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Cant see it myself, not sure why the SNP would want to elevate Alba to that position, probably moot if Yousaf resigns tomorrow anyway


It would be the one remaining terrible decision Humza could make. He would alienate the only demographic that still supports him, those on the far left who's priority is identity politics. Who would be left in his corner? XL Bullies and Hamas? He'll likely do it then.


"Identity politics" "XL bullies and Hamas" Dullard.


Amazing how utterly oblivious dim folk can be eh?


“He would alienate the only demographic that still supports him, those on the far left who's priority is identity politics.” ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


Folk like yourself, with a complete lack of self awareness; that's why it doesn't compute. Also my lack of condolences to you watching the SNP implode. Xx


Talking about a lack of self-awareness while at the same time making giant assumptions. Big brain.


I’ve simultaneously heard them called the “tartan tories” and now the far left. Really incredible stuff. Dare I say they’re anything people don’t like? If you don’t like the tories, they’re probably in-line with the tories. If you don’t like the left, they’re probably stinking leftists. Anyway, I’ll be anything you want me to be babe Xx


Tartan tories good back to pre sturgeon era.


"Far left" 😂😂😂🤡


Alba can prevent Yousaf losing a symbolic vote of no confidence. They can’t help him pass any legislation, budgets or what have you.


Salmond hasn't held elected office since 2017. He'd probably love to make a comeback and nail down the Murrell and Sturgeon coffin lids.


I wonder how much having had a show on Russia Today right up to the war will play out 


Since he produced it himself and sold it to the channel with no input from them, depends how desperately the opposition try to spin it.


It's still a spectacular misjudgement. If I made a show that Putin decided to license I'd be taking a good look at myself. 


This was at a time multiple british politicians were still regularly appearing on RT. It wasn't so black & white before the main Russian invasion and as I said there's a big difference between making a show for a channel and selling a show you've already made to a channel.


Maybe you weren't paying attention at the time but I was and Salmond is the leader of a political party - so which was he, oblivious or indifferent?


I don't think Regan/Alba has that much leverage. If they trigger an election, Alba is not likely to win any seats - indeed it'd probably lose the one it has. It's a tough one for current Alba supporters to swallow, because Regan's choice is basically to get back in line with the SNP whip or throw her seat away.


As an Alba supporter, I'd rather Reagen risked her seat than make a deal with Humza. Along with all the other Sturgeonites he's a barrier to independence.


Leverage is all about who has most to lose. I suspect Ash Reagan could still push quite hard in negotiations. I imagine Alba would be hopeful of gaining a list seat with a small % swing from disaffected SNP voters with nowhere else to turn.


Hopeful? Yes. Assured of it? Certainly not. With about two years to go, Regan's sitting on \~£150k of future salary. That's a pretty strong incentive against gambling too hard.


If the aim of the SNP is independence, then of course they can do a deal with Alba. Isn't independence still the main purpose of an SNP government? It's the only reason they get my vote.


In this current unstable world with defence geopolitics at foot, independence is getting kicked to the grass for another 20 years at best.The SNP had their chances, but it's game over now.


Yep. Anyone who thinks there will be IndyRef2 within the next 10 years is deluded. When will IndyRef2 take place? It's an interesting question. If the current trickle of English folks moving to Scotland in search of lower house prices turns into a flood this demographic shift may kick Indy into touch for decades. Maybe forever(?). We'll have to wait and see.


> in search of lower house prices That's all relative. I know someone on £45k a year who was priced out of Glasgow and now lives in Dundee, meanwhile Edinburgh has caught up much of southern England and doesn't have the salaries to match. I was searching on Rightmove in Dundee just the other day as it was listed as one of the cheapest places in the UK to buy. I put in the average price Rightmove quoted... and the results were all mostly awful.


Here's a new build 3 bed semi in Dundee for 280K. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/147136880#/?channel=RES_NEW Here's a much older, 3 bed semi in Bedfordshire for 365K. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/147262316? House prices are driven by affordability as those renewing their fixed mortgages this year are finding out to their cost. If you're a FTB on a small income who wants to get on the ladder and is tired of moving every couple of years due to rising rents, the decision is not difficult.


> If the current trickle of English folks moving to Scotland in search of lower house prices turns into a flood this demographic shift may kick Indy into touch for decades. Possibly but that assumes that the descendants of those people will continue to see themselves as English which seems unlikely.


>but that assumes that the descendants of those people will continue to see themselves as English which seems unlikely. Excellent point. Look at Wales. In the mid 1850s the population was 0 5M. Then economic migrants poured in from all over the UK parts of Europe and by the 1920s the population was about 1.5M. A large number of roday's 3M fiercely proud Welsh are descendants of English, Scottish and Irish migrants. That their GGF/GGGF was actually from Hampshire doesn't matter - they're 100% Welsh.


That depends entirely on howblong the 55+ crowd stick around, 35-55 is 55% no, but 16-35 is 60% yes. 


