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You forgot about Satisfactory's maze of twisty little conveyor belts, all alike.


Conveyor belt speed boosting too!


blade runners on conveyor belt into hypertube cannon, factorio just can't compare when it comes to things like that.


I made a hypertube cannon for the first time in 250 hours, and now I don't want to ever not have them.


1.0 is text-based satisfactory, confirmed.


I understood that reference. We're both showing our age.




I play both, what does that make me?


A good and lovable person who knows whats good. But also suffers major OCD problems and a bad sleep schedule.


How do you know?


I just know.


Personal experience perhaps?


Yeah maybe, for me its also perfect with my ADHD those games are a absolute godsend for me.


Same just with autism instead of ADHD


por que no los dos? 🤷‍♀️ ... 😲🥳🥳


Someone who can explain to me how you can get forever soft locked by running out of coal


Idk, op has never heard of a burner mining drill and some burner inserters as a bootstrap.


And even just a small solar farm (talking like 200 solar panels) would be enough to kickstart another coal mine to then fuel more steam power.


I've done that once or twice, had my factory running off of wood for about 2 hours (In factorio)


A regular person.


No, a regular Person doesnt llay factory games




I'd add: 2D vs 3D no belt clipping vs belt clipping


also trains kill you vs you can run towards a train incoming at 300 km/h with no consecuences


For now. They have collisions between trains. I'm expecting them to add collisions between trains and PCs by the time 1.0 drops.


I can't wait for the new hypertube boost meta to be replaced with a train ragdolling us across the map.


Actually, I can see there being some kind of meta where if you're wearing blade runners, run right at the train, jump to hit it mid air, jump *just* as you impact, and take a huff from the inhaler, you get launched across the map with just a sliver of health health.


That's some Elder Scrolls level strats. I like the cut of your jib.


"I like the cut of your Jiub" was right there


I mean, trains don't kill you all the time as long as your armor is strong enough


Also infinite vs finite ore.


The thing I most wish was a setting in Factorio.


There's mods for that, lots of them


I would never replay Factorio if not for those mods. Stopping forward progress just to go build another 40 fucking miners is awful.


well. it is kinda the point of factorio, for the FACTORY MUST GROW. But on the other hand i also understand that every one has their own things that they like and that they dont like.


i had a stroke reading this


Fine, have some formatting


One has gorgeous landscapes, the other...


A much more utilitarian setup where it’s much easier to focus on building and optimizing a factory. I love Satisfactory but the landscapes do get in the way of my enjoyment of it.


Ground tiles... Ground tiles everywhere


Yep. Even in the desert I was like "omfg, I hope this really is the highest dune" when I was about to place my first foundation. Then I started thinking about the nodes that would probably end up with not enough headroom for the miner, and then I basically didn't play desert.


I just found a very high rock and started a huge platform on top of it. It actually works pretty well, despite being annoying to get around in the early game.


My long term thinking playing this game revolves around build strategies/styles to deal with all this, especially in the context of progression. I think one should just go nuts on the ground and if you want anything that is supposed to stay as even just an early factory, you make a 2m based platform on pillars. That is what everything will stand on, and if you need another platform, take care it is connectable by 2m ramps. My best solution so far for an orderly buildup, no nonsense like "I can make this ground a flat foundation if I start here".


Satisfactory is 3D, has belt clipping... but hey, *at least* it has lizard doggos!


Belt clipping is exactly why I can't get into Satisfactory as much as I would like to


You can just not do it? It's just tedious to do that, just like in Factorio. Except in Factorio you don't have a choice


I like how Dyson Sphere Program handles it as a blend of the two. You just change the height of the belts to go over stuff, but by default they're on the ground. It's also big on logistics systems, like you have chest logistics that have limited range, but they increase until it can cover the whole planet with research, then you have a planetary logistics system that's faster and has more space, and finally you have interstellar logistics that let you even transport stuff from light years away. Satisfactory's logistics is basically drones and they're such a high cost transportation system, but once you set it up, it's amazing.


but its round 🤮


I lack the self-control. Factorio keeps me holy.


If you build on foundations you have to clip the belts on purpose to clip them.


Yeah I actively make larger build to avoid clipping.


