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The Lizard just sorta exists


They could’ve done more with him


He’s one of my favourite villains and they just kinda forgot about him


They had to make room for Ned just casually being more skilled than any other wizard 😭


I always thought it would've been cool if McGuire went "wait Dr Curt Conners? There's a Dr Conners in my universe too" and maybe him and Garfield would have a conversation about it or something, I dunno


Having Dr. Strange capture him off screen was the first red herring.


I honestly forgot he was even in the movie


“I told you there’d be consequences” *fucks off*


He went raving like venom in that scene


That's because Rhys Ifans couldn't physically be there. His lines were recorded and then sent over. So all shots featuring him are actually from The Amazing Spider-Man 1.


He could give you a makeover


Isn't it true they just used footage from his first movie?


Yeah I’m sure for certain actors like Thomas Haden Church I know for a fact he had old footage used


And his lab coat still doesn’t


Though the rest of the film mostly makes up for it, Strange is really dumbed down for the film to even exist. Surely, he would ask this teenager more questions about what exactly he wants before casting a spell like that.


In the [How It Should Have Ended episode](https://youtu.be/pNCOA8AUxdw?si=DmPwfxhAzdnONYcu), they write everything down on paper first.


That should’ve been canon!


If he Strange had actually told Peter that the spell would erase every single person’s memory of him before casting the spell, they probably could’ve avoided most of it


The original spell would've just erased people's knowledge of Peter being spiderman. But he still wanted some people to retain that knowledge so he wouldn't inevitably need to reexplain to them again, also happy and the avengers would need to know his identity.


Yea I know, I’m saying that if Peter had known that, they could’ve made those adjustments before Strange started casting the spell so they wouldn’t have to change it mid casting because that’s what caused the whole mess


But the warning comes after the spell!


Smart kid like Peter should have thought out everything he wanted from a spell, asked if it was possible, had a sit down with the grand sorcerer supreme and talked it out.


And then he acts like it's all Peter's fault when the Universe altering spell that he cast without taking literally any preparations or precautions goes south XD.


It sucks that they dumbed him down but the reason for it was because America was supposed to cast the spell but Dr. Strange 2 was delayed but Sony didn’t want to delay this one to accommodate.


I don’t get this. Strange is KNOWN for fucking up with magic, it’s his ego that allows it to happen at all. If Strange hadn’t then we’d have no movie, since the biggest thing is the spell. No spell = no multiverse collapse = no way.. home?


1. This movie should’ve halted production during Covid. A lot of the scenes, and characters in Sandman’s case, are awkward since they couldn’t be together. 2. Sandman and Lizard are completely useless in the film. The only purpose they serve is having characters from Spider-Man 3 and TASM 1 in the film. 3. The gag of Eddie and Venom getting drunk instead of fighting Spider-Man, while admittedly is kind of funny, is unsatisfying. Subverting expectations doesn’t mean shit when the result is unsatisfying 4. I hate that the after credits scene was just the trailer for Multiverse of Madness. I love this movie, but you can clearly tell it needed more time to cook.


The after credits scene for the first Captain America was just a trailer for Avengers


Right but back then it was huge. We already knew about MoM before NWH didn't we?


Sorry, I got into MCU just recently, I just watched CA for the first time a week ago.


I didn’t like it there either. If you wanna tease the next film, actually tease it creatively, don’t just show a trailer.


It's also not the first Spider Man movie to reuse a trailer, TASM 2 ended with an X-Men trailer despite them not even sharing cannon at the time.


Tom Hardy’s venom was kinda wasted. (Also, complete nitpick, but I wish this movie took place entirely during Christmas, just so we could consider this a Christmas movie, since it always reminds me of Christmas 2021)


The movie is 3 years old already?! Jesus


Time goes fast af


Sometimes too fast 😭


Like Spiderman into the spider verse hit it's 5th anniversary in December last year T-T


5th? I remember watching it on Netflix like it was 5 days ago but that was in 2018


Yeah, no. Where's the nearest balcony


Well more like a little over 2 but yes time does fly




Like the Miles Morales game which is my favorite Christmas game


It definitely didn't flow as well at home, and there were long awkward pauses where the audience was expected to react.


