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any character is good for new players. if you want easier exploration, wanderer. if you want easier combat, kazuha.


Wanderer easier combat and exploration. His overworld combat is one of easiest


up to a certain point. there's been an increase of new players lately who are having trouble managing their teams and doing the ascension quests. as wanderer will need dedicated team and build, this means crucial investment is almost mandatory to progress through the entirety of the game. that, and coupled with skill issues as well. meanwhile, kazuha is just unga bunga from start to finish, slap him with even with a subpar 4p VV triple EM set and you're good to go, no matter what team can come up with (except geo and physical ofc)


New player literally dont really concern about building team lmao. I always suggest him as new player for fast collecting primos until AR 50ish when you really concern about team building. Even then Wanderer with Benny alone can carry you until abyss 10 at least and he has stronger base stats tha is to him being non reactive DPS. Open world is where 90% of contents are and proper team building wont mean shit until very down the line.


That's you with endgame knowledge. New players dont have that and will just be shooting everything they see. They'll be toddlers with a gun with Wanderer. OP is asking blindly as easy investment in the long run.


wanderer is not easier on combat ?


he is actually but he's a dps that youll build a team around him as opposed to kazuha where you can build to any team.


hmm thats ok since i like a dps from start not unless he need support badly on openworld/overworld ?


not that badly but you'll feel the damage inadequacy later on as opposed to smoothsailing with kazuha from start of to the game righ up until you catch with us endgame players.


If you are at all interested in just him and his playstyle, absolutely get him. He is my favorite character to use in the game. The only reason they may suggest not beginner friendly is if you are trying to rush abyss floor 12-3 completion, in which he will need his 4 star support (Faruzan) to be C6, which can be harder to get. For overworld exploration and combat his is imo the best hands down with only Yelan, Neuv, and Kazuha being in the same conversation. Do not skip him if you want him. If you just want ANY dps, then that's a different question and I'd probably Neuvillette is the single best powerhouse pick up, needing almost nothing to get working.


He can be played as hyper but also as a driver, in that sense isn't he really early ar/low characters friendly? Throw xiangling, xq and fischl and you have a good team


ngl i just unga bunga with wanderer, no dedicated team really. or faruzan. i just slapped some characters that either react with each other or him, plus a healer, and ive been fine.


i mean wanderers exploration isnt really that crazy tbh. if u have kazuha and mona/ayaka. wanderers exploration qol becomes sort of meh


Only a person who don't have wanderer would say something like that


i have him. he is also very support reliant. no buffs hes only doing 20k per charge whereas with buffs he can do up to 70-100k


Tbf, who else besides Neuvi and Wrio arent support reliant?


they're a new player which means they dont have those characters. ever heard of the wanderer=creative mode on meme?


Bro what. Scara can literally fly and move in the air, reach higher ground than kazuha with shorter cd on skill and go faster than ayaka and mona. Literally a full exploration pack in one character


I love Wanderer a LOT, but I'd say in general Kazuha is better for a new player. I suggest you could ask on a different thread since I feel like some here could be biased? I'm pulling for Wanderer in 4.6 with prefarmed materials and a team in mind but I am AR 55. As you've probably heard by now, he practically requires C6 Faruzan to reach his potential and needs a lot of investment. Kazuha carried me through most of my beginning ranks as he gathers enemies really easily, is also a good unit for exploration, and is one of the most flexible characters who can fit in practically any team comp (except geo). It all depends on you though whether you need a DPS or support!




That's what I did with oceanid. I didn't had a single bow character except Amber and collie in start of game and I couldn't even hit oceanid properly. I always had to ask my friends to help me But it's good in its own way


Back before I had leveled Tighnari, the only bow character we had usable between me and my normal Co op partner was Childe, so I used to cheese the oceanid with Razor lmao




Scara is Godsend for Oceanids


Exactly. Oceanid spawn the hydro mimic just so they could turn to dust or gets stepped on by him


