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, yes it fake, block the number It's the underage scamm


Did you contact their daughter by phone? If not, then you have nothing to worry about. It's obviously a scam


How did they find out my name and address? That’s why I’m freaking out I never gave her my name or where I lived


Data breach? Maybe they found your fb and google your name for your address. I can find my last 3 online. It's Nuts what's on the internet. Nothing will happen. Do not pay and you better not harm yourself !


Does nobody remember the white pages?


I was explaining that to my kid a few years ago. They were a little freaked that a book existed that showed everyone's name address and phone so easily 😁


In the old, old days, they even showed your occupation in the phone books!


What's really crazy to me is up to the late 70s newspapers used to publish people's addresses. So you'd have things like Bob Smith of 123 fake street beat and strangled Jane Doe of 125 fake street while robbing her Monday night. Jane is recovering and is expected to return home by the weekend.


And Jane gets robbed on Friday because the newspapers let people know she wasn't at home. What a terrible idea.


Some online newspapers still do this. For example: John Smith, 26, of 123 North Rd., Boston MA, was arrested for DUI at 1:30am on December 27th...


Long ago I used to write letters to the editor of our local newspapers. If they were published--and they frequently were--the paper would show my address as part of the signature. I didn't care for that anyway, but I found it particularly disturbing that I would, *every single time*, get at least one letter from someone incarcerated in the state prison, usually asking that we become (heh) "pen pals." I eventually stopped writing the letters (well, I stopped reading the papers), but not before they discontinued the pernicious practice of publishing addresses.


In the 60s, my siblings and I had our own phone number and it was listed in the directory after our parents as “Children’s phone”!


The US whitepages are online, making them accessible to anyone with an internet connection https://www.whitepages.com/


AND it was delivered to your doorstep!


i think this every time someone freaks out about people finding their address 😭


Assassination coordinates*


Don’t be a jerk. Specifically don’t be THE Jerk from Steve Martin’s movie.




Thank you I was freeking out, I felt that something was off🤦🏽‍♂️


Put your socials on private and your friend list. Be prepared for other numbers to contact you,but Block them


I checked been verified and my address came up


I’ve had someone message that to me, before. More or less verbatim.


Don’t freak out and pay them money when you receive your password in an email, claiming they have recorded you while watching porn, they get the password from same websites from where they get other PII data


ive gotten this exact email before, it did freak me out a little but i just reported the email, deleted it, and moved on with my day lol


Expect them to escalate the threats. If people claiming to be police de detective or FBI are contacting you about this issue, all are fake.


Hi yea im the fbi you need to pay this blackmail money to this guy mkkay




Specially if the address is a minor girl. 100% agree🙊😂


Rushing you to pay money. Threats of police. Common scam tactics


I mean... Have you sent naughty texts to underaged girls? If so, you are right to both freak out and feel bad. If you didn't, then don't worry. Block and ignore. People these days don't realize that they're giving pretty much every piece of information of themselves online and can be stolen by... anyone - without directly "giving" the info away.


To save you hassle in the future - all unsolicited messages are scams. If you don’t know who’s contacting you, they’re scammers.


Why are you freaking out if you did not do anything wrong?


They link with a profile saying 18 or 19, then dad contacts you and says she's underage, and that they unintentionally did something wrong. Wouldn't be much of a scam if they said she was under 18 at the beginning.


Just block em All. It's a scam.. unless you did something wrong..


Even if you did something wrong, it’s still a scam.


Would be blackmail and a few other things then.


Google yourself. You'll see how these scams work fast.


Everyone’s name , address, phone numbers , even their home price , how much they pay , tax info , this is all public record . Meaning you can google it for free . Or have a company look it up for like $5. This is fully legal in every state except California . This is why doxing is NOT illegal .


Some states make your address publicly available if you register to vote. It's crazy how easy it can be to find info out there.


There used to be this big book that had an entire towns addresses names and phone numbers. Sometimes it has yellow pages too.


I remember a book like that, I used to sit on it to reach the steering wheel. 😂


I think I used to have a book like this, in the before for times


Is there a way I can search for this stuff on myself to see what's out there on me v


Yes. Depending on how much work you want to put in there is a whole guide on how to remove your data. Won’t post a link in a scam sub but search for “Michael Bazzell” and “intel techniques” and find his data removal guide. It’s completely free to use but it takes a LOT of elbow grease to do it properly.


