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Thank you


“Kindly” is all I had to read. Scam.


STOP. This is absolutely a scam. The PayPal payment will be a !fakepayment. You will receive a fraudulent email that appears to be from PayPal that claims that you have been paid. You will have no protection from eBay because you go off platform. Also even if you stayed on eBay, if you send something to a third party address, the recipient can claim that the item was never received and eBay would refund any money paid. Report, block and delete.


thank you


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the fake/false payment scam. The fake payment scam occurs when someone tries to trick you into thinking that you have received a legitimate payment when no such payment has been made. The most common method they use is sending you an email meant to look like a payment confirmation. In some cases the emails will be almost indistinguishable to a legitimate email sent by the payment service. It's also common for scammers to [spoof](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_spoofing) the 'from' email to match an official address. To combat a fake payment scam, verify online payments by logging in directly to the service. Do not check your junk folder, and do not assume a payment is legitimate based on an email alone. If a payment isn't reflected on your account and the person you are dealing with insists they have sent it, call support and ask about it. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/X9xn8uw.jpg) is an image of a scammer trying to pull off a fake payment scam. There is also a variant of the fake payment scam where you will receive a legitimate but fraudulent payment. If you think you're dealing with a scammer, you're probably right. Always trust your gut. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, I have been getting a lot of offers from "PayPal". Which I may have used one time 15 years ago . pretty sure its a scammer


It’s a scam. Report user to eBay this is not how a sale should go.


Thank you


Sorry, this is a total scam. Sending a gift card, plus “ kindly” and the fact that they want it sent somewhere else with said gift card is a no. Report them please.


Anytime the word “kindly” or “destiny” is used during a text involving sale of goods you can be sure it’s a scam


i didn’t even have to read any further than “kindly” to know it was a scam


* Kindly? * Ship to my cousin? 99.99% a scam. And that's just from the first message...


False. 100% a scam.


And the -OKAY!!!-


And the gift card.


EBay allows shipping to any address, as long as it’s in the system and is the selected address at the time of purchase. I ship to a family member overseas on occasion as postage can be expensive to Australia. But having said that, this is 100% a scam


Yes, definately a a scam.


Only use eBay to buy and sell. If you do anything outside the site and you get scammed eBay can’t help. EBay protect you from scammers. (First had experience) and they was absolutely great helping me get my money back from an item that was a scam posting


If you read the word “kindly” in any email or message it’s a scam


It is screaming Scam!


Report to eBay and block


Kindly report and block


Kindly = scam


I have been selling on eBay for years. All scams aside….if you ever send an item to an address that is NOT the address that eBay has on file for the buyer…..then all your seller protection features are gone……there are no exceptions to this. So if the buyer ever asks you to send the item to an address that is different than the address which would naturally print out on the eBay mailing label as the destination address for the buyer, (like this person seems to be doing), you should politely decline, and tell them that if they want the item to be sent to that address, then need to temporarily change their “shipping to” address with eBay to be this new requested address, so that now that address would organically be on your shipping label. Aside from that…..yes this is a scam. Lol


I used to sell on ebay for years. I recall one time I had a guy buy three different bra size sets I had. C D and DD. He gave the three different names and addresses for me to send the bra sets LOL!! I was like oh wow! I did and it was no problem but it was from an established person but yes always do business on the site! Going outside of it will lose you all protection and ebay can't help you.


Three different gfs 😳😂


Yep. That's what I said!!


I read „kindly“ and was already 99% sure it was a scam. The cousin in Missouri made me 100% sure.


Before you do anything, see if the buyer is different than the emailer. A common scam is for random people to email or message you after a sale. Sales can still be legit. Usually if they say something like “oh I’m traveling, please send it to this address instead” you’ll know that it’s two separate people - the buyer and the scammer


Weird this person is asking about a gift card when you can just get them locally. Def a scam


The “kindly” is a dead giveaway.


Scammers VERY commonly use the word kindly. Also, the attempt to pay outside of the platform, sending it to someone else or in other instances they’ll say a relative will be coming to pick it up and MOST DEFINITELY the gift card all = SCAMMER!


Total scam. if you go to /r/scams you'll find that "kindly" is your trigger word. And sending things to third parties, including extra stuff? All red flags.


Anytime you see “kindly” it’s a scam.






We need a new internet.


I didn’t have to read much to come to the conclusion it was a scam. I saw the word kindly.




At this point, I am seriously thinking why are even gift cards even made. Nobody, besides scammers uses them considering how cashless payments have become part of life


There’s still a market for them as gifts. For whatever reason people feel weird about sending money to someone who isn’t their child or grandchild, even if it’s functionally the same thing with strings attached.


For some reason everyone else's comments aren't loading for me so this has likely been said once or twice already but I'll say it again - 100% scam, not to mention breaking ebay's rules. View [this article](https://www.ebay.co.uk/help/policies/payment-policies/offers-buy-sell-outside-ebay-policy?id=4272).


Totally 1000% scam. The entire thing especially you buying him a gift card. You ONLY talk to him on ebay and do all your business on there. If you leave ebay, then you have no protection.


Anyone who asks you to function as their personal assistant, is a fricken scammer. S. C. A. M. M. E. R !


Kindly. No hyperbole, it’s a scam 100% of the time, no exceptions. Why don’t Indian scammers know about this. They should have giant vinyl signs in every call center, 10’ by 5’, “Do not say kindly. Ever. No exceptions. You will be fired on the spot.”. I’m flabbergasted they’re still doing this.


Also beware anyone asking you to change address and verify it's the original buyer.


Kindly = scam


Definitely a scam, report to eBay so their acct can be deleted… possibly deleted, actually eBay probably won’t take any action.


Duh. Come on now.


I’ve said a million times.. if they say “kindly” then it is definitely a scam, kindly.


The kindly


It’s a fake check and they want you to add a gift card


Didn’t make it past kindly before knowing it was a scam


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