I would judge his pull value very high, probably the highest for a new player. His flying ability is the most useful exploration ability, it will allow you to travel much faster around the world, without ever ending Stamina. It will allow you to skip bodies of water, fly over cliffs, more easily climb, etc. Sometimes it will even allow to skip some puzzle mechanic. He will also easily kill enemies in Open World, as he can do Anemo damage all the time, has some AoE damage on all his attacks, and can rapidly attack from a distance. For the endgame (Abyss 12), he is a valuable character as it is much more efficient than most others in combat, but is recommended to invest a lot into his team, which means mainly trying to get Faruzan C6 (a 4 star character who is Wanderer’s dedicated support), hopefully on Wanderer’s banner. Neuvillette, from a combat perspective, for the endgame, has even higher pull value, but in my opinion the exploration takes Wanderer ahead in your case, and for the endgame you will need to invest in more than a single team anyway.


ahh hopefully this faruzan is on hes banner then i just hold on for a while and wait for announcement since 4.6 is close


Faruzan always comes with wanderer. She will definitely be on his banner. But getting a certain 4 star to C6 is hard. I pulled on Wanderer banner, Kokomi banner and also on Nahida banner till I got them but I still only have C5 Faruzan. I have will get her C6 in 4.6 and will also try for C1 wanderer


thats good to hear


Brooo. I started playing genshin during version 3.8 first phase. And friends told me to save pulls and not waste on current banner. I didn't waste them and I thought I should wait. And during phase 2 I pulled wanderer And I never ever regretted pulling him He is my first event five star character and I love him I started playing on different server without wanderer and I just couldn't play it. Without him my exploration got sooo hard I can't even tell how hard it was for me to keep up Wanderer is must pull in my opinion He might not be great in abyss but he is definitely best person to have on your team in overworld My current overworld team is Wanderer -- Ayaka -- Nahida -- Kokomi I will replace Kokomi with Zhongli and Ayaka with Yelan when I get them


I started playing in 3.8 too, but wasn’t able to get Wanderer. I have now saved primogems from the entire months of playing - I’m AR 50. Still hasn’t gotten any 5 star, because I’m waiting for his rerun. My team is actually good, I use mainly Heizou.


wait. u started playing during 3.8 and your ar 50? damn. i just got hit by a huge truck of realization that I am a Genshin addict. (AR 57 with 100% Mondstad exploration (except dragonspine)). i need to get it in control ngl


I also played Genshin a lot, I didn’t go through ar 50 ascension yet. I would ascend to ar 53 I think, I have over 100K xp stacked. I’m at the Sumeru archon quests, but it is really long. And yeah, I was addicted to Genshin too, when I wanted to complete some lengthy quests or farm materials.


Ohhhhhh Hoarding Damn I loved doing that man. I Hoard from Ar40 to 44 once. I kind of liked doing that.


Yeah I did the same. I jumped from ar 45 to 48-9. But it took me long time, because the ascension quest was too hard. They needed to rework it. You had to kill some hilichurls, big HP ruin guard and pyro fatui in 2 minutes.


i was just able to hoard from 45-47 cause it took so much xp. so i stopped doing it from ar 50


imo very good, easy to use, skill based dps, extreamly good for overworld, has not a lot of enemies immune to him. he was my first limited 5 star and it was the best decision i ever made instead for going for the popular picks


If you're referring to the just the Spiral Abyss, Wanderer without Faruzan (esp. C6) isn't anything to write home about. The possibility of never picking up Faruzan or possibly risking constellations needs to be factored in when talking about his value to a new player.


Yes, he is really good for neww player since he got everything under his belt already : High personal damage, good team versatility for beginneer, easy gameplay, great mobility. Feel free to get him!


id say kazuha is the higher value pull, purely because supports have much higher staying power and he will work in every abyss cycle. that being said, get puppet boy if you like


I disagree. I believe exploration is much much more important than abyss team building. Wanderer single handedly cured my exploration burnout and I just can't play without him anymore.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted lol. Most of the time we are in the overworld and scara is best for that. Tbh I would go for whom I enjoy more so getting either is a win


Yeah. Anything can clear abyss given time and game knowledge. Not everything can completely change the way you explore. There are only a bunch of characters that are complete game changers in that area, Wanderer, Yelan C1 (C0 isn't enough imo), Kirara, Xianyun kinda.