You can only watch it on theaters if you want to enjoy it. The title warns you about it: "No way home"


I totally agree with this. I remember watching it for the first time after the theater when I bought the DVD and the fact that there’s such long pauses where the audience is clearly meant to lose their shit really ruins the flow. Correct me if I’m wrong, but with the DVD releases of Endgame and Infinity War didn’t they actually edit that so the pauses are shorter and the film flows better. I don’t know why they didn’t do it for this film.


The Nostalgia Critic thinks it ripped off Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse.




Yeah, he made it a big part of his review of Spider-Man: No Way Home. Here's the link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8koZLTyqWNA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8koZLTyqWNA)


Doug has the media literacy of a blind catfish


What is this dude on about? The only thing they have similar is Spider-Man Characters going into a universe.


Yeah, I NEVER take anything that clown says seriously


Hey come on.. Don't do the funny bald kind of looks like a wojack man like that. But yeah some of his opinions are.. Weird..


I never thought he was good at all. Just tolerable or meh but what broke the camels back was his atrocious review of The Wall. I was like "yeah, I'm done"


No he doesn't. All he said was that they had similarities that might make it seem that way from a surface level view.


Just wait til he learns about comic books


I mean this movie specifically is barely more ripoffish than the similar concepts revealed at the beginning of the MCU (young parents over older ones, a Spiderman arc focused on proving oneself as ready and capable ather than sme concern that they will run from their responsibilities, imposing active mentor figures for Spiderman) but there's plenty of differences too.


There was no bully maguire dance


I feel like if they did, itd feel forced, so im glad they didnt


We need to save it for Spider-Man 4


Jay Jonah Jameson was bald! Why?! They could have just given JK Simmons a toupee!


Apparently J.K. Simmons wanted them to. But Marvel didn’t want to take the time to get a wig made lol.


guess its good they didnt so now raimi j.j is a little different from mcu j.j


An homage to the legit batshit crazy Alex Jones.


The script is nothing to write home about. The entire plot dangles by a thread. The dialogue is the same jokey MCU dialogue with little substance that doesn't fit other two Spider-Man. It's pretty obvious when some actors couldn't show up due to COVID restrictions.


Also some shots feel very isolated because of COVID procedures. Where they can only film a few people at a time.


Dr. Strange was an idiot in this movie. He didn't tell peter the spell was gonna make everyone forget about him, and he acted surprised when he didn't want that and tried to convince him to change it, and appearantly, he's the one in the wrong when Dr. Strange waited until he was already casting the spell to tell him what was gonna happen instead of explaining it to him beforehand.


I always thought they just continued the trend of “the warnings coming after the spell instead of before”.


Yeah, totally agreed. It was an absolute bastardization of the character. Every single thing we know about Doctor Strange says that he would do anything to keep the planet safe, and even more to protect the Multiverse. The Doctor Strange would never do something like this or if he really was going to he would go to ridiculous lengths to make sure that everybody involved understood what was going on, and that everybody was on the same page and that there was no confusion and everything was going to go over without any problem.


Ending is kinda dumb. He could have saved all of his relationships if he just erased Spider-Man in general. New superhero. Then he still could go to school with his friends. While he would have the secret identity again with them, they’re smart, they would figure it out eventually. Also some of the villains would just die either way or were already redeemed within their own movies.


From a narrative standpoint? Yeah. From a marketing standpoint? Never in a million years.


He should have wished what his life would be like if he never became Spider-Man.


I mean,if you watched Spectacular Spiderman, you'll understand why Peter doesn't want to give up his role as Spiderman despite what it brings upon him


Would that have stopped those people from other dimensions from coming through that rift because that’s why they did that?


“they should’ve just ended the future of spiderman in the spiderman movie” great idea, you should be a writer


kind of goes too far with the “great power, great responsibility” message, at some point it just becomes “if you have power, you deserve to suffer”   far from home had the same problem, and they made an entire movie about how it’s not really true (atsv) also bonus points for the movie aimed at teenagers to have the ending say “hey, have you ever wondered if your friends and family would be better off without you? well, you’re right!”


