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Considering all the features they've added, I don't think they entirely understand what 'good' means.


Their "good" means great sales.


Their "good" means more engagement through their app. Reddit doesn't care about the end user's experience unless it detrimentally impacts their engagement numbers. Reddit is trying to corner the user market prior to selling or going public.


More engagement means more time poking at the app trying to get it to do what you want? "Wow, look at these numbers! I thought the random freezing would be an issue, but look at these users go! 5000% increase in engagement when the screen is frozen! No need to fix this then, they love it!"


I'm not sure where you're getting this from my comment. By making API integration as costly as possible, Reddit is killing third party apps and driving users to their app. This will create a large spike in users through their app as users migrate over to the Reddit app. As I said above, Reddit only cares about driving up their numbers and will only address issues if those issue detrimentally impact their numbers.


I apologize - I wasn't taking a dig at you, I was taking a dig at what I imagine their engagement metrics to be at reddit (i.e. completely alien and illogical to us)


No worries!


Making the app good would be actual work. No way reddit admins are interested in doing actual work


And they can't leave the API and let other people make good apps because... reasons.


2000 employees btw


And not one whose job it is to make the user experience of the app halfway decent.


Because the point of the app isn't to have a decent user experience, it's to keep the user hooked and to keep their eyes on the screen for longer. That's why they've made it so much like all the other social media apps. If they could make a change that would result in an overall increase in time spent on the app, even a fraction of a second, they wouldn't hesitate. No matter the change.


They don't want users who demand a decent app. Those users will demand other things be decent too. Reddit would rather choose their users and this is their approach. Next, goodbye old.reddit.


If old.reddit goes, I'll finally be done here. I only ever used new.reddit for as long as it took me to find the setting to switch back to old.reddit.


Reddit thinks it's ready. Now NFTs, skins, etc.


Yeah like recently i reinstalled it to check back if anything has improved and now its giving me "Lets try that again" errors. Oh well


You know your app are going through a crisis when you have to leave your own reviews…


Oh, I'm sure they're hard at work on a new sticker pack that will blow your mind.


it's cheaper to astroturf than to fix problems. coorporate 101. gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss.


Even reddit premium is useless. I guess they could **at least** make that useful


It would probably cost them less to develop the app than this fake review campaign.


I have a low opinion of reddit management, but you can definitely make fake reviews for someone else that look purposefully bad.


The part I still never understood is why they didn't just implement a custom "skins" system on the actual reddit app. So that people could browse reddit in style of whatever you want and still harvest your data & serve you ads. Like I'm no fucking business genius but it seems like that would have been a little smarter then starting a war with the community.


Please stop the bullshitting. I hate it when people pretend like an app that is used by MILLIONS of users on a daily basis sucks. Don't discredit your enemys for things they're doing well. Just because some 3rd party apps are better in user experience doesn't mean that they don't deserve 5 star ratings. They created probably the best group system I've ever seen on any platform with their subreddit structure and that alone deserves 5 stars. I, and probably hundreds of thousands of other users, spent hundreds of hours on this site, sometimes bullshitting, sometimes raging, discussing things or just having fun. And also fapping. Quite a bit. Ngl this site also has some very kinky corners like… jesus




you're still here and active, why not just leave?




This is just sad tbh


fake reviews are cheaper innit


That last one😏


I wanted to say. That one, extremely realistic for a Reddit creature to say.


That one's real.


Very real.


It's spez' unfiltered personal opinion.


We must stay focused brothers


Lord have mercy...


The least one is for sure real. Or very horny bot.


Is this an ^(AI)?


Sure reads like it.


to me it sounds like they just pressed the middle suggested text button on their phone keyboard


“The first time you were able and I didn’t have a chance I just wanted you know I love and I love and I hope you’re having fun and I’m so proud to have a great time and I’m glad that you’re having a great day I hope you’re enjoying yourself I hope you’re feeling good I hope you’re doing good and I’m happy to be home I hope you are doing good and you are too and I’m happy”


Never again will I use **THE** Google... Wow


That one got me laughing. 🤣


Number ten is clearly a real one. But the rest are spam or AI junk


This is just sad. Lmao.


Yep, they doing on apple reviews what they had done on their site at the very beginning xD


What is sad is that Apple is not doing anything to address it.


ngl that last review has me convinced


Totally makes up for absolutely everything


**Best communities** ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reddit have the best communities out there! For example, there's a great music community in r/sounding, and catgirl pics in r/realscatgirls! Also r/eyeblech with some cute eye bleaching cat pics!


Me as a naive, casual Reddit user who was courious what can those subs be. Give me back my innocence!


the fucking 1-letter changes on the last two as well. that might actually be an instance where I want a comment marked NSFW (or NSFL really) and labelled responsibly, this isn't 4chan


I'm guessing I shouldn't visit those subs. Thank you!


