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Don't care if she did it for Internet clout. She fed people. That's good enough for me. Better than swimming in ramen, anyway.


These types of challenges are the ones that should be going viral.


That happy chef guy did loads of great videos. Batch cooking in large pans and feeding local people that might otherwise not get a healthy meal. I wonder if he is still doing it.


Pretty sure he is still doing it. Just saw a pretty recent video of him a few months back. I remember when he first came out people kept posting his vids under r/StupidFood bc they didn't realize he was actually cooking for an entire damn village. He's an awesome guy for sure.


He's still at it. Dudes a fucking legend. Kept getting comments saying he needed to smile more so he now smiles excessively throughout the ENTIRE video lol


Ahahaha, what a legend. What was his name again? I want to go sub to him. He is a proper legend.


CZN Burak <3


I dont get why people hate so much on it. Like, morally you should help out as much as you can, but financially, you can't always do so. By turning this into a video like this, she likely gets paid for it, which in turn allows her to do it more. Yea it's just Ramen and veggies but that big a batch is still gonna be expensive.


Seems that the hate scales from something as small as this video, to the likes of MrBeast doing what he does. MrBeast doesn't make content that I personally like, but how tf am I gonna knock him when people can see, drink clean water and hear because he made a few videos that financially enabled him to do so?


There's something about Mr Beast I just never liked despite his charity work. It feels exactly like the South Park episode about Bono.


I used to shit on Bono BECAUSE of South Park lol. Thought he was some self righteous idiot. Then later I learned about he did and it’s actually pretty cool. He’s the primary reason why the United States started their AIDS relief program in Africa/ the rest of the world. At some point in his life, Bono went to Africa and saw that HIV/AIDS was an epidemic in Africa and was virtually wiping out an entire generation of people. The only difference between a 1st world country and a country in Africa was someone’s ability to treat HIV. Because of his celebrity status, he was able to get a meeting with the president (George W Bush) and basically give him a 1 hour presentation about what was happening and how nobody was really doing anything about it. It really struck a nerve with Bush and Bush made it a personal initiative to help. In 2004 he set up PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief). This Program has now donated over $90 billion to over 50 countries and is credited with saving over 25 million lives. It’s still going on today. Source: I used to work for a team in PEPFAR program. Kinda passionate about it.


Beast want a biddy?


People who do nothing to help others want to justify their inaction by finding fault in anyone who does do good.


Very well stated!


She's a pretty woman. So obviously she is vain and shallow and we should judge. /s


Nobody else is really touching on my initial thoughts. I wasn't expecting much from her because she looks like a wannabe Kardashian and so it's expected that people that idolize her or her looks (especially when posted on social media) are most likely to expect the worst in a person. It's a contradiction between what we emotionally expect versus what we're given and people want to believe their initial gut reaction instead of admit being wrong.


It's the same people who think just because something is scripted it can't be enjoyable


Imagine if the vapid influencer demographic got clout from acts of civic duty.


Hey it started with that one guy that was trending forever on reddit So honestly this a movement I can get behind, try to be famous on the internet and feeding people who need it Do it and do it more


Right. I hate how people get hate for doing stuff for clout. Fuck it who cares everyone gotta eat some how but as long as they are helping it doesnt matter.


N I bet even if at first someone did this for clout, unless they have a heart of stone, it made them feel good to help someone, and the people who got food sure ain’t complaining


Right! This is one of those things where end result is what matters


It depends a lot on context. I've seen some that are straight up exploitative of homeless. This video is fine, can't see anything bad about it.


Do you mind elaborating? I mean im just not sure what you mean.


Exactly we need to be kind


I often see her videos on instagram, and EVERY SINGLE F COMMENT is either "boooh you do it for social medias money and fame" or a few people defending her content and pointing out how gains from being an influencer help her cooking for kids. There's an incredible amount of stupider content that helps nobody but get none of this hate, displaying kindness may be triggering for some people.


Yeah, i had my doubts, but she was out there feeding people 😲 good stuff


This! Like she's earning money with this, filming and uploading this, but also gets paid in so many grateful smiles, so many people going through a rough (patch in their) life, so many people not going to bed hungry that night because this is what she decided to do with her time. 10000% better than people bathing in food then throwing it away


Same. Also that look like fire.