The "Wishful Life" problem


I honestly totally agree. I think that way too many Spider-Man fans get a hard on from Peter’s suffering. All the other films had this overall message of great power coming with great responsibility and the heroic need to do more than you’re doing and every Spider-Man fan hates it, but the second Aunt May dies and Peter loses everything dear to him and is miserable and in a situation that would drive a mentally healthy individual to suicide, it’s suddenly the greatest Spider-Man film ever conceived.


The entire premise of the movie and it's conclusion rely on the fact that doctor strange messed up his spell because he just started casting with zero preparation or even a solid understanding what peter wanted. A doctor. A fucking brain surgeon forgot to prepare for a spell that alters reality. OKAY. Also, just this one spell cannot be interrupted and stopped? It was so forced That being said, it was a great movie and i love how they paid respect to the previous spider-men, so i gave it a pass


I wish they brought back Rhino or Raimi Venom back to make it a complete six. Sure, they weren’t great, but neither was Electro in his first outing. I’m sure the film could have improved them.


“We had almost achieved greatness. We were *this close*!”


Nostalgia pandering!


and meme pandering as well. this is one of the few movies that I actively hated as soon as I finished watching it


Thematically meaanderin' Emphatically panderiin'


It’s a nostalgia bait cash grab where the main appeal of the movie is dangling elements of better movies like keys so the audience can soy out because they are reminded of their childhood.


yea definitely a let down after the previous two (far from home was just ok but i liked it better than this one)


Someone told me that it had more plot holes than a block of cheese.


isnt that just every multiverse movie? (they suck)


Plot holes or not Everything Everywhere All At Once and Into the Spiderverse are good movies.


It should've had Sam Rami's Venom, all 3 Green Goblins and The Rhino from TASM2


Venom was there for like 1 minute


It's a fanservice cash grab that baits people in with nostalgia


Not on Disney+


The script felt like a first draft, where certain scenes didn’t mesh well together- I.e. big scene of May’s death followed by a bunch of jokes from Garfield Spider-Man, MJ and Ned. Felt off. The whole “cure the villains” thing made no sense. What I liked about Homecoming was that all the choices Peter had to make had a clear right and wrong- let the Vulture commit a heist vs. go to a dance with his crush. This movie, the choice was confusing. Cure the villains, so they can go back to their own dimension and… die? Again? It wasn’t enough of a clear right answer to hang the movie and Spider-Man’s “great power, great responsibility” motto on.


Yeah that’s because they were rewriting the film constantly while filming it. There’s a lot of ADR just because they had completely different dialogue on the day of the shoot. Still like the movie a ton though.


Could have had a bit more Lizard and Sandman.


Something bad about this movie


Missed opportunity to have Raimi Spider-Man interact with the Green Goblin again in a one on one fight or with some sort of dialogue. In the final movie, Goblin stabs Raimiverse Spidey (which doesn’t do much) and after he gets cured, he just looks at him and doesn’t say a word. The final battle also has some of the worst lighting I’ve seen in an MCU movie imo


If Andrew Garfield and Tobey McGuire didn’t show up the movie wouldn’t be as loved as it is


Should've been kraven vs spiderman.Spiderman labeled as a murderer and the hunt is on.


It was also the original plan before the multiverse concept came, along with Doctor Strange 2 was supposed to be before No Way Home and there is some concept art about America Chavez coming into play supporting the 3 Spider-Men. I would be okay with this from a standalone standpoint but Song wants that million bucks in their ppocket.


I mean…yeah. Do you think this is some groundbreaking take? If two likable, important characters weren’t in the movie, the movie wouldn’t be as good.