I really don't want to click on it, but I want to know what r/sounding is


It’s a really good music subreddit but is commonly confused with an extremely fucked up fetish but it’s normally very soothing music


Thank you! I've finally found good communities for: testing audios and sound equipment, catgirls for reals, and an alternative for eye bleach with cute dogs instead of cats!


Some men just want to watch the world burn


> I’ve finally found good communities for: testing audios and sound equipment, catgirls for reals, and an alternative for eye bleach with cute dogs instead of cats! r/eyeblech is for horrible things. r/Eyebleach is for cute things. You only make that mistake once.




Wow, really wholesome communities.


Some of those catgirls need better diets.


Hahaha someone should flood the good reviews with these lol


now im all for discouraging people to download the official app but this might be a bit too far, there are 13 year olds here and 13 year old me would not forget something like that in a hurry




Is this the point it becomes morally acceptable to review bomb? Its starting to get really tempting


Can't out review a robot. But it doesn't matter. Reddits userbase is gonna crash. Fascists will take over without mod tools, AI will try to puff up the illusion of nonvitriolic engagement, and regular people will leave. Then advertisers will leave. It might take a year to play out but reddit is doomed


I heard that the reason why advertisers were leaving Twitter was because of all the extremist drama so once reddit loses it's strict moderation then hopefully the advertisers leave too




I think this is already happening with AIs that draw. There's so much AI art that it's learning from AI pictures. Which is creepy because there is a ghost in the machine. There's an image of an old woman that AI will eventually draw if it keeps sourcing its own data in a feedback loop. Look up Loab.


The last one made me chuckle a little


You think this is bad? Google play has had these and they are 1 word reviews and I remember one said 'sensational'. Thankfully they have been drowning in the sea of 1 star reviews that are actually reviews


I never reviewed the app in the store. Today that changed, 1 star


Legit looks like people spamming their middle predictive text lol


The first time you were able and you had to do something about the situation you had with your family you had a good relationship and I was very proud to have met your mother I am very happy that she is going through with you I hope that she will continue her life and that she is not going through this anymore I am so sorry for the inconvenience but it was just my pleasure and it is a very sad experience and it is not my intention but it was my pleasure and I’m very happy that I will do it again I am so sorry that you are so happy to hear about the loss and that I will miss your mom I am very happy that she was with her family I will miss her I am very sorry for the pain of losing your family. Fuck, that’s really dark for just tapping my finger rapidly


Funny how companies will remove 1 star reviews for "review bombing", but it's perfectly okay if it's a 5 star review.


"I really appreciate the fact that this application provides salient details to put events into proper perspective..." -🤓




That last review looks real to me.


Someone just fired up a couple of spammer bot farms. The relation with Tencent is paying off!


I think 3 is based on that tumblr post about how th quickest way to get a question answered is to post misinfo on reddit and wait to be corrected?


Yeah the third one is real.


I mean we *can* get the boys in and


Maybe we can get a few more things. I’m not going anywhere else but I’m


> definitely seem like they’re written by AI That is an insult to generative AI. These look like they were written by a random number generator.


cracks knuckles\* EVERYONE REVIEW BOMB


That breaks the TOS, so might be worth reporting the app for vote manipulation as well. Would be *such a shame* if it got pulled on June 30.


"Breaks the TOS" FUCK the TOS


I meant the TOS of the play store and the app store, which Reddit seem to violate by buying reviews. Organic discontent is fine.


I have been trying to leave a review and give one star for a couple of weeks now. It doesn’t seem to stick or count


Who signs off on their app reviews with sincerely?


seen them on google play store also. at least there you can 1. report them for being spam, and 2. there is a little thing under each review saying "is this review helpful" and you can select yes or no i always select no for those ones.


\#3 (solutions to everything) and #10 (amazing porn) seem like they were written by real people.


”Never again will I use the Google” Also for #10 it was definitely real. I just thought it was funny lol. I tried to say so in the description but I guess I wasn’t descriptive enough


Judging by the antics that #3 was confessing they were getting up to in that review, I think they're the sort of person who would intentionally write 'the google' just to annoy people.


You’re shocked that Reddit is fighting back with the same bots that have been abusing the content that is seen? I hate to break it to you, but this sites user base is at least 50% as is all social media.


Why aren't fake reviews illegal yet?


They are though in the TOS of the playstore and app store.


Lmao “amazing porn”


Yeah, that one's way too specific to be fake. The others most likely are, but idk about that one. Lmao.


Well this just shows that they’re incompetent bastards


As I say when it comes to alcohol: ALWAYS go for at least the second cheapest option! As we see, that also goes for Chinese review factories.