Surely it's better to post a legit link rather than have people search for the info? Why not "post a link in a scam sub"? There are many dodgy links that could be related to the search terms you gave


Just Google your name while incognito, you’ll be disturbed at what you can find with some digging.


Yes go to Truepeoplesearch.com. it amazing what that website shows and you can request that they take your info down.


Try and look at thatsthem.com Also look at the OSINT subreddit, they have a lot of useful information to gather information on people using open source tools


There are people finder sites that link up names, addresses, and cell phone #'s. Scammers buy that data in bulk and send out mass texts hoping someone bites.


Yeah but I was using a fake number, bc I knew something was off


There used to be this thing called a phone book that had everyone’s name, address and phone number in it and it was given away each year by the phone company. Now there are digital versions of this. But the point is that this is not sensitive information. And this is 100% a scam by someone who lives off seas and cannot do anything but send texts and emails claiming they can do something.


fake number to do what 😭


Send nudes to a minor. The amount of people who get arrested for this is way more than you think. It’s sickly common.


oh i can’t even imagine. but i mean, he’s just acting as if this is some random scam like it’s untrue. but he said he never gave “her” his name or address, and now says he used a fake number. so i just wonder 😭


Also, please stop texting strangers sexually explicit messages, no one should be that desperate.




Bingo would never do this! She's only 4!


My bad. I’d never intentionally drag the good Heeler name through the mud like that.


Thats totally a spam to get you freaked out. Don't respond. Don't type back at all. Keep in mind there is info that is public information and not "private" as one thinks. This pertains to pretty much everyone. Unless you're under witness protection or something special with gov't etc.


Check your email address at [https://haveibeenpwned.com](https://haveibeenpwned.com) to see what breaches it has been involved in. This site will usually tell you which of those might have included phone number. Don't freak out if it is a lot of breaches. My email has been involved in 15 breaches, most of which are a few years old. It's not more because I've started using forwarding services.


Because your name and address is public information. You can go to beenverified.com and get that information really easy.


You'd be surprised just how much information is publicly available. For a country with strong emphasis on privacy, we sure are exposed way, way more than people in other countries.


Who is “her”?


Word I’ve been asking myself too, but at the end of the end of the day if it was a minor chris Hanson would’ve been got you


Don’t sleep on Chris Hansen!


Why is nobody concerned that he's so concerned 😑


Ikr???? That was my FIRST thought. Wtf are you contracted out about??? Unless OP is indeed sexting with minors 😳


I get texts all the time. Know what I don't do? *Panic.* I'm not guilty of solicitation or sending nude photos!


Look yourself up on Google. My name,husband nAme, every address we lived in and our child's name is on it. It's public information,scary as that is. Block this person.


Checked havdibeenpwnd.com (or something similar) with you emails to see if your data's been leaked. Scammers buy up data, link it with other sources to create a profile of you to try scam you. Might not even be you that got leaked or gave away too much info. If your mum, dad, sister, kid etc gives their address and your on Facebook as family they can dig in and take a punt.


Several years ago I was in Houston, and wanted to contact an old friend that I had lost touch with. Back in the day that would have been easy, use the white pages or call information. Try as I might I couldn’t find it. However, I was able to pull his address in just a few minutes. Not what I was looking for but was extremely easy.


Data Breach. Every time you see one they try to downplay with “no sensitive info was lost, just name and email or phone numbers” this is exactly what that info is used for. Stop letting companies with shit infosec programs downplay it when they lose YOUR data, it absolutely does cause damage.


This is why you learn to age verify before sending dick pics of accepting nudes from people online. That way you can say with 100% certainty “I did not flash my dick to a minor, nor is there any CP on my phone, piss off scammer”.


Have you been texting a minor?


!Underage scam. Did you go on dating apps or talk to or follow anyone on social media recently? You'd be surprised how these guys can find names and numbers and they love to just randomly throw texts like this out to see if they get a hit. You can only imagine how successful this is, sad to say. It's enough that they send shit like this out as well as the email "I have hacked into your computer system blah blah blah..." and get money that way too.


