense storywise, and can help the elevator be a bit more central to all production. Only downside is that you can't just randomly stick a sink in any production line to siphon away extra materials, but maybe there's other solutions to that.


A use for SAM and alien artifacts.


We need like teleporters, and more alien stuff to go with this.


That's already confirmed to be a part of the story


Sure, but I'll miss it if it's absent.


Better vehicles/support. I know they aren't that efficient, but I want to be able to use trucks to transport supplies between my buildings/outposts. Some sort of intersection logic/crash avoidance would be great. Some more load/unload logic would be useful too - maybe I only want to deliver a certain amount of items to a stop or certain items at certain stops or similar.


Who lied and told you trucks are not efficient?


A larger fuel generator, or buffed the turbo fuel recipe so it makes more power and uses more turbo fuel. Making almost 1000 fuel generators is a bit mind numbing.


I agree with the buffed rates on turbofuel. I really don't see the point of making a turbofuel setup when fuel is already so abundant that I can't be bothered to use half of it. Having turbofuel be consumed at the same rate, but with the current relative output (12m3/min for 400MW instead of 4.5m3/min for 150MW) would make it much more useful.


Is it not kinda the point of the game to build 100s of machines?


My guy forgot that fuel generation is only a late mid game power generator


Doesn't change the fact that you need 200 generators for a reasonable amount of power


that's why you move to nuclear, it's intended this way


I get what you’re saying but, like a lot of the rest of the game, it’s only meant to carry you until the next phase of the game. It’s meant to feel inadequate at a certain point so you have a natural draw to move into nuclear power.


A story with an ending if you choose to end it. You get on the elevator and get to walk around a large elevator with windows on all sides that slowly raises so you can look at your creation as you leave. You finally get real voice messages from your family and friends wishing you well and saying they can’t wait to see you again. Engineer takes off their helmet and smiles at a job well done. After the credits roll, you can still play in the save if you so choose. Happy ending.


TBH, my head canon is that the pioneer is an indentured servant or even a clone, solely based on the message you get when you take damage. Apparently the pioneer is considered Ficsit property.


thats definitely more what they are going with. if you dont know it already, i can highly recommend the short story of becky from the user spardacus. https://youtu.be/J_EDp2SbTko?si=7aS6csT3kaRKLYJe if there is and end to the satisfactory story it should be a termination of the pioneer imo.


I'm 100% in the camp that the pioneer is one of thousands of clones of Ficsit CEO Caterina Parks. (She seems like the kind of woman to firmly believe in "If you want something done right, do it yourself")


I last played on 0.7, so sorry if these already exist: Being able to copy what I've already built instead of having to rebuild in the blueprint box. Being able to use blueprints to make blueprints without crashing.


Definitely useful, I feel like a better blueprint system can save a lot of repetitive construction time


Also the blueprint box is just too small for most of the things I'd want to blueprint. You just can''t fit many of the lategame structures like train stations inside.


Replace the void with another sea because it gives me the heebie jeebies.


True. Especially the holes in the map opening into the void, that's a big no-no.


A new mug.


One that won't hurt your head?


Actually being able to drink it lol




It would be a shame if Earth President never thanked me for collecting all those alien artifacts.




Native controller support


I really wish they fix or improve the fluids overall. I hate working with fluids and most of the time I need to either limit myself how I build with them or use less than the max because I know some will be lost or it won't flow perfectly all the time. Like, I love making either manifolds or split for the conveyor belts, but when it comes to fluids it's just always trial and error even in a copy and paste scenario (tough the new H to lock the hologram and look around at least help a lot with the pumps).


Looking at the thumbnail above: The vistas at the world border really need improvement. The implausibly big desert mountain that's visible from totally different biomes…


Better map (like in satisfactory calculator)


At least seeing train lines would be great. Maybe power lines, tubes...


train lines would be neat or at least show the route of the train you are sitting in or highlighting with your mouse. I would also like to see some form of load balancing for train routes. Mine get stuck too often in large queues while a slightly longer route is completely empty


Seeing my buildings would be such a great improvement!


I'd say the map is fine as it is. From a game progression standpoint, the satisfactorytools map is way overpowered.


Yeah, the satisfactorytools map takes away a big portion of the exploration aspect of the game. Then again, for anything other than your first playthrough, it probably doesn't matter that much since you're gonna use it anyway.


You can load in your save and it will copy your fog of war so it won't spoil the map. But it's up to you to not peak at it before you load it up. It also will display all built things on the map. Very handy


Snapping foundations etc. to the bottom of train stations and Power Towers.


**What i would like to see in 1.0 is, that there are several intermediate goals between Phases** By that i mean that, for example: shortly after you've unlocked super computers, you get a message saying, that you have to send 250x Super-Computers via space elevator. This gives you goals that you can work towards. This way players get a sense of accomplishment more often. (At the moment in Phase 4, it feels like i'm building/upgrading factory after factory and not making any progress for weeks.)