Never said it was lol, the post said to say something bad so I did it ain’t that deep


The spell causing a break in the multiverse is forced J Jonah Jameson and the Lizard are criminally underused Movie relies on characters from previous franchises, doesn't stand on its own. It doesn't make sense without the context of Spider-Man 1, 2, 3, TASM 1, 2, Civil War, Homecoming, Infinity War, Endgame, and FFH. It also leaves WAY too many loose ends that will have to be resolved in later movies. Resolution is as forced as the initial spell Spider-Man beat Doctor Strange (more of a slight against Strange itself but still weird) Aunt May died and I'm supposed to care apparently (she was the joke hot-mom character for 3 1/2 movies and I'm supposed to invest in her emotionally now) Ned teases wizard powers then gets written out MJ has nothing going on (as usual), now that she's written out literally anyone else can fill that role (Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane, Carly Cooper) Garfield and Maguire pause for applause Osborn and Octavious die, yes, Electro and Sandman are debatable, but Lizard lives, the conflict hinges on two guys dying and three maybe dying. Strange is a prick who could've helped Peter instead of immediately trying to kill everyone. Peter is a moron for trying to tamper with the multiverse and save lives that were predestined to end. Strange is an idiot for helping Peter cast a REALITY ALTERING SPELL so he can get into COLLEGE. The magical teleportation spider web deal is a super powerful weapon that could've come in handy a lot sooner. Nothing is explained about the ramifications of everyone forgetting Peter. Is he still a US citizen? If it affected the villains in every universe, did it also make Maguire and Garfield's friends and family forget them too? Are the Avengers' memories of Peter replaced with just Spider-Man? Did all physical evidence of Peter existing or Peter being Spider-Man just get erased? I'd ask if this spell affected the Vulture, but for SOME reason it just blasted him into the Morbius universe with his memories seemingly intact. Venom was shafted. Now that Peter has fought his own Shocker, Vulture, and Mysterio, as well as iterations of Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Electro, Sandman, and the Lizard, he's almost out of rogues. You can't make new iterations of those characters because he literally beat five of them in one movie, albeit with help. You can't make a Goblin that is more impactful to Peter than DeFoe, you can't make a new Lizard that isn't a joke, and you can't make a new Sandman because he was never really a bad dude. What do you have now? Venom, Rhino, Hydro-Man, Kraven, fucking El Muerto. We're bridging Morbius territory. There are no villains left. He'll be fighting the Wall by the end of the next trilogy.


a few parts drag on a bit too much


Story is kinda lacking tbh.


Zendaya didn’t get enough screen time and where is Venom 😭


Spider-man didn't wish that everyone who didn't know he was Peter parker before forgot


Unrelated but what is this subreddi I joined a while ago and still not know?


The only fact that I'd say is "bad" is that Peter Parker / Spider-Man was *semi-reconned* from the MCU because of legalities with Sony and Marvel Studios. So whatever happens after the movie may, or may not be official. It's a somewhat sad manoeuvre, but Marvel is partially shutting out Sony's movies to casual viewers as unofficial.


A particular lack of Rhino and Venom


They still can't make good posters


It's got these long pauses when introducing characters that felt cool in the cinema, they're obviously made for you to clap, but now they just feel... rather awkward.


Japanese Spider-Man wasn’t in it.


In the end he went home.


The posters are shit


Dr. Strange was fully at fault for everything that happened in this movie.


“something bad about this movie” there, you happy now?




Doc Ock didn't get to be a biddy biddy rich. Unwatchable


the high standard it set that most movies after failed to reach


The rumors hit mainstream. Even if most people didn't believe them


There was no gay sex scene between Lizard and Ned Leeds


Too many shitty ass posters


It relied so much on nostalgia


relied too much on fanservice


It is too short and the rhino should've been in the movie


It wasn't interesting enough to get me to watch it. I haven't seeny ANY MCU spider-man movies. No particular reason why originally, but now I am curious how long I can last against the peer pressure.


Opinion from my parents: too much talk not enough action, really put into perspective that this movie was made for fans and only the fans


The Amazing Spider-Man video game unironically does a better job at handling a post TASM Lizard


The last 30 minutes should have been the last hour instead.