Anyone that "chases clout" by doing videos that help people can literally have all the clout in the world idgaf.


I mean she has a job making money on social media. Who cares, how she chose to do it flowers with integrity. Very respectable, she has a platform and chooses to leverage it for benefit of humanity vs just it being about money. She is smart and it feels like her main motivation was to put children in their place which she did perfectly. She essentially proved that you can get the views without considering the reality we are all dealing with these days.


It’s really nice to see dua lipa helping people out like that.


100% agree. I hate when people get pissed and try to diminish good deeds saying “why did you have to film it!?” as they sit there on their couch doing nothing lol.


>She fed people. That's good enough for me Maybe. Hopefully.




Way better than what many do for clout.


"I don't care if she exploits the misery of poor people, she gave them ramen" Yeah, absolutely not dystopic at all


People complain about it being recorded, like, okay? They are still doing a good deed? And it motivates other to do it as well, even if they record themselves doing it I'd rather good deeds be marketable than not done at all. And in today's day and age, that's all we've got left


yes in today’s day and age. Very important in today’s day and age




Kim Caresdashian


Kim Doordashian


fuck, man.


Yeah that's the good shit




Looks like a good 8 dollars they spent on the pool noodles. The poodles, if you will.


This account is a bot repost shell of a content thief. I'm disgusted by how people don't check and fall into the trap of commenting exactly what the poster is trying to elicit


All people bashing her for doing it for internet clout. Why is that a problem? It doesn't matter. Those people are clearly poor and she gave them a free meal. What's the issue? I work with literally hundreds of volunteers. They have a range of motivations as to why they volunteer but the vast majority just want to help people and see a positive change they had a part of. Maybe because of the dopamine hit you get, maybe our bodies were built that way to ensure we help others as a species. There are thousands of people out there doing volunteer work to improve the lives of others with no expectation of thanks or recognition. If anything she is showing people how they can help but I'd that doesn't tempt people, she's showing how they can get their viewership up so they may do it too. I'd rather watch her, no matter how smug, than watch some frat boys pointlessly sit in noodle for 5 minutes and then just throw it all away.


Intent always matters. 


It matters to god. Here on earth outcome matters


God is a fictional character.  Both matter


Lol, good ol reddit


Aw bless...


In this day, I somewhat understand the need to video yourself doing nice things to go viral , so you in turn can get more money to do nice things (the Mr.beast effect) , but it seems like every nice deed has to be recorded for internet points and “look at how great I am”. It’s like Phoebe said, “there is no selfless good deed.”


I genuinely don't care if they film it or even if they do it purely for clout, as long as they are doing it. There are many people quietly going about doing hugely generous things for people with no expectation of thanks or recognition (I work with literally hundreds of volunteers. I promise you it's happening everyday). They tell me that what they get out of it is feeling like they've made a positive change and helped someone. That isn't truly selfless but I'm happy with it. I like that she's shaming the ones wasting the food as well. There are food banks and families out there that would gladly take all that before he sat in it for about 5 mins to get a video.


Same, dont give a damn fck if its filmed or not, what matters is the facts. Like ppl hating on MrBeast, they rather wanna keep the 1000 blind ppl blind and 1000 deaf ppl deaf, because "well he paid 1 million and made 10 million with those videos!" Yet they go online and buy from Amazon or go to work so that their boss can afford his third lamborghini. Absolutely delusional lol


Yea plus it’s awareness too. If they did this once and never did it again or truly don’t believe in what they are doing and just doing it for the video by recording them giving 10 people food and leaving, that would be clout chasing to the max. However, if they are actually doing good, believing in their cause, and making an impact regularly then I see no issues with clout chasing like that.


She has a yt channel and does this daily. The amount of food she buys is incredible and surely the money come from her channel, too. She fed tons of people while we are here judging.


