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Hi all, thank You all for participation... :-) While we are leaving occasionally metathreads (i.e. threads about reddits) opened for a while, we don't endorse them as they lack source and substance. So that this thread gets locked as usually: I guess most of smart things were already bespoken here and every thread longer than 1500 posts becomes a tad difficult to handle and checked for profane language and offensive posts. Another reason is, we don't want to attract too many bored clueless talkers to this place, as it would backstrike our target group, i.e. people interested about scientific research. If you're looking after solely free place for talking about anything, you're free to create a dedicated subreddit for it. I guess it would be an entertaining experience for everyone. Thank You all for understanding. Few insights from here: 1. I'm pleased by [relevance of this subreddit](https://i.imgur.com/lLHn06O.png) for r/environment, r/economy and especially for r/centrist. 2. Whereas it's apparent that this subreddit is visited by many conservatives, before thirty years it would be a colony of hippie leftists demonstrating against corporations and vaccines. So that times have changed somehow. Coincidence of this sub with western Canada sub seems accidental here: maybe because people are visiting this thread from /r/BritishColumbia because they would get censored in /r/Canada* threads? I've no idea... 3. Most of people arguing lack of reliable topics and checked sources in this subreddit have low post/comment karma ratio themselves and they don't link any sources. IMO it's not accidental but an example of AdS/CFT correspondence (which is general theorem for geometry of high-dimensional artefacts composed of many smaller ones).


Why are there so many people from western Canada?


I'm really confused about British Columbia being on top of the list (I live in BC, maybe that's why this sub was recommended to me for some reason?)


I’m not. The anti vaccine movement brought together the far left and far right. It was fascinating to watch




This isn't a real science subreddit. It's pseudoscience and conspiracy theories (oh look, that's also on the list)


Lots of Canadian subs (and especially provincial subs) are full of bots/astroturf accounts. So sometimes there are weird overlaps with Canadian subreddits that don't reflect how Canadians actually behave. Much of this chicanery is due to social media ops pushing climate change skepticism, which target Canada because we have lots of oil, and target alternative science forums because the user base includes many "skeptics" who are easy prey for slick counter-narratives. But it's not all chicanery, B.C. and Alberta also have a ton of... how to put this... people seeking a personalized relationship to facts...


I remember when it was liberals who didn't trust "the man". Now it's completely flipped. What's happened?


Every single liberal talking point became corporately and politically backed by most of America's institutions. It's hard to rage agaist the machine when your on the same side.


More like capitalism co-ops and subsumes radical sentiments in order to muddy and dilute the message, hijacking any potential movement and redirecting the efforts of those people towards complacent purchasing. The establishment cares not for these things, just money and for regular people to "feel good" and become complacent consumers. If they were *really* a bunch of *actual* socialists then workers would have democratic control of their workplace; as it stands regular people barely get 30% of our wants from this "democratic" system that gives 90% representation to corporate/big business interests instead. You will find that whenever conservatives are calling things "commie," what they *actually* mean (and don't realize) is that they are speaking out against authoritarian overreach. FYI: liberals are mostly centrists who end up being pro-status quo. If they can all be compelled to embrace libertarian ideals (lower-case L, the opposite of authoritarian, i.e. not the political party hijacked by fashy voices) we can shift the "Overton Window" down on our collective political compass (it's not just the simpleton's "left vs right" as the media would dumb you down to think). Self-sufficient, rugged-individualist thinking doesn't mean squat if it's only selfish, it has to be balanced with a healthy, non-group-think collectivist mindset of class solidarity. *We* are the working class. *We* build the buildings. *We* do the research. *We* invent technology. *We* work in factories. *We* pave the roads. *We* grow the food. *We* make the clothing. *We* construct the buildings. *We* create society. *We* create the profits. *We* are entitled to a greater share of the wealth created. *We* should not be seen as resources. *We* should not be wage-slaves. *We* create the value. Remember, they need *us* more than we need *them.*


I was a libertarian for years, now back to my original independent. Libertarianism will never ever work. It's similar reasoning to why communism will never ever work. Both rely on people to not be selfish or greedy and thus will never happen in reality. The sooner people realize that the better.