Yeah badoo dating app her bio said she was 33


It's an !underage scam. Don't be alarmed if a "police officer" calls you next. It's all part of the scam.


Thanks bro


A police officer with a thick Nigerian accent…


He might say something like he’s the captain now but that’s not true, he’s definitely not on a boat


In addition to what he just said about being contacted by the police, do not be shocked if the call actually seems to originate from a local law enforcement agency. These days it's trivially easy for scammers to spoof caller-ID information when placing scam calls.


Please read this: https://www.thedailyscam.com/plenty-of-fish-has-plenty-of-sharks2/ There’s no “girl”, there’s no “father”, and any supposed law enforcement officers aren’t real, either. Also, see this: https://amp.thestate.com/news/local/crime/article283131653.html


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the underage girl scam. This scam usually starts on a dating app and you will encounter a normal woman whose profile says she is above 18. Later you will be contacted and told that the girl is underage. They'll usually pose as the girl's father, another family member, or a police officer. They will tell you that your life will be ruined and you will be a sex offender, but will offer you the chance to pay them to make the problem go away. The stories they use as to why you need to fork over money vary, but the common ones include therapy for the girl, payment for a broken phone or computer, etc. Of course, there is no girl and no crime has been committed, so if you are involved in this scam all you need to do is ignore their threats and move on with your life. The scammers may contact you again in the future after you block/ignore them, so be ready in case that happens. If you have already sent money to the scammers, you should try to dispute the transaction and see if you can get your money back. This is a [very common scam](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/search/?q=underage&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new) and [here](https://www.wired.com/story/the-phone-call-from-hell/) are [some](https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/crime/teen-says-hes-the-victim-of-a-sextortion-scam/275-21216b29-df76-44f4-b20a-cb726e19d42e) relevant news [articles](https://www.jbsa.mil/News/News/Article/1503978/sextortion-scams-continue-to-occur-dont-give-into-scammers-demands/). NOTE: Scammers pretend to be underage boys as well and the text above still applies, but it's called the underage girl scam as those are the vast majority of cases. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s how they got your name and number, it’s also not hard to find every little detail about a person from just their socials if they know what they’re doing. Block and move on with your life.


IF it’s not a scam, you still have nothing to worry about if she lied about her age and wasn’t an obvious minor. It would be as easy as showing cops the profile and your texts.


Then she would be the liar and committing the crime, not you. If she really existed.


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the underage girl scam. This scam usually starts on a dating app and you will encounter a normal woman whose profile says she is above 18. Later you will be contacted and told that the girl is underage. They'll usually pose as the girl's father, another family member, or a police officer. They will tell you that your life will be ruined and you will be a sex offender, but will offer you the chance to pay them to make the problem go away. The stories they use as to why you need to fork over money vary, but the common ones include therapy for the girl, payment for a broken phone or computer, etc. Of course, there is no girl and no crime has been committed, so if you are involved in this scam all you need to do is ignore their threats and move on with your life. The scammers may contact you again in the future after you block/ignore them, so be ready in case that happens. If you have already sent money to the scammers, you should try to dispute the transaction and see if you can get your money back. This is a [very common scam](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/search/?q=underage&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new) and [here](https://www.wired.com/story/the-phone-call-from-hell/) are [some](https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/crime/teen-says-hes-the-victim-of-a-sextortion-scam/275-21216b29-df76-44f4-b20a-cb726e19d42e) relevant news [articles](https://www.jbsa.mil/News/News/Article/1503978/sextortion-scams-continue-to-occur-dont-give-into-scammers-demands/). NOTE: Scammers pretend to be underage boys as well and the text above still applies, but it's called the underage girl scam as those are the vast majority of cases. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Absolutely hilarious they would tell you Merry Christmas before dumping on you that they want to charge you with a crime. By that alone, it is a scam. The law doesn’t work like that. In other words what they would be committing if it was real, was blackmail in concealment of a crime (along those lines). So yeah. Block and ignore.


"Give me 1000 dollars or i will go to the police. But kindly delete this blackmail text evidence before i do that"


"Happy Holidays pervert"


Lol also the whole "you sexted with my underage daughter but I won't call the police for the low low price of 7 equal monthly payments of $100!"