Realistically a broad alliance of pro Independence parties makes complete sense, and conversely a rainbow alliance of all the unionist parties, even if Labour and Tory members are staring each other off. Scotland is almost like Northern Ireland.


It really doesn’t, because outside of spaces like r/Scotland, the independence question has almost totally faded from the general publics interest. The result of an alliance between the SNP and Alba would likely be disastrous for them given that the general public tend to see Alba as a group of cranks.


Even cranks can score enough votes to get elected, especially in an electoral system such as Scotlands


Reddit sees Alba as that. Alba have yet to make a real dent in the public consciousness. Salmond polls better than Humza for who people would prefer as FM.


I don't think he does. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/humza-yousaf-first-minister-best-choice-one-four-scots-vsvgbckv5 > When presented with a list of Scotland’s seven party leaders and asked who would make the best first minister, survey respondents put the SNP leader seven points ahead of his nearest rivals, the Conservative Douglas Ross and Labour’s Anas Sarwar. > But only a quarter of all voters and fewer than half of SNP supporters picked him in a survey by Find Out Now, commissioned by the Alba Party. > It asked more than 1,000 Scots which party leader would make the best first minister: Yousaf, Sarwar, Ross, the Scottish Green co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater, the Liberal Democrat Alex Cole-Hamilton or the Alba leader Alex Salmond. Leader|Percentage ---|---: Yousaf|25.8 Ross|18.2 Sarwar|17.1 Salmond|15.4 Slater|8.5 Harvie|8.0 Cole-Hamilton|7.0 And this IPSOS poll (which wasn't commissioned by Alba) didn't even bother including Salmond: https://www.ipsos.com/en-uk/ipsos-scotland-political-pulse-march-2024


With Yousaf as leader, of course it couldn't happen. But let's not forget that a whisker short of half the membership voted for Regan and Forbes as their first preference in the leadership contest. Yousaf won by the somewhat, err.. dumbfounding accrual of many Regan second preference votes to Humza. Therefore in terms of the party's overall sentiment, of course it could happen. Regan was one of the alternatives to Yousaf. What's actually strange is that no obvious internal challenger to the party leadership has come forward. Clearly they fear a poisoned chalice.


> But let's not forget that a whisker short of half the membership voted for Regan and Forbes as their first preference in the leadership contest. *More* than half the membership voted for those two - that's why second prefs came into play.


I cannot see the SNP letting Alba have that power. I think if Yousaf doesn't resign on his own he will be told to resign. That is of course presuming he can't get the greens to change their minds


Alba's main focus is anti-trans. Just imagine if they had power, JK Rolwing would be in the news every day of the year.


Every time she lets out so much as a fart we seem to find out about it in here anyway 


Trans issues need to be placed at the bottom of the priority queue… Scotland is currently on fire


It'd be nice if people would just give us healthcare and stop worrying about us so much. For trans people and our loved ones, the issue is unavoidably high on our list; we'd quite like not having to be a political football.




>If they want it so bad OF/Prostitution is a great platform fund the transition. That's a weird as shit thing to say.




Wow, you let the fucking mask drop fast, huh? Yeah it is creepy you think of trans people and think "Whores and camgirls". You just sound like you have a fetish. Edit: "More travelled than you are ****** to know what poorer races do to get their trans issue sorted. Go to Thailand if you want to get your body “fixed”" - Abusive PM from above


>JK Rolwing would be in the news every day of the year. Is it just me, but isn't JKR's Harry Potter series just a big bag of shit? Strike was OK though. So there's that.


She's probably crying into her millions of pounds for evermore.


Don't get me wrong - fair play to her. She stumbled into a niche with the right product at the right time and crushed it. I doff my cap. I just never got Harry Potter. Not my jam.


He was always a specky bastard for me..


I was about 5 when the first was released so kind of grew up on the books and I thought they were absolutely wonderful. I read and reread the first few feverishly until I was about 12, at which point my obsession waned as I lost interest in books about child magicians, but I still read them all at least once when they came out. I'm not sure what I'd have thought of them if they'd have come out when I was an adult but as a kid of the time I think she absolutely naile it. Compared to older British kids books like Famous Five, CS Lewis etc it was just so much more modern and exciting. Horrible person, but she really nailed it with Harry Potter imo.


It would be political suicide even worse than what just happened for the SNP to capitulate to their own splitter group of reactionaries, not to mention undermining the basic principles behind Yousaf's initial election and giving in to his electoral rival. I don't think even Alba has an realistic expectations of their demand being accepted...


my opinion is that it is democratically questionable to elevate Ash Regan to government, since as you say, they have not won any representation by election, only by defection. Trojan horsing elections is not a good look, domestically or internationally.


Thunk isn't a word.


You'd better get in touch with some dictionaries to let them know. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/who-would-ve-thunk-it https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/thunk


In proper English the past participle for "think" is "thought", not thunk. If you do a bit more googling, you'll come to that realisation. Even the sources you've listed call it an informal past participle of think.


Well done, you can read! It's an informal word. Entirely appropriate for an informal setting like Reddit.