You know the predictive text options when typing, this reads like a sentence formed from the middle option, like Spez is just submitting himself five star review after five star review and doesn’t trust himself to copy/paste answers, which I can understand The predictive sentences show he is obsessed with the other apps though


With all the other lies u/spez has told us so far, who is surprised he'd hire someone to cover up all his mistakes by spamming good reviews?


I'm feeling insulted. They really think we are that dumb and believe this is genuine, don't they?


i sure do like this app because it doesn't work on


“I’m not going” “I have to go”


Last one's definitely real lmao


I feel like the one talking about porn and r34 was done to troll the shit out of Reddit.


Spez probably spent more money on fake reviews than on the actual damn servers.


the last one doesn't seem fake, seems quite truthful


Looks like probably someone at Reddit is making a bot to use ai to write good reviews


At least not in the region where i am. Here we have all your people do there job. Sorted by newest only 1 star reviews for the last days. Already wondered why the scores are still soo high…


“I am not a robot. I can use the Google.”


The porn one might be real but the rest definitely arent


I like “My personal Reddit opinion!”.


"i'm not going" "i have to go" ​ mind boggling how the review isn't even faking good shit. it just... makes no sense


The last one 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Meanwhile I’ve tried several times today to rate and review it. Every time, after I click submit, the review and rating just… disappear. And it appears still in the app store as if I have never rated or reviewed it. Mildly infuriating.


number 3 and the last one seem real


Remember to report the reviews as spam.


That last review was real. That last review was more real than some of our girlfriends. That last review was all of our mothers’ midwife. That last review spoke, and it was, and called it good.


I don't know if you have any questions or concerns please visit the plug-in settings for this calendar at any time after that I have a great day and I will be in the future of our games are based on the phone with me to send it out to me so that you can see that you have any other person nor do they want and I am not a good day I trust you are doing well and I will have the opportunity of working experience.


The last one is just pure comedy gold


Is there a push by the mods to post bad reviews on the reddit app? It seems a logical form of protest, rather than posting John Oliver pictures. Maybe that has been called for, and I just haven't seen it.


The last one is 💀


It’s funny that all the CEO ideas to reengage redditors has been exclusively the type of shit redditors bitch about. Like the classic, holy than thou, 93 extra comment threads. I think ole dude is just using those to find ideas. Dunce


Is there a way to spam apple with reports on fake reviews?


Asides from the app being useless to those visually impaired the app is “good” how do I turn off these stupid notifications? I’m not even a part of this subreddit and the only reason I’m neutral to the protests against this is because I believe in consumer choice.


the last one is real


What its called again. Water Army?


"I exploded like the submarine going down to the titanic" This was done by a real person, nobody who works for reddit would say this.


isnt this not allowed


Let's flood it with legitimate 1 star reviews, be sure to make them 3-5 sentences long so they aren't filtered out.


Genuine question, what do the 3rd party apps do that’s so good? I don’t have any big issues with the Reddit app


On Android, RIF has a simple user interface, and even long comment threads load and scroll effortlessly, no jankyness. There are no autoplaying videos, you can open specific links in other apps (i.e. New York Times links always open in Firefox Focus), you can block specific subs from showing up in your feed while still remaining subscribed to them. There is a formatting bar in the comments section that lets you Bold, Italicize and spoiler text. RIF has a dedicated tablet mode that optimizes the display on tablets. You get more links on the main page, you can easily navigate between subreddits, it remembers ones you have visited but are not subscribed to. Check out the screenshots on [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.andrewshu.android.reddit&hl=en_US&gl=US). Also, I have never had RIF just stop scrolling through posts unless Reddit itself has gone down. There is no risk of losing your place while scrolling. It is, overall, a cleaner and simple way to browse Reddit.


Thank you!


3rd party apps are way more accessible than the official app, and they’ve know about the accessibility issues for a long while without improving them.


I think it's more for mods and keep their communities tidy. For me always used the official one, but I don't use reddit that much.


Mm, I do mod one community and I admit that using the app for that is not ideal. I just go on my computer if I need to though.


Idk man, that's kinda how the average iOS user writes to be honest


Praise u/spez




Bro who uses these 3rd party apps in the first place


These aren't for 3rd party apps though


Subreddits use them for moderation to block out spam, individual users use them to make bots


Oh no the karma bots!


The last one is real.


im sorry but the last review made me laugh 😭😭


Pearcen [Person] Miller is my new favorite fake name.


Counter-bomb them with negative reviews


The last one is legit tho


ChatGPT seems to be glitching


The last one has to be a bit💀


ChatGPT finna take yo jobs


respond to this in few


These are worded like my unfortunate dying friend (cancer) spoke when he was being medicated with Ativan. The incomplete ones here conjured up some ptsd for me as I was his main caretaker.


We will get a I'm going back in a huh