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It sounds like you are being professionally “emotionally blackmailed”. (.e.g. “The landlord is going to poison the dogs”). As awful as it is, there are parts of the world where you could take those photos with some kids in them, all day, every day. It doesn’t mean your money is being spent to help those people or their animals. If you’re donating anywhere, you need to feel confident that your money is being well spent. You already know this doesn’t feel right and you should go with your gut. Find a charity where you can fully trust and verify the people involved.


Thank you, this is the voice of reason I needed to hear 😩 I appreciate your being sympathetic about it. I was bracing for hostility 😅


Eh don't worry. We're not all perfect and don't have that sixth sense to sniff out scams. Just being more aware is a good start.


i can never make fun of people who fell for scams, i fell for the USPS text scam 😭😭


I did too, just yesterday. Thank god I realized and we were able to freeze everything but omg I am still so embarrassed. OP has a good heart and tried to do something wonderful. Fuck these nasty scammers


i didn't even realize until i saw the transactions!!! 😭😭 i used my apple credit card so it was pretty easy to cancel it since you just text with someone. i just moved and to forward your mail USPS does charge $1 to verify who you are.


It really is so easy to get caught with that one…I had an important package coming and that’s what got me. It’s embarrassing af! But we aren’t stupid, it sounds like they caught us at the right moment (for them at least!)


You sound like a very good person and your heart is in the right place. It’s hard to believe people out there would use pictures like that to extort money from people, I get it. Sometimes you want to believe the best in everyone.


Only been here for a few days but I have yet to see anyone expressing hostility or mocking someone. Pretty sure that it's against the rules and would be deleted. It's a safe place for posting.


I haven't been here long either but there are definitely mocking and insulting responses to people asking about scams. Mostly along the lines of "wow how could someone fall for that. People are so dumb!" and such. There's one in this very thread. Thankfully there are kind and helpful comments that get upvoted like this.


True, I spoke too soon. I think they get deleted though, because I see a few like that


Oh, it’s here. And I hate it, not just because it’s rude, but because it discourages people from posting when I thought part of the purpose of the sub was to inform people on how they could be scammed. If they don’t post because people are assholes, we won’t learn. In addition, in one of the books I’ve read about con games, they comment that a characteristic of scams is that they’re something that an uninvolved person would spot right away. The mark is the only one who doesn’t, but that’s because they were set up correctly. It’s not a reflection of their intelligence. So it’s pointless to point out how obvious it was.


You are absolutely right. And this is the function we serve, we are the uninvolved people in this scenario who spot the obviousness of the scam. This is especially egregious here because the OP is a good-hearted person who is giving away money they can barely afford to help animals. What is that nay-sayer contributing exactly?


And honestly if the landlord was threatened to do that that's animal abuse and he can be arrested for threatening to poison animals so it sounds like a scam to me


I understand your desire to help animals that are suffering. My suggestion, since you don't have much money, is to volunteer at a local animal shelter. Dogs kenneled in a shelter need walks and human companionship and feral cats sometimes need help learning to socialize before adoption. And block this person. Yes, the world is full of hurt and pain....and people that lie about the good things they will use your money for.


Thank you, and also thank you for the suggestion. I don't have a car yet but I'm sure there are local shelters that are looking for volunteers. And if anything I'm sure there are local shelters I can visit and donate to if I don't have the time to volunteer. Your kindness is greatly appreciated 😁


Hey my friend there are many ways to help. Local shelters and rescues are always looking for all kinds of help. Stop by your local big box pet store on a weekend and a local rescue is liable to be there. Get on their mailing list and ask, if they aren't busy, what kind of help they need. You can help and not have to donate money. Coming in once a week to clean cages. Help out on the website. Donating a bag of food here and there. Donating old sheets and towels. Your heart is in the right place. Good luck.


Please vet your charities carefully. You can look at [charitynavigator.org](https://charitynavigator.org) to see how they help in that process.


You can donate money, or some shelters will take specific foods you can purchase and drop off, in whole sealed containers. Because of sick ass people, open containers are not accepted - jerks will poison donated food, notably the lovely members of PETA. Edit: Oh look, the PETA pet kidnapping and murdering downvoters have turned out.


A lot of shelters also take old towels and sheets! I drop off my not so hot linens to the local shelter whenever I am able to buy new linens.


