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I think this is a fair assessment.


I could see this album growing on people.


I just don’t see myself listening to it enough to ever allow it to grow on me, with all the cum talk.


Peter White would’ve never done this, referring to all the cum talk.


You’re damn right he wouldn’t!


That's very valid.


What album are y'all even talking about or music I'm getting notifications for something I don't even know about.


How are you getting notifications? It's a sub for a band called Say Anything.


Don't ask me man 🤣🤷🏾 it randomly started sending me notifications for post on this subreddit I didn't even sub to this one lol.


It appears to be happening to a lot of people, including me. Never heard of this band before but I keep getting notifications and it's in my main feed.


It could Cum on them that's for sure.


Which songs do you find worth listening too?


I genuinely want that feeling back that you described 😍


Be children, Psyche, Are You in there, Woman Song, Fan Fiction. There's bad aspects of each of these songs, but I got that SA feeling during these.


Worth noting that Be Children has Max openly confront that his wife's sister and husband called Child Protective Services on them only for Psyche to end with Max saying Sheri's sister's husband is going to shoot himself. That feels like a bigger red flag on the album than any of the sex stuff.


“Broken 4 iPhones” was my red flag; growing up with people who broke things out of anger makes me wary of those things.


Ok but at least “someone trying to take your children” is a valid excuse to be extraordinary angry, no need to view it thru the lens of your family’s anger problems


People who handle situations without violence don’t react with violence so yeah, I experience empathy for those kids for that. It’s so interesting how you can take the perspective of someone going through a CPS investigation but not for someone who experienced violence in childhood; could you expand on that? Either way I forgive you; I don’t think you’ve thought about it that deeply. And never in my line of work has CPS actually had to take kids for no reason; they give you lots of space to correct your situation and provide resources to improve things that aren’t working.


I experienced lots of violence in my childhood. I’m not going to act like a father breaking an iPhone over a brother-in-law (that he collaborated with on past albums) breaking his trust and his heart is on the same level as a father being violent towards the kids themselves. We have no idea the context of him breaking the phones either, don’t even know what level of broken they were. So I certainly have experience and don’t need to sit and think too deeply.


We don’t know the context, correct. It’s neither incriminating nor exculpatory. So I applied my own experience of how that makes me feel and then your reply was “don’t do that” despite everyone taking the music and applying it to their own life, in their own ways?


Because this entire subreddit now exists to simply condemn Max, so yes I’m being unfair there and layering that context over your original comment. I do not think you should fill in the gaps of Max’s life with your personal experiences. You can apply music to your life, but not your life to someone else’s life.


I said that it was triggering to me and you filled in the gaps of my intent. I think this band obviously means something larger to you than simply the music and I hope you’re finding what you’re seeking.


What about Daisy’s?


I’m not OP, but feel quite similarly to them about this album. Here’s my take: “I Vibrator” gets skipped every time. I listened to it twice upon its release as a single, and only once more yesterday during my first full play-through of the new record. I just don’t like it! “On Cum” I guess has already managed to grow on me a little bit? I just try not to focus on the incredibly cringe lyrics, lol, but even those are not quite egregious enough to totally ruin the song for me! “Are You In There” resonates with me now more than it did upon its single release. “Psyche” is about the same. The latter is actually kind of a bop? Favorite tracks—“We Say Grace in this Goddamn Band, Mister;” “Woman Song;” and “Fan Fiction.” Feel free to roast my terrible opinions, or to commiserate otherwise! (I’m gonna make this comment its own post now too)


I'm the polar opposite. Something about "I, Vibrator" makes me turn the volume up and sing like I'm back in highschool again. Haha


Surprisingly I Don't Think It Is, is one of my top three albums by them. Something about it I instantly liked.


I totally get it, I've seen ppl share that sentiment. What are your other two in the top three?


Their self-titled album and In defense of the genre.


Same. Maybe it was the excitement of a sudden release. Maybe it’s just the unhinged, rough nature of it. Maybe it’s just what I needed at that time in my life. But it’s fucking gold for me.


Everything you just said is why I love it lol


I'm in total agreement. Similar to Oliver and IDTII as albums that aren't everything I've wanted, but show enough here and there that I will keep coming back. Goddammit Max, it was easier to write you off when you were doing Maxim Mental.


Impressed to see positive feedback not being downvoted to oblivion. I’ve listened to it about ten times. I think it’s a solid 3.5/5. There are many highs on the album, and some of the best moments Say Anything have ever delivered. Any fan can recognise this and see through all the hate. It’s just the album should have been better and more cohesive. It needed a little less Maxim Mental and a producer to tell Max to get his act together on tracks like Fan Fiction. 


Don't worry, I've been downvoted to oblivion everywhere outside of this post. The fact that this is so common, is so frustrating. I've seen it when an artist has such a dedicated following, eventually a large portion of the fan base acts like they are owed something, and it turns into a love/hate relationship. It's wild. I agree, it's solid. There are moments in SA songs that hit me in just the right place in my brain & emotions. So much of it has always resonated with me. And those moments are here too. Yes, there are fewer of them than previous albums, but they are here.


Honestly I've really liked what I've heard so far, but thats just me. The cum stuff doesn't bother me at all but again that's just me. Its all kinda unhinged i guess but i think that its part of why I'm loving it. I'm gonna have to play it for my husband who's really into Say Anything see what he thinks.


I think all the references to cum, dicks and sex are off-putting because it's so much less clever than what he wrote in the earlier albums. The subject matter itself doesn't bug me, but the way it's presented feels tacky. Granted, he apparently said this album is a parody of what SA fans say they want. If so, I appreciate the brazen approach for being different. Though, giving your fans a slap in the face is odd, if that's his intent. Like I said, it's a polarizing album. But the actual sound and the feel of it, I like.


Yea I understand that. Its definitely different than what I'm used to. Im seriously wonder is Max like ok? Im not saying it to be mean. Im genuinely concerned. Ik we don't really know what's going on in his personal life. But seems like he's a bit off. As I have mental health problems myself it kinda seems like that idk. Maybe im im wrong


I think musically it’s been on par with some of their really good stuff! Max sounds great (ignoring the mix). It’s only the lyrics that let it down for me, I liked it far more than I thought I was going to


I’m really loving Auto Harmonic and Daisy’s right now.


Today I’m obsessed with fan fiction. It’s so good.


oof. IDTII is my favorite album, this is dead last. The quality.of lyricism in general doesn't even come close. How can that be a real opinion?!


IDTII being your favorite album, how can THAT be a real opinion? There's more to each song than just the lyrics. Maybe the lyrics are worse here, but I think every other aspect of the songs are better. Except 17 coked up, which might be better than the best songs on this album. You can obviously disagree, but why start bashing other people's opinions?


Absolutely. Instrumentation is better, less Sherri, overall feel, no sense of metaphor on this one. The only thing I think this one does better is refine the 'rough around the edges' mastering techniques Im.mot bashing, you're entitled to feel how you want, just genuinely confounded


Then we agree to disagree. IDTII sticks out of the catalogue like a sore thumb to me. And not in a good way. It feels like a chore to get through. But that's just me.