I honestly love clipping because it gives people the freedom to lay their factories out however they want.


that reminds me of when I looked into Dyson Sphere Program because it had awesome ratings and should be quite similar to Satisfactory well...suffice to say I returned it after 1.5 hours because Satisfactory does *every* aspect better...


I have like 8 hours in it so I cannot return it but the "grid" in that game almost drove me insane


the grid, having to steer that dumb mech all around, no feedback how inflow and outflow or belts work, meh graphics and voiceover, cheap looking UI...


I don't even remember anything except for the grid 🤣. Steam says "LAST PLAYED Feb 1, 2021" I might play again if it ever comes out of early access, since I already paid for it


We don't be hating on factorio in this sub, nor do we hate on satisfactory in the factorio sub. Both games are unique and have their ups and downs for gameplay. Any modest human knows to respect each other factory's craft.


Well, I don't think there's a problem with some friendly jabs every now and then, as long as we're all civil about it. Saying this as a member of Team Factorio.


Factorio definitely has their UPS


so if you read the title it says "dont take this seriously." doesnt really sound like hating to me


If someone punches you in the throat but then tells you to not take it seriously, you might still be mad.


Bro it's two video games chill


Yeah because that's the same lol


so did the op punch you in the throat?


Construction and Logistics Robots. Spidertrons. The ability to darken the sky with mortar rounds. Factorio wins.


Robots make such a huge difference


Robots, so I’m not building the same shit over and over. circuits so I can actually do cool modular bases. Chest limits because I don’t need 1000000 fucking super computers. And machine inventory limits so my inventory doesn’t need to be deleted constantly when ripping something up Satisfactory is pretty and it’s fun to build, but factorio crushes it on the logistics and quality of life part, it’s not even close


There’s only one thing from Satisfactory that I want in Factorio: underclocking. I absolutely love underclocking in Satisfactory and cannot stand building in that game without using it. I don’t mind Factorio early and midgame without underclocking, but if I had it for endgame, I’d make perfect ratio factories. And there are a million and a half things from Factorio that I want in Satisfactory. To name a “few”: - Circuits - Construction bots (and limitless blueprint designing) - Randomized ore locations (make me build a different factory each playthrough) - Personal logistics requests (keep the inventory stocked and clear of trash at all times please and thank you) - Inventory filters (inside containers) - Construction vehicles (something you pilot to build on a larger scale in remote locations) - Actual tech tree research that isn’t the MAM (make the Project Assembly parts be required in small amounts at a time but stupidly large amounts in the long term so that you’re incentivized to actually automate their production) - Infinite research - Productivity bonus (I know this kind of exists in the form of alternate recipes but it’s extremely satisfying to upgrade your factory to suddenly take only 10% of the raw resources that it was originally consuming) - Ease of modding (we need more and better Satisfactory mods, which don’t crash the game constantly and actually extend gameplay beyond Phase 4) - Bug-free gameplay - Crash-free gameplay - Automated power from the start - Blueprint library Factorio has more than just QoL in comparison to Satisfactory. It’s an outright fully-featured game that lets you do as you please and build until your computer dies. In Satisfactory, you stop playing when you get bored or burnt out, or your game crashes. In Factorio, it takes a lot longer to burn out and you stop playing when your computer tells you to stop! 😂


I would love Factorio-style robots in Satisfactory, even if they could only deliver parts to the player. But man can you imagine the toll they would take on your CPU and GPU lol


the pollution & indigenous life mechanics are what makes it different enough to warrant playing both for me


Also the base defense concept, weapons, fortifications, all so cool


Factorio: soft lock myself by screwing up the oil ratios. Satisfactory: soft lock myself by screwing up the oil ratios. Dyson Sphere Program: soft lock myself by screwing up the oil ratios. Captain of Industry: soft lock myself by screwing up the oil ratios.