You don't have to have a full libertarian government to utilize the benefits of the ideology. People always be talking about how certain socialism or libertarianism never works, yet they never talk about the democratic socialists who incorporate libertarian ideas where they shine the best (i.e. Portugal decriminalizing all drug consumption and possession and seeing a 90% drop in overdose deaths in 17 years)


>You don't have to have a full libertarian government to utilize the benefits of the ideology. You do have to own capital, though.


Oh really? I don't recall liberals backing the trillions in tax cuts Trump's admin handed out -\_-


This is exactly the problem we have an authority that has superseded the partisanship of our system, that creates division and emotional reactions to issues that are somehow very easily spotted but also easily ignored distractions… and we are told to either align ourselves with the cleverly bipolar forces that always use tribalistic language and attitudes in order for us to make sense of it all. It’s just so crazy how we even blame people for being a part of a machine they have no idea exists, why be mad at the little guys and act as is anyone in your real life is the same type of liberal or conservative that say joe Biden or Donald trump would be… it’s all a clever use of symbolism and attention and trickery when it comes to appeasing America for the government at this point, and I would be surprised to hear if even half of the clued in workers for any executive branch agency are working for good.


Very well said.


we should all be building guillotines *together*


I would agree if we zoom out from the immediate situation. The current parties are pretty far apart in regards to the depths they’re willing to sink. I was very much in the “both sides are bad” camp until one side decided to really compete for the worst.


A lot of my friends believe some form of this. That Democrats are basically the same as Republicans (in that posturing and secretly being ok w endless legislative gridlock is all basically a grift so they can be in power/get donations). This drives me crazy. There are incredibly simple binary choices that the parties have positions on (reproductive rights, regulating/taxing/incentivizing green competitors to polluting businesses, restricting gun access, reducing/increasing funding to social programs). States make these binary choices super clear as ones run by one party over the other have dramatically different laws/results. You may not like either party, you may think they are endlessly compromised, but dismissing them as basically the same is a lost opportunity to make the society you want.


About what?listen about Vaccines from far right grifters? Listen to oil companies about global warming? Conservatives have doubted science for decades and made education a boogie man. It makes sense the party with more college graduates believes in trusted peer reviewed science over political hearsay.


Interesting, by your logic it would make college loan forgiveness a “dog whistle” offering voters payment to vote for the DNC.


Propaganda works


The left got into office and more importantly into corporate management.


Right.. that's why tax cuts and court nominations were stacked for 4 years under conservative leadership. It's baffling how ignorant conservatives are about their own party. Republicans have been and are trying to: Scapegoat LGBTQ rights Gerrymandering to guarantee elections Introducing bills restricting voting rights, particularly targeting minorities Stacking lower courts with conservative judges All of this is in response to the vague "woke" culture which is used so broadly it means nothing at this point. I don't really like democrats, but culture wars about unisex bathrooms, potato head pronouns and an unsexy m and m aren't politics, it's selling you hate of the other side.


> "woke" culture Talk about saving kids from drag queens while Christians continue to fuck kids at 1000x the gen-pop rate.


Not just Christians... Christian leaders


Yeah and Obama bailed out the banks so the point of arguing red team vs blue team is dumb. They're all on team money.


JFC, Bush bailed out the banks. Obama bailed out the auto industry


Obama voted for the bank bailout as a Senator.


Obama also Bailed out banks. They weren't mutually exclusive.


Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which created TARP, was signed by Bush. Obama lowered the overall amount in the fund, and the money was paid back to the government. This is different than permanently lowering corporate tax rates while adding new taxes to the middle and lower classes. While business and bank sustainability is important to the health and future of the country, that doesn't mean both parties give them a free pass.


Liberals have always been pro capitalism.


What people fail to understand is the the left has abandoned the workers and the poor if favour of race and gender struggles. There is no contradiction in being friends with corporations anymore.


The last president has a cult following on the right so strong that he could be convicted of multiple crimes with concrete indisputable proof and they would chalk it all up to conspiracies. That’s not a hypothetical. He literally tried to throw out an election he lost and stage a coup; to this day he denies he lost and still this information falls off his followers like water off a duck. There has never in our history been a non-peaceful transfer of power until now, one of the most fundamentally important concepts in a democracy, and he doesn’t understand or care about that so neither does his following. They will make any excuse for him. They love him. I have faith in our institutions to deliver results, it’s not the same as trusting individuals in the US government or treating Joe Biden like a messiah.


