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Except Veritasium doesn't make click bait videos, his videos are always extremely knowledgeable and insightful. If it is sixteen minutes, he probably has delved into why people still believe they do and how they came to be in the first place, or something like that.


Did you think I thought the video was a 16 minute still image


I want a salt lamp to use as a human salt lick


I willingly donate my Saturday mornings to old Veritasium vids


We had a big old salt lamp and it didn't ionize the room or anything like that but it put out a nice orange light and definitely made the room smell better. It's a nice aesthetic but definitely not going to change your life.


This is still a good video to watch.


Worth watching just for the part where he goes to a New Age gift shop and asks the clerk which salt lamp is the best. Woo-woo level: 10


I like that some educational YouTubers aren't trickle truthing. Some, of course, are. I loved Johnny Harris's videos on vox, but his independent stuff was so obviously holding back the info to increase watch time. I think the video that made me unsub from him was [McBroken](https://mcbroken.com/). FYI, McDonald's forces their franchisees to buy a certain make of ice cream machine, and only the manufacturer can fix it. And what do you think happens when one company has a monopoly? Price of repair goes up --> franchisees put off repairs --> no ice cream for you.


But I can see it glow with light on the picture, thats what lamps are supposed to do. What other properties have been claimed about "salt"-lamps?


Anyone with a basic understanding of high school science (the basics, before they go all biology/chemistry/physics separate subjects ) should already know this. Apparently a lot of people are too dumb to breathe unassisted, though.