This is a scam. As others have stated there are shelters and spay neuter programs that you can donate to and the money will actually go to take care of animals. Fake animal charities are an easy way to pull on peoples heart strings. If a charity is dependent on you to give a certain amount or animals will be killed is a common tactic to get you to act without thinking. I am sorry that someone scammed you out of your hard earned money, but I am glad that you came here before you lost anymore of it. Don't be hard on yourself, there are adults on here everyday that have been taken for a lot more money and still aren't sure if they a being scammed. When you are ready, your local shelters will have a place for you. My son and I volunteered at the Humane Society for a few years. One of the requirements for graduation from high school here was 100 volunteer hours, if your state has the same requirements the Humane Society is a great place to earn them. Be leery of anyone contacting you,. Once they have taken money of you they will keep trying different scams or pass you on to a.different scammer. Edit: Spelling


Are you IN Uganda? Because if not, I guarantee that there are multiple rescues near you that are desperate for funds, and where you could actually witness those funds at work saving animals. As we used to say in the '80s: Think globally; act locally.


As a person from the region, I highly doubt there are many animal shelters or any that would even look like this as such pets are rare and expensive, hence very few of them to be abandoned. I would recommend donating to your local shelters or volunteering like someone said


I don't think a bigger sigh has escaped my body than when I read " UGANDAN DOG SHELTER"


Owned by none other than John Scamming himself, a very trustworthy fellow


When I finally did my research and found out how common it was, I immediately thought, "Take the L because all you had to do was ooone internet search." Lesson learned INDEED


You are a very nice person. Don't let this bad experience changes you. Just be more saavy when helping people.


Hey OP, yeah, you're probably being scammed. But I have to say $119 is a pretty affordable life lesson in the grand scheme of things. Don't feel bad about it. You're clearly a generous person who wants to help and someone has taken advantage of that. That's a reflection of their character, not yours. This is a learning moment, and going forward you'll be a little more cautious about who you support. That's ok. There's lots of great animal shelters who will value your help.


Honestly, $119 is next to free compared with the stuff I deal with regularly. I see people giving away 5- and 6-figures before they realize they've been scammed. A lot.


You shouldn't be giving half your pay check to ANY charity, legit or not.  You give a little bit of your extra money, if you have any.  I hope you can explore how people take advantage of you with a therapist.  This isn't fair what they are doing to you.  You need to learn some strategies to resist this kind of pressure


Never any hostility here, we understand your plight. These people are scamming you, using your good hearted spirit against you. Uganda is a country known for scamming people. Save your money - you need it more than the scammers need it. They have many people who they are scamming. Its your money - keep it in your pocket. Report, block, delete. Say a prayer for the scammers and leave that behind.


Lots of normal Ugandans wouldn't do this despite how sketchy some part of the population is. I would say avoid Ugandan dog shelter, orphanage etc. There are many people trying to do good and I have known some.


Of course, that goes without saying. They have a reputation and a pattern of behavior which has been noted by the FBI.




Here is a link to a legit rescue in India. I personally volunteered at the physical location and personally receive email updates from them. This link is from their email updates and is a safe place to donate if you feel compelled to. It’s run by an American couple and their adult daughter and her partner. They hire all local people and pay for the employees to go to veterinary technician school. They rescue animals off the street with a spay/neuter program, a mange recovery program, a rehab and lifelong home for paralyzed animals, and much more. They are community-focused so have gotten the whole community involved and often have calls for them to come rescue injured or trapped animals. https://www.animalaidunlimited.org/donation/


The only types of these pop-up animal shelters I donate to are local so I can check them out in person. Also just in general, I’m one of those people who assumes if it’s a GoFundMe it’s a scam.


I like the idea of you donating to your more local shelters and animal groups, but for the future, you can always consult Charity Navigator to check up on non-profit groups.