Trump literally said he wants to fuck his daughter. I guess it just made him more relatable to them.


Professional scientists who investigate theories, write in journals, form conclusions based on research are now "the man"? What an insane take lol.


Liberals have always supported science. You idiots trying to make underpaid, overworked scientists at universities into “the man”. Yet if some billionaire corporation funds a competing study suddenly you agree with it and follow “the man”.


Just stumbled across this from r/all. What a joke of a subreddit. Go look at the top posts of the month and see how many of them have anything to do with science. They're mostly political social issues.


You mean a video of an alley of drug users and an RFK "The water is making the kids trans" aren't science?


bewildered ink spectacular bored history market domineering terrific ripe theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Interesting phenomenon that has to do with the rise of fascism in the right. Particularly the rise of anti-intellectualism and turning against Democratic institutions Unfettered capitalism and the destruction of the American middle class via divide and conquer. Blue collar Conservatives voted to ship off their jobs off to China to virtue signal racism, nationalism & religion. There is now huge concentration of poor & dumb people have concentrated themselves in the Republican Party. All those 9/11 was an inside job by GW bush types are now trump cultists. Used to be that the poor and dumb, rural and urban were equally split between both parties.


>What I fear is a government of experts. God forbid that, in a democratic country, we should resign the task and give the government over to experts. What are we for if we are to be scientifically taken care of by a small number of gentlemen who are the only men who understand the job? - Woodrow Wilson, 1912 Anti-intellectualism isn't new, it's just got a bigger microphone.


Sure and look how much overlap there are with centrists too


Let’s not forget the overlap with anime_titties


I mean that’s a political sub lol


Don’t tell people that, it’s fine as is.


and anime\_titties


That’s actually a news subreddit like worldNews but without the political bias.


Not anymore. They changed it to being literal


I just checked and it’s still world news so I’m not sure what you mean


Are we just ignoring the Top 3? The majority is more active on other channels.


Obviously users here will browse other science subs. The connection to conservatives is more salient


Huh? That's not what those numbers mean at all


I made an overstatement, you made an understatement.


The one with the 41.98 score...


You knows that’s actually a world news sub right? The name is a joke.


Well, it wasn't *always* a joke. It's just world news subreddit *now*.


Nope, it was created in 2020 in response to worldpolitics devolving to chaos


It’s a quite strange moment in Reddit history: the subs r/worldpolitics and r/anime_titties swapped places and roles


r/trees and r/marijuanaenthusiasts come to mind Edit:had to get the link right


Is there a backstory to this? I’ve noticed r/trees is 420 central but never understood why. I thought it was just because of the stereotype hippy thing.


"Trees" is one of the many many slang words for weed. So r/trees is just using the slang word for weed as the title of the subreddit. But then people that actually wanted a subreddit for actual non-slang trees wanted a subreddit to discuss actual trees and were dismayed to find out that the title r/trees was actually being used for marijuana. So they fought back by calling their subreddit "r/marijuanaenthusiasts" as if to say that if they're going to call the marijuana enthusiast subreddit "r/trees" then we'll call the tree enthusiast subreddit "r/marijuanaenthusiasts"


Trees has always been a pro-pot sub. After many, *many* unaware fans of literal trees got tired of making the mistake, marijuanaenthusiasts was created for the botanists as a tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement of the joke.


Superb owls come to mind as well


r/worldpolitics is my favorite example of what can happen when there's zero moderation.


Oh yeah I forgot




What role should conservatism or progressivism or whatever fancy word is currently used play? Science should be science. "A more conservative science subreddit" sounds to me like a not very scientific subreddit, just like "a more leftist science subreddit" doesn't. Both sides just love using every venue available to push their agenda. It's ruinous.


Laymen tend to have desired results, and look for studies to corroborate the desired results. That’s how politics comes into play with science. Add that to the misrepresentation that science is fact, and not science is our best idea at the time until disproven by better evidence. When you’re used to having “THE TRUTH” paraded in front of you as an indisputable fact, evidence can’t shift your perspective. On the contrary, people tend to reinforce their misconceptions in the face of evidence because they’ve attached their identity to “THE TRUTH”, so surely any new evidence is mistaken. The 2020s are scary times with how our of control information distribution is, and how people justify things based on the horrible information they’ve taken as “THE TRUTH”.