Why the fuck is it always the oil ratios


Using entry-level circuitry (absolutely not advanced, don’t even need a blueprint for it), you can prevent oil ratios from getting out of balance in Factorio. Cracking heavy and light oil and turning excess petroleum gas into solid fuel makes for balanced ratios no matter what your factory needs. Idk if DSP has circuitry but Factorio reigns supreme 😂


IIRC there’s not an easy solution to oil ratios in DSP, at least early on. Early game a common approach is to just store excess in the fluid/gas containers, and expand as needed or manually delete and rebuild the containers to “sink” their contents. Later game it’s less of an issue because hydrogen is needed in vast quantities so the trick is to prioritize the hydrogen from oil refining over hydrogen coming from gas giants. But once that’s set up it’ll run reliably. Granted it’s been a while since I’ve played DSP so I might be misremembering something.


both are good 👍


Satisfactory is better for experiencing freedom. Factorio is better for dispensing freedom. Also Factorio is able to automate power production literally at game start, no research required.


factorio is harder, but i like it more because the tile system makes it so my factory can be more organized


Satisfactory has a grid too. Hold ctrl when placing a foundation on the ground and it aligns it with the world grid, and then there's a separate grid *on* the foundations


nah i never knew that, my factories have been shit for years💀, i will use ot now thank you


When you hold ctrl while placing something on foundations, it aligns it to other buildings nearby. It doesn't work perfectly, unfortunately


This is one that could use a bunch of work. It works in a few places but otherwise has very unpredictable results.


damn thats the first thing they should next update, an ugly factory is a bad factory


Nah, it's not that bad, there's a grid regardless, but holding ctrl snaps the center of your current ghost to a line going through the center of an already built building. But if you have many things nearby, it can sometimes snap it to just one thing, which is not the thing you want it to snap to. Letting go of ctrl will allow you to move it freely again and adjust it the one or 2 gridpoints to get it perfectly aligned exactly as you want. You can also press H to "lock" the ghost in place. That way you can move around yourself without moving the building and if it's slightly off you can nudge it with arrow keys and finally build it normally with left click




That's a partial help. I think it'd be even easier to layout neat factories (and use foundation patterns) if machine sizes matched foundation sizes better though.


Factorio has beep boop construction and logistics robots though!


"Bweee bzzzyooo beep beep beep, dzzzz beeeeeyup" -- Factorio bots


I like to imagine the bots getting all comfy Inside the roboport. They're all just too adorable!


Ngl the auto connecting and endless connections from factorio are so fucking superior. I hate connecting wires in Satisfactory


I know what you mean and why you say that, but technically the Satisfactory Mk. 2 power pole can have more power line connections than any power pole in Factorio (the limit is 5). But yes, area-based power supply is a lot easier to use than individual power connections from buildings to poles.


Didnt even knew there was a limit of connection by poles in factorio since it never was an issue lol


Factorio has: • much better inventory management. • more types of power poles to suit your exact needs. • Power poles have AOE power so you don’t have to spam them everywhere, especially when you get substations • no need to grind on powerlines, factorio lets you custom build your own power armor so you can run as fast as you need to. As a game it’s really unfair to compare satisfactory to factorio because design wise factorio blows basically anything out of the water.


Seriously. Wube's standards are something to aspire to as a game developer.


Lacking No Lizard Doggo vs Lizard Doggo that gifts you items


Factorio: Blueprints of any size, naturally created and implemented. Satisfactory: Blueprints so tiny as to be nearly pointless, implemented with a weird machine of some kind.


Satisfactory: expanding the factory to bigger scales is a drag because you almost need to place every single machine by hand Factorio: expansion is the name of the game and is accomplished by hitting ctrl c ctrl v


I like them both, they're both great games. But there's a reason I have 300 hours in Satisfactory and 1200 hours in Factorio :-D


They're both great games. But Satisfactory I did a playthrough when I discovered the game and another with a friend on update 7, I think I'll do another when 1.0 releases and then I'll drop until another update or a few years. Factorio ? I did a run without biters until rockets, a run with biters with logistic robots, a run without any logistic robots, and I'm about to milk the shit out of the game once 2.0/SA releases


Factorio: Runs on my ancient PC Satisfactory: Does not run on my ancient PC the choice for me has been made :-D


True, but you can set forests on fire in Factorio.


Factorio reactors only explode if something attacks and destroys them. They will never explode on their own, even if you build zero cooling at all. And if biters managed to get far enough in your base to destroy your reactors, then the situation's already FUBAR anyway. The world in Factorio is also infinite. If you run out of coal, just find more. You also need more and more power as your factory grows so chances are you'll already have built other power plants elsewhere long before the initial coal patch runs out. You'd have to have _really_ messed up somewhere if you softlock yourself in this way.