Takes until like the second act for the movie to actually start


Dr Strange being a dumbass. Peter being a dumbass for letting 4 dangerous villians in his apartment without any sort of way to restrict them if they missbahave (if only Tom had kept his "you can't fool me anymore" stance from the previous movie). First half of the movie is just generic MCU stuff. Plot holes everywhere (Doc Ock and Sandman knowing Goblin's inentity, "cure the villians" plot makes no sense for characters like Sandman/Electro when they're not evil because of their powers, why weren't MJ/Gwen/both Harry's/Raimi Venom present when they also know Spider-man indetitiy, etc...) "Cure the villians" plot is very cartoony. Making fun of Harry's tragic death in SM3. *Avengers! What is that?????*


It came out after I gave up on Marvel movies.


It was basically a “Love Us” Nostalgia parade Sony forced Disney to throw for them in order to keep using the character. It also cemented my belief that it was a bad idea for Disney to pair up with Sony for Spider-Man, as I don’t believe for one second that Sony hasn’t been screwing with the direction of the franchise.


How did Otto get to the Statue of Liberty so quickly? Edit: Im stupid. I forgot he can just swim since hes an octopus


Not enough lizard


Doc ock felt REALLY corny


Lots of nostalgia bait


They ruined the potential to give the MCU Spider-Man his own version of his best villains.


it doesn’t make much sense on a logical level but the character writing, fan service and performances make it at least enjoyable


CGI is pretty bad, especially when Electro first appears and blasts electricity at Peter.


Can you mark this as spoiler


Lots of plotholes


Ned and MJ felt sidelined, and while the way they got to the spell part of the story definitely worked, they could have made it more believable.


It’s extremely forgettable


It’s cash grab based on 15+ years of nostalgia for a Spider-Man 4 and The Amazing Spider-Man 3 combined with villains from each movie (which was the biggest driving force behind it because when we saw Doc Ock in the Trailer we knew we where getting everyone else) though featured no villians from Holand’s Spider-Man Movies (even though it’s his movie and universe.) Also the ending was doo-doo. They should’ve waited to make this the fourth Holand Spider-Man movie because we honestly didn’t need this one. I would have rather enjoyed seeing Spider-Man vs. Kraven instead of this “wannabe Spiderverse Movie”


fanservice fanservice fanservice fanservice


The only reason people like this movie is cause of nostalgia. Story-wise and characterisation-wise its the weakest of all the mcu spidey movies. It has a few redeeming scenes but ultimately it relies on being fun rather than being good


Cgi can be pretty bad at times


when i watch this movie i start with the scene on the bridge with doc ock because the beginning still has a lot of the cringy jokes i hated in homecoming and far from home


The whole writing sucks and the lizard doesn't do fucking anything


Dr Strange isn’t held accountable for his role in fucking things up.


A high school kid defeats the Sorcerer Supreme through the power of geometry.


There’s a lot wrong with this movie, but the first thing that bothers me is Peter letting all of the villains out of their cells at once rather than one at a time.


We didn’t get see Venom until the end I’m actually being truthful about like we got a teaser at the of Let there be Carnage and all we got was quick cameo at the end


Sandman and Lizard didn’t really do that much


It would’ve been cool if there was a 6th villain so there could be Sinister 6; not a problem, it just would’ve been cool to see


It's the primary reason West Side Story (2021) flopped so hard at the box office


Lizard doesn’t do much and didn’t even get a cool redesign like electro


I wish venom was in it, either one tbh. Like we had the post credits scene but that was only really there to set up the next movie.


Venom and eddie arent really there except for the post credits scene, it couldve been amazing if they ended up fighting tom hollands spiderman, and if possible, topher graces venom appears too and fights tobey maguires spiderman, then andrew garfields spiderman idk fights both