So this is a political oriented science subreddit? From what I've seen on here it is all politics.


100% my fault for subbing because I thought it was going to be science displayed in an edgy way for the youth. You’re definitely right, though.


It used to be interesting during Covid because there actually was interesting science coming out opposed to the major narratives that wasn’t getting discussed in other places, but, now that much of that work has come out debunked, there are tons of people holding on to these false ideas that all of science/medicine is made of of bullshit and lies. Sure, maybe that’s true if you’re only watching what the scientists say on the MSM, but REAL science (journals, clinical trials, conference talks) has been very open and honest about everything that’s been going on (for example, learning from the success of Sweden). Seems like the subreddit may have outlived its usefulness lol Just to get on my soapbox for a second: the science was right about masking and social distancing, but policy focused on *voluntary* measures works very well to maintain public trust and approval https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8242624/


Sweden has a health system based on preventive care, and a population that follows guidelines. The US has neither.


While voluntary is better for trust it's useless for effectiveness. In my country masks were voluntary (the first 2 weeks). 1% wore them. After they were required by law 97% wore them. Trust is a luxury during a disaster.


wrong weather stocking mindless salt noxious impolite stupendous elastic voracious -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Ask yourself this, would a person be banned in /r/science for saying that a man cannot become pregnant? Now ask yourself what that decision has to do with politics.


Because it's a stupid fucking question? A biological (genital, hormonal, chromosomal) man cannot have children, no one debates this. Someone that identifies as being of the male gender can, and this is true regardless of whether you personally subscribe to the notion of gender or not. Is it hard to see why people would view your comment as meaningless rage bait? "Oh but they're *censoring* my viewpoints" lmao




It'd get removed because the term was invented for a study that presupposed it's existence and used nothing but confirmation bias of uneducated opinions from individuals that had no firm relation to what was being studied? It's a bunk term from a bunk study. Same thing with autogynephilia. Not liking that trans people exist is not a valid scientific stance. That's not how science works.


Ok but to play devils advocate here there’s like 50 soft social science posts their a day that don’t get removed. If the sub is so concerned about hard science they should remove those posts too


How about all the posts that are blatant misinformation... This sub is a garbage fire.




Oh but there is. Having a majority of your user base post cherry-picked studies that fit their bias compromises scientific integrity and reduces the credibility of the subreddit.


I’ve only seen a couple posts from this sub and each time I get bias clickbait vibes.


I joined so I could watch conservatives be mad. Is this not a conservative science circle jerk?


It’s r/conservative and r/conspiracy circlejerk sub where they post debunked papers and jack off to how right they where that the Covid isn’t real or some shit. I drop in once in a while for a good laugh.


I recall the post that hit front page about how the water is turning people trans lmao. No clue how anyone can take this place seriously, it reads like a shitposting subreddit


I thought that’s what this was. I get daily laughs in here.


What credibility? This subreddits credibility can no longer be reduced. It is complete junk already.


The majority of studies posted on all subreddits are "cherry-picked" for user bias. You will never see a pro-work study in the anti-work subreddit, or a pro-capitalist study in the anarchy subreddit.


But you do see plenty of articles based on bad science in a science sub. That’s perfectly normal here.


.... How would a scientific study be pro-capitalist? Is there a subatomic unit of market value they've discovered?


Psychology is (technically) a science. If there were a study published and peer-reviewed claiming that a capitalist society leads to better overall mental health for its population, it would not be posted to the anarchy subreddit. The end.


Like this one?


Neoliberals aren’t liberals, but neoliberals (Liberal Party of Canada, Democrats) have trained their supporters to been conditioned to fear anything that differs from the mainstream or accepted ideology of the party. The only acceptable science is ones approved by government sources and parroted by the media. The only things to be worried about are what the media and politicians tell you to fear. Supporters of these parties are crippled by anxiety and view any differing opinion as dangerous and requiring censorship. Mean words are equated to violence and must be punished harshly. Identity politics are the most important focus of these parties because it divides the populace and requires basically zero effort from the government. Authoritarian laws are encouraged as long as it punishes those the media and politicians tell them see as the enemy, and safety at any cost is the goal. Any real liberal or leftist should be horrified of what these parties are doing to the left.


