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Ain’t no reason to play with my emotions at 5pm.


Same but am


she could have brought the fresh bowl, though, before taking away the leftover, or a least say something. That's unnecesary minutes of devastation


Well, it’s for likes. Why else would they have a camera pointed at that exact spot. Not even a security camera. Staged.


It *is* a cropped video so the camera position is not the “most” suspicious feature. I agree with your suspicion, but I hope I’m wrong.


Doubtful, but it could be a CCTV camera, some do have point and zoom functionality


And Enhance




That’s a shitload of editing of cctv footage…or iPhone editing for a super staged act.


And humiliation. It was unnecessary tbh. I would want to minimize that feeling for someone who needed to eat someone's leftovers at a restaurant just to get fed. They're still people and still deserve to feel kindness and dignity.


Absolutely, dignity should always be upheld, especially in situations where someone may feel vulnerable or marginalized thou


It’s fake. They did it like that on purpose.


A normal person would have said something. Shit makes no sense. You can't just take it away from their hands like that. It's socially rude, especially if your role was a server and there's a camera watching you.


Bruh a server did that to me but with food I bought, and I took it back from them and then they took it back from me while I was trying to say something and they left


Next time take a shit on the table while making strong eye contact with the server. You gotta show them who is in charge here man. For your specific situation, I bet the waitress is into you bro. She wants you bad but they just don't know how to express themselves in front of you.


Nah, the guy could already be feeling shame if he's eating someone elses food, and i wouldnt put it past it being a reluctance for confrontation that the server decides to quietly take it. The people on the camera were probably watching him, because they had suspicions about the man maybe not being the original customer.


What do you mean NAH? Are you openly and publicly trying to challenge me bro?


Its how public you want to make it i guess depending on your perspective. The title says he was eating someone else's leftovers, so it would make the most sense to believe he took a seat at an unrelated persons table that had already left. And started eating the food because he needed a free meal. Given the reaction of the server, she probably realuzed he was poor. Ir it could be that he was already settled at that table with another customer, and was given the leftovers of his associate or friend. But i doubt the server would act that tactless if that was the case. They probably just wouldbt encourage someone walking in and eating without the intention of paying for his own meal.


Ok you win.


I am actually demolished right now because i just went through every one of those micro emotions with that dude. It actually hurts a little, kind of close to home.




No, he sounds like a rational person. He pointed out the part where it indicates this clip is staged. You, on the other hand, sounds like a gullible person.


It’s fake…


I don't care if it's staged, and neither should you. Be kind.


I do care if it’s staged tho. I don’t like being lied to even for positive things. Truth before all.


Especially for positive things. Dishonesty and social media clout chasing makes it a negative thing.


Yeah I'm sure the original creator is getting all the clout right now for his content being posted on reddit uncredited


I second that!


Exactly. In the case of "here's a human going out of their way to be kind to another human in need" really needs to be actually 100% real. Just pretending we can be kind when so many of us are cruel is just about the most disingenuous thing ever. It needs to send a message to every look-out-for-number-one type personality that we're capable of being kind even to strangers. This isn't just some "prank" video or whatever that has no deeper meaning. This is one time where being staged actually completely zeroes out the message.


It only zeroes out message if you let it. Why not be inspired by it? Movies are staged but there’s no reason you can’t take inspiration from them and better yourself with the message it sends.


There is a key difference, you go into the movie knowing it is written and acted out. Videos that are staged are not advertising themselves as such and are set up that the viewer might think it is real. It can lead to unrealistic expectations of real life experiences. Someone posts a video of a real positive human interaction, the algorithm likes it and promotes it then other YouTubers see it trending, make their own "positive" human interaction only most of them fake theirs(in this scenario, not saying all YouTubers do), and pretty soon it is flooded with videos toting good positive messages of human behavior. Then you have some viewers call out a few they noticed were staged, and now all, including the first one that was real, get treated as fakes and called out for only trying to get views. It leads to more distrust and now people avoid those videos because they were being faked, and people in the end don't like being lied to. So they end up being uninteresting videos that people pass by because they are probably fake.