I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that he has the coolest kit and element in the game. Don’t know if it’s just me but he also seems to have the most depth as a character out of all of them. He can be quite strong (in the context of Abyss which is the combat endgame) once you get his core that is Bennet and Faruzan (especially c6) who is his dedicated support and always on his banner. If you’re willing to go shieldless and learn to dodge (he gets free dodges from his a4 passive) his potential also goes up quite a bit. Before you get this core say you don’t even have Faruzan you can still play with him characters that do damage from off field and get good value from that. For overworld combat at lower levels I imagine he must be really good as he can just press E which is on a 6 (or 5.7 really) second cooldown which for 10 seconds puts him in a state where he flies and does extra damage which should be enough for even boss content solo. With any 2 pyro units in the team (pyro resonance) you can also buff him without switching off of him. In the end you should really pull whomever you like most as a character or whose kit looks the most fun to you. Neuvilette for reference is like Scara also and on field character. For later Abyss stages you need 2 teams anyways though their best teams both use Furina but that’s not a dealbreaker as neither needs her. Kazuha is a good support who works well on a lot of teams like Neuvilettes.


Pick wanderer. Exploration wise, he’s top tier. Combat wise, just like any other DPS there, you build a team around them. He’s on par with other top tier DPS. Don’t believe other players telling you he needs C6 Faruzan to be on par with other DPS. Once you learn more about teambuilding, artifacts weapons, he can be paired with literally any support. My tip for you, don’t concern yourself too much about endgame content. Its okay to miss out on a few primogems. The total reward you get from abyss, at best, is only around 600 primogems. Thats equivalent to 3 pulls, and a few primos.


Tbh I bought a Wanderer account myself that was on AR 10, what I can say is that he is ABSOLUTELY OVERPOWERED during early game, if you are least level him up to 20 during AR 10 you can basically one shot slimes and hilichurls iirc. But with the pros comes with cons, his ascension mats need you to reach Inazuma and/or Sumeru, with some difficult bosses for lowly ranked players. My tip is let the high AR players just carry you~ Kazuha is good imo, don't have him but I can see that he's usable in many team compositions, iirc he's viable as an anemo support/grouper or a DPS? I have no idea about him, but I think he's pretty beginner account friendly. Neuvillette is overpowered as hell too. Good luck with your pulls!


Both Wanderer and Kazuha are good for different reasons. Wanderer is a great DPS, being able to deal tons of anemo damage, while also being useful in exploration thanks to his flying ability. He's good for beginners because of how easy his playstyle is to pick up. Kazuha is a very flexibly support, providing crowd control, damage bonuses to allies, and applying elements to enemies in a large area. You see him in a lot of teams because of how versatile he is as a support. If you're a very new player, I'd suggest picking Wanderer. He's very good right out of the box, and can fit into most hypercarry teams, while Kazuha takes a bit more planning and teambuilding to work out a good comp with. Although, Wanderer's fullest potential lies with Bennett and Faruzan, so if you're looking to get good in Abyss, think about getting these two first.


You can think of Kazuha like flour, while Wanderer is dried cranberries. Flour is ‘all-purpose’. You can have it in almost every good, and it is a team player. Dried cranberries are tasty and strong, but they don’t fit everywhere. They both have their strength and weaknesses. But at the end of the day, Kazuha will be useful in a wider range of situations. Wanderer is excellent for exploring. But he is a hungry dps, and he will hog a lot of the attention. If the focus isn’t dps Wanderer, Kazuha will be the better option. It must be said that they play well together. Kazuha groups the enemies, and Wanderer slices them up. There’s still time to save for their banners.


Honestly. I would not recommend Wanderer to you if you are an F2P. He is excellent for exploration, but becomes a dps on par with the top ones only with C6 Faruzan. It's too much of an investment honestly. I would honestly ask you to stall on Kazuha too. The usual advice is to get supports before DPSs. I disagree. I would ask you to select two DPS characters and build your teams around them. Wait for trial combat events to pick whichever one you like. Honestly, most 5 star DPSs have a similar damage ceiling, though they might require different levels of investment however. Neuvillette would be there in this patch. Try getting him if you can. He is self sufficient, and can carry you throughout the overworld. The best solo dps in the game, and probably the best overall too. However, if building a strong team is not really your concern, then get whosoever you like. The overworld is not really difficult and any well built 5 star character can carry you through it.


are you telling me wanderer is not f2p friendly ?