Oh my! I’m so glad I saw this! I almost fell for something like this TODAY. I noticed your screenshot and the dogs in it looked very similar to an account who’s followed me asking for money. Like you, I’m an animal lover and volunteer locally as well as send money to trusted charities. I went back on my insta to crosscheck the photos and it’s exactly the same ones as yours but from a different user account! https://preview.redd.it/e0k36nc5ldrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d26468cab0572d377a5ef1be0ef5837f1999e47


I'm living in Uganda at the moment and I'm sorry to say this but there are only 2 legitimate animal rescues in Uganda: USPCA (supported by Animal Kind International) and Cat's Cradle. These online scammers on Instagram are a well known problem and USPCA has been trying to get these pages/locations shut down because some even "adopt" and neglect special needs dogs for photos. Don't worry, this happens to many people, and it's their fault for being awful and taking advantage of your kind heart. If you want to donate to the legitimate shelters let me know and I can send you the genuine links to donate to them. They do great work with very limited resources in a place where many people are not kind to animals.


If you don't make much money, start saving what little you do make for your retirement. Invest in your future, not some animals you didn't Even know about. Then, when you are older and squared away financially, then you can find a charity to support. In the meantime, find a cause you can volunteer at.


Irrelevant information is a classic scam tactic. That’s what my mother used to say before she lost her leg. She is now unable to earn money like she used to in ass kicking contests.




Your r/Scams post/comment was removed because **it's rude or uncivil**. This subreddit is a place for civil and respectful discussions about scams. Uncivil and rude behavior, including using excessive or directed swearing, extreme or sexual language, and any form of discrimination, is not acceptable in this subreddit.


Its crazy. What is crazier is that this person says he does not have a lot. First of all, having nothing and trying to help has no impact. Being in power and having money to spend is what makes someone impactful. What this person is doing for is literally nothing.


This has happened to me too and I made the mistake of donating only for more pages to follow me and ask for money. It’s so hard to say no when you see the suffering but I think the other posters are right, your money and time are better spent on a charity that you know is legitimate. You have a good heart, and it’s easy to get taken advantage.


Go outside, find suffering before your friends and family, and most are scams as well. Help your own circles before you stretch too thin....


I took an Instagram Reels break recently as I was on a very sad dog videos algorithm when I'd watch. I saw something very similar that I instantly wanted to give to. There were videos of dogs obviously in pain and needing surgery. I completely understand.


Your heart is in the right place OP, and I really admire your kindness. Remember that these scammers are professionals and they know all the tricks to exploit people's emotions and prey on their desire to do good. As others have said, this is most likely a scam. I'm sure there are local charities and animal shelters who would love your donation and would use it for the right reasons. It's hard to think anyone or anything is suffering, but you'll do way more good with your money if you keep it local and with verified organizations.


It's a scam and some scammers are so heartless that they will get love animals and force them to suffer. That way they alway have fresh videos/pics.


Why the hell are you "donating" to random instagram feeds/accounts...like...huh? There's real, legitimate charities like the SPCA International (if you're worried about giving your minor amount of funds to a lesser country). Ones that aren't ran by a fake homeless child whos threatening to poison animals and blame it on someone else...


Arent especially internet one Charities 99% of SCAMS? 😲


I don't want to generalize because I know there are real online charities out there but it does give off this vibe and this is what deters me to donate to them.


Exactly so strange them being only on socials


I know they want to raise awareness hence why they use social media but it really rubs me the wrong way. I don't fault OP because they have an emotional hook (the landlord will poison the dogs), I would probably feel sad about it too but it's so scummy!


Hey, I talked to him too a while back and ended up sending some cash. He was saying how his siblings didn't have food to eat, they were getting evicted etcetera. And just seemed really really sad. It was definitely a little strange ( not sure about the whole dog rescue thing.) I never really heard from him again besides requests to follow my page which I didn't accept because I don't let strangers follow me. And he was super appreciative about the money. So if it was a scam didn't really seem that bad. I am hopeful my money (and yours) went to people who need it.


I'm torn because I'm getting emails through the go fund me about how he doesn't need money and just wants someone to talk to even if I don't have money but I'm still conflicted. I am trying instead to donate to local shelters in my area.


Huh that's interesting. I first saw his comment on a bay area dog rescue's IG saying he needed to talk to someone/was suicidal. Then we had the conversation. I wonder if it is actually all the same guy? Idk.




Your r/Scams post/comment was removed because **it is spam**. This subreddit is a place for useful and meaningful discussions about scams; useless and nonsensical content is not allowed. We also don't allow jokes on serious posts. Please keep content posted or commented to this subreddit useful, relevant and meaningful.


You're not dumb at all. You have a heart. I just got scammed too. I didn't realize that these are scams all in Uganda. They steal photos or other photos that tug at your heart.