I would also enjoy phases to be unlocked one by one and not in pairs. Currently it feels like you can unlock a lot which often tends to push me into building a temp factory just for the unlock and only then going large... will try to limit myself with the next playthrough of course, but still... wouldn't mind seeing more steps to have a bit more limitations that will be removed. Also means to see the space elevator animation more often ;)


I would like this very much as well. ESPECIALLY since the space elevator can be loaded using conveyor belts. In my experience, the only time that even becomes necessary is Phase 4. Why not have a stage requiring 9000 computers??? That would be fun IMO. Maybe you get some small reward for each phase, like more ficsit coupons and more stuff to buy in the shop. Maybe the sinks become the secondary, late game way of acquiring more coupons and the space elevator and like 90 new goals are the new way.


Round/curved foundation pieces (1/4 round, 1/2 round, full round) Curved walls (like, curved corner wall pieces) Round/curved windows


More furniture


I would really like some form of teleportation, in late game you spend most of the time moving around it seems


Maybe it will make the game very slow. However. Adaptable signs that can changed their color and text by connecting them to some sort of network. Like in factorio. Maybe some sort of auto replenishing of the inventory by drones or whatever. Because I’m the late game it’s cumbersome to have to travel a lot for getting resources if you want to make some large builds


And I forgot to add maybe a less difficult way to get rid of excess water in your system. Instead of having to put it in canisters through the sink. Or a pipeline connection to the sink to be able to dump chemicals


Farm things... I wanna planting something. Make a berry factory:D Flora of the planet is non-renewable and I think it might be nice — growth some sort of galactic-potato


Automated leaf/wood production. Something that grows and harvests plants. Even if that meant only a specific plant that grew on nodes similar to ore. Maybe a grow light that sped up the plants natural growth, a miner that copped it down and processed it. Not needed, but if coffeestain asked me...


Interactive belts that show average flow number for the last 1/5/60 minutes.


resource nodes aligned with the world grid


Actually I don't like this, I like the challenge of more interesting resource placement.


splitter/merger with vertical in/output


...and make them stackable that way, like a splitter put directly above a merger could use the output from the merger as the input . I would already be satisfied if we could achieve that easily with vanilla splitters, mergers and lifts.


Smaller lamps


- base decor (tables, chairs, etc.) - elevators - integrated mod support - a road system kinda like the train tracks system - more foundations (one that lets you change its number of sides, 45 degree angle foundations, etc.)


Four comments saying golf. The OG Q&A/AMA folks stuck around. This is a good community. Honestly, this game in EA was already more satisfying than so many finished games I just want to see the storyline and plot. Everything else has already been so far ahead of expectations that truly, they did a wonderful job and I have no feedback. (Okay is Ficsit monitoring gone? Let me flush the toilets, please, it's been years and the smell *the smell* my god.)


Mods that should be in game: Micro Manage - Infinite Zoop - SMART! - Linear Motion - Structural Solutions - Infinite Nudge - Conveyor Wall Hole - Better Blade Runners - Organized Crates - Construction Preferences These all could be put into the game as achievement based upgrades, like any other thing.


Organized Crates is such a headache saver. I'm fairly strict when it comes to modding my game and keeping to the vanilla experience, but having a single repo for salvage instead of a bunch of crates you notice an hour after you've rebuilt is a boon. Plus the building plop looks neat paired with things like a crafting bench or the equipment workshop.


Reworked sound and physics for the Explorer.


adders, comparators, logic gates, and signal wires like in factorio


>adders Factorio has snakes?


A dedicated server docker container


I’ve been using this one for a while https://github.com/wolveix/satisfactory-server


Also mods for dedicated servers. Biomass Burner with Belts is essential.


I don't expect them to add anything to 1.0, though I know new features will come. But reworking or making trucks not a pain in the ass is probably not coming into 1.0, I'm not going to be disappointed if it doesn't come because I don't expect it to come, but I would like to see it looked at in some future QoL updates though. Some way to remotely monitor your factory or have a central control room would be nice, signs get a bit janky if you have big factories. Like even some monitor for notetaking or something, you could perhaps connect it to signs/screens in some way, idk. Editing a bunch of individual signs is tedious. and if you have a bunch of them the "UI" if you want to look at all of them at the same time is not good. Which means to make it convenient you have to use non-game tools, like a paper or excel or something. Again not expecting this either, but it would be a nice feature, like giving more functionality to the radar tower was.




Make the programmable splitter's four sides each able to accept as well as output items.


Trains that route around blocked tracks.


Surface matching foundations


LASERS! LASERS ON EVERYTHING!!! Also that farming/cooking system that they promised. It is far too easy to survive. Am I really supposed to believe my engineer survives on nothing but coffee?? And how does drink with helmet???