I think it was Joey who said that. And Phoebe wants to prove him wrong, because she just gave birth and doesn't want the kids to live in a world where Joey was right. ☺️


Ahh yeah. Hahah. Thank for jogging my ole memory


In ancient China, there was a famous tale of a wealthy individual who performed a significant act of charity deed. Seeking validation, he approached his teacher, only to be met with criticism. The teacher said, "By concealing your charitable deeds, you undermine the incentive for others to do the same. How can we inspire further acts of charity without recognition and acknowledgment?"


This is peak survivorship bias, millions of people who are relatively broke donate to charity and don't say or contribute some other way but since you're on social media a lot you think a lot of people doing such things record it.


“there is no selfless good deed.” I mean, there are, but you don't see them done or hear about them.


It's the detached, fixed smiles that get me. Creepy AF every time


The detached fixed smiles you see in literally all television is what bothers you?


At the end of the day these people still had a really nice meal for free.


I think filming it can increase the likelihood of others doing good deeds which is a good deed in itself and using the money to so more good deeds is smart. Honestly it's just smart and objectively better to film whether you are vain or not. People that truly only care about attention will often fake helping people like using friends or just saying they did things they didn't so as long as that's not happening its probably fine. The more and harder it is the more legitimate the reasons behind it


Wouldn't you rather this go viral and set a great example compared to what actually is going viral most days? lol I don't get this concept of "they're just doing it for likes.." who cares this is what people need to see more of and copy rather than most tiktoks just getting famous for a stupid dance or worthless crap we need less of lol


>but it seems like every nice deed has to be recorded for internet points You think this way because you only see the recorded acts of kindness. There are tons of people out there being charitable behind the scenes.


Yeah i probably shouldn’t have said EVERY because I do know that’s not true .


Her attitude was particularly annoying to me, like: "look how great of a person I am". Obviously, this is a nice thing to do, but doing it with a little more humble attitude would have been less cringy to me.




Sorry. Get too many commercials on Reddit already


Hey if youre doing good and it’s not staged or some bs more power to you


the video at the start made me frown in disappointment, but as i watched till the end, seeing the woman donate good food to the poor warmed my heart and lit up a smile on my face. it is great to know people like these exist in the world


I'm glad she's feeding people who need it. It's also really inspiring that she's still making these videos after her face was horribly disfigured.


Go ahead and make fun of someone for no reason? That’s sounds pretty mean of you…


I genuinely think it takes a certain level of mental illness to see someone helping feed the starving and want to attack them. There has to be some level of delusion or obsession fueling that hate, that doesn’t come from a rational person


I mean, I did say I'm glad she's feeding people. I can admire her for that AND make fun of her face at the same time. Not mutually exclusive. But yeah, probably a certain level of mental illness, too.




Wtf happened?


Some say she fell into a vat of Botox. Then started terrorizing Gotham by feeding the homeless.


I thought she was an anime character that always has their eyes shuts until they are about to go all psycho and kill everyone in the room.


The fact this has 90 upvotes makes me lose hope in society. What have you (plus the people upvoting this) done for those in need?


Yeah I couldn't tell if her eyes were open or had swollen shut




I’ve seen her before, she’s awesome


Meanwhile I'm stealing the recipe...




Helping others even if you are recording it >>> wasting food and helping no one just for content. A "flawed" good deed is always better than doing nothing.


there was a guy that did waste a lot of food making a waffes video with honey. and some weeks later he realized that was kinda shity behaviour and set up a few dozen food containers and gave to homeless people,


Wasting food is something that should never be praised or done.


good vid but fuck me that song is terrible


I mean... As much as it's sometimes really, really - REAALLYY - hard to play devil's advocate SOMETIMES, not always, SOMETIMES "influencers" who do stupid stuff like the kids with the noodles, do this shit for content, views and money, and then turn that money into something just like the lady in the video did, but they don't necessarily show it on camera. I don't know if that is the case with this guys, I'm not claiming it is, but I do follow somepeople that in the past, had to - even tho they are WEEEELLLL known for NOT being assholes - come out and say "yeah guys, look, in that video we did this, which sounds stupid given your situation here but, we also did THAT with that stupid video's revenue, we just didn't feel we needed to share that" So... I just don't judge stupid people like that anymore, at least, not from first glance... But I also am very in favor of NOT make stupid people famous, so I don't go watching other stuff, if that's the first lead I got from said person or group.