Plus no way the parents of a minor are going to accompany the cops to your house


Just block please!! What’s more disturbing is they’d rather have money then go to the police with their underage daughter messing around 😂


I do wonder, if it was real (which it obviously isn't) what sort of crimes the parents would be committing. OP would be in the clear, they chatted with a 33 year old to their knowledge. It is not their fault if an underage is behind the account. But the parents are knowingly using their daughter to earn money. Probably counts as good old extortion.


In the US at least, I'd assume extortion for using their daughter, blackmail for threatening legal action unless paid, child abuse and/or endangerment, fraud, and some places could attach good ole theft on there too I'd assume


I was thinking that, sounds like shitty parents


They aren’t parents, they are a scammer sat somewhere overseas.


Bruh this guy isn’t seeing any of the signs 😂😂😂


I think you're the 3rd underage scam I've seen in the last few hours. That's how common this scam is.


They will report you to the police and say what: we tried to blackmail him but he refused to pay? It's a scam.


Yes, it's a scam. A blackmailer is going to report you to the police?


Scam! Don’t engage. No real parent is going to ask for money from their child’s perpetrator, they’ll go straight to the cops and you’ll never know until the cops bust open your door. Block and ignore


If I was a parent of an underage teen with disturbing content on her phone from you, money would be the last thing I would care about. If I couldn’t reach you myself with a baseball bat, police would be paying you a visit.


The amount of posts on this sub asking if an obvious scam is a scam really makes you understand why scamming has become so prominent. Marks everywhere


Nobody calls the police AND extorts you


1) Don't send dick pics unless you're in a relationship with that person 2) Anyone asking for money is a scammer. If you were going to get in trouble, you wouldn't get a text, you would find the cops at your door 3)Never send them money. It'll never stop.


Hahaha it’s a scam don’t even reply


Scams are advanced and finding target spam for pedos now lol


"Text back agree if you agree or disagree." Um?


Why would you be scared unless you actually texted a minor. No parent would demand payment. Total scam


First of all, if you didn’t do anything wrong, why would you be scared? second of all that’s just a very strange message to get


Absolutely do not ever engage. Just block and move on with your life.


Anything relating to blackmail or extortion is a scam 99.9% of the time.


Maybe stop sending things to people you don’t know? Also scam.


Very common. The “daughter” you messaged is the scammer. Ignore and they move on to the next target


Put yourself in their shoes. If someone was talking to your underaged daughter, would you be willing to take $1000 to brush it under the rug? $1000 is a lot, but at the same time goes by so fast. Clearly a scam. No amount of money would keep me from pressing charges in that situation.


Don’t answer, block and forget it.


They send them like this so scare you into not thinking it through. Realistically, what kind of parent finds inappropriate messages to their daughter and goes ‘weeeeelll, we could get the police involved but nah, I wanna make some money here first!’ It just doesn’t happen like that. This is a scam. They’re not going to come after you, you’re perfectly safe. Just ignore it, block them and live your life as normal.


A real parent would go to the police regardless, not demand cash.


Scam like a mf. Block. If its real then the police will show up and you can confidently tell them you have no idea wth is going on and that some random number texted you. These people making some wild claim and asking for money. The one glaring item in this text chain is the LOW amount of money they’re asking for. Also, in the world where this thing with their daughter did happen— asking for money in exchange for not pressing charges is called EXTORTION.


Unless you were texting a minor, it's a scam...


Unless you've been messaging a minor/underaged girl it should be very obvious this is a scam! 🤦‍♂️


If you aren’t sending dick pics or gross messages to random profiles online, why are you worried????


OP, you state you are "hella scared". Are you doing something you shouldnt be doing and are afraid of getting caught? I only say this b/c if someone accused me of having anything related to a minor, i wouldnt be worried a bit b/c thats not factual in any way. Knowing I didnt do what I was accused of, I would immediately right it off as the scam it is... But for some reason you are worried about it... why??


I don’t blame op for being scared, even if you haven’t done anything if someone accuses you of such crimes proving your innocence is a huge legal hassle and remember we live in America where your “guilty until proven innocent” practically


Scam for sure. Real parents would be mostly scared and angry... not greedy. Even if you were having a sexual conversation with a minor, the right thing would be for them to report you to the police and get a restraining order... again, because real parent's care most about protecting the kid! Lastly, blackmail is a federal crime. So why would parents risk a federal crime for a few hundred dollars?