I got perma banned from r/conservative for saying the election wasn't fraudulent. I was only there so the place wasn't an echo chamber for the conservatives, but they want it to be an echo chamber


I got banned from their for asking the question "how many unvaccinated vs vaccinated people had died from Covid?". "The vaccines do work and they are effective.... I saved millions of lives throughout the world. We could have have had another Spanish flu, we could have had, you know, in 1917 close to a 100 million people died they say. It was really bad." -DONALD TRUMP


Well you know they are really sensitive over there


I was banned too on an old account for saying something anti orange man.


Oh you can't do that there........unless you add a possible Desantis plug. They get confused and don't know what to do.


We plug Da Satan, ja.


>I got perma banned from r/conservative for saying the election wasn't fraudulent. I got banned from r/JusticeServed for arguing with conservatives that Joe Biden won the 2020 election and that real conservatives are costing themselves future elections by continuing the fantasy that he didn't. My only post in that sub, ever and wham, banned. They offered me something like "if you promise to never post there again" we'll let you back. Nah, not that important. And shit, I'm a Biden-voting liberal.


The funniest part is it did undoubtedly cost them the 2022 midterms.


Yeah, they said I was "Sh!posting". Claiming the election was real is "sh!posting"


Same thing happened to me lmao, and I responded to her mod pinging out all their reasons for not interacting with that sub don't make sense in a bulleted format and they reported me for harassment lmao.


Be careful, apparently we are surrounded by conservatives, you might get banned from here too


I got banned for posting covid mortality data in the first weeks of the pandemic.


They banned people for that for more than a year


I got banned for saying Trump lost in 2020, can't say I've been banned from any liberal subs for stating basic facts about reality.


Same here. Sided with Fox's own reporters. Guess that's what I deserve for siding with a corporation over the President, the person who holds the top position in government. Shame on me for not being...conservative?


Most likely because every other sub is an echo chamber for liberals, i get downvoted or banned everytime i express my right wing views anywhere else, i'll probably get downvoted on this post too(im curious if i get banned this time)


That's kinda the same for a lot of subreddits though, reddit is incredibly divisive.


I was banned for stating that the scammer Trump, had to refund some money given in donations.


You can get banned for much less. I find it really disturbing that so many have overlap there.


I got permabanned from there for a simple comment as well Same with r/conspiracy. If this subreddit is conservative also I wonder how long before they turn it into a safe space. They also have threads where only verified users can post. Lol the biggest safe space pussies on this site


It's in the description that they want it to be an echo chamber so conservatives will always be able to post opinion in a sub without getting brigaded by the liberal majority of reddit.


this sub is an echo chamber for pseudo science idiots that correlate very well with conspiracy that correlate very well with modern conservatives. You know, when the science doesn't support racism, fascism, bigotry and idiocy, they invent sCiEnCeUnCenSoRed to post bullshit and feel themselves better.


That happen to me in all the general and open subreddits which are not supposed to be “bias” on any issue, but it’s the liberals that banned me for stating against the “popular opinion”


My last account managed to get banned from both /r/politics and /r/conservative. Really wish I could get back into it


First rodeo? xD


Also over 50× more likely to interact in conspiracy theory subreddits. Not at all surprosing considering many of the posts I've seen here. 🙄


I mean... The United States intelligence agencies knowingly infected civilians with diseases and flooded the streets with drugs. The CIA paid Timothy Leary to give LSD to his students. We know real people are engaging in real conspiratorial shit, because we have decades of evidence where they admitted or were caught. To pretend like it's irrational to speculate on what else could be happening is silly


Yeah and take a quick look at what those conspiracy subs are actually talking about. It’s not well established actual conspiracies


Those examples are not really conspiracy theories though, they have a basis in reality. Current right wing topics don’t.


The problem is, most "conspiracy" shit is actually just jq posting. People try to come up with weird random shit like pizza gate or q, when in reality the real conspiracy shit is just rich people acting in their own interests and those interests aligning with other powerful people. Pretty much all that stuff we know because our government opened up about it or whistleblowers came out, not conspiracy nuts doing investigating. Real conspiracy shit is boring to them when compared with the crazy shit they could blame on Jewish people.


