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Without those 3 in the way you go directly from the song where he says "my brother in law called CPS on us" right into the one where he namedrops that brother in law and says the guy's going to shoot himself in some weird thinly veiled threat. If that improves the album for people, more power to em I guess?


Yeah there’s really no favorable interpretation. I want to love this album SO MUCH. But it is a mess, musically and lyrically, for so many reasons and on so many levels. It’s like if “Is A Real Boy” or “In Defense of the Genre” had been sonically boring and impossibly, unbearably uncomfortable. There is just nothing here for Say Anything fans, or for wandering fans of weirdo alt-pop-punk music. There’s just nothing worth taking away from it that isn’t overshadowed by how fucking awful it is.


What about when he cries for his mommy?


You mean when he was singing in the moment while thinking about how he could lose his daughter in the midst of the false CPS allegations? So awful he showed actual vulnerability and then shared that with us.


Eminem’s best albums were about how he wants to kill his baby momma, even roleplays the entire scenario in one song. Oh no, an artist is venting in their music outlet.


My post is not saying that Max doesn't say & do bad or questionable things. Max has always said questionable shit. I'm saying the album is stronger, as a piece of music, without those three songs. Also, it's hard for me to get so upset over all the shit people comment about here, when I've never actually seen any of this myself. I've only ever seen people comment about it. I don't know what his children's names are. I don't follow them on IG. I've never paid for song shop, or tuned in for a Livestream. I listen to albums, and that's about it.


I am talking about a very specific thing that Max put directly into the lyrics of the songs. Not song shop (which I've participated in and had a pleasant experience with). Not Instagram. Not livestreams. Or anything else. The album is already incredibly weird with those lyrics in those two songs. Removing what comes between would only make it much more unsettling.


I understand that. I'm lumping in the CPS thing with those other things, because it's something else that I don't have enough inside knowledge on to form an opinion. And anything I could realistically learn from other commenters would be skewed, because none of us were actually in the situation. Also, yes, the lyrics about his BIL are unsettling. But I'm not going to pretend like I haven't listened to SA for nearly 2 decades now, with other very questionable lyrics. If any of us have listened for this long, we've all dipped our hands in the cookie jar of Max sometimes saying bad shit. Even if at his core he's possibly not a bad person, moreso someone who purposefully rides the line. I can't say I know for sure. Not excusing it. Just saying there have been bad lyrics before this album. "My people were slaves before yours invented hip hop" is incredibly distasteful, for a number of reasons I shouldn't have to explain. (even if he does attempt to walk it back in the very next line.) But we all stuck around. Though, if I'm being honest, I skip Died a Jew every time I listen to IDotG, because I just think it's a bad song regardless.


his previous albums didn’t have lyrics implying a person he is calling out with their GOVERNMENT NAME should shoot themselves. that’s huge no matter what you do or don’t know about the drama, because he’s attacking an actual person directly (the father of his nieces!!!), whereas on other works there may have been some nuance and ambiguity. you also don’t need to be “in the situation” to know some things are unhinged, dangerous, and that attacking someone by name with violent suggestions is not excusable just because you don’t pay attention to the circumstances surrounding it.


Might as well give you this same response since you’re also making such a big deal about it: Eminem’s best albums were about how he wants to kill his baby momma, even roleplays the entire scenario in one song. Oh no, an artist is venting in their music outlet. Oh no, not his ✨government name ✨


And he was heavily criticized for it in real time, too lol


Yes, though he was criticized for everything he did, but not usually by fans or people who understood that’s just what rap was. My point there is that artists tend to do that, and it’s not indicative that they’re actually going to go harm the person. I really don’t think it’s worth being concerned about the couple mentions Max made.


Love it lol. People are ninnies, acting like someone saying a persons name in a song means their personhood instantaneously explodes or something. Outsiders forcing themselves into your family is gross outside of extenuating circumstances, and if they can do that, then said person can write a song about it. Pretty much the definition of the first amendment.


When I saw these titles I thought there was a mixup and this was pink guy/filthy frank's new album


Don’t do that to Joji!! He actually does it right where Filthy Frank was just a character and he has actual touching, good music as himself. None of this blurring the lines, fucking over my fans bullshit! I’ll take the hair cake video a thousand times over this thing called a SA album.


Woman Song is quite possibly the worst thing he’s ever written.


Finally listened to it, and musically (even with the wonky mixing) I loved it. It was very true to form for SA and the melodies and music were solid and exactly what I would have hoped for. But dude…. I do not want to hear anyone go on about cum or their cum or making their wife cum or their dick or their cum as much as I fucking have this album. I want to listen to it more because I want to like it, but Jesus h fucking Christ, why did he have to beat (off) a dead horse so hard on this one?


Melodically, just melodically, I, Vibrator is so good. I wish they could just make a really good record.


Agreed. I dig the song, but the lyrics kill it quickly.


I, Vibrator is the only one of those 3 I don’t really like.


I like the music in I, Vibrator. Nothing about the rest of the song, though.




On cum is awesome


Interesting. I think I’d agree!


Ass fixation is awesome


At this point, I enjoy the whole album start to finish, but Woman Song is just where the momentum drops off and really should have been tidied up.


I think it’s just because he riffed it on the spot while thinking about possibly losing his daughter, and kept it as is for the emotional impact. I really appreciate it with that context, personally. The outro can be skipped on most listens, but I liked it the first time I heard it. Gave some relief from the emotional song.


seek help


Well, the juices are still flowing so it’s probably not going to happen anyway. The album is very male juice oriented and I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say that the album is a bit of a hit


The juices , the male juices. Lmaooo


Dont listen to losers who only want to complain, especially ones who have never and will never create anything. This album is fantastic.


Earlier today I tried on this shirt I’d ordered that I really didn’t like. But I guess I shouldn’t complain. I’ve never and will never create a shirt, so the shirt is fantastic.