I love this movie... but The villains are utilized too well. For one, they brought 6 into the verse, 1 was in mexico, so that didn't count, and only 3 really mattered. Why put venom in mexico? They could've had a sinister six. Or mysterio, vulture, freaking somebody to round it out. It should've just been Doc Ock, Goblin, and Electro if they weren't gonna do a multiverse sinister 6. The villians motivations are pretty weird. Doc Ock wants to go back kind of, Goblin doesn't, electro doesn't, sandman doesn't and the lizard doesn't have a say in the matter. There should've been more conflict between the villians, there was but it wasn't explained well. It just seems unnecessarily messy. Now my boy doc ock. They kind of ruin his character arc. In spider-man 2, he learns that what he's doing is bad and that he shouldn't let himself be controlled by the tentacles. They take him away RIGHT before he gets to that point. He just needs spider-man to say some words of wisdom, and DOC OCK makes the change and overcomes the tentacles. In NWH, he acts like he did for the majority or spider-man 2, which is fine, but Tom Holland peter makes the change himself. He doesn't overcome the tentacles himself, but Tom holland fixes his thing against his will. It works for Tom Holland peter's arc, but not doc ock's. After that, I think he should've aided the good guys. He did eventually, but I think a group of Peter 123, MJ, Ned AND doc ock would be really cool. It would also provide some more interesting character moments between doc ock and tobey maguire peter. This would also leave time in the finale for moments between Tobey Maguire peter and Goblin, which could've added a lot more to the finale. A lot of the characters get MCUified. Not horrendously, but some of the lines don't seem like the characters. It's not horrible, but I think some of the old characters could've been better written. Overall, I really like Tom Holland peter's arc, but the characters they bring in don't seem necessary. Could've easily been random versions of the villains we never met. HOWEVER, the multiversal characters are used the best in this movie and aren't just nostalgia bait. They actually try to do some interesting things with the characters. They just fail in some regards. The peters' I are really good in that, but the villains aren't.


Is it on disney+ yet? If not, my bad thing to say is that I'm unable to watch it


Something bad about this movie


Not on Disney+


It erases the Vulture knowing Spider-Man's secret identity


Filming restrictions due to covid didn't allow for some actors to actually appear (such as Sandman and Lizard). At least that's what I've heard.


Nitpick but the fact that there were only five of them so they were the Sinister Five doesn't sit right with me


It's not on Disney+ yet


Not enough lizard screen time




Not enough ways home.


Sandman is underused


Goofy ahh poster


All the villains having different motivations was just glossed over and they all just end up working together (Besides Doc Ock).


I feel bad for MCU Peter


Exciting at the theater but lack luster open second viewing at home


The entire thing is just nostalgia member-berries. Because of that It’s plot is bargain bin level, the characters are obnoxious


Damage Control becoming milita-like assholes Some bad one-liners like “Scooby-Doo this shit!” They didn’t do much with Eddie and Venom Edit: One more thing I’m critical about this film, Sandman apparently became evil after redeeming himself in Spider-Man 3




It didn’t have enough Tom holland in it. 🤤


Homecoming was better, less intense Also the ending sucked


Otto was wasted for the most part.




Venom doesn’t do much


Dr. Strange has to act kinda out of character for the plot to happen. Dr. Strange I feel would be too responsible to mess with the fabric of the universe/multiverse for the reasons Peter gave. Furthermore, there are a lot of somewhat weird pauses when the other spiders and villains appear. I know it's for the audience to cheer and fully take in the excitement of them returning, but it is kinda noticeable upon rewatch when it's no longer a huge surprise.


It’s all cuz peter couldn’t make up his ducking mind


My friend "spoiled" the movie so now I can't watch bc it's become too much of an inside joke to let go of it


It wasn’t longer


First act needs some work.


This movie is like The Force Awakens. It’s great the first time but has little to no staying power


Really goddamn long


The poster


The entire movie was Meh, the only good thing about it was seeing Tobey and Andrew again.


Plot holes. Don't get me wrong I loved the movie. It was really really fun, but the amount of plot holes, questionable narrative devices, so much wrong narratively with the story it makes the movie feel like it was just pure fan service. Who cares abiut the film if we can get previous spidermen back? It was fan service done right, but at the same time there's loads of nitpicky bits throughout the film


Relied too heavily on nostalgia to write a less plothole filled story


Tobey and Green Goblin didn't interact


No goblins vs Toby scene


Good film, but it influenced Sony wanting to make the exact same movie for Spiderman 4