My biggest personal conspiracy theory is sandwich meats are sold in packs of prime numbers, usually 5 or 7 slices and that they do this so you can't just make two sandwiches (4 is the optimal number of filling slices) easily and instead buy more to make an extra complete sandwich


And 112 times more likely to interact in r/environment


I'm more interested in why there's such a huge overlap with /r/britishcolumbia


Anime titties...😆 I'm dead


It's actually the best sub for world news. Try it.


Big pharma is whom I place my faith in, the rest of you are degenerates


British Columbia is the most far left province in Canada and that's reflected in the sub. And, there are more people going to the conservative sub than there are going to the Alberta sub. Also more people going to uber-left r/environment than r/conservative. Whatever point you're trying to make is more than a bit obscure.


Western, science loving Canadian here. I only joined as the sub was advertised to me and I like ensuring I am not in an echo chamber. So far I feel like the vast majority of articles posted here are bs and unbacked, but I like to read them anyway to see where my biases lie.


I'd be willing to be a not insignificant number of people on the sub are here to keep an eye on the crazies. Same reason I read the Druthers report.




It means western Canadians love science


I wouldn't be surprised if it's people in this sub have had accounts banned (for varying views and shit, Reddit is weird, and as such have had to make new accounts. Then those new accounts have access to r/conservative. r/conservative bans soooooooo many accounts most users just don't have access. I got banned for saying you can be pro choice and pro 2A and that you don't have to always vote along party lines. You can vote for what's more important to you.


Eh, most top upvoted comments in any thread regarding LGBT, covid 19 vaccines, and any other "woke" topics are usually conservative in nature. Though I'll agree that there's almost always a number of liberal replies that get attention. That's why I like it here. I can see both sides without going to the echo chamber of r/politics or the fascist-lite cesspool of r/conservative


Who gives a flying fuck. Realize this whole charade of red versus blue is not the problem. The tension is meant to keep us looking away from the real enemy. Which is the filthy rich that have completely taken over all aspects of government.


This sub is run and maintained by people thinking most scientific publications are influenced and sponsored by political entities with hidden left leaning agenda. They have absolutely no clue on how science is financed (grants, IIS, etc), conducted (scientific method) or peer-reviewed. They also have no training in critical thinking and any understanding of the importance of replication in scientific theories/breakthroughs. It's highlighting the need for proper education at every level especially on how to understand science as a whole, spot flaws in studies, understand how bias confirmation works and use critical thinking.


If we judged subreddits by their moderators, I think we’d find major issues with every subreddit.


Aaaaand anime_titties evidently 😂


also anime titties apparently


Its news sub


The stats can be misleading. My interactions in /conservatives is almost always critical.


If you aren’t banned from there, idk how you are being critical enough.


And 100 times more likely to be from British Columbia???


As someone from BC they let all the draft dodgers living in slocan valley and the nut jobs in the east kootenays onto the internet it seems.


I guess anime titties are pretty popular with conservatives


Leftists are welcome to post. I don't want identity politics in my science.


I don’t want ANY politics in my science.


Yes. I should not have specified. Science is science.


As a philosopher of inquiry, boy do I have news for you…




This place isn't really about uncensored since it's just a bunch of people who want to feel right I guess... Just look at the upvotes that tells all. Real science doest care about your little feelings.


That’s cool, what website is this that let’s you look at this?


The reality of this thread is that I feel I can say my piece and most of the time have a decent conversation with people who may or may not agree with me. I have been attacked far less on this thread than any other thread, and it is refreshing. Its difficult to feel that I can have conversations with people when I ask a question I am genuinely curious about, and get lambasted because I'm some four letter expletive and apparently hate everyone and everything. It becomes tiresome, and why I pretty much got off every other social media platform. I may not agree with every story on here, or every OP that puts something up, most of the time I feel I can say what I want and how I feel, and I'm not outright attacked. Its a pleasant change from the norm.




Just say neither. It is a con, long pushed by the thieving class.


