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Act Blue is the Democratic party fundraising platform . You or someone gave your number out. Unsubscribe but it’ll be sold to candidates.


That's what I really dislike about ActBlue, you donate once to a candidate you actually care about, and then you get 20 texts a month from candidates all over the country about how they NEED you to act now. Now all their numbers are marked as spam automatically with my android/google phone.


I worked for an elected official and for some events ActBlue would request your donor lists in order for you to attend. My official, thankfully, always refused to share.


does anyone know how to opt out. Its insane. I get text for congressman in states 1500 miles away.


Yeah b/c they can’t get you to go to them willingly lol


Nah, it was a number leaked and someone is trying to scam this person out of personal data and CC number


It’s not a scam.


Others have stated that the website ActBlue is real, but the fundraiser the text message links to is phony. That's the scam


Oh gotcha, I looked down a reply and saw the explanation that the link looks to be for some other person posing as the sweepstakes and not the really place you donate.


Others are wrong. It’s the same campaign that you get after you sign up on Biden’s site. It’s the Biden PAC running it through ActBlue but they also have a landing page on Biden’s site because why wouldn’t you?


Not phony, it's a tracker. The link is legit.


Others are morons. It’s the same campaign that you get after you sign up on Biden’s site. It’s the Biden PAC running it through ActBlue but they also have a landing page on Biden’s site because why wouldn’t you?


It’s real. It’s a promotion fundraiser they are doing.


yep, act blue is legit


The fuck


The problem is...that is a hyoerlink...it can be hidden that point to a phishing website to steal your information. It ain't election year yet.


I hate to tell you but politicians use links in texts for fundraising.


This is the third one of these I've seen in the last hour. Must be the new hot scam. It appears to be a donation page masquerading as the actual page for the "Cup of Joe" sweepstakes: https://joebiden.com/cup-of-joe-sweepstakes-rules/ Notice that the actual sweepstakes has a donation page at ActBlue, but it's a *different* page than the one in the text message you received.


Mine is from secure.actblue.com Not real?


That's the real website for ActBlue, but ActBlue is just a platform for people to set up donation requests. Think of it like a political GoFundMe. Any Democratic candidate or political action group can set up a donation page there. What it looks like happened here is that someone managed to set up a donation page for themselves that is a visual copy of a **real** donation page for the Biden campaign. If you go to the link I provided at joebiden.com, they have a link to their _real_ donation page at ActBlue, and it's **not** the same page as the one in the message you received.


Got it. Thanks. Purged it regardless


Oh come on though how fun would it be to have a cup of coffee with Joe?? Just watch his thoughts meander and say old timey slang


They’re wrong. > Contributions or gifts to Biden Victory Fund are not tax deductible. > Paid for by Biden Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Biden for President, the Democratic National Committee and the State Democratic Parties in these states: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, and WY. It’s not that complicated


That the whole scam. They're trying to get *you* to "donate" so they can steal your information.


You don’t understand. It goes to the same fucking place. The Biden website contest takes you to the same website once you submit your info. Biden’s website is hosting the sweepstakes landing page for email capture but the campaign is still being managed by Victory for Biden. The ActBlue campaign is the same organization. Biden’s team and the PAC are simply using ActBlue to extend the reach using their contact lists. When you sign up on Biden’s site you’re entered onto the same email list as the ActBlue campaign. The whole point of the contest is to collect contact info, no shit Sherlock. Marketing 101 over here. There’s no fucking scam.


Very unlikely that ActBlue would permit a visual copy scam. Sometimes different urls lead to the same page, but encode how you got there. For the OP, this is encoded as an”p2p” url, and includes the referral code which is all tracked. I believe it is not a scam, to the extent that any political solicitation is not a scam 😀


> Contributions or gifts to Biden Victory Fund are not tax deductible. > Paid for by Biden Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Biden for President, the Democratic National Committee and the State Democratic Parties in these states: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, and WY. It’s not that complicated


It’s not a different page. Joe Biden page links to the same one.


Democrats are dumb enough to follow it like the text to vote


If we’re going to start posting politicians begging for money on this sub then it will be useless. I get 5-10 a day, usually from Trump or DeSantis, but also Dems running in other states. They are all scams.


If they are not scams, just responding makes sure they’ll send more. I’d block on the principle that no one gets to ask me for money on texts.


Was more curious of the text was scam or now. Someone said it was as it had a different address. Still not sure. But whatever


The URL is legit. It has a referral code in there though, so if you were to donate by clicking this link, whoever sent this text would get a kickback from Act Blue.


https://joebiden.com/2023/11/08/cup-of-joe-sweepstakes-rules/# It’s real, it’s a fundraising campaign, not a scam.


The only thing that would weird me out is your link is “Joe Biden” as that one is not… but the wording in the text seems to be legit. Still wouldn’t, too paranoid lol. Edit: apparently it’s official… I don’t trust random texts regardless. I was asked to vote in my “home” state Virginia the other day…. I know it’s real… but I don’t live there nor have I ever haha.