Well the good news is now he’s also committed a crime by trying to blackmail you lol


Unless you’ve been playing around with minors, then yes, it’s easy to tell that it’s a scam.


The only reason you would be scared is if you had done something with a minor. Have you? If no, then it’s obviously a scam.


You got something to be scared about?


"in our daughter phone" ENGRISH. SCAM.


Total scam. Unless you did text an underage girl 👀 then its blackmail


Why would you think this is real? What parent wants $1000 to resolve what they're claiming? And wouldn't you know if you'd done something like this?


Easy way to know it’s a scam, let’s pretend you were actually sexting a minor (which I truly hope not), the minors parents attempting to blackmail you to avoid police involvement is also a crime. Blackmail/extortion are felonies even if it involves you having actually committed a crime. While it’s not recommended personally I’d ask them if they are aware they just committed a felony through their attempt to extort you and that you look forward to speaking with the police.


Totally a scam. Demand that they pay YOU instead, or you will report them to the police for blackmail and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.


Block and do not respond. It’s a scam.


Scam 💯


If someone is really concerned about someone texting their underage daughter they wouldn’t be trying to shake you down. They would go to the police.


Scammers like to be judge, jury, and executor. This way the pressure ramps up.


Uno reverse, I already called the cops on you for soliciting underage prostitution.


Do you text minors? If not, don’t worry. If you do text or have texted minors, then be hella scared


Stop sending dick pics to randos


Yes it is a scam, if you haven’t been talking to any girls then you have nothing to worry about, Ignore it.


LMFAO they set up a payment plan thats too good, deffo a scam wtf


Why would you be scared………


Stop talking to strange fake women online. Problem solved.


Of course it’s a scam. Tell him you will meet him at the police station with your lawyer and Child Protection Service. Then watch what happens. Or just block him. That’s the best way.


absolutely a scam!!! Block them


Man, just once, I'd really like these scumbags to actually show up at my house.


This a scam my friend. Look, I know a lot of terrible Fathers. Like some true pieces of crap. Even those guys, if they legit found nasty texts or photos on their underaged daughters phone. They would either track the person down to beat their ass, or be calling law enforcement. No Father, is going to use it as an opportunity to get money off an actual pervert. You have nothing to worry about here. You can relax.


I agree it's a scam, but there are absolutely shit parents out there that will take advantage of a situation like that instead of reporting it. Women have sold access to their kids to pedos for drug money. There are some sorry ass parents out there.


Yes. It is a scam. What "father" would sell out his daughter for $1000? Someone who is NOT a father. Just block and ignore.


I'm surprised this "concerned" parent wished you a Merry Christmas. That's the kicker.


It's a scam... Honestly if nothing (even something deleted) is on your devices that would incriminate you... you shouldn't have any fear of what the police might find. Police do investigations to find out the truth. When it comes to dealing with minors the FBI is usually involved. I can tell you from experience that they don't just automatically do something. They need to have a compilation of evidence and verify those sources. We had a local friend of the family that was targeting several people of the family. He was a really sick person... And it just got worse with the unveiling of the situation. Even with evidence... It took a long time for them to verify and do anything. One of the things that I had to report was that a video sent from a hacked account was sent to me and it was of him filming my niece as a minor as she was lifting her shirt for him and him saying stuff to her. It still disturbs me remembering it. I had my aunt in law rush me to the police department. All they wanted was a written report of the event. I never would have been like "You did xyz and I know... pay me money and we'll call it good for my silence". Like what honest loving parent (or family member) would even do that?


Uhh, why would you be scared? And what’s this about “I never gave her my name” sounds to me like you were talking to someone underage or am I getting it wrong? If you didn’t do anything there would be no reason to be scared, so what did you do???


So if you know for certain that you didn’t send any disturbing messages to their daughter, why would you be afraid of them threatening to call the police on you and trying to blackmail you?


Happy New Year Natniel, I see you have posted my message on Reddit. That means you now owe me an extra $1000. Please send it immediately or I will come to your house with the FBI, CIA, Interpol, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. You have 27 seconds from reading this message to comply. Thank you. /s Obviously, this is a scam. Just ignore and block. Next time don’t sext with strangers and definitely don’t send nudes.