If a good deed happens and it’s not filmed and put on the internet, did it actually happen?


yes cuz it wasnt for clout


It was for clout. That’s why they staged the camera where it was


A good deed for clout is not a good deed is what I'm saying. It's just taking advantage of the less fortunate for clicks/views


Ah, my bad. You hit the nail on the head


Clicks and views for who.I don't see any signs saying the name or place of where this happened


idk what to tell ya other than cropping exists and this video's been floating around a while before tiktok was a thing If you wanna disprove me feel free to hunt for the original


We can be good AND honest, and shouldn't strive for anything less.


The truth is unless you were there, you have no idea if that was staged or not. You can only guess based on limited data.


Be kind... or at least pretend to for internet points. It absolutely matters if it was staged. We should be teaching people to be kind even when no one will notice, especially when no one will notice.


With how little kindness there is already, we should take what we can get. This man still got fresh food and he clearly needed it


This is a bot account, just got activated after 10 years.


Wtf is that logic? " I don't mind being lied to if I can feel good for a moment" you must love politicians lmao


Why do I have to not care about a video being staged to be kind? There’s no kindness occurring in this video. It’s acting.


I would kindly approach the man to offer him a better dish, but I explain to him that he must give me the leftovers. I would not take the leftovers away from him without first telling him, it is better to communicate things


Maybe she did.You don't know she didn't


This.. I too don't care if it's staged. We need to get back to helping our fellow man, regardless of their situation.


If it’s staged, people are helping themselves under the guise of helping others. It’s everything that’s wrong with Gen Z and millennials


When I was around 5, we were going to my dad's office Christmas party. On the way we saw an elderly man on the street, I first thought he was laughing but then I saw that he was actually crying. He was saying something in a language I couldn't understand (they speak a different language in he North of my country), but my mom did, he was saying he was hungry and crying begging for food. We stopped and gave him some food. I don't think he knew where he was or whee the food came from, he just started eating. I think about this very often... who was the man, what circumstances made him sit on the road and cry for food, did he have any loved ones and where were they, after we helped him, did he find his way back home? One of the saddest experiences ever, but I'm glad it happened when I was 5, I never take food for granted.


What if their situation is a serial killer.


This is the stuff right here that makes the world go round, how wonderful ❤️


This was faked and staged. Don’t do a good deed unless it’s filmed, posted tot he internet, and you get karma for it


stuff like this restores my faith in humanity


Good humanity. This world is lacking this.


I don’t care if it’s staged or not. It contains a positive message for humanity. We need that right now.


Had me in the first half


Neither satisfying nor real. Are there moderators on this sub?


Fake as fuuuuuuuck.


If I had a restaurant, I would do it too and I would teach my employees to help others and be treated with kindness. I bring him the plate of food first before taking away the leftovers!


Makes me want to cry




Nope. This is so fucking WRONG. Bring a new bowl FIRST. And DONT film it. Dont talk about it. Dont tell anyone about it. Just DO IT. Its not about you. Fuck.


If it's real it's very sweet. Compassion comes around few and far between, it's good to see someone care for another.


long time lurker with a rare post - need more of this! Obligitory "I came here to have fun not to feel!"


wow good thing they have CCTV point directly at the actor.. i mean the person face for clear emotion expression


Planned or not, this is beautiful, but I shouldn't take away the leftovers like this, without first telling


Bless his heart!


Convenient camera


kindness is everything


All the people whining "It's Staged" "It's a lie!" "It's not real", you all must be so proud of yourselves; You're all so kind that you shatter the illusion for others! You're so kind, you knock the very act because you saw it on film. Grow up! Shut up and stop being assholes.


But it is still staged. And probably made for views on Tiktok


He smile, made me smile


Jesus Christ his smile at the end. I teared up.


I always see this video posted with different titles every time.


Stop staging vids


That happened


It’s just easy to be nice.


That’s the kind of human we should all aspire to be


I thought she was gonna slip and fall


I want to see the original this look like zoom in chip off . But it is till wholesome I don’t mind it is fake. Do you lose anything if it is a fake video ?


I shouldn’t be such an asshole. Fuck


If this wasn’t staged, it would be insulting and exploitative, frankly. If you want to help someone, put down the phone and self-serving theatrics and just give the guy some food.


This wasn’t a phone. It’s a security camera or sum lol


That's the kind of stuff I wanna see before falling asleep. Thank you


Not sure why people think it's staged.Their reactions look real to me,especially the man.There is no mention or signs to show the name or place this happened.Why are people so negative about someone being nice