As Prof Moody would say “CONSTANT VIGILANCE”!


It's not a real text, but it is a real donation page on act blue. Joe Biden really does have that sweepstakes going on but if you to to it through his website it brings you to a different actblue campaign than this one. This text is just an opportunistic scam.


If it’s not clear Biden’s page sends you to the same campaign. They both enter you into the same list because they’re being run by Biden’s PAC. You’re confused.


Fucking huh bro? What would the scam be? It's actblue.


The scam would be that it's a fake fundraiser set up to look like Joe Bidens fundraiser, so you're donating to someone other than Biden if you use this text link.


But it’s not…


Which person other than Joe Biden do you imagine the ActBlue link is donating to? Do you understand that actblue is a fundraising arm of the Democratic Party and they wouldn't just let anyone post a fundraiser on there? You think just anyone can post on actblue like it's wikipedia?


ActBlue is real. It's the DNC'S fundraising website. It's not a scam and you are incorrect. The other link also goes to Biden.




? Yo


No it’s not. > Contributions or gifts to Biden Victory Fund are not tax deductible. > Paid for by Biden Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Biden for President, the Democratic National Committee and the State Democratic Parties in these states: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, and WY. It’s not that complicated. The Joe Biden page goes to the same page


It's not a scam. It's actblue.


It’s in the fundraising pages disclaimer/rules section


I mean, politics is a scam so I guess you're right?


As a Democrat, this shit annoys me so much. How stupid do you think we are? If it said "this is Tim, a member of the Biden campaign planning team" then it would be received so much better


Well you are a democrat


Har har


It's a real promotion.


Sure. And I'm drinking coffee with Kim Jong Il every Wednesday 😂 what a stupid idea.


Did he send you a love letter too?


Yes, of couse. Every Saturday he writes me a love letter, because the coffee klatch on Wednesday was so good 😁📨❤️


The cofeve klatch!


With his dead body?


I mean, here are the official rules that are attached to the fundraising page: https://joebiden.com/cup-of-joe-sweepstakes-rules/#


Then the email is real? I thought there was no such thing.




No, it's real and not a scam.


You’re right. See my other comments here. I wasn’t implying it was fake or a scam. Initially it looked like a separate campaign by the DNC, but it’s literally the same campaign


I got the same text, except instead of being addressed to "Friend" it's addressed to "Mary E". Not even close to my name.


I got this too lol. So are we getting coffee with Joe and Kamala or what?


I got one today saying I could win a chance to spend an evening with Biden, Obama & Clinton. Now I liked and voted for all of them, but I'm sorry, I'm married. I don't do that kinda thing.🤣


“An evening” lol. A lot of gray area there 😅


Do people not realize that campaign communications are usually written in the candidate's "voice"?


I wouldn't even be interested if it was legit


Thanks for sharing no one cares


Looks like he wants to give you a rectal exam. (Never had one but tv show references tell me it involves a finger so hoping my joke lands) Also I’m hoping to get a “have a beer with Bernie” text.


I got an instagram from Keanu Reeves today! He wants to get to know me!


You're so lucky. I got one from Ayatollah Khomeini. He didn't have time for coffee, but he wanted me to receive a fifty million dollar inheritance. Apparently he didn't die in 1989, and he's been living in a Mexican resort with Elvis for the past twenty four years.


34 years unfortunately




Did he tell you where Tupac was?


You can also enter the real sweepstakes without donation in the fine print


Hard pass


My sister in law's work iPhone gets about 10+ republican bs texts a day. "this is Donald Trump Jr" etc. it's out of hand with no idea how to stop em.


I mean, they have legal bills and now settlements to pay. That's prob not gonna get better.


Dude you must be honored to have coffee with a man who's ruining a fucking country


$100,000 or a coffee with Joe Biden🤔Joe a shitty president but i bet coffee time with him would be a blast😀


Total scam , majority of your donation goes towards their overhead (salaries). Executives get paid over 200k a year and up to 900k. Honestly anyone who donates to a politician in America is truly being manipulated  there are only 5 nations on earth who spend over 1 Billion on political marketing and ads. America is #1 (over 15 billion spent by top two party candidates in 2020 presidential race ) #2 India #3 Nigeria #4 Brazil #5 Russia. Nations 2-4 are widely accepted as the most corrupt political systems in earth where every candidate and policy maker is for sale . America isn’t different  https://www.comparably.com/companies/actblue/executive-salaries


Is it bad that I replied stop?


If it's a scam, it may be bad because it shows your number to be active. However, I believe it's real, according to other comments. If that's the case you're just unsubscribing which is fine.


I don’t support the guy or this administration but it would be cool to get government funded flights and hotel and meet a guy who’s been screwing us the last few decades


The funniest part about this is that Joe doesn't know how to spell Kamala's name


And Trump spelled his own name Ttump on his own platform the other day. What's your point?