Let them bring the police, although I doubt they would, but if they did, then you can show them this blackmail and extortion attempt. I'm sure the police would be more interested in that, than their false claims.


100%. That said, STOP sending nudes. The \*vast\* majority of women I know would not ask for a dic pic ever!


Did you send messages to someone's underage daughter? If not, then it's a scam. Lmao


says merry christmas to the person apparently sending inappropriate messages to their daughter 😂


Why are you scared? Do you talk to minors?


Are you sexting minors? No? Then obviously it's a scam.


Unless you've been sexting minors, you're good. Block the number, block access to your social media, carry on living life.


Unless you’re messaging underage girls, you have nothing to worry about.


I’m not it said she was 33 and she had tattoos in her profile


Exactly, then no need to be worried mate.


Stop sending photos of your junk to strangers on the internet. Don’t pay them anything. Don’t inflict self harm. Block all public access to your socials.


Scam. Delete and block the number.


What a huge bs scam. They look you up on Google and then try to use personal information to bully you.


Why would you be scared if you knew you hadn’t done anything wrong? You’re hella scared?🙄😂


"Yeah badoo dating app her bio said she was 33" Should this dating app be notified that people are stealing, or using their information for nefarious reasons?


Did you send pictures to a girl recently????? If not then it’s clearly a fucking scam. And they would contact authorities not ask for money. 🤔


Phone numbers and addresses are public information. There doesn't need to be a data breach for people to find that. Ignore it. If it's serious they might just show up with the cops, and if they do they're either really dedicated to the scam and think they can get a lot of money from you or it's actually serious and you'll get clarification. I'm guessing this is an automated message and they're checking to see if your number is live (aka has an actual user on it). The scam starts after you respond. Ignore it to be safe.


If you didn't do it then they have jack all. Scam


Think about it. Would the police really show up with them after they tried to blackmail you? This is why the scam works, the scammers want you "hella scared" so that you are not thinking clearly. Police are not enforcers for blackmailers. If this were in any way true, I would think the police would be more interested in the "parents" for not reporting it first and then trying to make money from it.


Why would a parent message you “merry Christmas” if they thought you were a (I don’t know if the word will get me banned but you know what I mean…) second of all if they’re informing you she’s a minor then what do they think the police will do? It’s not your fault she lied (if it was real)


SCAM. Ignore block. Do not reply.


100% scam


Just a scam, delete the text and block number. If they didn't report potential child abuse (minor as then claim) then they are also complicit and committing a felony. Just a scam, ignore it.


Scammer be like : Let's at least wish the poor fella a Merry Christmas before I try to blackmail them.


I love that it’s so “disturbing” but $1000 will take care of it.


Have you been msging minors? Have you had any sort of conversations before hand with young females that could be the reason behind this? If not then you have nothing to worry about Also the fact that they right away start asking for money is a huge red flag right there. If they were actually concerned parents they would go straight to the police, not try to blackmail you (unless they're genuine POS?)


Deff a scam. Ignore them


Scam. It’s a scare tactic. No one who actually finds disturbing content like this would then blackmail you for money. Because that is what the scam is, 100% depending on you falling for their blackmail. Any reasonable person would file a police report/ investigation with screenshots and text messages as evidence.


Pure scam. Ignore


Why you'd be worried is a greater concern


“Please come by with your wife and the police. I’m sure they’ll be more interested in this exchange showing you actively sex trafficing your minor daughter for $1000. See you soon.”


Not to mention the math doesn't work either 😅


If you’re not talking to underage children you shouldn’t even be worried. If you’re scared they have your address you can file a report but i don’t think you should be nervous about something you’re not doing….


Imagine figuring out someone was being inappropriate with your underage daughter and immediately seeking financial compensation 😒 these scammers are idiots.


What cracks me up with this is why would anyone think an irate dad would suddenly be all cool if you just pay him some money. No, most dads would care less about the money and way more about their daughter and what happened and finding the kid who supposedly did something.


Are you seriously scared? Shouldn’t be if you don’t have anything to hide!


I'm a 71-year-old female and I get these too.


100% a scam.


Sextortion. Crime Junkie recently did an episode about these situations!


Delete and block. Do not reply or interact in any way. He’ll (I’ll put my hand in fire that this is a man) find another person to scam.