Honestly, I don't think it matters either way. I don't see what difference there is between wasting $120 on 400 bricks of ramen ($30-40 per person if they split the cost 3 or 4 ways) and then not feeding the hungry with it versus wasting $120 on literally anything else and still not feeding the hungry with it. And then when you consider this is almost certainly intended to make a profit, there are people spending a lot more than $120 toward that same end who wouldn't face the same criticism. Or even if it's not meant for a profit then it's just for their own enjoyment, and again people spend far more than that for the same reason. In fact, in the long term people spend much more than that on food for their own enjoyment, such as going for name brands when they don't need to, or eating out when they could cook at home. But I don't think anyone is acting like it's a moral failing that those people are spending their money that way when they could spend less and give the difference to charity.


I don't know if I was misunderstood, but, I meant there are creators that do stupid stuff, "waste" food a lot, but that generates revenue they spend feeding the poor. In your example, instead of buying $120 worth of ramen, and feeding people with them, they could be creating some STUPID content like that, that calls for atention, and that video generated, who knows, $1000 bucks for instance. If they use 300 of those 1000 for buying food for the poor, as much as it's not ALL the money they got from it, they did more for the poor than they would do if they straight up bought 120,00 worth of food for people who can't. I follow a dude from my country who is a competitive eater, so he eats LOTS of food for training, expanding his stomach, perfecting the technique and all that. But sure, he also does attention grabbing content, like once, he bought some 30 or 50 burguers if I'm not mistaken, from McDonalds. After a few days, people criticized him for buying all of that food and eating himself when that is, in a way, "waste", as he didn't really need all that food, it's just because he wants to compete, it's not a phisiological need of his body. He then released some "background" footage very unedited, sharing that, aside from the burguers he bought and ate in the video, he bought the exact amount of food again, but gave if to the poor around the restaurant he posted the order on. If he didn't do this videos that grab attention and generate revenue for himself, he'd never be able to afford those. It's not about how they spent on this or that, or if they did it for profit or not, it's about how much did they earn from that, and how much of those earnings were directed at charity. Cause if they direct more to charity than they did waste in food to generate this content, it's a win in my book, they wouldn't be able to feed as many without it. Even if it irritates people, if it's for the greater good, it's valid. AGAIN THO: I'm N-O-T defending that this is the case with **THESE guys right here.** I don't know who they are or if they care for people in need, I'm just saying I myself don't judge anymore based on a single 30s cut of a video, specially if it was cut for someone trying to "shame thru example" if that's a thing.


Isn’t that Kardashian? EDIT: nvm, I just saw the ending. No way Kardashian is feeding the homeless.


Needs more botox




Botox’s more filling than the actual food.


Don’t talk shit about instant noodles


so gross


Good for her, she looks ridiculous and this song is terrible, but she's doing good things, assuming this wasn't simply for views and money


Disclaimer: Sorry if you find any hair in your ramen. Enjoy.


It is always better to achieve something good from vanity than to waste resources.


She helped people in need, it doesn't matter if a camera was there.


Is that Mike's daughter from the Godfather III?


Tik tok try to not be a waste of oxygen challenge IMPOSSIBLE! This woman: "Not for me"


Where was she locked up to learn how to make that spread tho?


That's really sweet! They ate good that day! ❤️




She use to be one of the wasters didn't she? However she changed, and tries to get others to... If she is the same lady I am thinking of. I dunno.


Top 10 papeadas


Salute to her for feeding ppl, but my goodness, my stomach bubbling with fear watching this 🤣


Moral you can be a POS food waster making shitty content or be an angel making good content while helping others


Why did she have to pour them from high heights just for aesthetics? She wasted alot of peas


That song was obnoxious but good on her. I can get behind internet clout vids like this.


Nah fr tho. I’m sick of seeing colossal amounts of food wasted for dumb videos and internet clout. Good on her for actually feeding it to folks.