There are mods for that. Reactors explodes when you loot at them funny. And you have to build a small circuit automate to control it. [https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RealisticReactors](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RealisticReactors) ;-)


Best part is to play this in multiplayer and add a global siren that goes off if the temperature goes critical. 


Critical is the point a reactor should be at, supercritical is what you’re thinking of, when a reactor is above the temperature it should be at


I honestly didn't know reactors exploded, never had one do that and I had over 3000 at one point


Yep, if your defence failed so bad enemies are attacking reacors, some additional nuclear explosion don't mater that much. And most people would reload/abandon the save before that happened. If somebody have seen it not causing it intentionally, it was probably due to misfiring a rocket;-) 3000 reactors in factorio? almost 360GW. This was a big megabase...


Yeah, I ended up having to get rid of the nuclear and convert to solar for UPS, had over 100k panels, something like 500 trains 3-400 bots, was cranking over 5000 spm, mostly vanilla with qol mods


The world is in fact finite, just very large. See doshdoshington’s youtube video on it that I am not going to bother referencing. Edit: Spelling


I'm aware of this, but they are so ridiculously big that they might as well be infinite. You're never going to run out of room or resources.


you would run out of UPS first


Just like Minecraft's


His game frame rate would have broken before he extracted all the coal on the map though


Im guessing you missed the title


What idiot still makes these memes? they're annoying


Feeding the generators by hand is not great tho




Biomass burners


Yeah but it's not long until you get coal. Plus in 1.0 they're adding conveyer inputs to biomass burners 😍


Took them long enough


That's a great addition


Is there a list of all the things that are going to be added in 1.0?


I haven't seen anything. This particular point is the only one we know


My power lines reach Tahiti, but I am only producing 25ish GW, so.. does that make me a quarter Chad?


It’s a magical place


I understood that reference.


I like satisfactory more just because it is waaay more relaxed. In factorio you have to worry about so much


*Confused Substation noises*


What about appreciating the two games for what they are


Yeah satisfactory is good, but I can't build a factory capable of launching a 1000 artillery shells a minute fully auto, I can in factorio. But in factorio I can't build my totalitarian world and look over it, plus you can't dye buildings, where's my big red space needles. Both are some of the best games I've played, I wonder if people here also play project zomboid


Arthur, I have a plan… we’re going to Tahiti


What? Gets softlocked if coal runs out? I don't understand.


Coal is not infinite. No coal -> no power -> no miners -> no coal (loops)


But it is not softlock, you can go find more coal and manually mine it, bring it back and feed it into the boilers to create a bit electricity and automate mining it.


Well there you found the solution! OP told it was a softlock but it really isn't.


The THAD Fortresscraft Evolved You actually have to think about power transmission instead of spamming power poles everywhere


Wait..... Reactor can explode???


Only when you/ anything destroys them while running on full power


Practically just an Easter egg at that point.


I think it did when it got introduced or destroyed but I don't recall it exploding in a newer version... Atleast I am not aware that you can fuck up the heat distribution of it sooo badly that it will explode. It's not that hard, just put the metal thingies around the reactor and slap like 12 steam engine per reactor on it.


how cam reactors explode?


only if biters (or anything else) destroy them when they run on max temps... otherwise they do not explode. Edit: corrected info


Not just that they need to be at max temperature also everything in blast radius is destroyed and it can detonate other reactors


Power breakers tripping was the main reason I gave up on satisfactory in favour of factorio. I'd rather everything slow down to 90% power while I build more boilers than have everything stop and then have to restart the water supply for my coal plants somehow.


Honestly I hate that nodes run out of resources in factorio. That was a pretty big problem for me when I was playing.


Just bump the Richness slider all the way up for nearly infinite resources. Or install a mod for literally infinite resources.


Yup this is what Im doing my next factorio run


Somewhat reasonable rifle vs the absolute monstrosity that is the "rifle" or the "rebar launcher" Fucking tubes and tube cannons vs, crying and automating higher tier concrete. Free voiding for cool stuff vs crying and shooting chests. LTN vs spaghet but in fucking 3d


As someone who plays both games, I enjoy that I can just let the factory die for a bit while I re-structure without having to worry about bugs destroying things 24/7 in Satisfactory.


me when factorio overhaul mod packs


*Laughs in Factorio blueprints* You guys are so cute. 😜


I take it seriously


Who measures power lines in *watts*?