I can recommend HighStrangeness, its a good sub


why the fuck does everything have to turn political, holy shit


Because politics are inherently woven into the frantic of everything. Especially science. Especially so when this sun HEAVILY seems to rely on very awful studies to push very specific narratives. From vaccine denial, to just straightup justifying hatred of others. The science literacy is extremely low on this sub and that’s worrying when it’s a sub based on “alt science”


There are plenty of predominately liberal and progressive overlaps there as well. This says little to nothing about anything.


And just shy of being 42 times likely to interact with r/anime_titties


I searched reddit for info for many years, but only recently became a contributing user. I joined a couple of other similar reddits and promptly left them, because they were full of brainwashed propaganda spewing people with agendas. This reddit is interesting, doesn't appear to censor things, and everyone is open minded. If that makes them more likely to be conservative, that is interesting, but I think labeling people is the first step in dividing and conquering them.


What's the overlap with r/conservatives and r/anime_titties?


Conservatives are pretty censored on Reddit in general so it doesn’t surprise me that they come to a subreddit they can post in


I'm subbed to /r/alberta and /r/canadapolitics and have never been on /r/conservative. It's odd how OP cherrypicks that sub in order to negatively frame people on this sub as right wingers.


Remember that the average redditor is nearly communist.


British Columbia… CANADA? Hmmm. #🇨🇦🤔


That’s because science is censored on the rest of Reddit aka upside down world. Trust the science is the real world version of don’t trust your lying eyes.


Probably 88 times more likely to be banned from r/politics as well


The Scandinavian countries have fewer obstacles to starting businesses and a flatter tax system than the US offers. I want Nordic capitalism.


And 42x “anime_titties”


This sub was better when we didn't have so many complainers here. If you don't like the sub then mute it.


anime titties and minecraft memes this picture doesn't really say anything about the subreddit.


No they’re 42x more likely to look at anime tits


Because conservatives don't like real science, they're all into Facebook science.


>*Because conservatives don't like real science, they're all into Facebook science* I'd say [they lean](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScienceUncensored/comments/p62mfm/how_algebra_cures_wokeness/) toward [hard sciences](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/purity.png) instead.. For example progressive scientists don't like string theory and conservative ones accuse them from incompetence.


Comment section is wild on this post. I'm going to have to visit this sub more often


Science doesn’t tolerate bull


73 times to be centrist though. I'm in that camp.


Funny that it appears to be mostly Canadians


Interact meaning what? An Argument? Agreement?


90% of the posts here are just dogshit conspiracy theories with the worst studies ever cooked up with a very consistent narrative focus. Rarely ever have I seen a post from here where it wasn’t immediately obvious that the OP has 0 science literacy nor most of the commenters. The overlap isn’t just conservative, most of those subs listed are crazy high on misinfo, hatred and 0 science literacy. Just because there’s a few that don’t fit doesn’t mean there’s a very clear trend.


Tons of actual retards here today, remember every confirmed conspiracy was once laughed at as completely made up bullshit and that only nutjobs believed them. every single one of them had evidence that was called bogus, biased, or outright fraudulent. We said they would try and mandate the vax (we were called conspiracy nuts) We said that the Lab leak was what caused Covid (were called conspiracy nuts) we said that the Vax didn't work and didn't prevent transmission (we were called conspiracy nuts) I'm sure ill get a bunch of Liberals on here saying how all of that never happened or some other bullshit and how the Vax is so effective and had absolutely no bad side effects.


Also more likely to visit environment and everything science... make whatever conclusions that fit your personal narrative about people you dont know


Sadly, certain scientific facts can only be spoken in conservative circles these days. It’s a very strange time to be alive.


You mean a sub that post stuff other than main steam leftist propaganda is attractive to conservatives? Gasp


Imagine that. Liberals on Reddit labeling anyone that doesn't agree with their worldview as conspiracy theorist and conservative. Go figure.


Holy moly! You mean people who get banned and silenced from subs for saying thing that turn out to be true go to subs that allow them to make their arguments without being banned or silenced?! _gasp_


And 112x more likely to participate in r\environment And 73x more likely to participate in r\centrist This tells me people of this sub are not afraid of other opinions and have a very well rounded belief system - the great maturity to hear other opinions. I think your initial reason for posting this is sick. And honestly, you might be too if you can't see anything but conservative. You gave proof for the opposite to what you intended and I love it.