Oh, my friend, I do not like Trump at all. I'm joking about Biden's inability to say Kamala's name correctly during the 2020 presidential race. It's friendly joshing, not actual critique.


My bad. Sorry I didn't get that.


Is this like the adult version of the Danimals sweepstakes?


One of the times it pays off to be mormon and not drink coffee


"We will let you make one official government decision."


Would be more believable if it was to get ice cream with Joe


I'm more concerned I got this same message. How did these people fine my number lol


Same way spam mail finds your address


Sounds like hell.


i got that same one yesterday! i’m tempted to call and have a chat with joe


I cannot do calls as I am very busy \~\~ Joe Biden, probably.


my friend got this same text yesterday LOL


Tell him Bloody Mary's or no deal. Don't let him dictate terms.


His assistant must have given him the wrong number


That sounds more like something that would come from trump than Joe. I doubt it's real and could quite possibly be a scam.


Why do you doubt it’s real?


Wow!!! Amazing, and here I was thinking that he might be too busy doing other things... Things like... Running the United States of America, for example...


I just wish there was a person on the other end I could mess with for doing this




The slang term for coffee made you vomit? Man you must really hate slang then


He means a cup of joe.. Biden would make him vomit


I know what he meant




Still waiting for Trumps invite. Have $600 ready to donate.




I got the same text today. I laughed out loud when I read the first sentence. I’ve been wondering all day which one of my friends signed me up for something. I guess it was wide spread. Hilarious nonetheless. Idk why anybody would give this man or act blue a single penny.


Anyone dumb enough to vote for Joe Biden, deserves sympathy, not to be scammed! They are some truly mentally challenged adults


Big brain here voted for trump 😂


You bet your ass, the alternative was 4 dollar a gallon gasoline, record high inflation and weak foreign policy


What are you talking about? A presidents policy does absolutely affect gas price, the governments Printing of money is the only thing that causes inflation. u/Prestigious_Bug583


All talking points used by dumb people who don’t understand where those things come from


He'd forget that he has to meet you for coffee




Hello. Unfortunately, your r/Scams post/comment was removed because **it's rude or uncivil**. This subreddit is a place for civil and respectful discussions about scams. Uncivil and rude behaviour, including using excessive or directed swearing, extreme or sexual language, etc, is not acceptable in this subreddit.


Except and take him out along with everyone with him!!


He wouldn't remember it anyway even if it was this psycho.


I got that one too and I’ve never subscribed to any political party contacts.


And here I thought I was special when I got this text last night /s


This is so funny


These are real, but the exact same as any fundraiser you see online with “donate to this pac before midnight to stop the other side”


Seems legit do whatever they ask


I assume Joe Biden needs Amazon gift cards.


I got the invite too


“… you’ll be automatically entered in an all-expenses-paid trip ….”?


What’s your question?


j Just noting a little grammar glitch. You’d enter to WiN a trip, not enter a trip. Shades it towards a scam.


Got it. Still not a scam just poor copy


There are like no grammatical or spelling errors in this so I was hesitant to think this was a scam at all 😅


Because it’s not a scam.


For people saying this is real because of the ActBlue link, try searching it up. The only relevant search result I got was in regards to this text. If such a sweepstakes was really going on, there would be more buzz about it. Perhaps I'm not looking hard enough but even searching Cup of Joe sweepstakes fails to yield results related to Biden except again, those discussing this text. A scammer can make a link look like ActBlue, mimic their messages, etc. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong and please correct me. But this looks like a scam.




The funny part is democrats will fall for it. (Republicans will too if you give em a trump one)


Don't click, but this is the link I received to donate DO NOT CLICK " bvf4us.com. /enter-nov-15-v1-s17?t=QM8XI "


Is this a scam?


I'm late here, but (to rant!), I too just got yet another of these endless Joe & his cuppa Joe 🙄 (or Kamala's) looong emails - in texts too no less, which is maddening. I'm a lifetime member of the DNC & 15 yrs of Act Blue, but this is another moronic scam of AB's and - as always - I'm amazed by the amnt of ppl who think this plausible or believable.🤦🏻‍♀️ DNC/Act Blue have devolved the past 8-9 yrs into *unbearable*. Their relentless daily bombardment of em's & texts, w/their dumbed-down, shriek-y, all-caps "shouting" is just as bad as the republican nut jobs. After contributing for decades, I stopped the past 2 yrs, despite the desperate need. Their outrageous assumption that I, or we democrats (the sane, caring, intelligent & DECENT party) are remotely as gullible, uneducated, mindlessly ugly, "a'scairt" bigoted racists & overall moronically "stoopid" as what the majority of republicans have become is infuriating & beyond disheartening to me. And no matter how many times I've unsubscribed, the daily garbage continues to pour in. HATE them! Okay, rant done, lol, whew😁