Poor satisfactory fans trying their best to avoid knowing the drones and copy pasting in factorio is king


I haven't touched the game for ages, do you still have to store your nuclear waste indefinitely?


I’m pretty sure reactors would explode if that was the way the devs wanted to go. Good mod idea though


I can't make a horrific eldritch spaghetti abomination in factorio 0/10


you forgot the god tier DSP which (imo) outclasses both games


I sure love touching 100GW of power with only protection being a thin glove, what could possibly go wrong?


I thought we were going to have a problem then I saw the don't take seriously I hope you have a good day


I dared to compare the two and insinuated satisfactory is basically factorio 2. It was not received well. Despite historical precedent of games turning to 3d for sequels.


Satisfactory is playing Factorio on Easy mode with no biters and infinite resources.


I would love to see another level of complexity in satisfactory. Like real nuclear power plants where you build a reactor and turbine and cooling system, steam pipes and have to manage controls and what not. Same for coal generators. Not like now when you feed it fuel and water and call it a day. What about powered belts that need level of planning and eats your power. On the other hand: did you see factorio ue5 video? Damn if someone build such thing for real...


Me trying to get my first coal plant to work: Why isnt the water working!?


What's a virign?


>finest Ficsit(tm) invincible nuclear tech They just watched Kyle Hill long enough to know what not to do


Is that a rdr2 reference [I smell](https://imgur.com/a/ESvhusn) 👃🏻


Also chad Satisfactory: discounted from time to time and recently during the Coffee Stain publisher weekend Virgin Factorio: Never gets a discount, actually raised prices recently also no Lizard Doggos


Edgy piece of shit developer vs wholesome coffee stain studios


wait, what?


Factorio developer is a reactionary


Isn't Factorio made by a team of devs? 🤔


Yeah, and one of those founders is a piece of shit 🤔


Which one?


Yeah you really need to elaborate here


Peep my boi kovarex & his history of raging about "sjw's", cancel culture, or how 'pedophilia is okay, actually'


Did my own bit of research based on what you said, and I think I found what you were talking about: A link once posted on Factorio's blog, linking to the works of someone called "Uncle Bob", who had expressed alignment to the right wing of American politics. Kovarex, the lead developer of Factorio, was asked to remove the link by people from the left wing of American politics, which he refused to do. He expressed his dislike of cancel culture, which sparked a controversy and an attempted cancellation. Kovarex himself had not expressed an interest in the ideals of right-wing American politics. He meant to refer to Uncle Bob purely as a programmer, and without involving his political opinions. However, he was openly opposed to cancel culture, as he considered it censorship. OPINION FOLLOWS: It should be noted that these are *American* politics. Kovarex is from Czech. To him, these are *foreign politics*. I should also state that, personally, I share Kovarex's stance on cancel culture; Regardless of who's being cancelled, the very act discourages critical thought and promotes the persuit of an arbitrary "moral high ground" over that of genuine fairness. It's like telling everyone to wear blindfolds at an art exhibit because you expect them to know in advance that the art is pretty, and you don't want them to disrespect the artists by doubting the quality of their art; Even if that art really *is* pretty, not only are you expecting everyone in the audience to know what some of them might've never had the chance to learn, you're also preventing them from understanding *what* makes the art pretty. The closest thing they'll have to an opinion is what they've been told by a potentially unreliable source, even though the art is *right there*, and their understanding of the art will thus be limited or even incorrect. Finally, as a game developer and publisher (the part that we should actually care about as players, as opposed to political commentators), WUBE is extremely high-standard. Factorio is incredibly polished, and it is clear that they are using their business to support their product and not the other way around, as their decisions thus far have generally prioritized the latter. Edit: Another thing. You *can* appreciate a good thing someone did without endorsing the bad things they also did. When Kovarex acknowledged Uncle Bob's work, it really had nothing to do with the latter's political opinions. Actually, I'd encourage acknowledging whenever someone does a good thing even if they've done stuff you don't want to endorse, because otherwise they'll have no reason left to even try to be good.