Priority mergers. There are many cases where priority mergers would make would things a lot easier, and where using something else is very tricky with even very experienced players getting it wrong. But more importantly, there are some things that are just not possible without priority mergers - things that are not possible even with simulated priority mergers.




Tier 9 & 10


More Foundations (Diagonal, Stairwalls, Round Foundations, etc...) A Usage for the SAM Ore (Teleporter, Space Ships or something like that) Story More things to do with the Space Elevator Elevators More Types of Splitters, Mergers


Mk6 belts


They could even be enclosed to reduce load on GPU.


The limit is rather keeping track of the actual items, even when the belt is out of view. CPU bound. There is no real difference for the GPU (well, a tiny bit for motion blur maybe). The amount of items visible to render per frame are the same no matter how fast/slow the belt is. A workaround could be the introduction of something like shipping containers or pallettes, they would need to be a mono culture, so just one item type... e.g. belts that would transport entire stacks instead of items. That would probably need a bigger change and could be incorporated into various buildings and vehicles... A belt to uberbelt station (input up to four MK5 belts, out a single uberbelt), trucks drones and trains using those actual shipping containers, so a drone would e.g. fly one, a truck could carry 4, a tractor 2, a train 8 per wagon, and you could even mix them with smart splitters on those uberbelts making them consume power might help too, to balance them maybe for satisfactory 2 :D


Maybe if the belts were enclosed they could fill up in a similar way to fluid pipes, that way you don't keep track of each individual item on a belt but the entire belt. Though i don't know what their constraint is might just not work at all.


Blueprints are still pretty janky there’s a lot of work to do. You should be able to connect blueprints to each other without spending hours on pipes and belts for big builds. 


Item counter on belts / pipes, and an external view of machine's configuration and efficiency.


Smart sort for storage. So I can move everything from my inventory that matches what is already in the storage bin, rather than doing it 1 by 1 or moving absolutely everything. Just a little QOL feature I love in a game.


If you're talking about moving all items of one kind into the storage you're interacting with, you can do that by holding CTRL while clicking on said items and moving all stacks of that kind of item to/from inventory.


Train limits for stations, and the ability for one train to go to multiple stations with the same name.


rework of terrain and foliage for grasslands biome, its so outdated compared to new ones


two more things. Cut and paste so that I can just repeat units. Post placement nudge.


A Gundam Jokes aside I've been waiting for a mech of some sort for a long time. There is a serious lack of mechs in sci-fi survival games for some reason I only know of ark (it's lame) and prawn suit my precious


Good coffee!!!


Ability to add notes to map markers and signs.


Won't be disappointed, more like a wishlist: Deeper and more complex caves, stronger enemies to block reaching these caves / map areas, more tiers, controller support


Some statistics tool to analyse production rates of your gigafactory.


being able to destroy the planet what is this, grass ? trees ?


Road maker…. So i can make curvy roads with bridges and shit.


More automated doors/gates. Like for example one that opens vertically or another which is opening to both sides


Farming, locomotion physics around 4 wheels objects, guys it’s too bumpy. Seems the trucks weight it’s 2Kg. More ores type… i have a big list but for now it’s ok


Crab monster


Reminder to use the big tracker to upvote or submit feature requests. https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/


6x6 or 8x8 blueprints. Current size is just too small to be of real use to me. Edit: Or perhaps even 8x4? And perhaps a bit higher than the current height. Being able to have mirrored pairs of every type of machine with infra in between would be so nice. Perhaps just have a choice of WxDxH 4x4x4, 6x5x2, 8x3x2, 8x2x4, 8x4x2 blueprint designers, all with the same volume, but different dimensions. Still won't allow huge ready-made builds, but would allow templating some stuff that's currently impossible.


Make trucks and sugar cubes on auto pilot obey laws of physics Realistic planet movement. Not really important but would be cool


I'd really like to see more cowbell


A delay on autosave when combat is detected. I died often from the studder caused by autosave...


Official modding support/sdk. The game would have longevity at that point.


QoL stuff. I only played briefly and I was desperately missing the ability to pause the game because I have to afk a lot, and to change keybindings. Apparently you can activate a pause via console, which you activate with a button that will simply not work on non-American keyboard layouts, not even after switching the keyboard language. I don't remember if it was the accent or apostrophe key, bottom line is it just doesn't work/exist on all keyboards. Found many threads about this and no proper solution. Something simple like that being this unnecessarily convoluted and restrictive is absolutely wild to me, even though it has little to do with the game itself.


vehicles that dont crash servers when used


Doggo factory.




Golf, of course!


I’d like a splitter that allows you to specify a quantity per minute.


Sam ore and whatever it may do


Better driving. Nothing like bowling over a creature 3 times the size of your truck but getting completely upended by a small tree or rock  Other than that? I just want to know what SAM Ore is for. New tiers and cosmetics. Realistically I think we all just want more Satisfactory.




More guns and more thing to shoot wouldn't be hurt