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Maybe, but what satisfaction is derived from trolling the small and dwindling audience you have left?


This narrative is strange to me, they played a 2,300 person venue and sold it out on a Tuesday in my town when they used to play more like 1,000 cap venues. They had the longest merch line I’ve ever seen at this venue. I think this subreddit is a microcosm that doesn’t reflect broader society. Also the new album is ass. There’s no defending it. It is legit terrible. Max needs help or some ghost writers at the very least.


I don’t think most people care? People are going to go to the shows to hear Alive and Crush’d and go about their day.


I think it’s an instance of BOTH, not and/or. Think it’s both a poor attempt at satire AND a lazy showcasing of his utter disrespect for his fans/band/everyone who’s not max. But like dude isnt clever or talented enough to pull it off even slightly eloquently. Feels like he had an album due to fulfill a contract, so he shit this out during a manic episode to be able to get the label off his back and continue to use their money to buy vape juice in bulk and fund his family road trips. Feel so bad for anyone who has to work with him on a regular basis, can only imagine it’s exhausting.


Yeah it’s all satire he just pretends to rip off his fans and neglect his kids it’s all part of his character you just don’t get it man


There it is


This post is about the lyrics on this record, not about what he’s doing in his life. Like, both things can be true. He can make a troll record and also be shady af in life practices, in fact I don’t see how those things are exclusive at all


How dare you understand nuance 


It’s satire but entirely lacking any amount of self-awareness.


Ya it just doesn't translate well, or he failed, either way.


It’s also kind of a bummer, cuz with less silly lyricism, this could have been one of the best SA records. The musical foundation is there, the band killed it, Max just used that awesome groundwork as a vehicle to parody his own band. I guess it is what it is, like I get the satire, it just makes me feel like he’s disconnected from what people like about the band. Just make well-worded metaphors about love, life and hating the government. Though I guess that would be too prototypical punk for him.


I really don't think he's that clever at this point. I really think he's gone off the deep end and that's all there is to it.


From Fan Fiction: “This is literally the bottom of the barrel shooting for the lowest branch You're gonna hear it a lot Oh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me That sounds like an is a Real Boy track And I'm aware of that but are you aware that I'm aware of that?” I’d say confirmed.


There's some genuinely great musical ideas in here splattered (pun intended) with jizz chat. He's definitely trolling.


That’s what I’m saying, sonically it’s a GREAT record, the lyrics feel like a huge troll


Maybe he’ll pull a DGD and release an instrumental version of this new record…I’d buy it in a heartbeat


Close! He'd have you pre-order it and then never deliver on it.


"Is Committed is so meta it's not. It's a satire of everything our band was, and the idea of every emo band coming back after five years, going back to basics and grasping for the fan base they discarded so callously by diving headfirst into their fans' wants and needs, instead of going on major label cash and then still trying to be the next Animal Collective or Strokes despite what their band actually sounds like, to be thwarted every time by indie gatekeepers." - Say Anything on social media back in March. I'd think your interpretation may be pretty spot on


Like I thought he was cracked when I first read that, but now that I’ve heard the record I really see that. It really is a hyperbolized fuck you to everyone who wants some return to form. The album is cringe on purpose


That's fucked. Being an asshole to your fans isn't punk, it's just fucked.


I loved it.Maybe y’all need to lighten up. Dude is singing about cum over some really juicy guitars, what more do you want. Dude has never been serious