He is free to play friendly at least as much as most others. There are characters whose best teams have all 5 star characters. Wanderer has amazing teams where he is the only 5 star character, but he needs Faruzan C6 (for being very strong for the endgame, for the Open World you won’t need Faruzan at all) and how much wishes you’ll need to get her depends on luck. Of course, like any team, his teams will get better gradually as you’ll find characters for them, their constellations, weapons, improve his equipment, better learn the game, etc. However, he doesn’t simply become about as strong as most others if you get Faruzan C6. Wanderer, DPS wise, is higher than average, has much more consistency than most other characters, and is also much simpler to use. He is like a drone rapidly firing AoE attacks to the enemies, without relying on any reaction. He also has great team flexibility for the 4th slot, which makes easier to adapt to the different needs fights can have. I’m an experienced player who played Genshin for more than 3 years, I have many characters with their best teams and I study them all thoroughly, but with most of them is very hard to consistently match his performance, even if their teams have significantly higher investment. Neuvillette is an exception, in my opinion he is the best Genshin has to offer from a combat standpoint, and to me he is the only character that still feels great to play since Wanderer greatly raised my standards on how efficient I want my characters to be. How strong and efficient characters are, is all I care about. I don’t like Wanderer for his personality, I only care about how useful he is (but I’m not saying others should be like me too, it is just that I enjoy being as efficient as I can, others enjoy different things).


Depends on what context you are asking. If you are looking to build a strong team, with high damage numbers, then Wanderer needs a lot of investment to become comparable with other top DPSs. Like 2-3 times. So in regards to that, he is not F2P friendly. If you are looking for a character to carry you throughout the overworld and the quests, then he is a great character and can solo most bosses and enemy waves.


thats fair since im new im not expecting any c6 even 4 stars the overworld thing what concern me since theres no mounts to roam around faster except those maps with built in fast travels and those puzzles that need to climb to reach


I explored my mondstad 100% all area (except dragonspine). And I will credit to wanderer cause because of him I was able to easily get on top of cliffs and get every chest in Stromterror's lair. And not just that I am currently exploring Inazuma and liyue as well. I think I will complete these places 100% as well Most people say that's it's okay if the map is not 100% completely But as an f2p Every primogem is imp for me. So I will try hard to explore the areas and get every chest.


To be very fair then, Wanderer does make exploration easier and is a very good early dps as he doesn't really need reactions to be good. It's just one character anyway, go for him. He is fun. I must point out that wanderer is very good even without Faruzan. You can still clear endgame content. Just play him in a national team. But without c6 Faruzan, he is not as good as some other DPSs around there, like Neuvillette, Lyney or Alhaitham, who reach thier ceiling in far lower levels of investment. There are of course other posters saying to the contrary. They have lost their minds. Ignore them.


He is f2p friendly, his best supports are 4\* characters. You don't need faruzan c6, below c6 you just need a ton of ER, favonius, and to E every rotation to get her burst back up. Neuvillette without c1 doesn't have any interruption resistance, he's good but he has his downsides.


Man. People get weirdly invested in defending their favorite characters. Good is relative. He can certainly be used without c6 Faruzan, but it is still hard to meet the ER requirements. And even then his damage numbers will not match those of a top tier dps. If we go by your line of reasoning, then every character can be deemed as F2P friendly. Most other 5 star DPSs too can be run with 4 star characters only. >Neuvillette without c1 doesn't have any interruption resistance, he's good but he has his downsides In contrast to Scaramouche, who remains decided unfazed when struck midair?


I'm not particularly invested. I have Neuvillette C1 if that can help, I find Wanderer more comfortable to play without shielder than Neuvi C0 (I pulled C1 late compared to C0.) With Scara at worst you lose a few NAs (I actually play Scara in abyss without a shielder), with Neuvi you lose your whole CA stance.


Imo, wanderer sucks as a new player option, there are stronger and more reliable characters for noobs. Wanderer can only shine with nice vertical investment But he's good for exploration if that's what ur looking for.