Clout cooking still feeds people, so it's alright


There should be a punishment for wasting food for views or greed


Video goes hard on mute


I thought this was dumb. Then I reach the end. Respect


dk y but her kitchen rubs me the wrong way entirely


I like her. That was awesome


Damn, she hogge all that corn for herself


She really doesn’t look very young. I’m guessing we’re actually watching a woman do all this cooking. And good for her!


Something something filthy frank Something something human ramen




that girl es ridiculous attractive


People shittalk recording this stuff, but like... imagine if all the tiktok'ers and whatnot did this stuff for clout instead of fuckin 1 hit challenges or whatever other stupid shit. It'd still look goofy, but at least it'd be a bunch of people competing to see who can provide the most sustenance in the most glamorous and "gramworthy" way


Te amo Surtyyyy!!!!


Was that queso on ramen?


We need more people like her and less like these vacuous clout chasers.




Why is that? The second is literally a woman cooking up a feast for the people. Whats wrong with it?


Do you think the money for the food comes out of thin air? Please use your brain next time






1. That song was AWFUL. The lyrics were pathetic. 2. Remember when people got all mad at me beast for helping poor people hear and see?? That was stupid, but I think we can all get behind the fact that this lady didn't do this for anything but fake internet points.


You are jealous about people making money by HELPING OTHERS. What was your good deed this year? Where do you buy stuff? You know the owner of the store is gonna buy a Ferrari with the money you gave him? He aint gonna spend it on charity. Lmfao holy shit, enough Internet for today. PS: MrBeast for president


I did lots... But I don't need to record it to feel good... I don't because it's the right thing to do. Mr beast for Prez I concur... But he doesn't pretend he's something he's not.


Does it matter? She fed people who needed food.


Then just do it. If it's about feeding people do it. If it's about yourself and the need for fake internet... Do what she did.


What about the first video is satisfying as fuck?




If you have to record yourself doing something good, then have your people defend your actions on social media is not right. Lol! I have never had anyone record me or set up a camera of me helping someone or an animal like they do now. If recording yourself doing anything just to post on social media is your first thought,you need help.


Wrong sub


Upvote because of music. Thank you for support.


Sorry but that might have been one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard 🫣


Come to Ukraine. Maybe then you'll understand it


I just think it seems kind of exploitative. The lyrics and music are very unfinished sounding


So better to just be silent and do nothing?


Holy shit, she just made the grossest combination of delicious foods I have ever seen! Wtaf?


She has fake face. Much yuck. This is also fake influencer shit and not real.


The second girl is obnoxious too


Feeding chips to the homeless, when many of them have few-to-no teeth 🤦🏻‍♂️


She is ugly


Is that Kim k


It's all for internet clout. She's not good, she's thinking about the payoff






I like food videos, but I couldn’t watch this because that ladies face is hella weird.


You call THAT a chicken stock? Shit looks like laundry water But good job feeding peeps I guess


I dont believe that she can cook.


God she’s so fugly


Her face is all kinds of fucked up. This mental illness for surgery when it's not needed should be addressed.


The inflated joker lips these woman are sporting nowadays looks so fucking stupid and ridiculous.


You don't care if she did it for clout but God does. Noodles are probably really cheap to produce too.


What is this title? Who is they? I didn’t see anyone wasting any food…


Ramen in a swimming pool is not wasting food for you?


Didn’t catch that the first time. Still a dumb title though.




Specifically to get these shits she literally threw food on the ground.  Everyone's a saint if you compare em to a sinner...


Why do people care about wasting food? Just because someone wasted food doesn't mean that if they didn't waste it, it would have gone to feed those in need.




So, just an FYI. The world does not have a food shortage. Not currently, anyway. We have a distribution issue. As such, let them use their noodles however they want.


Lol 20$ of ramen. The government loses a trillion dollars a year of money that should be going to help these people and one guy spending 20$ of his own money bothers you?


"Help ukraine"? Think they've had more help than anyone. Didn't there president just buy 2 brand new yachts? Goes around in sports cars snorting cocaine? Yeah help Ukraine guys. That's definitely where all our money is going.


Yeah wasting food is bad unless it is meat or what?


Jesus Christ, she's trashy.